WEATHER FORECAST FOR TODAY Light SUGAR 96 Centrifaja!. 3.9375 Per Ton trades, fair weather. Last 24 hours rainfall .00; $7875. S3 Analysis Beets, 9s 9d. Parity max. miru temperature, 84. 76. with Centrifugals, $32 Per Ton. Established July 2, 1856. IVTOL. XXXIX., NO. 6852. HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1904. PRICE FIVE CEHTO. VLADIVOS 1 OK SHIPS ARE AGAIN SEEN DEMOCRATIC KUHIO HAS ' i OmiMOr YOKOHAMAGOINJGSOUTH DATES SET PRECINCTS - o : - -T- ; ; -,---. - o :: "t 1 Delegate laukea Speaks Result of the Primary O About Presidential last o '.4 :l. w . ' Twf Candidate. Night. o Monday, August 22, at 10 a. m in Following are the results of last IT M ST the city of Honolulu, the Democratic night's primaries which were generally Territorial Convention will assemble. carried out in the interests of Kuhia o for Congress: :-- business will be a 1 it Its the framing of o DIS- platform, the nomination of the party FIRST PRECINCT FOURTH 6-&- TRICT. Delegate to Congress - C t ' candidate for and ...... ' r i. ......I'll,-- W. W. Harris, president, and S. K. the election of the Territorial Central Kamaiopili, secretary, were at the head of a large meeting of the Repub- in Committee. o lican club of the first precinct, fourth District conventions for the nomina- district, held on the premises of Thos. o P. Cummins, Pawaa. Minutes of pre- o O tion of Democratic candidates for Sena- vious meeting were not prepared and O tors and Representatives in the Terri- nominations became the first order of o business, resulting as o torial Legislature will be held, for the follows: o For six delegates to Territorial Con- o Island of Oahu on Wednesday, August vention: Fred. W. Mcfarlane, E. G. Keen, S. o 24, and for the other islands on Satur- W. W. Harris. Kalia, T. P. o Cummins, Jas. Merseberg, Sol. Kau- day, August 27. o ai, M. S. Kauai, H. Mersberg, W. II. Xominations of delegates to Terri Charlock, John Ku, Jonah, J. W. Kel-k- i, o o torial and District conventions will be . C. A. Brown, Jack Kuamoo, J. D. o made by the Democratic precinct clubs I McVeigh, Paul R. Isenberg, Harry Ar-mita- ge. on Thursday evening, 4. o August For twelve delegates to District o Primaries for the election of delegates Committee: James H. Boyd, Isaac will be held on Saturday afternoon, H. Harbottle, Jas. Xott Jr., E. Buffan-dea- u, o August 13. Frank Andrade, Geo. Macy, Ed. o o All of these appointments were set- Towse, Geo. P. Thielen, S. F. Chilling-wort- h, 4 'W. W. Chamberlain, KalanL tled at a meeting of the Territorial S. K. Kamaiopili, S. M. Kanakanul, o Central Committee held in Waverley Isaac Noar, Geo. Wood, Alex. Pahau, THE CZAR AT THE NAVY YARD, ST. PETERSBURG. hall last night. W. C. Roe, Chas. Lewis, C. F. Peter- Fred. Turrill presided, and Harry son, Robert Pahau. Juen, secretary, was at desk. John Kidwell was nominated for the the District Committee by Jas. H. Boyd, London Hears That Skrydloff's Squadron Has Others present were Col. C. J. Mc- but as quickly as possible rose and TEMPESTUOUS DAY IS Carthy, Curtis P. laukea, S. K. Kaloa, said: J. K. Prendergast, John Efnnger, Harry "I have been nominated by a Home Been enforced By Newly-Purchas- ed Swinton, John Emmeluth, R. B. KMd, Ruler, so please strike my name out." BY Mr. Boyd warmly e FOLLOWED QUIET F. J. Testa, E. H. F. Wolter, John F. said that German Cruisers Anglo-Russia- n Crisis thought Mr. Kidwell took a poor way Bowler, W. A. Kinney, Julius Auch, to teach the Hawaiians political NIGHT AT WAIPAHU Frank Harvey, Wm. F. Erwing, W. B. manners. His words he regarded as un- Has Probably Been Averted. Moss, P. O'Sullivan and L. D. Tim-nion- s, called for and not becoming. the four last being visitors. Mr. Kidwell attempted to speak, but upon President Harris ruled that all re- Tip to 5 o'clock yesterday, matters on the 11:13 train.. At the same timfe The business was all based a marks were out of order. Before sit- had taken a more serious aspect at a staff representative of the Advertiser committee report This also dealt with ting down, however, Mr. Kidwell in- to office basis of representation in the con- sisted on the right to withdraw his (AK300IATED PSZS3 OAJBIEQBAEL8.) Waipahu plantation where Japanese went along. He reported the the between midnight and one a. m. as ventions, over which there was much name from the list of nominations. laborers are on a strike, and the cir- W. H. Charlock presented the follow- TOKIO, July 23. The Vladivostok squadron has been sighted follows: discussion. ing resolution, which, on motion of cumstances seemed to warrant more "All is quiet now but the police are Mr. laukea made a motion to make Jas. Nott Jr.