E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2002 No. 127 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was THE JOURNAL WELCOMING RABBI GERALD KANE called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The (Mr. SKEEN asked and was given per- pore (Mr. FOSSELLA). Chair has examined the Journal of the mission to address the House for 1 f last day’s proceedings and announces minute.) DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER to the House his approval thereof. Mr. SKEEN. Mr. Speaker, it is my PRO TEMPORE Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- pleasure to welcome our guest chap- nal stands approved. lain, Rabbi Gerald Kane, the rabbi of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, pursu- Temple Beth El in Las Cruces, New fore the House the following commu- ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote Mexico. Jewish pioneers have played an nication from the Speaker: on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval important role in the development of WASHINGTON, DC, of the Journal. New Mexico for almost 200 years. Since October 2, 2002. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the establishment of the first syna- I hereby appoint the Honorable VITO gogue in 1883, New Mexico has bene- FOSSELLA to act as Speaker pro tempore on question is on the Speaker’s approval this day. of the Journal. fited from the wisdom of many learned J. DENNIS HASTERT, The question was taken; and the Jewish leaders. Rabbi Kane has contin- Speaker of the House of Representatives. Speaker pro tempore announced that ued that proud tradition. He grew up in f the ayes appeared to have it. New Jersey and graduated from the University of Buffalo. He was ordained PRAYER Mr. MCNULTY. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the ground that a from Hebrew Union College in 1970. For Rabbi Gerald M. Kane, Temple Beth quorum is not present and make the his long record of distinguished service, El, Las Cruces, New Mexico, offered the point of order that a quorum is not he received a doctor of divinity from following prayer: present. Hebrew Union College in 1995. Rabbi Dear God, Author of life, Creator of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Kane has helped guide many out- all: ant to clause 8, rule XX, further pro- standing organizations around the As we gather today in this history- ceedings on this question will be post- United States. He has worked tirelessly packed, awesome Chamber, we ask poned. for education and interfaith coopera- Your blessing on our esteemed Rep- The point of no quorum is considered tion throughout our communities. He resentatives as they continue to help withdrawn. created programs to stop violence to- chart a course for our Nation and its ward women and children and for sup- citizens. f porting the battle on mental health. Although the times in which we are Southern New Mexico has also bene- blessed to live provide them with many PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE fited from his love of the theater and legislative challenges, may they, guid- his commitment to bring the arts to ed by Your wisdom, seek the very best The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the students everywhere. I welcome Rabbi ways to keep our country free from gentleman from New York (Mr. Kane to the House of Representatives prejudice, oppression and strife. MCNULTY) come forward and lead the and thank him for his opening prayer In these days of turbulence in our House in the Pledge of Allegiance. this morning. world, keep them steady in their delib- Mr. MCNULTY led the Pledge of Alle- f erations. Inspire them to continue in giance as follows: their quest, not just for us, but for all I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER citizens of this planet, to promote the United States of America, and to the Repub- PRO TEMPORE values upon which this great Nation lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- was founded: justice, liberty, equality, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair freedom and peace. will put the question on approving the f Let Your blessing rest upon them and Journal and on motions to suspend the be near to them. Grant them strength rules on which further proceedings of body, of health, of mind. