Bank Police Benefits Parle•-." "••:>• - -A-'^u--:.!.. ,i-..-id;''..:../y •.•/•• •••••- sEE.-sroirir--BELdw • Sunny, Cold Sunny and cold" today. Clear, HOME ' quite cold tonight. Sunny and I Red Bank, Freehold cold tomorrow. I Lang Branch FINAL (See Detail* Pti» 3) Monmouth Countu's Home Newspaper for 90 Years ; VOL. 91, NO. 138 RED BANK, N.J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1969 24 PAGES - TEN- ^ Hughes Asks 'Little FBI' TTRENTOoN (AP ) - GovLea. His proposals dcame whil e CrimHughes' "Little FBI" plan ganizeed crimina Attacl activity in Adding 60 trooperks to the Richard I. Hughes urged the two legislators, Sen. Sido Ri- seemed likely to meet with any part of the state," State Police force. some legislative approval. legislature yesterday to de- dolfi' and Eep. David Fried- Hughes said. Appropriating $25 million to dare a war- on organized land, were scheduled for re- Majority leaders of the Re- improve local police. salaries He proposed -an agency sep- crime in New Jersey, with a peat appearances before a publican - controlled Legis- and law enforcement. arate from the present State "Iiftle FBI" to lead the at- legislative committee looking lature have proposed a some- Outlawing "the intrusion of Police, saying, "The relation- tack. into allegations that some law- what similar state agency to organized crime into legiti- •In proposals for the new makers were "too combattle- , organized crime. ship between the division of mate business through extor- legislative session beginning fortable wjth members of or- "A more highly state-or- Criminal, Justice and the Di- tion, intimidation, monopoli- Tuesday, Hughes recommend- ganized crime." Asst. Atty. iented' system Is an essential vision of State Police will be zation or collusion." ed creation of a new Division Gen William Brennan-qil had counterpart to the recently equivalent to that between Putting New Jersey into an of Criminal Justice and urged cited both Ridolfi and Fried- authorised statewide grand the U.S. attorney's office and interstate association to ex- —enactment-of-a-series-of-laws—land .jury, which is designed to in- the FBI." • change crime information. ,to attack crime. nied any misdeeds. i-proposed: __Jflaking 21 tyuntyprosecuh- tors Mltime officers" who _cquld_1be shifted to other ; areas as needed; ~ Yoiingman Makes Marlboro Offer Hughes also urged final NOT HIS SHOW, BUT — Lyn Nugent, the President's young grandson, is center adoption • of a bSl, already •.,-•• • , • = : ; of attention yesterday at White House ceremony in which President Johnson pre- passed by the Senate, to, le«. galize wiretapping and pro- sented medals to Apollo 8 astronauts. Air Force Lt. Col. William A. Anders bends posed ah expanded attack on over youngster as Navy Capt. James A. Lovell Jr., center, laughs. Air Force Col. narcotics use to include crc- Frank Bornran is almost hidden beyond .President at right. Today the astronauts go Antisell Chooses Plan Post. ation of "a cadre .of specially- to New York for a blizzard of ticker tape through the "Canyon of Heroes." trained and carefully selected MARLBORO - "I have,4S- lost out to Mr., Antisell in f i Nobody said last-night what (See HUGHES, Pg. 2, Col. 3) (AP Wirephotol 1 tided that I can best-serve the Republican primary.) Mr. Antisell will do if he los- the people of Marlboro by re- "The only logical one you es the court action. Presuma- maining as a class four mem- can put in is me ... I would bly, he could still be. sworn in ber of the-Marlboro Township very humbly consider serving as a-councilman. Planning Board," Council- another year," Mr. Youngman Mr. Grubb said after the Two sides Astronauts Picked man-elect Thomas A. Antisell announced; meeting that the council will informed the Township Coun- Robert Kramer, 1 Markham not make an appointment to Find War cil. In. a. one-sentence letter Drive, Whittier Oaks, said, replace Mr. Antisell until the last night. "With all due-respects to Mr. next council meeting, Jan. Reactions to the move Youngman, I, too, am a Re- 23. He said it would not be Gains OK For Moon Landing were mixed, partisan and vo- publican." legal to make-the-appoint- cal. • "When will the council ment without voting on it in SAIGON (AP) - The South Vietnamese government Former Councilman Law- nameoa man?" asked some- public. 