THE SPECTRUM NUMBER 27 VOLUME LVI Z 545a STATE COLLEGE STATION, NORTH DAKOTA, FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1942 Puzzled Leaders May Festival Will Attract High School Students To NDAC Campus May 12 College In Action Margin Of 24-10 Theme For 35th Places Jones In Annual Session Board Position Highlight of many North Dako- ta high school students school year is the May festival staged By a vote of 24 to 10, Kenny annually at NDAC. Under the Jones, junior in arts and science, direction of A. G. Arvold the 35th defeated Don Ness for the posi- session will get under way May 1 tion of junior member of the and 2. Following the theme of Board of Publications Control in "The College in Action", displays and demonstrations will be given re-balloting Tuesday. The vote by each division of the college. was called to break the tie which A special performance of the developed in class elections of last operetta "Sweethearts" will be week. given by the all-college cast Thursday evening, April 30. Out of town guests and Fargo high Faculty Men school students will be admitted. HOME ECONOMISTS SPEAK Guidance for high school senior Plan To Gorge girls and national defense will be the two-fold theme carried out by 4:Ad11117r44:<;. the home economics department. On Monday Scheduled for Friday, a series of talks will be given by women in PUZZLED IS probably the best adjective describing the lOoks on the faces of these Members of NDAC's Faculty different fields of home econo- Men's club will enjoy their sec- Junior-Senior ball heads. Their problem is two-fold, that of meeting a war-time ball mics followed by a discussion ond annual All- College Food period. There also will be dem- budget and yet getting up a prom that will appeal to the students. They have already Feast Monday evening in the Lin- onstrations by the college cloth- once changed the date from May 8 to May 15 because of band difficulties. The latter coln Log Cabin. ing department of wartime ward- All food served will have been date is now definite, but that's about the only sure thing. In the picture from left to robes and nutritional needs for produced, processed and prepared defense. right are Norbert Lange, assistant junior ball manager ; Alice Larson, junior ball man- at the college. Food will be the ager, and Bohn Lindemann, senior manager. main attraction and there will be Concluding the day will be a no speeches to mar the informal- talk by Dean Alba Bales, a food ity of the afar, committeemen demonstration, a style show and . Reminder .. in charge promise. an art exhibit. Spinsters'!! Pick 20 Represent AC A. G. Arvold will assume the Movies, skits and talks will According to the rules and role of host, while Dr. Frank L. carry out the theme for Saturday At State YM-YW —"My Health and My Country". Their Dream Man regulations under which the Stu- Eversull becomes headwaiter as- sisted by the deans. of the various The program will close with a dent Social committee operates, At Skip Tonight Meeting In Valley schools. party for all girls. picnics are classified as parties. Rudolf Otterson, president of (See page 15, Handbook of Gen- SPEECH EVENTS SCHEDULED NDAC women will be on the Representing the NDAC at the the club, is general chairman. eral Information). It is necessary Highlighting the Friday morn- proving grounds tonight! Ten state YM-YW conference held at Other officers of the club in for any group sponsoring a picnic ing program are extemporaneous Valley City State Teachers col- charge of ticket sales are Glenn "attempts" at Model Men will vie to go through the same procedure speech, oratorical and radio dra- lege Thursday through Sunday of Hill, R. E. Burris and G. L. for the honor of being called such. as for a party. Picnics also count ma contests. All College day this week are 16 students, 3 Seaman. as parties under the ruling of the exercises, sponsored by the stu- And it's up to the gals at the faculty members and Richard Dr. Ralph E. Dunbar is chair- Sweitzer, Y secretary. number of parties permitted per dent commission, will follow. Spinster skip to come through man of the gastronomic commit- Students with literary ability will Sweitzer left Thursday after- quarter or per year. with the winner! tee. His helpers are Chris Jen- again compete in the afternoon in noon and was accompanied by Dr. According to the best of au- If those groups sponsoring pic- sen, Albert Severson and Ole declamation, story telling and one W. C. Hunter and Ellsworth Moe. nics will please keep the above Grotodden. thorities, voting will be strictly act play contests starting at 1 Annabelle Donovan, YW presi- mentioned facts in mind it will p. m. on the up-and-up. No political dent, and Bernice Wichmann, aid in maintaining cordial