E i M hktc'aj. E e v ie w , j a k i ary I l’t u , lo i . r . S S I M s MANUFACTURERS’ ACTIVITIES Vol. CXXXVI. No. 3503 JA N U A R Y 12, 1945 9d. W E E K L Y Advt. oj The General Electric Co., Ltd. Head Office : Magnet House, Kingsway, London. W.C 2 E lectrical Review January 1 2 , 1945 E KM copper for the machinist E H ¡11 ffjg ffz/jitJe iJ machining copper smashes bottle-necks; it was designed to do the difficult easily; as against ordinary H.C. copper it will increase your machine output by at least .300% • it will reduce your tool costs • it gives you a cleaner and more accurate finish • its electrical conductivity is 98% I.A.C.S. • it withstands temperatures I00-I509C. higher than H.C. copper • may we send you our technical leaflet about this alloy? niield oiling ills Ltd Greenwood X.4 January 12, 1945 E l f c t iu c a l R f v ie w The positive—in all items of life (including Electrical prac­ tice) would be valueless with­ out the negative. Both must oppose each other. W ithout difficulties by “ negative^” forces, “ positive ” advance­ ment in design could never record increasing improve­ ment. For it is the overcoming of existing difficulties that measures the pace of progress. LEADERS IN ELECTRIC WATER HEATING HEATRAE LTD., NORWICH PHONE : NORWICH 25131 GRAMS : HEATRAE, NORWICH W E MAKE TAG TERMINALS ELECTRIC WELDING MACHINES S P O T, SEAM AND BUTT FOR WIRELESS WELDERS AND S I M I L A R A WIDE RANGE OF 35 ytart' .aperient« ' CONNECTIONS SIZES IN STOCK Automatic or Non- ROSS COU RTN EY & Co. Ltd. Automatic ASHBROOK ROAD, LO N D O N , N.I9 with or without Electric Ooatrol Tia quickest and moat economical method of Welding Oil Drumt, Bart, Tyree, Wheal Rlmt, GLANDS II kVA Spot W elder 1 Angles Th. WESTMINSTER ENG. Co. L * Victoria Road, Willetden Junction, N.W.IO Dynamoi, Motor*, Alternator* and Transformers Rewound and Re-conitructod. “ Westminster ” Brush Holders. Process Arc Lamps Telephone: Telegram»: Willetden 1700-1 “ Regency y Phene, London** A 2 E l e c t r ic a l R e v i e w Januar y 12, 1945 Crompton Short-Circuit Testing Station . behind Crompton Switchgear. The Crompton Short-Circuit Testing in strict accordance with the appropriate Station issues certificates of performance standards and to produce more severe for ratings up to 350 mVA at llkV, and 75 conditions than are likely to arise in service. mVA at 400 volts, through the Association of The rated performance and dependable Short-Circuit Testing Authorities of which operation of Crompton Switchgear is thus Crompton Parkinson are members. assured. Crompton Switchgear is made The Station has been designed to provide tests for ratings up to 350 mVA. CRomPTon PRRKinson limited ELECTRA HOUSE. VICTORIA EMBANKMENT, LONDON, W.C. 2 . a n d Branches J(limary 12, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 3 BEN7AMJN LIGHTING DATA EACH TYPE OF BENJAMIN REFLECTOR PROVIDES A PARTICULAR LIGHT DISTRIBUTION Each reflector is made for use with a particular size and type of lamp and 1 R. L. M.—for dispersive it provides a particular distribution of lighting the light. Much thought has been 2 HIGH BAY — for con­ given to compiling a suitable range, centrating lighting careful design and experiment pro­ 3 PARABOLIC^ ANGLE duced theunitsandconstant laboratory —for side lighting check ensures that performance is 4 INTENSOLUX — for supplementary maintained. lighting These are some filament reflectors; in 5 STOCK BIN—for storage due course we shall have a range racks for fluorescent tubular lamps for all 6 DUOFLUX—for out­ purposes. door areas Copies of the other sheets of this series will ★ gladly be sent on request BEN 7 AMJN THE BENJAMIN ELECTRIC LTD. Brantwood Works, Tottenham, LON D ON , N.I7 Telegrams : Telephone : 44 Benjalect, Southtot, London ” Tottenham 5252 (5 lines) LIGHTING APPLICATION BY BENJAMIN ENGINEERS 4 E l e c t r i c a l R e v i e w January 1 2 . 