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER were postponed on Tuesday, October 1, Lift up Your countenance upon us PRO TEMPORE in the order in which that motion was all, and grant us Your most precious of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The entertained. blessings, the gift of shalom—balance Chair will entertain one 1-minute Votes will be taken in the following and peace. Amen. speech at this point. order: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6929 . VerDate Sep 04 2002 03:31 Oct 03, 2002 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A02OC7.000 H02PT1 H6930 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 2, 2002 Approving the Journal, de novo; Kind (WI) Ney Shays b 1029 King (NY) Northup Sherwood House Concurrent Resolution 476, by Kingston Norwood Shimkus So the Journal was approved. the yeas and nays; Kirk Ortiz Shows The result of the vote was announced H.R. 2357, by the yeas and nays. Kleczka Osborne Shuster as above recorded. The Chair will reduce to 5 minutes Knollenberg Ose Simmons Kolbe Otter Simpson f the time for any electronic vote after Kucinich Owens Skeen the first such vote in this series. LaFalce Oxley Skelton PERSONAL EXPLANATION LaHood Pascrell Smith (MI) f Lampson Pastor Smith (NJ) Mr. COX. Mr. Speaker, on the rollcall votes THE JOURNAL Langevin Paul Smith (TX) scheduled for Tuesday evening and Wednes- Lantos Payne Smith (WA) day morning, October 1 and 2, I was unable Larson (CT) Pelosi Snyder The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- to vote in consequence of travel outside of ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the pending LaTourette Pence Solis Leach Peterson (PA) Souder Washington, DC. business is the question of the Speak- Lewis (CA) Petri Spratt er’s approval of the Journal of the last Lewis (GA) Phelps Stark f day’s proceedings. Lewis (KY) Pickering Stearns Linder Pitts Stenholm ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Lipinski Pombo Sullivan PRO TEMPORE proval of the Journal. Lofgren Pomeroy Sununu The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. The question was taken; and the Lowey Portman Sweeney OSSELLA). Pursuant to clause 8 of rule Speaker pro tempore announced that Lucas (KY) Price (NC) Tauscher F Lucas (OK) Pryce (OH) Tauzin XX, the Chair will reduce to 5 minutes the ayes appeared to have it. Luther Putnam Taylor (NC) the minimum time for electronic vot- Mrs. BONO. Mr. Speaker, I object to Lynch Quinn Terry ing on each motion to suspend the the vote on the ground that a quorum Maloney (CT) Radanovich Thomas rules on which the Chair has postponed is not present and make the point of Maloney (NY) Rahall Thornberry Manzullo Rangel Thune further proceedings. order that a quorum is not present. Matheson Regula Thurman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- Matsui Rehberg Tiahrt f McCarthy (MO) Reyes Tiberi dently a quorum is not present. EXPRESSING SUPPORT FOR GOALS The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- McCarthy (NY) Reynolds Tierney McCollum Riley Toomey AND IDEAS OF DAY OF TRIBUTE sent Members. McCrery Rivers Towns TO ALL FIREFIGHTERS The vote was taken by electronic de- McHugh Rodriguez Turner vice, and there were—yeas 343, nays 55, McInnis Roemer Upton The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- McIntyre Rogers (KY) Velazquez finished business is the question of sus- answered ‘‘present’’ 1, not voting 32, as McKeon Rogers (MI) Vitter follows: Meehan Rohrabacher Walden pending the rules and agreeing to the [Roll No. 427] Meeks (NY) Ros-Lehtinen Walsh concurrent resolution, H. Con. Res. 476. Menendez Ross Wamp The Clerk read the title of the con- YEAS—343 Mica Rothman Watkins (OK) current resolution. Abercrombie Clement Gonzalez Millender- Roybal-Allard Watson (CA) Ackerman Clyburn Goode McDonald Royce Watt (NC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Akin Coble Goodlatte Miller, Dan Rush Watts (OK) question is on the motion offered by Allen Collins Gordon Miller, Gary Ryan (WI) Waxman the gentleman from Michigan (Mr. Andrews Combest Goss Miller, George Ryun (KS) Weiner SMITH) that the House suspend the Armey Coyne Graham Miller, Jeff Sanders Weldon (FL) Baca Cramer Granger Mollohan Sandlin Weldon (PA) rules and agree to the concurrent reso- Bachus Crenshaw Graves Moran (KS) Sawyer Wexler lution, H. Con. Res. 476, on which the Baker Crowley Green (WI) Moran (VA) Saxton Whitfield yeas and nays are ordered. Baldacci Cubin Greenwood Morella Schiff Wicker Ballenger Culberson Grucci Murtha Scott Wilson (NM) This will be a 5-minute vote. Barcia Cummings Hall (TX) Myrick Sensenbrenner Wilson (SC) The vote was taken by electronic de- Barr Cunningham Hansen Nadler Serrano Wolf vice, and there were—yeas 407, nays 0, Barrett Davis (CA) Harman Napolitano Sessions Woolsey not voting 24, as follows: Bartlett Davis (IL) Hart Neal Shadegg Wynn Bass Davis, Jo Ann Hastings (WA) Nethercutt Shaw Young (FL) [Roll No. 428] Becerra Davis, Tom Hayes YEAS—407 Bentsen DeGette Hayworth NAYS—55 Berkley Delahunt Herger Abercrombie Boswell Crowley Berman DeLauro Hill Aderholt Hinchey Ramstad Ackerman Boucher Cubin Berry DeLay Hinojosa Baird Holt Sabo Aderholt Boyd Culberson Biggert DeMint Hobson Baldwin Hooley Schaffer Akin Brady (PA) Cummings Bilirakis Diaz-Balart
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