Information For Haulett-Packard's Value-Added Businesses June 1988 I' LC- i / HP unveils new electrostatic plotters HP 7600 Series, Models 240D and 240E rh; HEWLETT PACKARD Table of Contents Volume 7, No. 8 OS/2 myths New and improved HP Vectra RS/20 Power User PC bundle Editor 1 HP's tools and utilities suppliers supported HP ARPA Services/Vecua PC announces Tracy Wester through factory Foundation Software support of HP StarLAN 10 Program Announcing video graphics subsystem HP Channels is published monthly for products 2 Enhanced HP policy announced for Obsolescence of previous HP PC video Hewlett-Packard's value-added busi- referencing value-added reseller's and products nesses to provide you with information software supplier's. solutions about HP's products and services to 2 Correction to VAB migration anicle Peripherals help you be more successful. 20 Mass Storage - - - I HP 7978B and 7974~obsolescence plans For further information on any of the PRODUCT NEWS products and services discussed in HP HP SwLAN 10: a new LAN link for the Channels, please contact your HP Customer Support 1 20 NetworksOfficeshare family of networking sales rep. 3 ~enerai- software New HP OSI products at ENE '88i HP StarLAN 10 overview See back cover for subscription Openview: HP's network-management information. 3 Training solution New ~ustozerService Training registration New distributed application development Note: Not all HP computer products channel package: NetIPCIRPM for PCs HP offers systems and standalone peripheral 0id versions of officeshare products to are sold and supported in all countries. service training I be obsoleted Please check with your local HP sales HP LaserJet printer service training schedule update 26 Plotters ofice. HP unvells new electrostatic plotters Hewlett-Packard does not warrant the Business Computers HP 7600 Series extends drafting plotter line New line of supplies for HP electrostatic accuracy of the information provided in 4 General More peripherals supported on MPE XL 1.0 plotters HP Channels and shall not be liable for 29 Printers any use made of the information con- 4 Small Business Computing New HP 260 communication channels in Announcing the HP DeskJet printer tained herein. Information provided in place Plug-and-go software support for HP Channels is subject to change with- HP DeskJet printer 4 HP 3000 Advancewrite Plus and the new out notice. Announcing ALLBASEl4GL: a powerful HP DeskJet printer On new 4GL for the HP 3000 HP Desklet printer software support update the cover HP 3000 MPE VIE systems support new Positioning the HP Desklet printer with the HP 7959163 disc drives HP LaserJet Series I1 printer SNA Server AccessIXL obsolescence Correction to HP Desklet printer Software HP BRW/XL performance improvement - Reference Gu~de 4.6 times faster 220V/240V HP LaserJet 500 PLUS printer to be discontinued Technical Computers Price increase on HP LaserJet Series 11 6 General printer Reach new markets with HP TODAY 32 Scanners New Release A.02 of HP TODAY International OCR software now available HP BASIC language processor software revision history 32 Terminals Hierarchical File System for HP language Arabic now available with HP 700192 and processors 700/94 terminals New barcode reader for HP 700 terminal 8 HP 9000 family New HP MAP 3.0 products New HP MAP 3.0 services Supplies HP announces OSI Express MAP 3.0 33 HP Direct Order Phone Numbers The HP family of drafting plotters now Devlce Interface System: new software includes two new members - the HP tool for plant floor communications on 7600 Series plotters, Models 240D and HP 9000 Series 800 computers HP StarLAN 10 suooorted on HP 9000 240E. These new plotters are targeted at HP-UX computeis' high-volume CAD users generating 25 HP 9000 LAN interface flexibil~tyimproved CLASSIFIEDS or more plots per day, or any user in an HP-UX 6.2: what's new for the HP 9000 application requiring complex images or Series 300 34 Software Packages Available and Wanted large amounts of area fill. See articles Personal Computers beginning on page 26. 13 Desktop HP CHANNELS New HP Vectra PC models June 1988 Announcing OS/2 from HP HP Computer Museum www.hpmuseum.net For research and education purposes only. HP's tools and utilities suppliers supported through factory Foundation Software Program Effective May 1, 1988, qualified "tools Accounts that qualify for this program HP 3000 Foundation Software and utility" software suppliers will be must be Referenced HP Plus Software Suppliers Contact supported through factory Foundation Suppliers whose main focus is on the Nick Talbott Software Programs. In early November, sale of foundation software. Hewlett-Packard Company all HP value-added channel sales reps Commercial Systems Division received information on how to turn Factory support means. 