PJU5B TWEliTY-FOUR The aaecutiva board let the Rohr Members of the Women's ertson PTA will meat tomorrowAt League of 'the Second Congrega­ About Town 8 p.m. at the achool. 'All newly tional Church are reminded to call Downpour Causes Damage elected officers and ^oiiunittee their group leaders- before tomor­ Th« wMkly tu ttin g «t the Civil chairmen are requested to attend row to make reserv’ations for the Air Pfttrol (CAP) irtU be ; el<j mt this joint meeting. The' executive annual dinner-meeting, Wednes­ To Many Roiuh in Town the Amiiriean L«gkm Hoine at 7 board of the past j^ear will also be day, June 6, at 8:39 in the Vernon A short circuit in the neon ad­ pm . Wadnaailay. All membert are Congregational Church. vertising sign at .the Manchester u iir^ to atteiMl aa final pl^ne for present. ■ Highway department -workersT^An was covered, banka in front of the State Armory Optical Style. Bar started the pound packagfis of parakeet or .canary seed. We hv ■aaxphinff in tbe MetnoriA Day John R. Anderson, qpn of Mr. TTje Holy Family Mothers Circle were repairing roads all over Man­ rolled up awning smoldering yes­ {Mnule will be made. chester today as(> result yes­ nearby were washed down. terday.' but the fire was, .extin­ tried this new wonder food on-our birds for one nuHith and Mrs. Walter A. Anderson of will meet tomorrow St 8:30 p.m. Police directed traffic in a few and found this food to be advantageous all around. Our 20 Avondale Rd.. a student at with Mrs. William Martens, 9 terday's sudden rain. apots where water Impoundment guished quickly. V Dr. Harold S. Barrett, of 120 S. oBryant College, Providence, R. 1., Stephen St.,. tied up traffic, A' pjssssr-by noticed smoke curl­ seed is of the 'best quality, is packaged daily is also '' u^awood Circle w»i elected to "The water got down under'i^e ing from, within the rolled awning a S>yaar term to the Board of Di- has a leading part in the student paving material and created holes . Lightning, which blew line fuses, guaranteed fresh. ',■ / _ ' musical .review “Showtime, cih i^ electricity failures st 637 about 3:45 . and informed Stanley \signs ractonref^ the Connecticut Tubar- 2 feet wide and 2 feet ton^ in Zyskowski st ' the style bar. U.S.A;” T he’show’ was presented W. HiMle Tpke. and on Fairfield OFFER EXPIRES « P- M. J U l^ 1st \ ■'iTJ'p remedy always seemS to culooia AAiL at Its annual meeting last night and will be presented Auto Theft Mars some'places," said Town Engineer Zyskwoskl recruited Leslie Chris­ held last night at the Rockledge St; Re^di:a were made In about tiansen and Richard Barker; other be the same when it comes to again tonight. James Sheekey, "The ,rnln came half an hottn. according to Parker MANCHESTER treating w 'case of having Country Club, w ^ t Hartford. Anniversary Trip down so fast that we foiind there employes, and the grpiip put out Soren, managltcpf the Manchester the small firb With a domestic ex­ "one t'po 'many,.” Misa Marilyn P. Forde. daughter had been .52 inches pt rain faU in office of the C ^vt^tiout Pmver P o st; Ik e In.. Lawrence, Mas.s;. an ex- Pvt. Lynden'C. DSding, son of of James Forde, M Spruce St., minutes.” tinguisher. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard 11^.-Darling, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Pariseau of 10 Co, aaperate'd mother dialed the whose marriage to Robert F. 359 Woodland St. wrish today they Sections of road were flooded 'hospital. .She shouted into the S Waddell Rd., who has beeif Richardson Jr. of Highland Park Seniqr Songsters of the Salvation on furlough, has left for the Mafin,e had celebrated their seventh wed­ at the intersectoii of -W. Middle The Walther League of Zion Anfty have discontinued weekly phone; w ill'take place June IS in the ding anniversary in any place.rbut Tphe. and Dove Rd.. at Hollister Lutheran Church wijl have an out­ rehearsals for the lummer monthe. Chooses Anderson "When I turned my back Barracks. Naval Base, at.'Ouanta*' Salvation Army Citadel, has been New York City. 995 MAIN STR MI 9-4273 my 14-month pid baby drank namo Bay, Cuba. and Summit Sts., on Bolton St., on ing Memorial Day at Hubbard- No rehearsal will be held this hmored with another shower, the The couple drove to the big towr( Broad St. opposite the Waddell Park, Meriden. «w»k. a half shot of whiskey." fourth. The party was given by Saturday afternoon with another School, and on the • turnpike be­ Washington, May 29 {/PJ-^! A