Rural Roads in the Coastal Areas of Bangladesh: Some Concerning Issues A Study of Batiaghata Upazila, Khulna District, Bangladesh Dr. Md. Ghulam Murtaza, Professor and Maitry Biswas, Lecturer Urban & Rural Planning Discipline, Khulna University Background The coastal region of Bangladesh is located along the Bay of Bengal spreading over from the southsouth--westernwestern to southsouth--easterneastern part of the country The coastal region has an area of about 710 square kilometerskilometers.. The whole coastal area is very much susceptible to natural calamities and climate change and these have adversely affected lives and livelihoods in the coastal zone and slowed down the pace of social and economic developments of this regionregion.. Most of the settlements in the coastal area are of linear type located along the rivers. rivers. Though the waterways is one of the major means of transportations in the coastal areas of the country but the roads also play aasignificantsignificantrole in the rural people’s movements for social, cultural and economic purposes. Specifically, the present study describes the factual situation of the rural people using rural roads in terms of conditions and types of roads, road users’ safety and comfort, mode of transports used for different purposes, users’ participation in roads construction, improvement and maintenance, and the role of the organizations involved in roads construction, improvement and maintenance. maintenance. In this context, Batiaghata Upazila (sub district) under Khulna District located in the southsouth--westernwestern part of the coastal area of Bangladeshis selected as study areaarea.. Road Network, Classification and Institutional arrangements Road, rail and inland waterways constitute the inland surface transport in BangladeshBangladesh.. Land transport infrastructure particularly road network is fragmented by numerous ferry crossings and land transport has to move over circuitous routes because of extensive river systems and same in the case of the coastal region or even moremore.. costs for construction and maintenance of transport infrastructure particularly road network are very high because of difficult terrain scattered with numerous water courses, periodic flooding requiring elevated infrastructure embankments, and poor soil conditions coupled with general scarcity of construction materials and lack of adequate construction industryindustry.. Road traffic scenario in Bangladesh as well as in the coastal areas is characterized by the presence of both motorized and nonnon--motorizedmotorizedvehicles ppylying on all roadsroads.. Locally made motorized vehicles are seen plying more on the rural roads in the country including in the coastal areas which creates serious problemproblem.. Roads in Bangladesh are classified in four main groups; national highways, regional highways, feeder roads and local roadsroads.. National highways connect the national capital with district headquarters, port cities and international highwayshighways.. Regional highways connect different regions and district headquarters ((6464districts). districts). Feeder roads are of two typeses:: feeder roads type A and feeder roads typeeBB..TType A feeder roads connect Upazila (lowest tier of administration) headquarters and important growth centres to the main arterial road network, while type B feeder roads connect growth centres with other growth centres and Upazila headquartersheadquarters.. Local roads include municipal roads and rural roadsroads.. Continuation……… There are three types of rural roads: roads:typetype1roads 1 roads that connect about 2100 growth centres with farms; type 2 roads that connect union headquarters (4551) and local markets with villages and farms; farms; and type 3 roads that include roads within the villagevillage.. Roads and Highways Department (RHD), the central agency of the Government, is responsible for construction, improvement and maintenance of the national, regional and type A fdfeeder roadss.. Type B feeder roads and rural roads (except municipal roads) are built and maintained by the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) in collaboration with local government bodies like district council, Upazila Parishad and Union ParishadParishad.. Construction and maintenance of municipal and urban roads are the responsibility of municipal bodies like city corporations and municipalities (Pourashavas)(Pourashavas).. LGED under the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and Cooperatives is entrusted with the construction of smaller feeder roads connecting growth centres, villages and Upazila headquarters. headquarters. Objectives of this study Finding out the problems and concerns of the rural road users; Enlisting the problems and concerns