19 11 1 Pruneridge Avenue these accounts over to the factory for All accounts that are accepted by the Cupertino, CA 95014 support. Over 30 accounts have now factory will be assigned to an account 408-447-5 131 been qualified for this new program. manager. Benefits of this to the account The goal of the Foundation Software include improved direction from a cen- HP 9000/HP 1000 Foundation Program is to improve the support of tral source to help accounts plan their Software Suppliers Contact vendors who supply key tool and/or future and position existing products. In utility software to HP's end-user Paul Moya addition. the factory account manager customers. Hewlett-Packard Company will be responsible for promoting the Ft. Collins Systems Division HP Plus Program features (listing in Foundation Software Program - 3404 E. Harmony Road Solutions Catalogs, demo development which accounts qualify? Fort Collins, CO 80525 system discounts, etc.). 303-229-2315 Foundation Software is a new term that replaces "tools and utilities. " As such, How to join the program Foundation Software collectively refers If you are a Referenced HP Plus Soft- to all software other than vertical mar- ware Supplier for the above software ket applications, including: information products, and have not received infor- management software, application mation on this program, please contact development tools, system management the appropriate HP person listed to the software, and other software that is used right. by customers in all industries. JUNE 1988 UP Channels d Enhanced HP policy announced for referencing value-added reseller's and software supplier's solutions In an ongoing effort to recognize high- Referenced software program Commercial VARs and software suppli- quality value-added resellers (VARs) changes ers should have received a letter from and software suppliers, Hewlett- HP in May regarding the changes in the The only exceptions to this rule are Packard has made changes in its Refer- Referenced Software program. Techni- software products licensed from another enced Software Program. The following cal VARs and software suppliers will vendor. Each licensed product must is an overview of these important soon be receiving a letter from HP dis- go through the complete referencing changes. cussing the program. We're looking for- process. ward to granting referenced status to Obtaining referenced status for VARs many more high-quality products. For Maintaining referenced status and software suppliers more information on the new referenc- To maintain the high quality of the pro- ing procedures. call your HP sales rep. Value-added resellers are now included gram, VARs and software suppliers will with software suppliers in the Refer- rereference their products every two enced Software Program. To become years. HP will notify companies and referenced. products must receive high their HP sales rep in advance when ratings from six end-user references. product rereferencing is required. Re- Evaluation criteria includes questions referencing forms will automatically be regarding technical attributes and ven- sent to companies to start the process. dor support. Rereferencing will involve two of the Products that receive referenced status company's products, which will be Correction are eligible for additional marketing The Partners with HP article in program benefits. Some of the benefits selected by HP. The products to be re- referenced will consist of a previously the April issue of HP Channels are bundled financing, participation in entitled, "VAB migration to HP the trade show loaner program, appli- referenced product, and if applicable, Precision Architecture - a suc- cation note production, and many a new product. Three end-user evalua- cess, " incorrectly referenced more. In order to ensure continued tions will be submitted per product. If VARs or software suppliers have only the vendor of The SPLash! Com- participation in these programs, VARs piler with the company name of must reference their products before one product, six references will be sub- mitted to rereference that product. SPLASH. The actual name of this August 1, 1988. company is Software Research Northwest. Inc. Extended referenced status VARs and software suppliers who suc- We apologize for any confusion cessfully reference two software prod- this may have caused. ucts will now have the referenced status extended to all of their products. the MAP 3.0 standard - from PLCs, to curriculum, course descriptions, and robots. to vision systems. MAP 3.0 also prices, please contact HP Customer Ser- provides for file transfer and remote file vice Training at 415-691-5300/5905. access among HP 9000 Series 800 sys- 1 New HP OSZ tems and other vendors' computer sys- tems that support MAP 3.0. With MAP Tru11111tg products at ENE'88i 3.0, users can create networks of com- puters and shop floor devices from HP LaserJet printer Inany vendors with an ease previously On June 6-8 at the Enterprise Network- found only with single-vendor solutions. 1 service training I ing Event '88 International (ENE'88i) schedule update in Baltimore, Maryland. HP will dem- HP welconles you to a new era of multi- onstrate and display its newest products vendor interoperability through OS1 for its industry-standard Open Sys- products.
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