Questions for George Orwell's 1984 Part One: Chapter One 1. What was the uniform of the Party? 2. What hovered, snooped into people's windows, and darted away? 3. One lived under "the assumption that every sound you made was __________, and, except in darkness, every movement __________." 4. Where did Winston Smith work? 5. What was the official language of Oceania? 6. Using the official language, state the four Ministries: 7. TF: The telescreen saw Winston write in his diary and flashed a red warning on the screen: Writing is Death. 8. Who was the audience for Winston's writing? 9. TF: In Winston's journal entry, people were killed. 10. In what department did Winston work? 11. Winston's dislike of the girl who worked in the Fiction Department was based on tangible encounters with her where she disagreed with his opinion twice. 12. TF: Winston didn't know much about the details of O'Brien's job. 13. Who was "the earliest defiler of the Party's purity"? 14. TF: The "underground network of conspirators" referred to those who sided with the enemy of the State. 15. During the Two Minute Hate, which person or entity did Winston not hate? A) Goldstein B) the Thought Police C) the girl with the scarlet sash D) Big Brother E) None of the above. 16. Which occurred first? A) the sandy-haired woman's climactic exultation with Big Brother or B) the chanting of "B-B" 17. When O'Brien's eyes met with Smith's, what did Smith conclude, albeit, an assumption? A) that O'Brien was gay B) that his black uniform was better C) that O'Brien's political sentiments leaned toward the Brotherhood. D) that O'Brien's political sentiments staunchly supported and mirrored Big Brother's. 18. TF: Winston tore out the page from his diary which read "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER." 19. State two textual synonyms with "vaporized." 20. Chapter one ended with the Thought Police giving Winston Smith a "smart" injection, realigning him with Big Brother beliefs. Part One: Chapter Two 1. Repairs at Victory Mansions A) were swift B) had to be sanctioned by a committee C) were logged in a journal by Mrs. Parsons D) were performed in the order in which tyey were entered on a spreadsheet. 2. What clogged Mrs. Parsons's pipe? 3. Who shouted "Goldstein" at Winston? A) the boy B) the mother C) the sister D) Tom 4. Briefly explain "symptons of unorthodoxy." 5. What were on both sides of a coin? 6. Now that Smith "recognized himself as a dead man, it became important ... A) to bond with child heroes B) to stay alive as long as possible C) to sweat like Tom D) to write feverishly in his journal. 7. Why did Winston put dust on the corner of his diary? Part One: Chapter Three 1. The purges of the Fifties did what to Winston's parents? 2. Which female was omitted from Winston's dream? A) the girl with dark hair B) his sister C) an aerobics instructor D) his mother 3. In the old days, Airstrip One was called what? 4. Winston's recollection of an old man and his comments to an old woman underscored what political sentiment? 5. Currently, Oceania was in alliance with what country? 6. TF: "Doublethink" was the Party's current lie. 7. "Ingsoc" stood for what? 8. Which occurred first? A) the calling out of Winston's number or B) a successful toe touch by Smith Part One: Chapter Four 1. State the irony of "memory holes." 2. State the textual synonym for "rectify." 3. TF: Big Brother had a stamp which read "State Sanctioned" on each book that had been rectified. 4. TF: The "hum of voices murmuring into speakwrites" in the Records Department made it easy to overhear who had been vaporized. 5. Why were two publications printed in Oceania? 6. What was Winston's greatest pleasure in life? 7. What was "the complex process of cross-referencing"? 8. What common thread linked Comrade Withers with Comrade Ogilvy? 9. By chapter's end, Smith still suspected Tillotson to be working on the same job as himself. Part One: Chapter Five 1. Which did not occur? A) The Party shops were out of blades. B) Syme's eyes scrutinized Smith's face. C) Syme revealed his intellectual satisfaction from destroying Oldspeak nonsense. D) The fumes of victory gin in the canteen were hidden and suppressed by the metalic smell of steamy stew. 2. "Doubleplusgood" was given as an example of a super sufficient A) noun B) verb C) direct object D) adverb or E) adjective. 3. When will the revolution be complete? Explain. 4. "Newspeak is __________ and __________ is Newspeak." 5. Why did Winston think Syme would eventually be vaporized? 