GEORGIA GEORGIA PRODUCTS DAY PRODUCTS DAT EDITION THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION EDITION Daily ••* SnOnr. carrier Jcllverjr. 13 «w«t» weekly. Vol. XJ.VI.~No. 155. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18, ,1913. TWENTY, PAGES. *!»•!« c»»I«* «• «k* «*r**t» *mt «t •etnatuda. • «•»*» ALL GEORGIA DINES TODAY GEORGIA PRODUCTS DAY! EVERY HOUR BRINGS HUERTA ON FOOD GROWN IN GEORGIA NEARER TO HIS COLLAPSE; PRESIDENT HE CAN'T STAND PRESSURE Washington, Having Put ASKS EARLY BLOCKADE the Mill in Motion, Is Calmly Waiting for Dicta- IN STAJEJPBER WILL SEAT 1, OF MEXICAN PORTS tor to'Be Crushed. NO SUMMARY ACTION Nation's Chief Executive Largest Dinner Ever Staged BY UNITED STATES EXPECTED AT PRESENT Declares That Georgia Is in the State Will Take Setting an Exaniple for the Place at 7 O'Clock To- Opinion General in Mexico If Crisis Is Forced That Other States of the Union. night. City That Such Action FARMS Will Result in the United AND Will Be Ordered by Wash- States Taking Drastic 78 TOWNS AND CITIES ALBERT HOWELL TO FACTORIES ington Administration. WILL HOLD BANQUETS BE THE TOASTMASTER Steps, It Will Be Caused Mexico City, November 17 — Organi- by Some Action of General zation of President Huerta s new con- Huerta. Reports Received at Head- Mrs. John Marshall Slaton grress was completed todav when enough senators wei e gathered to quarters of State Chamber Is Preparing the Beaten form a quorum in the upper house. Washington, November 17—That the General Francisco iPronces was chosen United States, fn its (policy toward the Indicate That the Whole Biscuits With Her Own temporary chairman of the senate and Piovislon.il gov eminent In Mexico, is committee on credentials was ap- content to await the outcome of the State Is Enthusiastic. Hands—Elaborate Menu. pointed A similar committee of the steady pressure being- exerted to bring chamber of deputies today began the about the downfall of the Huerta re- gime was apparent today In official The largest and most elaborate din- work of revising the deputies' creden- The Wblte House, ner ever staged in the south will be tials, and there is nothing to indicate •Circles here Exciting rumors from that the formal opening of congi ess Mexico Citv wholly failed to ruffle the n. C., November 17, 1013.—r. J. held ait the Auditorium- Armoiy to- <. aim confidence of President Wilson Hnden, President Georprln Chamber night as Atlanta's part in the state- next Thmrsdtty will be postponed. or^ Secretary of State Bryan wide celebration of Georgia Pioducts President Hueita talked tonight in- of Commerce, \tlnntn, Ga.i I wlnh "The mills of the gods grind slowlj ' day. formally to the membeis of his staff was the declaration of one thigh official the Georgia Chamber of Commerce There will be from 1,000 to 1 500 and a few peisonal friends regarding of the g-overnraent in discussing the e^ery sncoeaa. Your orpranlzntlon diners on the main floor of the Audi- developments The president was not torium, while the boxes and galleries the possibilities of intervention by the ban a srrent opportunity to do con- United States He intimated that he at all aroused by reports that Mr will be filled with ladies to hear the O'Shaughnessy, the American charge structive work In the development would be ready to i esist such a step o* tile agricultural resources of speaking d'affaires!! was about to quit Mexico The doors of the leceptlon hall will Blockade of Ports Expected. Citj, and it was stated that no orders Georgrla. The farmer has not been open at 6 30 o'clock, and promptly at 7 nerved as he might and nhonld lie. The opinion is e^cpi eased in various had been given elthei to Mr. O'Shaugh- o'clock the actual dinner will begin circles here that the United States will nessy 01 John Lind, at Vera Cru7, to JLe,t Georgia set an example In this The first course will be on tlie table leave Mexico Rumors that the Ameri- truly prrcnt and IntcIIlsreut work for steaming hot when the big doors are soon inaugurate a blockade of Mexican ports. Rumor has ^it that President can embassy would be closed within relaying: the foundations of wealth opened op the stioke of 7, and if a 48 hours were characterised in offlciil anil prosperity In the United State«, man gets there later expecting1 this, Wilson would be content with such an sources as "fakes " action and might even peimit the em- I take pleasure In nppljlncr for like former dinners, to t>e 20 minutes EnU of Huerta Expected. bassy to remain In Mexico City until membership In the Georgia Chamber late, he will have only himself to The president told callers during of Commerce. blame for the mistake It