Special insert inside The Northeast Georgian 75 cents OCTOBER 26, 2012 Weekend Haynes child molestation case expands, charges added By CHRISTINA SANTEE al battery. Unit of the assist.” when she was under the “That’s why we’re so Upon his initial arrest, Habersham Of the age of 16, as well,” Venable concerned,” Venable said. The Cornelia man ac- Haynes faced charges of C o u n t y three con- said. “There could be many cused of sexually abusing aggravated sodomy, aggra- Sheriff’s Of- fi r m e d v i c - Venable said the adult more. It’s very important multiple victims is now vated child molestation, fi c e . tims, two of victim came forward Oct. that all the victims, that facing an even lengthier child molestation and sex- “ S i n c e which are 13, after The Northeast he’s held accountable for list of charges. ual battery — 13 charges the last ar- female juve- Georgian’s initial article every one of them and ev- Michael Daniel Haynes, fewer than at the present ticle in the niles under was published. The two erything he’s done. I’m go- 39, currently faces 17 time. paper, an- the age of earlier victims remain in ing to do the best I can to charges, including: two The additional charges other vic- 16, the most protective custody. fi nd all of them.” counts aggravated sod- came days after his arrest tim came M. HANES S. HANES recent is an Based on the age of the Haynes maintains a omy, two counts aggra- when a third victim was f o r w a r d ,” adult. adult victim, Venable said lengthy criminal back- vated child molestation, 12 confi rmed, according to V e n a b l e “The it’s likely Haynes began ground, Venable said, “but counts child molestation Investigator Heidi Venable said. “She made a disclo- adult victim … disclosed exhibiting inappropriate and one count felony sexu- with the Special Victims sure and we were able to the incident happened behavior in his early 20s. See Haynes, Page 2A Judge rules court cannot set Baldwin sewer rates City’s motion for summary judgment granted; parties to move to mediation By JONATHAN ARENA Baldwin or its sewer ser- “[The purpose of the vice customers. motion] was our belief The City of Baldwin David Syfan, attorney that under Georgia law and the Georgia Depart- for the City of Baldwin, that the Habersham Su- ment of Corrections came fi led the motion for sum- perior Court, being a judi- perhaps one step closer mary judgment, request- cial entity and not a legis- to a reconciliation in ing the court rule it could lative entity, did not have the ongoing dispute over not set Baldwin sewer the judicial power to set sewer services when the rates. After hearing argu- the rate that the depart- Habersham Superior ments from attorneys on ment [GDC] should pay Court issued a summary both sides, Chief Judge for sewer services that judgment Tuesday. Russell W. Smith sum- the department would The judgment states marily judged the setting receive from the City of the court does not pos- of rates is not, in fact, Baldwin,” Syfan said. sess the authority to set a within the court’s juris- sewer rate for the City of diction. See Baldwin, Page 3A CHRSTNA SANTEEStaff Stephens County Middle School eighth-grade student onathan Buchanan smiles as he watches friends dance at the Third Annual Habersham County Halloween Bash. The annual affair is organized through the partnership of Disability Resource Center and the Habersham County Parks and Recreation Department. Annual Halloween bash well-attended By CHRISTINA SANTEE partnership of Disability enjoyed food, fun, costumes Resource Center and the and dancing at the Third It was a spooky good time Habersham County Parks Annual Habersham County at the Ruby C. Fulbright and Recreation Depart- Halloween Bash. Aquatic Center in Clarkes- ment, more than 200 stu- Nancy Peeples, resource ville Wednesday afternoon. dents, adults and their care- Organized through the givers, teachers and parents See Bash, Page 3A Board of education delays bond decision By KIMBERLY BROWN considered 2012 or 2013 bonds with the additional The Habersham Coun- money they will see in sav- ty Board of Education has ings. briefl y postponed making Barrett said he was a decision about “refund- “willing to move forward ing” or refi nancing up to with the rate and the sav- $50 million of bonds. ings,” but, he said, “The During a called meet- biggest question we have ing held Wednesday, the is the verbiage in our ref- board again met with An- erendum. Until we get drew Tritt, vice president some kind of decision on of Merchant Capital, who that … my opinion is we presented them with four take