Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC June 1992 Daily Egyptian 1992 6-17-1992 The aiD ly Egyptian, June 17, 1992 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_June1992 Volume 77, Issue 162 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1992 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in June 1992 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. HOTS of I 75 p U hhca~On ! Daily Egyptian ~J Southern Illinois University at Carbondale Wednesday, June 17, 1992, Vol. 77, No. 162, . 1~ P~ ges Bush, YeHsin compromise . on weapons : WASHINGTON (UPI) . ­ Presidc;nt Bush and Russian President Boris Yeltsin reached a sweeping nuclear weapons accord" T~ that would over the next d . c ~de reduce by ' half the stockpiles boIb coun1ries maintain. The accord, which would cut the number of warheads permitted under the Strategic Arms Reduction Trea!Y. was seaJed after both sides compromised on the types of weapons that would be eliminated. The two leaders also announced Tuesday that they would intensify Takin' a dip efforts to determine the fate of U.S. servicemen who fought in Vietnam and Korea and may have been Colin Smith, Brian Boran, TIffany Owen, Teresa Owen and Jason Owen take~ break fromJhe '-lin. pool at BroobIde imprisoned in Soviet labor camps. Manor on 1200 E. .Grand. The temperature In Carbondale reeched 93 ~ ~UIIIIday afIIImoon. _ ARMS, page 5 Deficient funds prompt staff cuts By Jeremy Finley have relired or taken leave:' Guyon said. S<"JVice individual s. Brandt said. Muriel Narve. ~ I UC c ivil se rvice Administration Writer Guyon said less than 10 positions at S ue The remaining fOUT layoffs ", ill come to president , said all aspects of layoffs sho,ld have bce-.n laid off. and more positions are effect on June 30. be considered. Some slue facully .md administrative being left unfilled than laid off. "Th" people were notified early about the "N~dJ ess to say, we do nOl want anyone positions arc going to remain unfilled along Each college a nd department in the layoffs." B"'~t said. to be laid off," arve said. wi th few layoffs. because of budget Un iversity dec.ides ind ivid uall y what Brandl said ..thl!-1l urnt>c of layoffs aDd Narve said one positi ve aspect or the problems. tJnivcrsilY officia ls said . posit ions will Ix! left vacant, he said. unfilled positions ;u;e-new.events at SlUe. layoffs is that they have not been confined S\IJC PTesidenl lohn C . Guyon said he Porn Btandl, actiD& execulive director of "It is somethinl!., ihIWIas:'happened more to one group or ind ividuals. anticipates not filling positions on campus ~rsonne l services. said seven layoffs have this year than any 00 , Brandt said. " 11 is nOl just the civil service getting the because of unavoidable costs and salary occurred l)..{ween March and July 1992. The future of more layoffs or e mpty treatme nt ; administratior and facu lty ad~U Slmen t s. Brandt said of the seven p""ple who were positions is an uncenain one, she said. ~ it ions are already being reviewed." Narve "Tile big ploblem will be re-hiring laid off. lhree have already been re-hired "Because of the un~ ty of the budget, said.. ind ividual s at a n acade m ic level for other positions on campus. it remains difficult to see w hat will occur," NaIVe said it is important for everyone 10 positions where lhose who held the pes'ilion 'Jlae seven layoffs were positions or civil Brandt said. "It all depends on the budgel." stay aware of the budget problems. University ranks sixth Republicans: Restore cuts in minority enrollment in proposed budget plans By Lynelle Marquardt academic programs directed at By William Ragan Illinois mental health recently tricks. General Assignment Writer minorities make the Uni versity Polftics Writer proposed by the House Democrats. "To use innate numbers and attJactive to African Americans. The resloration would avert the acco unthig gimmicks the s lue ranks sixth in the nation "s lUe is a good place for fi"'t The House Republicans plan for layoffs of 452 menlal health governor's office would reject will among predomi nantly white generation college students. for financing the state budget calls for workers and prevent declines in get them now!lere," he said. schools fo r thr number of all races and sexes:' Bryson the restoralion of major program staff-to-patier l ratios, Reptiblican " It's essentially a wonhless African·American students said. "s lue has a tradition an-1 !I cuts, but some Democrats say the spokeswoman Brown said. re ceiving bachelor degrees. history of providing a supporJve document paints a n unrealistic The plan would increase funding _ REPUBLICAN, page 5 largely because uf active environment. " picture. to institutions for the minority recruiting efforts and slue President John Guyon The detailed plan. unveiled last developmentally disabled by S 1.8 Gus Bode academic programs aimed at said s l ue is trying to fi nd a week. g ives a blueprint f\lr million. minorities, said an s l ue pleasant and hospitab:e balancing the ailing budget. said Ho use De mocra ts proposed administrator. environment for aU students. Sha.