1 rence C; Yotmgman, whose one from the audience. claimed today 191,387 Viet term ekpired Dec. 31, offered "That's the $64 question," Monmouth County Election Cong and North Vietnamese to fill the vacant cflancil , repUed^tJCpuncil President Clerk Stanley A" Davis, who troops, were killed in 1968, seat. Walter C. Gfubb Jr. was consulted about the situa- nearly six times allied losses. "Under Plan E of the "I hope you won't watt until tion yesterday afternoon, bore But North Vietnam called Faulkner Act, the vacancy;, you find out the result of the out Mr., Youngman, saying •"1968 "the best year so far m must be filled by the council, „ litigation," said the man. that as far as he knew if Mr. the Vietnamese people's strug; Antisell declined the seat the and it must be filled by a Mr. Antisell must show gle against U.S. aggression." governi/ig.b'ody had the right pejson of the same political cause in Superior Court next The Saigon government put of^appointment. But 'he.'said affiliation,",.said Mr. .Xoung- EMday • tfhy' "a judgment South Vietnamese losses last offthe Faulkner'Act, under, man.' "That lets out Mr. Lan- should not be entered that sent'word to the courier that .-year at 17,486 killed. The whifch the township operates, F Robert Nivison be seated as he had not yet decifisf how • U.S. Command'has, ifbt re- "That thing's vague about (Former "Mayor Josejph he could best serve the peo- 1 leased official figures for the a Class Four'citizen member everything. ' __He said a ple of Marlboro, as a council- year, but American battle Lanzaro, who lost the Nov. S of the Planning Board for the man is not a councilman until man or as a citizen member deaths through Dec. 28 were Township' Council election to two years of Mr. Antisell's he is sworn, in. Mr. Antisell, had reportedly unexpired term on the board of the Planning Board." 14,521. been considering 'pressing a to which he was appointed If he had decided on the There were about 80 peo- Despite its. claim of heavy claim to the seat if Mr. Anti- by Mayor Charles T.McCue council seat, the Citizens ple' in die audience last night, losses suffered by the enemy, sell declined to be sworn in. on New Year's Day. Committee (CC) would have and more of them spoke for the government in a yearend Mr. Lanzaro ran as a Demo- Mr. Antisell, whose term lost its 5-4 Planning Board Mr. Antisell's stand than review estimated total enemy crat and .Mr. Antisell as a was to have started Jan. 1, majority to the' Purpose and against it. strength at 300,100 Vie? Cong, Republican. Mr. Youngman. put off-his swfiaring-in and Principle coalition (PP). -(See ANTISELL, Pg. 2 North Vietnamese and poli- . tical cadre. It claimed 151,- WASHINGTON (AP) - A for launching hi July, the Na» main in lunar orbit, piloted by 000 North Vietnamese troops;, civilian and two Air Force tional Aeronautics and Space • Lt. Col. Michael Collins. had Jnfiltrated the South in colonels who have walked in Administration said yester- • Two Near Disasters 1968 —" an assessment vastly space, wffl, Jly Jhe_ ApoUojl -JLayjJn announcingJMjselec-/ Armstrong, who has sur- differenLfrnm unofficial" ITS, jijissjuijmiion;, ththe firsfit t schedulehdld tiouon ooxf thme crewcrejy.. _.•• " Weviveda two near-disasternear-oisasters since ~ estimates of 225,000- to 230,- •attemprtiy UinUiiiteorStates AnSstrong-and-G6lr-®hyta—becoming—an—astK>naut-Jn__ 000"men. "" T"—' JoJand_men.on: the moon. • . E. Aldrin Jr. are to descend , 1963, is a former'test, pilot for eration on Pine Brook Road NEW SHREWSBURY . - squads were called out at 7:45 "The oven overide didn't The U.S. Command does The civilian astronaut, Neil to the. moon in a Lunar Mod- ." th e X15 rocket' plan' e and was after the third-fire-in a year Q£j_s<L_ _ Fire Marshal Walter Cobb ^a.m. yesterday. to._battle_a l not publish-officiaLestimates_ A. Armstrong, will command . ule from/the main spacecraft, a Navy.combat flier during at the plant. At the time offthe explo- said yesterday he and the .blaze that was producing of enemy strength, but reli- the spacecraftrtentatively set The main-spacecraftwill-re^ lthe4Corean Wai*. sion, 25 to 30 employes on the chiefs of the borough's four Firemen from . the Pine chlorine gas. The blaze fol- able American sources said In choosing the .three 38- , lowed an explosion in one of day shift had just begun work fire companies are going to Brook, Wayside and Tinton the South Vietnamese esti- year-old space veterans for the company's ovens. and "The normal procedure "take a long look" at the Falls companies and men and mate was considered "high." the mission, NASA passed up. Metalurgical International op- equipment from three first aid New Shrewsbury firemen for evacuating the building the Apollo 8 astronauts who In addition to those killed in and first aid squads were was -followed,-"- Mr* Sellars Benefits Parley Set •made the first lunar orbital action, the Saigon government; called in on a similar Incident added. ' . flights lasfc,'month. • said the enemy lost 21,053 last July, and a gasoline, fire The general' manager re- But two of these,. Navy men taken captive and 17,597 before that. fused to name the four com- .
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