( was carried by a rising eighty miles off Hitachi province steering south. police protection than the plantation vigilant. There are 22 of them urr) the basis of representation one dele- vote, a small minority remaining Chlinng-wort- h. pre- seated: -- request command of Deputy Sheriff gate to every fifteen members of a LONDON, July 23. It is reported that the cruisers Russia afforded. At the of Manager "Whereas: The first precinct of the They guarding planta- cinct club, but each club to have one Ahrens a force of twelve mounted po- are the fourth district is the home precinct of bought from Germany have joined the Vladivostok squadron. tion headquarters, patroling about the delegate in any case. There was a the Honorable Kuhio Kalanl-anaol- e. the command of Lieut. Les- Jonah lice under mill, etc. The strikers are asleep in good deal of discussion over the word- Delegate to Congress, and lie was despatched to the plantation on their camps. This afternoon when ing of the motion. "Whereas: The interests of the whole Territory can be best by 3:15 and on the 5:15 men down, Manager Mr. Kidd favored the former basis of served the Hitachi province is about fifty miles north of Yokohama and the train, train Leslie's came on of our present Delegate, one delegate to ten members, but for the presence of the Russian fleet about eighty miles east of that Deputy Sheriff Chillingworth and ten Ahrens was surrounded by a turbulent Honorable Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole; foot poliee went down to ce throng. The police broke through the some time the meeting seemed to be "Therefore, be It resolved. That the in of steam- Republican point, steering south, puts the Russians right the track them, as a reporFf a disturbance crowd and brought him out. Consul for a reduction. Club of the 1st precinct. poiYs. Col. McCarthy, considerable dis- Fourth district, hereby pledges its sup- ers bound for Yokohama from American Pacific Coast reached the High Sheriff late in the Saito and Kiiitor Shiozawa have been after port to cussion, moved an to go the Honorable Jonah Kuhio afternoon. talking all day but couldn't do much. amendment Kalanianaole, as candidate of the Re- one dele- RELEASE MALACCA. j About 6 o'clock a statement was re- The Consul was hissed for the first back to the former basis of publican party for Delegate to Con- WILL" gress, ceived from the plantation that a se- time in his experience. The demands gate for every ten members. After he and through its delegates to the occur during by what had made a ringing speech, claiming Territorial Convention to work to that ST. PETERSBURG, July 23. Russia has agreed to release rious uprising might the of the laborers stimulated end." night and the High Sheriff arranged they have heard of mainland strikes, that his sole motive was the good of party, SECOND PRECINCT FOURTH DIS- the Malacca after a perfunctory inspection at Suda Bay. for a special train consisting of an en- have expanded. They want cars enough the Democratic his amendment TRICT. was rousing applause. gine and one car to go down at 7 to bring them all home after work, carried amidst J. H. Soper presided over meet- report was the WAR SCARE SUBSIDING. o'clock. Later the High Sheriff de- piped water in their quarters, and an The of the committee ing of the Second precinct of the Fourth cided this would not be necessary but exchange of unprofitable sharing ed then taken from the table for further district and H. E. Murray acted aa 2.) Page 4-- (Continued on page (Continued on page 2.) LONDON, July 23. The press is satisfied with the Malacca arranged to have the new force leave on solution though there is an inclination to await the settlement of WEATHER STATION AT TOP lithe Dardanelles question before believing that all dangers has been DAVID LAWRENCE ARRESTED ALEX. YOUNG BUILDING , averted. ON A SERIOUS CHARGE OF PORTE AND RUSSIAN SHIPS. Chronicle says: wound was inflicted, and Lawrence The from Punahou May Cause Alter- 1 CONSTANTINOPLE, July 23. The Porte refuses to prevent The Change David Lawrence, representative of an rushed off to another room, kicking on Russian vessels passing through the Dardanelles when unarmed Eastern tobacco firm, filled himself with the door and demanding a revolver ations in Honolulu Weather Conditions liquor Monday night and slopped his with which he might shoot Babcock, morning. and saying that he would carve every and flying the commercial flag. good time over to the next It - as Matter of Record. was a cold bottle and hot bird that he one present into slices.
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