June 20, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1291 address Amtrak’s problems. The first is what valley. Contract authority will also be distrib- do them harm. He leaves behind him an ex- we’ve been doing: blame Amtrak, blame labor, uted to states with other federally-designated ample of extraordinary service and courage. and keep cutting until the system becomes high-speed corridors, states with long-distance He died a hero, and he deserves the thanks profitable. This method has been a failure. Amtrak trains only, and states not served by of a grateful nation. Keeping Amtrak on a starvation budget means Amtrak at all. maintenance can’t be performed, the system The goals of this program are simple: run f can’t be improved, and service deteriorates. more trains, faster, and on-time. This does not This path leads to certain bankruptcy and the require using exotic technologies, and it does IN HONOR OF THE 30TH ANNIVER- elimination of intercity passenger rail service in not require massive new investments. This is SARY OF IRRELEVANT WEEK this country. just a simple shift of philosophy. Instead of try- The people who prefer this method of cut- ing to pare Amtrak down until it becomes prof- HON. CHRISTOPHER COX ting funding and raising expectations seem to itable, which would have the inevitable result OF CALIFORNIA forget a few simple truths: First, the reason of leaving us with no trains at all, we will ex- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Amtrak was created in the first place was be- pand it and improve it so that people begin to cause the railroads were hemorrhaging money ride Amtrak in ever increasing numbers. Monday, June 20, 2005 on passenger service and begged the govern- In addition, the bill reauthorizes Amtrak at a Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay ment to take it off their hands. Second, public level of $2 billion per year, the same level re- tribute to Andy Stokes, this year’s 255th Na- transportation is not profitable. No public tran- cently passed by the Transportation and Infra- tional Football League draft pick. The final pick sit system in the country covers its operating structure Committee, which will go a long way of the NFL draft is a position of tremendous expenses with passenger fares, and virtually towards addressing the $5 billion in back- honor in my hometown of Newport Beach, no intercity passenger rail systems in the logged maintenance on the Northeast Cor- California. For the past 30 years, the NFL Un- world turn a profit, either. The trains that we ridor. derdog has been treated to a week-long cele- admire in Europe are supported yearly by Just as important is what this bill does not bration in his honor. This annual tradition of Ir- large government subsidies. Third, no form of do. It does not put the burden of paying for relevant Week was founded by my friend Paul transportation pays for itself, including high- trains onto the already over-burdened States. Salata as an occasion for ‘‘Doing Something ways. But we subsidize them because they It does not cannibalize Amtrak into different Nice For No Reason.’’ Irrelevant Week XXX, improve the quality of our lives. And that’s companies. It does not mandate the elimi- which commences today, will celebrate ‘‘Mr. Ir- what transportation is about. It’s not just get- nation of long-distance routes. And it does not relevant’’ Andy Stokes, a tight end from Wil- ting from one place to another. It’s about cre- harm the essential labor protections that cover liam Penn University in Iowa, who was chosen ating jobs, revitalizing neighborhoods, stimu- rail workers. by the New England Patriots as the final pick lating commerce, redeveloping underutilized I have heard some people say that rail is in the 2005 NFL draft. land, and making us more secure. the past. An obsolete mode of transportation That’s why I’m introducing this legislation for a bygone time. I strongly disagree. In fact, Though Andy Stokes may have been the today that will put us on the other path to- I believe that rail could be the mode of the fu- final pick for the Patriots, the St. George, Utah wards solving Amtrak’s problems: Actually giv- ture. With rising gas prices and overcrowded native will be number one in Newport Beach ing it the funding it needs to be successful. highways and airports, we need alternative as we use this occasion to celebrate the NFL That means addressing the huge backlog of ways to get around. This legislation firmly es- Underdog and to recognize all former ‘‘Mr. deferred maintenance on the Northeast Cor- tablishes a true national commitment to inter- Irrelevants’’ from the past three decades. ridor, and establishing new funding mecha- city rail, and put Amtrak on a path towards Among the highlighted events for Irrelevant