~, Brown, director of the press cutting $61 million from children s l ue awarded 207 "We've worked a: diversity in offi"" for the House Republ<cans. and family services last month. and our slUdent environment ; ' he undergraduate degrees to "No one is. going 10 like the House Republican plan would African Americans in the 1988- said. everything in someone's plan." she restore the money. benefilting 89 academic year. Several methcds are belOg said. ''''1i5 gives us a base to st.an adoption and foster care programs, App:'''''l'"tely I 0 percent of tbe used to recruit blacks and other from and bring the governor and she said. studenlS registered at s lue fo r minorities. senators to the negotiating table." But Steve Brown, press secretary the spring 1992 semester were The number of recru ih: rs in Unde r the proposal, Illino is for Democralic House the Chicago area has increased African American. communit! b will continue to R"presentative Michael Madigan, Seymour Bryson. the to help convince blacks and receive $157 million from the tax said the Re publicans' proposal executive assistant to Sl Ue hispanics to come to SlUe. The s"rcharge during the 1993 fi scal contains as many appropriations as president John C. Guyon. said year. it does cuts. a fact that some Gu • •• y. the.e plans look special recruiting efforts and see MINORmES, page 5 House Republi\::ih'S pla n to De mocrats attribute to inflated more like maze. than restqre the $45 million c ut in revenue estimates and accounting bIuaprtnIs. ;--- Board of Trustees Firehouse, Hammer Plab, Williams head . Walker to become -see page 4 make final changes groups to headline 0_"Classified to OIymp!:; trials new"Salukl men's in SIUC budget plan Illinois State Fair - See page 12 1[1] for track and fleld ~wlmm ll'i g coach Sporta ' -see page 11l Sunny --Story on page3 -Story 0 11 page a I High -Story on page16 so. -Story on pagel0 . " .. ...... , .. .. Page 16 June 17. 1992 Sports J~ ",h I ~\Pl l 111 'tllllht.1l 111111111" III\l",h .11 ( ,lIhonel.llt 'Ex-assistant hired for'head position By John Bolger The search for a women's coach Texas A & M, sel fo~ r distance which will hopefull} allow things SportsWriter is still under way. freeslyle records Ihal slill stand. 10 he taken 10 the nexi leveL" Walker said that he was excited Recently, Walker . .... vOled as Recent SIUC graduale Sluart Rick Walker. as.; isla nt swim 10 be named to the position. the U.S. Nalional Team coach for Patterson, who swam for Walker coach under Doug Ingram. was "There is • hislory of some greal 1992 World Cup Championships in the lasl four years, said Walker named head swimming coach of coaches herr" ,valker said " I'm July. knows the syslem well and will do the men's team Tuesday. honored thali mighl gel the ~h.ux:e Walker said be is looking for a an excellenl job. Ingram resigned to take a 10 join thallisL .. smooth transition into next season. "He was my personal coach posilion wilh the U.S. Olympic Walker began his coaching "I've worked with all the current while I was here," Panerson said. Comminee as as.<ociate director for career as an assistant at Texas A & swimmers and have helped with all "He is very much deserving of this inlernational games preparation. M. He spenl some time coaching at our new recruits:' Walker said. ;.osition." Athlelic Direclor Jim Hart said swim clubs and then eventually "The transition process wiil be Hart said Walker was heavily that.hiring a separate men's coach made the move 10 SIUC five years quick and SITlOOIh. endorsed by Ingram and fell thai will help both programs grow al ago. "It will be exciling 10 see the Walker will continue the teams their own pace. Walker. a 1984 graduale of new structure of the program. success. RIck Wel_ Western coach -Herrin helps yo'uths develop skills. By John Bolger hired to lead SportsWriter The sounds of baskelballs bouncing and SlUE Cougars highlopS squeaking on hardwood pierced the By Norm Smyth air Tuesday as young baskelball players ' Sports Wriler scrimmaged a: the )lich Herrin-SaluJcj boys basketball camp.
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