6. "Quacking" depicted what type of verbiage? A) mindless mimicking of the Party line B) Unorthodoxy C) Sentimental Goldstein D) Hidden heresies 7. When Parsons joined Syme and Winston at lunch, he (Syme) spoke proudly of what? A) his son's scouting skills B) his daughter's espionage C) his wife's refusal to whine D) his Victory garden 8. TF: An "ancestral memory" was synonymous with an "actual memory." 9. Who would not be vaporized? A) bettlelike men B) "the girl from the Fiction Dept" C) Quackers C) Mr. Parsons E) all of the above 10. Why was an amateur spy "the greatest danger of all"? 11. What was a "facecrime"? 12. What object was the latest gadget used for enhancing eavesdropping? Part One: Chapter Six 1. What was your worst enemy? 2. What was the most deadly danger of all? 3. The name of Smith's wife was what? 4. What was the only State-recognized purpose for marriage? 5. What was not true about Smith's wife? A) Sex repulsed her. B) She felt she and Winston should have a child. C) She left Winston after about fifteen months. D) She was filled with Party slogans. E) She was a passionate lover. 6. TF: One night, Smith's wife felt true love for Winston and turned herself in for thought crime. 7. TF: Winston was successfully able to erase from his mind the memory of intimacy with an old woman. Part One: Chapter Seven 1. TF: Proles were easy to control. 2. TF: While proles noticed larger evils, they were powerless to rectify them because they had no union. 3. According to the Party slogan, "__________ and __________ are free." 4. Why would jus primae noctis not be mentioned in a textbook for children? 5. The Party proudly proclaimed that what percent of proles were literate? 6. What happened to the original leaders of the Revolution? 7. Give three names that were examples of "corpses waiting to be sent back to the grave." 8. The new-found audience for Winston's diary was who? 9. What was the Party's final and most essential command? 10. Paraphrase Winston's final journal entry about freedom. Part One: Chapter Eight 1. What was considered dangerous? A) a taste for solitude B) eccentricity C) individualism D) ownlife E) all of the above 2. Explain "creaking camaraderie oiled by gin." 3. What occurred when Winston took an unusual route home, travelling through a prole neighborhood? A) The proles saw his uniform and scattered. B) Proles scattered because of a Party bomb. 4. The proles paid serious attention to what public event? 5. Which Ministry fabricated nonexistent persons as winners of big prizes? 6. What event in the bar caused the uneasiness toward Winston to disappear? 7. TF: When Winston returned with two more beers, the old man began quoting from history books. 8. What two attributes did the old man ascribe to youth? 9. TF: The old man returned from the restroom to discover that Smith had been arrested for thoughtquery. 10. What feeling ran through Winston when he stood outside the shop where he'd bought his diary? 11. If questioned why he was in the shop, what excuse whould Winston have given? 12. Why did Winston buy the coral antique (a glass paper weight)? 13. What object was missing from the room upstairs? 14. TF: It was hard to buy a book printed before 1960? 15. Who was Charrington? 16. That Winston had never really heard church bells ringing meant what about those buildings? 17. TF: After seeing the firl from the Fiction Department, Winston discarded the coral glass. 18. TF: Winston killed the girl from the Fiction Department and established an alibi at the Community Center. 19. The "place where there is no darkness" was where? Part Two: Chapter One 1. Which did not occur? A) The note from the fallen girl was read twice. B) Winston had two possibilities for the girl's affiliations. C) The exchange was made during a glich in the telescreen. D) The note was read after a calculated lapse of time. 2. Which did occur? A) Winston put the note in the pneumatic tube. B) Parsons was odor-free. C) The girl said, "Thanks comrade!" D) All of Winston's work needed close scrutiny. E) Winston and the girl made eye contact. 3. TF: Winston had wolf in the canteen. 4. TF: When playing chess, one had to wear an arm band which read "Ingsoc in relation to chess." 5. Describe postcards in Airstrip One. 6. When "for three dreadful days she did not appear at all," what did Winston imagine? 7. Which person obstructed Winston from sitting with the girl? A) Ampleforth B) Wilsher C) the beetlelike man D) the enormous prole 8.
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