f . V v'.:; ■ ■ -v-irr.; " / A il advertisement in a News­ Advertising priiaar paper is a little thing, hut it in'letting a lot ofjpt goes into hundreds of homes you are in existene and tells the people just what excuse you have foi you want them to'hear. VOLUMB XXXV NUMBER 4 MANASQUAN; NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1(! 1914. SUBSCRIPTION PRIC VOTE FOR JOHN W. FLOCK DOINGS OF THE MANY PULPIT CHANGES Established 1870 BOROUGH COUNCIL Methodist Protestant Confer­ fObanasduan Rational Bank A Business Man For Sheriff. A regular meeting of Council was held on Tuesday evening, Mayor William F ence Ends With Appoint­ John D. Mine Lefferson presiding. All Councilman an­ CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS $25,000 swered roll call excepting Councilman ments. Herbert. Minutes of the previous meet­ Real Estate tnsur Many changes appear in the appoint* ASSETS Over $300,000 ing were read and approved, ments announced at Monday'sclosii gses. RESIDENT. AGENT Counciin an Curtis reported the reser sion of the Methodist Protestant Confer­ voir around the water line to be in a bad ence which was held in Atlantic City. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE V l condition and will need attention and In the South Jersey district Rev. W D. that the engineer had been instructed to Stultz is transferred from Westville to World's Largest Fire Insurance Company m i Save something from your Summer’s Earnings clean out reservoir. Bridegeton; Rev. L. D. Stultz was trans­ Cash Assets-^-Over One Hundred Million Dollars. Councilman Reynolds reported that the ferred from Glassboro to Roseland, and for your Winter’s Needs. Baiiey nnd Curtis walks on Union ave­ will be succeeded at Glassboro by Rev.L* nue had been laid mid that other walks -------- HARTFORD -------- R. Carter. The assignments for the six h would he laid at once disirict in New Jersey foffow: America’s Greatest Fire Insurance Company Councilman Hulsori reported that the Your money deposited with us will be always Allenwood, T. W. Smith; Avon, O R. sewer on Colby avenue was now clean­ Blades; Fairhaven. J. H. Alger: Glendola, Cash Assets—Over Thirty Million D s W ig r ^ M secure and readily available in the time of need. ing out all right. C. Shappley; Lake Como,H R. Blackwood; Tne following bills wereaudited and or­ Manasquan, J. C, Cody; Osbornville. to Efficiency---------------- Security---------------- Liberality dered paid. be supplied; Raberisville, to be supplied; a* George VanBrunt, salary...............$36.00 South Amboy, Jacob Leuppie; Union Val­ New York Office------141 Broadway. 8 Willis Thompson, material & work 17.00 ley. N. B. Webb. New Jersey Office——Manasquan A communication from Messrs Fugh &. Rev. C. D. Sinkinson was returned to Hubbard proposing to render all service %% % % ’*'*'% % ■%%%%-%% Christ Church, Atlantic City. •"-•I as engineers for the extension and ad. I In his annual report Rev. C. D. Sinkin­ The office of Sheriff is a business pro­ dilions to the sewer and water, systems son, the president for seven years, and position. A successful business man is at the beach for 5 per cent obov* cost ol who was re-elected, complained of the in­ 1 best fitted to administer it economically the work was read nnd on motion the adequate support given the ministers, and for the welfare ol the- puoiir. Such cjmmunicution was recivedfiiid the terms BRING Y0 UR WIFE and urged greater caution in licensing CCD! AIN a man is John W. Flock. Ami Mr. Flock accepted. preachers and exhorters. i.. 1 . U L tU ll to see our lots A women has also demonstrated in public office Councilman Reynolds reported that the i has a keen eye for location, These other officers were elected; Sec­ that he is both enimently ..qualified tcf ton duv limit on East Main street side susroundings etc,, aad • her retary, Rev. Roby F<JDay, of Inwood. N and sincerely desirous ol Moving the walks had expired and the Clerk, vvas on SUCCESSOR TO W. A. THORP 8, COMPANYI judgement is usually sound Y; assistant seoretary, Rev. W. E. Pettet. We are row offering very people's interests motion, instructed to advertise for bids t of Eastport.L. I ; conference steward,Rev, attractive terms to home f »r laving these walks. seekers and lot buyers and Boru in Upper Freehold towuship and C. H, Kidd of C-arnarsie, L. I., and statis­ raised on a farm there, he has by his own Councilman Wyckoff moved that the we know we can interest tical secretary. Rev. H. R. Blackwood, of $ you — exertions built up a flourishing business Borough Clerk confer with the Borough PLUMBER Roseland N. J. in Long Branch. When that cl tv adopted Solicitor and get an opinion asiowhethoi commission government two years ago Council could use its discretion in llie Steam and Hot Water Heating - > t he was elected one of the commissioners m utor of material to be used for Hie by a large majority. He was given what walks on East Main street. Motion UPHOLDS BANK TAX LAW Gas Fitting, Pumps, Windmills, Tanks'^ was considered the least important de­ carried. partment when the commissioners organ Council adjourned MAIN STREET, MANASQUAN E. B. GREEN ized. but has made it the most important Supreme Court Disposes of by his own business judgement anti en­ Jobbing Promptly Attended To. P. O. Box, 344 t Real Estate and Insurance terprise. He was the first man to make Question of Constitutional the beach yield a revenue by building j WINTER CAMPAIGN Telephone Con. Estimates Carefully Given Bank Building, MunnEqunn, N. J Break. * bath-houses at North Long Branch. He installed the first public comfort stations AGAINST WHITE The Supreme Court In an opinion filed made the ocean front orderly, kept the Monday night by Chief Justice Gum mere beach free from refuse, improved the PLAGUE IN JERSEY sustains the validity of the Pierce bank pavilions, inaugurated free band concerts stock tax act of hist winter on the ques­ in the park and freeworks, all of which, Plans for the winter campaign against tion raised as to whether the legislative This are paying attractions. tuberculosis throughout New Jersev, in procedure in the passage of the law there Lost Your Appetite? eluding the establishment of a county His greater achievement, though, has was incompliance with the constitution­ hospital for consumptives in Monmouth been the establishment of a Farmer's al mandate that revenue-producing Special Week and the remaining counties which are . some of that water-' Market. His colleagues turned (town his measures must originate in the House of not now so provided, will be worked out plans, but he didn't accept defeat. He Assembly. sliced dried beef cut on our at a meeting of the New Jeroey Ahti AT got up an initiative petition and had the The Chief Justice holds that, as a mat­ New American firing Ma- i : ] Tuberculosis League in Philadelphia to­ people vote on it last Novembers, when ter of record, notwithstanding any chine. day they placed it, his ordinance, on the City phrftM*ology of description, the Pierce [ The membership of the League includes Its not like the ordinary'&’-fijl Manasquan Cash Statutes Books by a vote of over four to bill did originate in the Assembly, that | a l.nge number of person.! who are most dried beef. Ham and Bacon1 ^ one. Then last spring be got .idvefris-) it is not to be assumed that the record is arrive in the New Jersey fight against the same way tug bv circulars, postals informing form-1 incorrect and that the Legislature disre­ the Great White Plague. Among the ers and shore cottagers noth, of wh«t the J garded u constitutional requirement. ■% speaker will be My>s G. L. Button, of Red market would do and the returns j The decision does not dispose ol the Grocery Company Bank, secretary uf the Monmouth County GODDARDS NECESSITY STORE WM paid for putting the market in successtul I question of the constitutionality of the Brunch of the Stale Charities Aid, who operation. Indeed the whole cost of the j law on ihe points raised in the separate SOUTH STREET, MANASQUAN under the title, “ Rural Situation in New Come iu and see us, we sell you as cheap as anyone dare to sell market to the City has been under $250 : suit argued before Supreme Court Justice Jersey,” will describe the sweeping cam­ you and somethings we sell cheaper and has saved thousands of dollars to Swaze in Newark last Saturday. paign of her association among the coun­ consumers in Long Branch and the sur­ try towns, where lectures, public exhibits Sugar a pound............................. ......................................... •'............^ c rounding section while it has given Mon­ UrauBerries 7c a quarts quarts for..............................................'-20c mouth farmers thousands of dollars extra and stereoptican shows have all been Finest Maurice Cove Oysters used with telling effect We will return your money if our 24|ll> Bag of Flour dont suit. 85c for their products. The success of the constantly on and at E. G. Briggs'South Try a tall pound can of our Salmon, it cant be Beat for.............He market has been the talk of the State, The meeting is being held at the Hote St.— Adv. Walton. The first North Atlantic Confer T h e f e e d Finest New York. Slate Cheese a pound........................................... 20r It has moved Jersey City, Newark and once, including representative men nnd Our 20c and 25c Coffee is the talk of the town, try a pound other placss to follow the example women who arc figuring tuberculosis a)) Thot Makes The Apricots a pound 14c.
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