rela- Friday evening at 7 p. m. the wire pulling, no stuffed ballot Marion Nelson, Doris Bjorklund tions between student groups and Tryota Names Doris one act plays will be presented, boxes, no nothing. and Lucille McMahon left this the Student Social committee. after which all Festival guests morning. Out to take the prize of $5.00 Chairman, Marie Larson As Prexy are invited to attend the twenty- Also making the trip are Clark in merchandise from Siegel's are Student Social Committee fifth annual cadet review in the Heggeness, Lois Jean Hefti, Bob Elected at a buffet supper T. J. Nelson, Sigma Chi; Elmer stadium at 8 p. m. An opportuni- Rowe, Harry Graves, Wayne Wednesday, new officers of Try- Anderson, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; ty for everyone to get acquainted NOTICE ota, home economics group, are Cliff Nygard, Kappa Sigma Chi; Rowe and G. N. Lawritson. will be given in the all college Harvey Millang, Sigma Phi Del- Doris Marie Larson, president; All groups entering contestants family party at 9 p. m. In the ta; Orville Kvamme, Alpha Tau Blanche Carlson, vice president; A 15-week course in aircraft for the Model Man award at the Physical Education building. Omega; Norbert Lange, Co-op Mary Jane Pavlik, secretary, and drafting, to provide intensive Spinster skip tonight should in- Final climax to the Festival will house; Vince Carvell, Kappa Psi; Marie Fog, treasurer. training to engineers,draftsmen, troduce their candidates with a be a campus • frolic set for 4 Leyden Finney, Alpha Gamma The Tryota scholarship was shop exexcutives and others, is skit or other entertainment. presented to Esther Sorenson. o'clock Saturday. Rho; John Sanders, Theta Chi being offered at Wayne university. and Bob Wells, Mens' dorm. Bob Wells Norbert Lange Leyden Finney Harvey Millang Vincent Carvell T. J. Nelson Orville Kvamme Elmer Anderson John Sanders Cliff Nygard Men's Dorm Co-op House Alpha Gamma Rho Sigma Phi Delta Kappa Psi Sigma CM ATO SAE Theta CM Kappa Sigma Chi A RECENT HEADLINE SAYS: Search Pushed For Substitute There is no substitute for the famous Powers—long the AC's favorite rendezvous. PAGE 2 THE SPECTRUM Friday, April 24, 1942 THE SPECTRUM Deadbeat Street Watch The Things Go By Official publication of the students of the North Dakota Agricultural College publish- ed every Friday during the school year. - O- Bye, Bye, Money Blues There was a young lady named Hooper, 1941 Member 1942 Who whooped through life as a scooper ; By Jim Ford Rssocided Colle6iate Press She got into a fuss MORTGAGE BURNING houses, who really are all hard- working robust young men, were Member North Central Press Association With a geezer named Gus, Mortgage burning seems to be a popular sport of late. greeted with plates containing (006° 3 And her scoop was a Whooper, a DOoper! For weeks the men of Sigma two apricots, half a pear, four Chi have been planning to be the strawberries, a slice of pineap- Entered as second class matter at the * * * * ple, three orange slices, three Agricultural College Station under the first on the campus to see the Act of March 8, 1879 Model men come and they go— precious little piece of paper rep- banana slices, three green olives, one ripe olive and the usual TELEPHONE 7468 Experience tells us it's so. resenting the last of the debt on their chapter house go up in parsley and lettuce. Editor-in-Chief JAMES FORD But the one called T. J. Needless to say, the Hasty did Managing Eklitor__PAT BJORKLUND smoke. Finally the big event was News Editor_MARJORIE HOILAND Is destined to stay set for Monday. Later in the a rush hamburger business Tues- Sports Editor. GEORGE RULON week it was found that the Kap- day afternoon. Proof Reader AUDRE WELLS He's model, he's manly, and oh! pa Sigma Chis also were planning TURTLE-HUNTING BUSINESS STAFF * * * * a hot foot for their creditors, but Business Manager WILLIE BOEHRS their banquet was on Saturday, Note to members of organized Solicitors: DOROTHY KINNEY, JOAN Home is a word that means Hasty two days earlier. Oh, the irony groups: It is time to begin your KLINSMANN, HARRIET BOYLE, JEAN Where students their periods wastey- of it all! annual hunt for speedy turtles. BAILLE, DOROTHY MYHRA, LAURA The reptiles will be in great de- JANE HUGELEN, LARRY JOHNSON, Where Myrt, in distress, Anyway, the heartiest congrat- DON NOVARIA, BOB WELLS. mand about May 13 which is Will her anger express ulations go out from this column tentatively set as All-College day. to both groups. In their fine In language delightful and tasty. Again Gamma Tau Sigma, journ- financial shape both will be well alism group, will sponsor its an- • rumors * * * * able to weather the crisis now nual Turtle derby.
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