of the service providers in the rural roads; Identifying the organization role in rural roads construction, improvement and maintenance; and, Putting forward some recommendations in addressing the above issues and problems. Batiaghata Upazila - The Study Area Batiaghata Upazila is located in Khulna District which also lies in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Location between 22034’ and 22046’ north latitudes and between 89024’ and 89037’ east longitudes Continuation ……. Administrative unitsunits:: 7 unions, 132 mouzas and 169 villages AreaArea:: 248248..3333 sqsq..kmkm PopulationPopulation:: 140140,,574574 (as per census, 20012001)) DensityDensity:: 566 persons per sqsq..kmkm HhldHousehold siiizeze:: 44..77 Housing structurestructure:: 66..3232%% Jhupri (make shift), 8585..4545%% katcha (temporary), 44..7373%%semisemi--puccapucca (semi permanent) and 33..5050%% pucca (permanent) Literacy rate: average literacy 53% of population aged 7 years and above Educational institutionsinstitutions:: university 11,, college 44,, secondary school 2626,, government primary school 6767,, nonnon--governmentgovernment primary school 4444,, madrasa 4 Main sources of income of the households: households: 5757..4545%% depend on agriculture of which livestock, forestry and fisheries 36.49%, agricultural labourer 20.96%, wage labourer 88..7272%%,, commerce 1313..2121%%,, transport 44..6363%%,,construction 1. 1.6969%%,, service 66..4545%%,,rent and remittance 00..1616%%,, religious service 00..2222%%andand others 77..4747%% Land use: Total cultivation land 18494.53 hectares, fallow land 60.70 hectares; single crop 8787..7474%%,, double crop 1111..2727%%,, treble crop 00..9999%% Cottage industries: industries: Handloom 55,,ironiron smith 1414,, potteries 7676,, goldsmith 20 MarketsMarkets:: 26 Main exports itemsitems:: Prawn (both galda and bagda) HealthHealth:: Upazila health complex 11,, satellite clinic 22,,Union family planning and welfare centres/clinics 6, 6,veterinary hospital 1 Methods and Materials Batiaghata upazila is selected as study area because Firstly, it represents the characteristics of the roads in coastal regionsregions;; Secondly, nearness to the authors’ work placeplace;; and Thirdly, easiness of collecting data and information. The data and information on the problems and concerns of the rural road users, the service providers, the organizational role in rural roads construction, improvement and maintenance, and views and opinions of the rural road users, serviiice providers and ildinvolved organitiizations have been collec te d from theesstdtudy area ii..ee..,,Batiaghata Upazila (a subsub--districtdistrictof Khulna)Khulna)..SomeSome other pertinent information were also collected from the secondary sources and searching InternetInternet.. Purposive sampling technique has been applied to collect data and information from the rural road users, the service providers and institutions responsible for road construction and maintenancemaintenance.. Altogether 200 rural road users traveling from different important nodes/places, 50 different types of kinds service providers ii..ee..,, different vehicles plying, 3 organizations namely LGED, Upazila Parishad, Union Parishad were directly interviewedinterviewed.. Further, several focus group discussions (FGDs) were also conducted with different groups to obtain and verify field based informationinformation.. Findings Types of Vehicles Used Both motorized and nonnon--motorizedmotorized vehicles are used in the study area Majority of the people do not have any personal vehiclevehicle..VeryVery few ((11--22%%)) have their own veeceshicles (mo to r cycle, bicyc le, van oro ppaerivate car) which they use solely for personal purposes The following vehicles are found as mode of transport in the study area. area. Van Bicycle Van (locally known as van which is aakindkind of tricycle, mostly shared by aafewfewpassengers) Nosimon (engine driven tricycle, mostly shared by many passengers) Motor cycle Easy bike Baby taxi/tempo Bus Nosimon Continuation…….. RdCditiPRoad Condition, Passengers’ ’C Congesti on Continuation…….. Number of Vehicles Plying Conditions of the Roads Types of vehicle Number % Opinion of the road user about road condition Van 1652 44. 66 Bicycle 963 26.03 12% 0% 29% Very bad Nosimon 243 6.57 Bad MtMotor cyc le 626 16. 92 Good Excellent Easy bike 138 3.73 59% Baby taxi/tempo 40 1.08 Bus 37 1.00 Total 3699 100 Road condition is bad which means there are holes, uneven surface, cracks, no drains, no Van is the most suitable passenger shed, etc on the roads vehicle for the earthen roads in the coastal area and also it is the most less costly vehicle for both the men pulling and the passengers Continuation……
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