1 HEENAN & FROUDE LIMITED ENGINEERS WORCESTER ENGLAND January 12, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 5 A 8 /4 3 S n S (( The best of prophets o f the future is the pasty —B y r o n B eh in d Alton stationary bat­ teries stands a great tradition of painstaking effort and progressive improvement. To-day the result is reflected by the high standard of performance of Alton batteries in Power Houses, Telephone Exchanges and Broad­ casting Stations. Because Alton practice is rooted in such fine tradition, to-morrow Alton batteries will be chosen for the maintenance of power supply in vital installations. ALTON BATTERIES OF MERIT THE ALTON BATTERY CO. LTD. (Sole Suppliers of FULLER Stationary Batteries) ALTON, HANTS. Telephone : Alton 2267 and 2268 Telegram s•' ‘ Bat tery y A lton ’ E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w January 12, 194; T H E BEST IN SERVICE Standard Telephones and Cables Limited ______ NEW SOUTHGATE, LONDON. N.ll January 12, 1945 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w 7 S tu rtevant T.L Cyclone on a rotary dryer The Sturtevant T.L. Cyclone Dust Collector solves many Industrial Dust Problems • The salvage of processing losses • Collecting the dust caused in machining processes or material handling plant • Collecting the dust from chemical plant and metallurgical furnaces • Cleaning gases from stoker fired boilers Full details are in our post free publication U .II6I St u r t e v a n t E n g in e e r in g Co. Lt d . 2 5 .W 0 R CESTEft ROAI). SUTTO N , Sl'R R IY. TtLfcPHONE: VIGILANT 2275 8 E l e c t r i c a l R e v ie w January 12, 1945 January 12, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w 9 January 12, 1945 10 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w T H t LID ON IT !" Apart from their other famous insulating materials M. & I. are supplying more and more P.V.C. extruded sleevings and, so far as Messrs. Volt and Amp and Mr. and Mrs. Watt are concerned, they’ve properly put the lid on it with P.V.C. injection mouldings which can be made for such a wide range of electrical applications. A typical injection moulding and examples of extruded sleevings are shown above and we’re always ready ‘to supply full information to people who must keep electricity in its proper place. MICOFLEX-DURATUBE EXTRUDED SLEEVINGS (P.V.C.) (Manufactured by Duratube & Wire Ltd.) and KENUTUF INJECTION MOULDINGS (P.V.C.) 1 (Manufactured by J. F. Kenure Ltd.) Distributors: THE MICANITE & INSULATORS CO. LTD., EMPIRE WORKS, BLACKHORSE LANE, LONDON, E.I7 Makers of M IC ANITE (Built-up Mica insulation). Fabricated and Processed M ICA , P A X O L IN (Synthetic-resin laminated sheets, rods, tubes and cylinders). High-voltage Bushings and Terminals for indoor and outdoor use. Empire varnished Insulating Cloths and Topes and all other forms of Electrical Insulation. Suppliers of vulcanised Fibre, Leatheroid, Presspahn. etc. Distributors of Micoftex-Du-atube Sleevings and Kenutuf Mouldings (P.V .C .) January 12, 1945 E lectrical Review 11 H H | POLYPHASE METERING FERRANTI A scientific and practical recognition of the require­ ments of the USER and the NATION. Its compactness conserves material resources. Bif ALL meant am ebve m atetial FERRANTI LTD., HOLLINWOOD, LANCS. London Office: Kern House, Kingsway. W.C.2. FM 79 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w January 1 2 , 1 9 4 5 V t S K R t N G S CLOSE-UPS Ask the service man which “VISKR1INGS” advantage he most appreciates and he’d have a job to ehoose. The swift identification by colour and wording. The knowledge that being impervious to oils and petroleum they will come out in just the same condition as they went in. The fact that having originally been fitted by shrinkage the diameter of the cable is not increased. These advantages and many more, have contributed to the enormous popularity of “VISKRINGS” Cable markers. • NO TOOLS REQUIRED •INDELIBLY PRINTED • N O RUBBER USED • SELF FIXING BY SHRINKAGE • IMPERISHABLE, IMPERVIOUS TO • DO NOT INCREASE DIAMETER OILS AND PETROLEUM OF ( A B L E CABLE MARKERS VISCOSE DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD. ^/Vojdham Road, Bromley, Kent. ‘Phone : Ravensbourne 2641 January 12, 1945 E l e c t r ic a l R e v ie w T h i s impressive view of one o f B o m b ay ’s leading spinning and weaving mills shows a battery of Ring Spinning Frames. Each of these machines is individually powered by a Crompton Parkinson “ Klosd Textork” squirrel-cage induc­ tion motor, driving through Fenner multiple V-ropes, and each of these m otors is, in turn, protectively controlled by a Crabtree “ direct-on-line” automatic starter, fitted with conduit entry box and special ammeter attachment. - Crabtree Distributors in India Greaves Cotton’and ThelCrompton Engineering Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Co. (Madras) Ltd. 1 Forbes Street, Bombay] 2nd Line Beach, Madras CRABTREE NAME • SYNONYMOUS • W111I - ERoOKESS • IN • ACCESSORIES - A NO • S WITCH OF. A R I "Crabtree” (Registered) C.681/2.
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