ralhi voice on the other her aunts, Mrs. Eliaabeth Wilson, couple, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hub­ tween Cbngress and Broad Sts. ac­ __ i_Ni...... _____________ ■ George M. Humphrey today enh offered this advice: "Just Bus Bill N e v ^ Mrs. Robert Turklngton and bard, SO Cambridge St., also cele- cording to Sheekey. In modt places, resigned as sec>etar.v of the put a small ice bag on his Mrs. Richard Tur'.cingtor at the i>rating a \tredding anniversa^, the water ran into-?ftch basins af­ treasury. Robert B>Anders'on, head and give him a small Forde home. The guests were rela­ their 18th. ter the downpour. former deputy secretary of glass of tomato juice in the tives and close friends. The bride- They parked their 1955 model On Bolton St. and at Hollister morning." d MlJLil TRANSIS>T0R elect received many gifts. car at a service station at 42nd and Summit Sts., volunteers from defense, was picked to succeed ' ?iO-X H E A R I N G flIPj St. and 12tK Ave., locked it, gave the Eighth District F^re D e^rt- i m H A V E A him. Miss Barbara LaVoy, daughter of the keys. to an attendant, and went ment worked from 7:30 p.m. to 9 ill Humphrey'a reijgnation was afT- Roll Call Vote Puts j-Mes. Bknford .LaVoyr-Cranston. R, jan their way,-intending 1.0 pick 4>.m. under Highway Department hounced by the Whit* Hbuae i Right to Kndw I., was feted at a panti^ shower the car up again Sunday. supervision to flush down the through fetesse of a’l|ttir from ' Atl.iHe power and perrofminccol tomi given recently by Mrs. George However, when they returned to streets. Sheekey said. the Secretary of tl»e,^eaaury to htertng aids fmc# ill lircrof many icli' Gould. 73- Chestnut St. This was the garage Sunday sitemoon, the At Dillon's Sales and Service,' \ President Eiaenhovs^ asking to bn Bill RIade Law ea^re into Debate ing for S tim ts ill pnetl Flui juptr- the third shower in honor of Mia# car was gone. Not only wak their Main and Leonard Sts., always a relieved "np latei^ than the cloae of atftiilivc Fermaphone®, $moolh*flo« LaVoy who wllj be married on car sMilen, but in the 'stolen -car trouble spot during flash floods, the current Odhgreaslonsl neasion." Volume▼ oiumv Conirol*vviMivi* noise-limiting ano>i. June la to Alan M. Gould. were keys for their second car, By Governot dired Case. Zenith's /intit quaht} water backed up in the stnrm sew­ i At the'sam e time, Eisenhower U tpdayt locked up at home. ers and turned the floor-drain Into formsHy sent to, the- -Senate a Slat?.Capitol, Hartford, May 29 (/P)—Proponents of the MW W K-nmr Senior Citisens will hold their They reported the' stolen" vehi­ a fountain, according to Stewart nomihatidn of Anderson to the gov- Slate Capitol. Hartford, May 29 Controversial bill which would permit towns io-provide fr»e OM-rMT WM«ni final meeting of the season cle to New York City Police at the Johnson, Dillon general manager,. .e'rnment’s top fiaral post. f>Pi--Gov. Ribicoff invited a group transportation to pupils attending non-pi4>fit private schools, Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Com­ 16th Precinct, and took a train Johnson, who was critical of the Ander.ron, a Texas Democrat, of Connefcticiit newspaper execu­ munity A special'feature of the home. New York police have sent Town for not having taken steps to haa serve<l as Secretary' of the tives to come to his office today including parochial schools, won a preliminary victory, as QUINN'S program will be an exhibition of out a 5-state alarm for the car. correct the drainage situation, said Navy in the Eisenhower adminis­ for a brief ceremony In connection debate opened today in the House at 1:40 p.m. water colors by Mrs. Eleanor Vib- So far, no word has been re­ water was 12 inches high on the tration aa well aa deputy Secre­ with the signing 6f the first "Right" By a roll call vote of 153 to 106, the'House rejected the bert, well known local artist. Sing­ ceived frofn.New York police. The rear wall of Dillon's building. tary of Defense. (.0 Know", bilLs pa.ssed by the Legis­ PHARMACY^ ing and dancing will also be en‘' Pariseau'a said today they must Education'Committcc’^8 unfavorable report on the blU. He said no estimate has been Elaenhower left the effective' lature. ...' This, served to bj;ing the bill to the floor for debate. PHONE MI Joyed and refreshments will be have their car at home towed to a made yet of the damage.
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