The Turtle Speaks Gyah’-Wish Atak-iaA Wyandotte Nation Publication Volume 24, Issue 2 www.wyandotte-nation.org May 2020 See inside for the latest news and adjustments due to COVID-19 A New Reality Wyandotte Nation makes changes to help stop spread of virus Gyah’-wish Atak-ia is published quarterly for Tribal Citizens by the Wyandotte Nation at its Inside: headquarters in Wyandotte, Okla. • First classes graduate from Wyandotte The Wyandotte Nation (918) 678-2297 YOUniversity 64700 E Hwy 60 (800) 256-2539 • Tribal Department Reports Wyandotte, OK 74370 Fax (918) 678-2944 (C) Copyright 2020. All information, photographs, and other materials are copyrighted, and may not be reproduced without prior written consent of the Wyandotte Nation. Page 2 Wyandotte Nation / Gyah'-wish Atak-ia May 2020 Board of Directors From the Chief Billy Friend Chief .......................................Billy Friend Second Chief ....Norman Hildebrand, Jr. Councilperson ................... Ramona Reid Councilperson ....................... Vivian Fink Councilperson ........ Juanita McQuistion Facing the challenge Councilperson ......................Eric Lofland Dear Wyandotte Citizens: steps in our actions. We must do We are taking it in stages, but the We are all clearly aware the coro- all we can to keep people safe even truth is — as someone said yester- Content navirus disease (COVID-19) is highly when it results in economic and day in the media — “we don't make contagious and dangerous. We have social impacts on the Wyandotte the timeline, the virus makes the CALENDAR ............................................. 3 received specific warnings and direc- Nation. timeline”. Annual Meeting Notice ....................... 3 tions from the National Institutes of We will continue to compensate Fortunately the Tribe has strong COVID-19 Changes .............................. 4 Health and the Centers for Disease our employees during this time of reserves and can operate without Service Awards ....................................... 4 Control and Prevention. emergency, and we will endeavor to major disruptions for a while, but Wyandotte YOUniversity ................. 5-6 At the Wyandotte Nation, we have maintain all essential programs and there is a limit and a time that if this WTOK closes casinos temporarily ...... 5 taken across-the-board action to dull services at proper levels. continues we will have to make some Tribal Department Reports ............ 7-12 the impact of the virus and keep Our Bearskin Clinic remains open hard decisions. Important Numbers ............................11 Wyandotte citizens, employees and and our caregivers are dedicated to Our Emergency Response Team our customers safe. serving our Wyandotte and other will continue to meet on a weekly In mid-March, we announced the community patients. We are fortu- basis to re-evaluate the situation and closure of a number of Wyandotte nate to have our remarkable medi- determine our plans going forward. facilities. These closures included cal professionals and health care We will post updates to our website Editor/Design: William Swaim our Title VI Program (Elder Nutri- support staff. They are sacrificing based upon the best available infor- Cover Photo: tion Center) inside meals, Preschool daily to ensure our patients are well mation and through social media as A collection of and Childcare Facilities, Wyandotte cared for. they occur. courtesy photos cultural sites and all Wyandotte The actions we can take on our We can conquer this challenge if during the re- casinos. own as individuals and families are we will all stick together and do the cent COVID-19 I want to commend our Elder simple and straightforward. The key things we know we need to do. This changes. Nutrition Center employees for is to practice those directions fully is a time when we must look out continuing to go above and beyond and regularly. for each other, and for the common to make sure our elders are served All of us at the Wyandotte Na- good of our Tribe, our state and our meals both through a drive through tion take this national public health country. take-out approach and by delivering emergency very seriously. We are Thank you for joining in this effort Contact Us meals to our local elders. doing all we can to protect people and may God bless you and may These closures represent the sig- from the virus, and ensure they have God continue to bless the Wyandotte Submit a story idea or your latest news nificance of this public health crisis. the essentials they need during this Nation. and photos. To submit, email William We simply cannot take incremental period. Swaim at [email protected] or call (918) 932-4778. Have News? Share it From the Second Chief Norman Hildebrand, Jr. We want to hear from you! Send us news or stories you may have or suggest