T rradeade RRoutesoutes ooff COOASTALASTAL IBBERIAERIA BBarcelonaarcelona ◆ MMallorcaallorca ◆ VValenciaalencia ◆ GGranadaranada GGibraltaribraltar ◆ SSevilleeville ◆ AAndalusiandalusia ◆ LLisbonisbon Aboard the Exclusively Chartered Small Ship Five-Star M.S. LE LYYRIALRIAL October 9 to 17, 2017 ◆ FFive-Starive-Star SSmallmall SShiphip ◆ OOnlynly 111010 SSuitesuites aandnd SStateroomstaterooms ◆ AAllll SShorehore EExcursionsxcursions aarere IIncludedncluded ◆ AAllll BBeverageseverages aarere IIncludedncluded Dear Northwestern University alumni and friends, Cruise the ancient trade routes of Phoenician, Roman and Moorish mariners aboard the Five-Star small ship M.S. LE LYRIAL on this comprehensive itinerary to the coastal jewels of the Iberian Peninsula. The exclusively chartered M.S. LE LYRIAL exemplifi es the advantages of Five-Star, small-ship cruising: elegant accommodations, an exclusive itinerary carefully crafted with a specially arranged excursion in each port, the ability to dock in small ports of call inaccessible to larger vessels and no long lines for tenders and touring. This state-of-the-art small ship features only 110 Suites and Staterooms with distinctive French sophistication, so you can travel in style during the unique opportunity to cruise into the heart of Seville on Spain’s legendary Guadalquivir River. En route from Barcelona to Lisbon, admire four UNESCO World Heritage sites and experience Portugal’s lesser-traveled Algarve region. Call on the enchanting Balearic Island of Mallorca and visit its vibrant capital city, Palma de Mallorca. Explore the colorful, historic city of Valencia and walk through its spectacular La Lonja de la Seda, the city’s UNESCO World Heritage-designated 15th-century former Silk Exchange. Visit the regal city of Granada and tour the magnifi cent Alhambra Palace, a UNESCO World Heritage site. Stand on Gibraltar’s “Top of the Rock” to see the Pillars of Hercules spanning the scenic Strait of Gibraltar. Onboard lectures will enhance your journey with the history, legends and contemporary life in these beautiful cities and villages. Join your fellow alumni for this exclusive itinerary which sells out quickly each year. I encourage you to reserve now while space is still available! Sincerely, Jay Mastin ’10 MS Senior Director Northwestern Alumni Association If you have questions, please contact the NAA Travel Program at 847-491-7987 or the offi ces of Gohagan & Company at 800-922-3088. Whether or not you travel with the NAA, you can make an impact on the world by making a gift to Northwestern. From study abroad opportunities to the University’s groundbreaking global research, there are many areas where you can help us expand our positive impact throughout the world. Make a gift today at wewill.northwestern.edu/NAAtravel. FFlourishinglourishing CCulturesultures aalonglong IIberia’sberia’s HHistoricistoric TTraderade RRoutesoutes aandnd tthehe AAgege ooff DDiscoveryiscovery aarere sshowcasedhowcased oonn tthishis vvoyageoyage ttoo tthehe ffortifiortifi eedd mmedievaledieval ttownsowns aandnd mmodernodern ccitiesities tthathat rretainetain iincrediblencredible aartisticrtistic aandnd aarchitecturalrchitectural ttreasuresreasures ffromrom ccenturiesenturies ppast.ast. PPreviousrevious eexposurexposure ttoo tthehe GGreeksreeks aandnd RRomans,omans, aass wwellell aass tthehe ddiverseiverse MMoorish,oorish, JJewishewish aandnd CChristianhristian ccultures,ultures, uusheredshered iinn ggreatreat aadvancesdvances iinn mmathematicsathematics, mmedicine,edicine, ooptics,ptics, hhorticulture,orticulture, aartrt aandnd aarchitecture.rchitecture. TThishis bblossominglossoming ooff kknowledgenowledge aandnd ttalentalent wwasas tthehe iimpetusmpetus behindbehind thethe GGoldenolden AAgege ooff DDiscovery,iscovery, wwhenhen sshipships ◆ EExclusivelyxclusively ccharteredhartered FFive-Starive-Star ssailedailed ffromrom tthesehese sshoreshores ttoo tthehe NNewew WWorld.orld. ssmallmall sship.hip. TThesehese vvoyagesoyages bbroughtrought bbackack rrichesiches ◆ Intimate ssmall-shipmall-ship ccruisingruising eexperiencexperience. ttoo IIberia,beria, wwhichhich createdcreated ggreatreat wwealthealth aamidstmidst tthehe uuniquenique mmélangeélange ooff ccultures,ultures, ◆ Specially designed, ggivingiving rriseise ttoo tthehe aart,rt, aarchitecturerchitecture aandnd one-of-a-kind itinerary. ddistinctlyistinctly MMediterraneanediterranean ttraditionradition ooff ◆ UUniquenique ccruiseruise uupp tthehe GGuadalquiviruadalquivir ssavoringavoring llifeife iinn tthehe idyllicidyllic sseasideeaside ccities,ities, RRiveriver iintonto tthehe hhearteart ooff SSeville.eville. ttownsowns aandnd vvillagesillages yyouou wwillill eexperience.xperience. ◆ Opportunities to see up to seven Barcelona, Spain UNESCO World Heritage sites. The lively quarters of Barcelona’s beautiful Mediterranean metropolis are fi lled with ◆ Complimentary alcoholic and the artistic treasures of Antoni Gaudí, nonalcoholic beverages aboard ship. Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dalí. The city center has the greatest concentration ◆ One port call every day. of Gothic architecture in Europe and proudly displays its heritage and roots ◆ All shore excursions are included. as a Roman trading port. ◆ No waiting in long lines. Palma de Mallorca, ◆ Specially arranged Balearic Islands educational lectures. Enjoy a scenic drive past the almond tree groves that are emblematic of Palma to ◆ Elegantly appointed the beautiful estate of Son Marroig, Five-Star accommodations. a medieval mansion with expansive gardens and amazing panoramic views of ◆ Elegant indoor and alfresco dining. azure Mediterranean waters. ◆ Exceptional, personalized service. Cover photo: Stroll over the blue, white and yellow tiled bridges in Seville’s Plaza de España to see the intricately painted tile alcoves displaying stories about the provinces of Spain. Photo this page: Explore Granada’s Alhambra, set against the backdrop of Spain’s magnificent Sierra Nevada mountains. UNESCO Bay of Biscay World Heritage Site From here, monarchs of the Cruise Itinerary Nasrid Dynasty ruled for 250 years over Air Routing the last Moorish kingdom in Spain, Land Routing leaving a priceless architectural legacy— the magnifi cent Alhambra Palace, BAARCELONARCELONA SPAIN a UNESCO World Heritage site. Walk through its outer precincts, admire PAALMALMA the genius of medieval Moorish craftsmen DDEE SIINTRANTRA MAALLORCALLORCA within, then stroll through the VAALENCIALENCIA beautifully landscaped Generalife Gardens. LIISBONSBON Balearic Enjoy lunch in a local restaurant. Islands PORTUGAL Gibraltar, RiverSEEVILLEVILLE GRRANADAANADA British Overseas Territory Guadalquivir ALLMERÍAMERÍA Mediterranean The southernmost tip of the Iberian Peninsula, MOOTRILTRIL the Rock of Gibraltar was considered by POORTIMÃORTIMÃO Sea the ancient Greeks and Romans to be one Atlantic Ocean GIIBRALTARBRALTAR of the two Pillars of Hercules that marked the boundary of the known world; View the UNESCO World Heritage-designated terraced farms and water mills of A LL-INCLUSIVE ITINERARY Serra de Tramuntana en route to the Day traditional village of Valldemossa where you will visit the famous Carthusian Monastery, ◆ BARCELONA PRE-CRUISE OPTION a former residence of composer Frédéric Chopin. 1 Depart the U.S. Here, see one of the composer’s pianos and ARCELONA PAIN enjoy a recital of his masterpieces played by 2 B , S / a local musician. In Palma, visit the famous Embark M.S. LE LYRIAL Gothic 14th-century Bellver Castle, one of the 3 P ALMA DE MALLORCA, few concentric castles in Europe, rising 450 feet BALEARIC ISLANDS above the city. Tour the magnifi cent sandstone Palma Cathedral, constructed over the course of 4 VALENCIA 300 years starting in 1230 and representing the 5 ALMERÍA for GRANADA , height of Catalan Gothic-style architecture. ANDALUSIA/MOTRIL Valencia 6 GIBRALTAR, Located on the Costa del Azahar BRITISH OVERSEAS TERRITORY (Orange Blossom Coast) of Spain, the sun-kissed city of Valencia was founded as a Roman colony 7 Cruise the GUADALQUIVIR RIVER in 138 B.C. amidst a fertile plain of into SEVILLE , ANDALUSIA, SPAIN orange groves. The walking tour along the 8 PORTIMÃO, the ALGARVE, historic cobblestone streets of its colorful PORTUGAL, for LAGOS city center features visits to the UNESCO World Heritage-designated La Lonja de la Seda 9 LISBON /Disembark ship/ (Silk Exchange), a masterpiece of splendid Return to the U.S. th Gothic architecture built in the 15 century, and ◆ the elaborate 13th-century Valencia Cathedral and LISBON POST-CRUISE OPTION its impressive 167-foot-tall Miguelete Bell Tower. See the bustling Plaza de la Reina, one of the second pillar being Jebel Moussa, the Valencia’s main city squares. Moroccan mountain across the strait separating Granada, Andalusia Europe and Africa. Drive to the “Top of the Rock,” Granada is scenically located atop three hills the 1400-foot-high limestone promontory guarding framed by the dramatic backdrop of the the Strait of Gibraltar. Enjoy a scenic view from snow-clad Sierra Nevada mountains. Europa Point and visit the Great Siege Tunnels, First settled by the Moors in A.D. 711, Gibraltar lies in the shadow of the landmark Rock that shares its name and has been a British territory since 1713, when it was ceded by Spain. Known locally as La Seu, the Catalan Gothic cathedral in Old Palma was built on the site of a former Moorish temple following the conquest of Mallorca by King James I of Aragon. excavated by British army engineers in the late extraordinary main altarpiece—the largest
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