those savings and ap- refi nancing options. ply a portion of them back The board voted to ta- to repayment. But we’ve MBERL BROWNStaff ble the issue because the got to make sure we can do next step in refi nancing, that under the verbiage. If FINAL BREAST obtaining a bond rating, our referendum had not would incur costs. The tied us to the ‘03 and ‘05 CANCER STORY sticking point came with [bonds] there would be no To highiight issues.” E. LANE GRESHAMStaff Breast Cancer the wording of the cur- Awareness month, we have rent referendum authoriz- School Superintendent This weekend will most likely be the peak for leaf peeking. Shown earlier in the week is ing the 1 percent ELOST Matthew Cooper agreed. a Green Mountain Sugar Maple in downtown Clarkesville ust before shedding most of its featured a series of three (Education Local Option “I don’t want us to in- brightly-colored leaves. survivor stories. n the photo Sales Tax). The referen- cur any expense until we above, breast cancer survivor dum specifi cally states the know, 100 percent, that Mary Nichols demonstrates how board can use a portion of there won’t be any compli- the ELOST to pay down cations,” he said. to use a carpenters apron to the 2003 bonds and 2005 An attorney has been Chances for leaf watching dropping carry drain bags after surgery bonds. consulted about the word- By DONALD FRASER peeking. fects of rain or wind. That during a Chicks from the Sticks However, board mem- ing issue, but had not Fall color seemed to weather forecast will hold ber Gilbert Barrett ques- given an opinion as of the By most appearances, arrive early this year in the Northeast Georgia fundraiser held in September. tioned if that wording time of the meeting. this weekend may very and has been hanging See Page 13A to read Nichols would enable the board to on without damaging ef- See Leaf, Page 2A well be the peak for leaf story pay down bonds that are See BOE, Page 9A Contact us INDEX Volume 121, No. 38 706-778-4215 DEATHS, 8A Fax Donald Galloway, 73 Anita S. Holton, 79 Classifi eds 6-8B 706-778-4114 Addie Lee ordan, 92 Mary D. Welborn, 96 Calendar 15A David Allan acker, 52 thenortheastgeorgian.com Opinion 4A Sports 1-4B Two sections, 24 pages TV 3B 2A The Northeast Georgian Friday, October 26, 2012 Haynes From Page 1A we have not looked in de- with his estranged wife. connection with the ini- Susan Haynes bonded vestigator with the Crimes been molested … they may tail at that yet …” Susan Lynn Haynes, 46, tial case, as well,” Venable out four days later, Oct. 17. Against Persons Unit at act out, as well as dealing Haynes remains in- of Clarkesville, was arrest- said. “That’s for alleged Venable said investiga- the HCSO, said it’s impera- with the mental abuse over carcerated at Habersham ed Oct. 13 and faces two knowledge of the incident tors continue to look into tive all of Haynes’ victims time, it does take a toll. We County Detention Center counts cruelty to children …” other possible victims and come forward. want to help them by put- in Clarkesville, but has in the second degree. Venable said that in- interview witnesses. “It’s important that we ting them in touch with recently shared the blame “She’s been charged in formation was disclosed “We know there’s other fi nd all the victims because therapy services because through the two initial vic- [victims] out there and we at the same time, we want it does [affect] their qual- tims. “They had told her,” need some more informa- him accountable,” Stein ity of life.” Venable said, adding Su- tion so we can move for- said. “We also want to help Those with information Clarification san Haynes failed to report ward in the case,” Venable the victims out there that pertaining to the case are In the Oct. 24 article entitled “Foreclosed proper- the children’s allegations said. may have gone through the encouraged to contact Ven- ties moved through auction,” according to Samantha to the proper authorities. Sgt. Richard Stein, in- experience. Anyone who’s able at 706-968-2401. Crawford, ownership of the former Oak & More fur- niture store was transferred to Community Bank & Trust through a deed in lieu of foreclosure. Leaf From Page 1A Belk to host Fall Charity Sale Belk will be holding $1,000. Participating chari- 26, tickets may also be pur- mountains well through Correction a Fall Charity Sale from ties and schools will auto- chased at Belk stores with this weekend. In an Oct. 24 article entitled “Batesville Festival, 6-10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov.
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