nisms to improve rail service throughout the lasting success. Week XXX are a welcoming party, grand ban- country. This idea has been tried recently, with f quet, and activities at various Southern Cali- tremendous success. In California, for exam- fornia resorts. The fun and games will include HONORING THE LIFE AND SERVICE ple, a serious investment into train service by a football game with Mickey and Goofy at OF SERGEANT ROBERTO the State since 1998 has resulted in a near tri- Disneyland, a tailgate party at Angel Stadium ARIZOLA, JR. pling of ridership and a doubling of revenues. before the Angels vs. Dodgers baseball game, They accomplished this with a simple formula: and a visit to Hollywood Park with other NFL run more trains, run them faster, and run them HON. HENRY CUELLAR alumni for a day of horse racing action. on time. OF TEXAS This special anniversary Irrelevant Week This legislation would take that model and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES also serves as an opportunity to pay tribute to build on it. It establishes a Federal/State Monday, June 20, 2005 its 30 years of service to our community. matching program for passenger rail, similar to Mr. CUELLAR. Mr. Speaker, I rise to recog- Though Irrelevant Week is a lighthearted af- what we do for highways and transit, and it nize the life and service of Sergeant Roberto fair, over the years it has helped to raise over provides a stable funding source that’s not de- Arizola Jr., who died serving his country as one million dollars for charities that help youth pendent on annual appropriations. It does this part of Operation Iraqi Freedom. in both the academic and athletic arenas. This by establishing an independent corporation, Sgt. Arizola died on June 8th, 2005 in Bagh- year, at the behest of Newport Beach Fire the Rail Infrastructure Finance Corporation, dad when an improvised explosive device det- Chief Tim Riley, who serves on the Irrelevant which will sell bonds and invest the proceeds onated near his vehicle. He was assigned to Week steering committee, Irrelevant Week will in a way to provide for a steady stream of in- the Army’s 297th Military Intelligence Battalion, be sending 15 to 20 children to special camps come. The Corporation will select rail projects 513th Military Intelligence Brigade, of Fort designed to lend emotional support and friend- approved for funding by the Secretary of Gordon, Georgia. Roberto was awarded the ship to child burn survivors. Other bene- Transportation, and provide 80 percent of the Army Achievement Medal in 2000 for his ex- ficiaries of Irrelevant Week XXX include Costa necessary money, with the State, or consor- traordinary performance in operations ‘‘Joint Mesa United and Orangewood Children’s tium of States, providing the other 20 percent. Endeavor’’ and ‘‘Joint Guard’’ in Bosnia- Home. And the money will be distributed in the form Herzegovina. Irrelevant Week has long been recognized of contract authority good for 6 years, so A superb soldier, Sgt. Arizola was an even by the NFL, ESPN and others in the sports States will be able to make firm long-term better friend, husband, and father. Roberto world because it is a celebration of the under- plans. was kind and loving, possessing a charismatic dog. Moreover, Irrelevant Week provides an The Corporation will be authorized to dis- personality that brought joy to those lucky opportunity for sharing community spirit and tribute $500 million in contract authority each enough to share in his company. providing support for children in need. On be- year, with the bulk of that going to four cor- Sgt. Arizola died a soldier, defending the half of the United States House of Represent- ridors that have been identified by Amtrak as lives of those unable to defend themselves. atives, I would like to commend Paul Salata being ‘‘ready to go’’ for investment: A South- The father of a seven-year-old son, he died so and his family for founding and carrying on the east Corridor from Washington to Jacksonville; that other families and other children might tradition of Irrelevant Week for the past 30 a Midwest Corridor radiating outwards from live. He gave up a safe life in a free country years. I also ask my colleagues to join me Chicago to Minneapolis, Detroit, and St. Louis; so that others might grow up in safety and today in congratulating Andy Stokes on his se- a Pacific Northwest Corridor from Eugene to freedom. lection as ‘‘Mr. Irrelevant’’ and wishing him the Vancouver; and a California Corridor running Sergeant Roberto Arizola gave his life to very best for a long and successful career in along the Pacific coast and through the central protect ordinary people from those who would the National Football League.
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