Observations on Impietratura Disease Symptoms in Four Citrus Species A. Caruso, M. Davino and G. Terranova ABSTRACT. Citrus impietratura disease affects citrus cultivars in the Mediterranean Basin. The indexing of impietratura disease is based on symptoms on indicator plants such as Volkamer lemon or grapefruit or on the inspection of the trees in the field. This requires many years. In this paper the effects of a severe isolate of impietratura on sweet orange, Volkamer lemon, rough lemon and Marsh Seedless grapefruit is reported. Our observations indicate that rough lemon is a better indicator of fruit symptoms than Volkamer lemon, grapefruit and sweet orange. Index words. biological assay, albedo gumming, rough lemon. In Italy cristacortis, concave gum servation for at least three years. Dif- and impietratura are widespread in ficulties in timely indexing of old line commercial orchards. The causal Navelina trees planted in Italy be- agents of these diseases have not been tween 1970 and 1985 resulted in the characterized and their detection is high percentage of infection (>30%) by still by means of biological assays. impietratura, concave gum and Due of its excellent bioagronomic psorosis A (4,6,13). and marketing character, in Italy the Rough lemon was initially consid- cultivation of the Navelina sweet ered to be tolerant to impietratura dis- orange spread rapidly in many citrus- ease (9), but later studies showed it to growing areas by growers, despite the be susceptible (7,8,12) and Catara and fact that the first trees imported pre- Scaramuzzi (5) suggested its use as an sented very mild flecking symptoms on alternative indicator. the leaves. These symptoms attributed This paper therefore compares to very mild psorosis strains are wide- rough lemon with three other impie- spread in Italy, especially on sweet tratura indicators. orange. Since they do not negatively MATERIALS AND METHODS influence tree development and pro- duction, they did not limit the dispersal Marsh Seedless grapefruit, Florida of Navelina and the lack of rapid and rough lemon, Sanguinello sweet orange certain impietratura tests, such as and Acireale Volkamer lemon plants ELISA, SSEM, gel electrophoresis or were used for this study. The rough molecular hybridization meant that the lemon and Volkamer lemon plants were Navelina sweet orange was already ungrafted seedlings and the grapefruit widely cultivated in Italy when impie- and sweet orange nucellar lines were tratura was diagnosed. Impietratura grafted on sour orange. Three years symptoms will develop after inoculat- later in 1987 in the spring they were ing 3-yr-old Volkamer lemon seedlings inoculated with two bark patches of a bearing fruits with bark patches on Sanguinello Moscato sweet orange in- twigs near the flowers. Three to four fected with a severe impietratura iso- indicator plants are required per candi- late on twigs near the flowers. date tree (4). Alternative indicators Five trees per indicator species are nucellar grapefruit or sweet orange were used in the experiment and six grafted on sour orange rootstock or twigs (diameter 0.8 cm) on each tree rough lemon seedlings. Symptoms of were inoculated. Young leaves and the disease generally appear 6 to 18 fruit were all inspected for symptoms months after inoculation, if the indi- one year after inoculation. cator plants bear enough fruit. Symp- In June 1988 nets were laid under tomless trees must be kept under ob- each tree to collect the dropped fruits 380 Twelfth ZOCV Conference TABLE 1 EFFECTS OF IMPIETRATURA AGENT INOCULATION ON YIELD AND PERCENTAGE OF AFFECTED AND DROPPED FRUITS ON CITRUS Year Marsh Seedless grapefruit Floridarough lemon Sanguinello sweet orange Acireale Volkamerlemon - "All trees were graft-inoculated with a severe impietratura isolate collected from Sanguinello Moscato sweet orange. Ya = yieldin kg(meanof5trees); b = percentage of fruit affected; c = percentage of fruit dropped. which were then carefully examined RESULTS for any impietratura gumming symp- toms. In November all the fruits were One year after inoculation, typical harvested, weighed and peeled. These leaf flecking symptoms (2) were observ- procedures were repeated in 1989, ed on most of the new growth. Leaves 1990 and 1991. on four twigs of Volkamer lemon and Fig. 1. Difference in color and size of Volkamer lemon fruit harvested on healthy (left) and impietratura disease affected (right) trees. Other Virus Diseases 381 rough lemon showed symptoms, while leaves on only three twigs of grapefruit and Sanguine110 showed flecking. Fruit symptoms (albedo gumming) were only detected on three fruits of rough lemon and two fruits of Volkamer lemon. The following year leaves on all the inocu- lated twigs showed flecking and gum deposits in their fruits. The yield and percentages of affected fruit for each species are shown in Table 1. A high percentage of the fruitsin all four citrus species showed symptoms, the highest being for rough lemon. The maximal fruit dropping during August was observed in the grapefruit trees, follow by sweet orange and Vol- kamer lemon. Fruit dropping in rough lemon trees was very low. Additional observations indicaced that the Vol- Fig. 2. Typical green and round gum pocket kamer lemon fruits with albedo gum- (about 3-4 cm in diameter) laying along ming did not show the normal reddish equatiorial part of rough lemon fruit. color typical of healthy fruits, but re- mained pale yellow (Fig. 1). It is served in some inoculated trees only 2 noteworthy that the gum deposits in yr after inoculation as reported in pre- the affected fruits which measured vious studies (1,7,11). about 1cm in diameter were scattered The results indicate that the rough over the albedo. Up to 6-7 deposits per lemon trees are highly susceptible to fruit were observed on Volkamer lem- impietratura and are suitable as indi- on grapefruit and sweet orange fruits. cator trees. In addition the fruit drop In the rough lemon the gum was mostly observed in the rough lemon is very deposited along the equatorial part of low. It will therefore be easier to detect the fruits and formed a round, green, the symptoms on rough lemon trees 3-4 cm area which did not change color compared to Volkamer lemon, grape- even at full ripening (Fig. 2). fruit or sweet orange where fruit drop DISCUSSION may reach 60% in August and the re- maining fruits on the tree are fre- The results of the transmission ex- quently symtomless. The substantial periments reported here confirm the fruit drop observed in Volkamer high susceptibility ofroughlemon, Vol- lemon, grapefruit and sweet orange kamer lemon, grapefruit and sweet may be caused by localized gumming orange to impietratura disease. Move- under the peduncle which occludes the ment of the disease agent in the trees vessels and eventually results in fruit seems slow, as symptoms were ob- drop. LITERATURE CITED 1. BarJoseph, M., and J. Ben-Shalom 1982. Limited systemic spread of Impietratura and Psorosis A in graft-inoculated grapefruit trees. Plant Dis. 66: 820-821. 2. 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