features for us to work on. Email: [email protected] We are a hardy, reslient people Kweh Omateru perfect Utopian Society except for have been through numerous epi- As I am sitting here thinking a war with another tribe now and demics some natural but let us not about what to write during one of then. We even survived contact with forget the ones that were man made. www.youtube.com/WyandotteNation the biggest pandemics to hit the the Norsemen and they think Asians Like the Small Pox laced blankets United States since the Spanish sometime in the 11th and 12th cen- that the Federal Government gave to Flu that ravaged the U.S. over 100 turies. It would be a good guess that the Great Plains Tribes. They would years ago, the only thing that comes the natives fought fiercely with them never admit to it but it happened, to mind is what Indian Country has and sent them back to where they because I have personally seen endured since first contact with the had come, if only the Wampanoag’s some of the graves in South Dakota. Europeans. Up until the mid 1530s would have done the same thing with We have lived through many Flu when the Europeans first wandered the Pilgrims I am sure we would www.facebook.com/WyandotteNation into our world, the American Indians have been a lot better off. were disease free, lived in a near Since then the American Indians See SECOND CHIEF, Page 3 May 2020 www.wyandotte-nation.org Page 3 UPCOMING EVENTS 2020 GATheRING OF LITTLE TURTLES FIREWORKS CELebRATION! The GATheRING CANCELLED JULY SEPT. 2 9 - 11 31ST ANNUAL POW-WOW ANNUAL MeeTING TOWN HALL MeeTINGS SEPT. SEPT. OCT. 11 - 13 12 3-4 10 AM NEWPORT BEACH & SACRAMENTO, CALIF. ALL EVENTS IN WYANDOTTE, OKLA. UNLESS OTheRWISE NOTED “Corporations have been enthroned …. An era of cor- 2nd Chief ruption in high places will follow and the money power PUBLIC Continued from Page 2 will endeavor to prolong its reign by working on the epidemics, Measles, Rubella, Teta- NOTICE nus, Malaria, Polio, and let us not prejudices of the people… until wealth is aggregated forget the massacres of men, women in a few hands … and the Republic is destroyed.” and children. We have survived Notice of Annual Meeting everything that nature and man has -- Abraham Lincoln thrown at us and yet we survive and On September 12, 2020 the we will keep on surviving because Wyandotte Nation shall hold their that is in our blood. We are a hardy about the killing of dozens of Osage just get in there and do whatever Annual Meeting at the Bearskin resilient people from the beginning of Indians in the 1920s right here in needs to be done they are absolutely Fitness Center Gymnasium near time to centuries yet to come we will Oklahoma. Whatever you choose to the best. They make the Wyandotte Wyandotte, Oklahoma. Registration be here for eternity. do to kill time, whether it is reading, Nation what it is: the best in the will begin at 9 am and the Annual I hope everyone is staying at home gardening, painting, beading or any country. Meeting will start at 10 am. Please and practicing the safety measures other craft or hobby, please be safe. We are building a new administra- note that citizens will be required put forth to help us get through This will be a short article not tion building south of the fitness to present their Wyandotte Nation COVID-19 -- which we will. People much going on right now in Wyan- center and they are making pretty membership/citizenship card to are finding various ways to stay dotte, Okla., most everything is shut good progress. They would be doing register for the meeting. entertained now that they can’t down. We have only our essential better if the rain would hold off, The Election Committee of the Wy- get out and socialize. Some people employees working accounting, Title we have gotten twice as much rain andotte Nation has determined that put puzzles together, watch a lot of VI (they are only doing carry outs at than normal so far this year. The there are no contested posts for elective stupid stuff on television (believe me the front door). Turtle Stop is still long anticipated state line water line office within the government of the Wy- there is a lot of stupid stuff on TV) or open but only for limited hours, the project will soon be starting I signed andotte Nation for 2020. Therefore, it is do something the old fashioned way clinic pharmacy is still open but they the contract on it about a week ago not necessary to hold an election at the and read a book. I am reading a book will meet you at the door with meds. so they will be starting it very soon. tribe’s annual meeting on Saturday, “The Girl in the Photograph” writ- Getting through a crisis like this During these difficult times we must September 12, 2020 per the Wyandotte ten by former U.S.
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