was origi- an open rupture occurred the day that while there had been woonnow nally intended to limit the dinner to The German minister, Admual Von some change.In the Mexican relations 1,000 tickets, but as the sales con- The More the Feed, the More the Milk! HintKP, summoned tonight the heads as to persons, there had been no essen- tinued, and hundreds more of Atlan- of the more important German com- tial change in the circumstances to With the good wishes of Piesident tans desired to be piesent, it was de- which he ihad referred the other dav Woodrow Wilson, wired to the head of meicial houses and asked them to give cided yesterday afternoon at the him inventories of shipments expected- as geeming favorable to a solution of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce yes- meeting of the general committee in the difficulties The president, It is terday, Georgia Products day opens au- the chamber of commerce hall to in- Blood Given In Vain He explained that he would then be said, is confident that the financial spiciously. Revised reports last night crease the number of tickets. It nec- FINED $11 FOR KILLING in a position better to guard their in- Jwycott of the Huerta regime by the indicated that exactl%r seventy-eight essary, up to 1,500 All who have not terests in. case of a blockade United States and the great foreign cities would observe the day in the jet obtained tickets and who desire to In Effort to Save Genera,! Huerta resumed (business at poweis will be a powerful factor in manner laid down bv the state organi- attend the dinner, can, therefore, still •the national palace today, apparently bringing about the end of Hueita. sation. be supplied at the Elkin drug store, HER BROTHER-IN-LAW <with no thfug-ht of any questions pend- In discussing the persistent rumors Not anv one section has any monop- at Five Points, and at Cone's White- Girl From Georgia that Charge O'Jjuaughnessy was about hall stoie VETOES BY ing between his government and that to take his departure, leaving the ol\, as more than fifty counties are Young Letha-Perdue Shot Ken- of «ie States* He "seem" s -to re- icpresented by the celebrating towns, Is AD Atlanta Dinner. gard recent Incidents growing out of American embassy's rec0ra~Trt the cart while the natuies of the menus are as This is not exclusively a chain/bar drick Before Second Bride. Washington's demand that he vacate of one of the ministers representing v ancd as the products of the state of commerce function, nor exclusive to. Athlete Gives Pint of Blood -the foreign powers. Secretary Bryan itself iri some localities the barbecue any organization; it is an Atlanta din- Pleaded Unwritten Law. OF SMY RAISES Continued on Page Two. stated flatly that neither the charge idea is more popular. v?nlle in others ner, and one in which, all classes of to Miss Edith Thomas, of nor Mr Lind had any conditional in- the foimal baniuet is de rigueur The Atlantans wiho are interested in the structions, and intimated that both Atlant i. plans will be found elsewhere, city s progress and development sire Huntington, "W Va, November 17 — were acting under precise instructions Letha Perdue age<J It convicted last Savannah, WhoWas Study- from Washington in every step In tne as will special dispatches fiom other invited to take part. Woodward Turns Down In- negotiations cities The scene tonight will be one of Saturday of inioluntao manslaughter the most brilliant ever enacted In the for having shot and Killed James Ken- ing at Barnard College. No Draatfc Action Juat Yet. Vt Clarkesville it is openly boasted Auditorium The magnificent decora- drick, her brother-in-law, paid a nne crease for City Attorney Indications, based on the few ad- that 200 home-sjioun items will be tions which were put up for the auto- today of $25 and court costs, a total of missions of the state department offi- found on the menu mobile show will remain in place Mayson and for Members There will be a brass band on the 571 and was released from custody. A cials are that no action Is contem- «,000 UTpeoted at ^nlnbrldere. jail sentence of from one day to one New Tork, November 17 — (Special.) plated at present that would precip.- \a Bainbrldge an all-Decatur barbe- stage In the main amphitheater will IN STORY be arranged twenty or thirty large year was not mentioned by the court Despite the heroic donation of a pint of the Police Department. tate a crisis in Che situation On the cue and dinnei combined will be served tables, draped in snow white linen On Miss Perdue's defense was emotional of blood made by Thomas Pmkerton, a other hand.
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