Have study abroad photos? This week's online poll question: Submit photos to What is your favorite social media? [email protected] What's up with Yik Yak? Check out p. 12 theVolume 116, Issue | 10.1.14 antelope | www.unkantelope.com Yik Yak user tracked, arrested after evacuation BY AUSTIN KOELLER Buffalo County authorities had been News/Featue Editor monitoring social media primarily because there had been other threats observed – Students, faculty and staff were forced some vaguer threats that have happened to evacuate the Calvin T. Ryan Library and earlier, said Kelly Bartling, assistant vice adjacent Mitchell Center last Wednesday chancellor for communications and com- morning after a threat was posted on a so- munity relations. cial media app. Bartling said that after seeing the On Thursday, Matthew Skinner, a threat, Buffalo County Authorities called freshman from Ogallala, was identified UNK officials who took appropriate ac- and booked into the Buffalo County Jail on tions. According to the story in the Kear- charges of threatened use of explosives, a ney Hub, the suspect made the threats to- Class IV felony. ward all three buildings. It was reported by the Kearney Hub As a precaution, the library and Mitch- Saturday that about 3 p.m. Tuesday a bomb ell Center were evacuated shortly after that threat was made on the Yik Yak social net- threat was received. While the investiga- work against a residence hall at UNK. At tion during the evacuation turned up noth- Photo by Ashylnn Torres that time police swept the building as a ing suspicious, UNK Communications Last Wednesday, Sept. 25, the Calvin T. Library was evacuated after a bomb threat precaution, and no device was located. A Director Todd Gottula said that UNK still made through YikYak, a mobile app. Officers on the scene kept moving students similar threat was made against another took the proper course of action in evacuat- back in concern for the safety, and students and staff kept out for over an hour. UNK building at 1:12 a.m. Wednesday. YIK YAK, PAGE 12 UNK to host bi-annual career fair » Be there. Take advantage of the opportunity to further your career Bi-Annual Career Fair BY JESSICA ALBIN other positions. Additionally, there will Tuesday, Oct. 7, 10-2 p.m. Asst. Editor be booths promoting study abroad and Health and Sports Center the United States Armed Forces to in- Every semester, UNK hosts a ca- terested students. reer fair to help students find employ- Some of the major employers that professionals in their field. ment opportunities across the state of will be present at the career fair in- No matter what the purpose for at- Nebraska. This semester’s career fair clude Buckle, Ameritas Financial Ser- tending, students should dress in busi- will be held Tuesday, Oct. 7, from 10-2 vices, Crete Carrier Corporation, First ness attire. Dressing in business attire p.m. in the Health and Sports Center. National Bank, Hy-vee, Nelnet, Sand- tells business professionals one of two The career fair also hosts differ- hills Publishing, Xpanxion and many things: either a student is serious about Turn the page to get ent schools that are looking for gradu- others. For a full list of employers and finding a job, or they like to remain ate students in a wide variety of fields. graduate schools registered for the ca- professional while networking and ex- a new glimpse in the This semester’s career fair will allow reer fair, check out the career fair page ploring different career possibilities. world of Instagram. students to visit with over 75 employ- on the UNK website, unk.edu. Both of these assumptions can only ers and graduate schools from across Even students who are not looking aide in making a good first impres- the state. for a job or graduate school can benefit sion. And as they say, first impressions The different employers offer full- from the career fair. Attending the ca- make all the difference in the world. time positions, part-time positions, reer fair gives students the opportunity associates, trainees, interns and many to practice their networking skills with op/ed Style blogger’s bold Instagram Courtesy Bri Emery, a style blogger, provides Insta-inspiration photographs and posts some of her favorite things. Spice up your newsfeed by following Emery's Instagram page has over note-worthy Instagram users 250,000 followers and nearly 3,000 BY JESSICA MADRON that this accidental photo instantly sold posts. Guest Columnist me on the idea that Instagram is much more than just a digital space to share my ust admit it. Noth- life. In fact, it is a place to draw inspira- ing quite feels tion from and use to influence my own better than when work. Before long I was connecting with J“followers” acknowl- my own personal interests and passions edge your social media through photography. presence. Whether it’s If you’re anything like me, it can be ite things, according to her many trend- a new Facebook friend or a new twitter difficult to consistently find the time to ing posts. follower, we all enjoy the recognition. explore the world of design when college In fact, her Instagram page has over That being said, Instagram is no life keeps us all so busy. So if you aren’t 250,000 followers with almost 3,000 exception. Often, college students hold one for sitting down and keeping up with posts, and if her numbers don’t impress accounts to post pictures of those epic blogs, then Instagram is a fast and easy you, then just take a glimpse of her work nights out with their friends or at home way to spark the creative process while for yourself. Coming out of Los Angeles, snuggling with their cat/dog. And if also keeping up with your friends' social Bri Emery is the art director, founder and you’re from Nebraska, the weekend lives. editor of designlovefest, a lifestyle blog brings out fans who “bleed” Husker red. So who and what photo blasted encompassing a wide variety of themes However, there is more to Insta- my new interest in using Instagram as including: fashion, travel, food, interior gram than documenting your week play a place to collect inspiration? The user design, DIY and so much more. Needless by play. Late one summer night under name “designlovefest” posted a picture to say, if you have any interest in these the world. So if you are ever bored with the “explore” tab, I stumbled across an of bright fuchsia and cyan tulle cascad- things then FOLLOW HER. following the same friends, or you feel image while doing my routine check of ing down the walls of a whitewashed Bri Emery and her team have worked like it is time to branch out into new Instagram. In that moment, I realized brick apartment. on several projects for advertising. She interests such as design, art or fashion, For me, the design focused on color, has been well received in “HGTV,” “designlovefest” is a great place to start texture, line and movement, making the “Lucky Magazine,” “Apartment Thera- for inspiration. After the initial “follow” Motorcycle Scam art simple, yet explosive. I had to know py,” “Elle Décor” and more. request has been sent, it is up to you to to whom this profile belonged and what She also teaches Photoshop to blog- keep track and record those things that We have been informed by one of the work was all about. gers. This job keeps her busy traveling captivate, animate and provoke you. our readers that an ad for a free Instantaneously, after a single click and sharing her bold taste and style with motorcycle in previous issues is a on the “designlovefest” logo, you enter scam. Do NOT inquire about the the world of Bri Emery. Fresh flowers, ad. We have banned the vendor. gold trinkets, an ocean breeze and bright fruit parfaits are just a few of her favor- Other note-worthy Instagram users: Follow Fashion: nicely in her organic photographs. She @openingceremony ranges from things such as food, sea, – Are you interested in dogs and home décor. high fashion? Follow The simplistic pictures covey a opening ceremony to get rawness in her work that is clean and a taste of what the fast-paced industry allows the form of the picture to simply is producing now. From graphic tees to “be”. runways, this Instagram page will keep you up to date with a variety of designers Follow Travel: and artists. @gemegenta — Track Lorena as she Follow Design: travels across the world See your ad here @sheila_gim e-mail us... taking breathtaking – Sheila has the taste for photos of unfamiliar spots worth [email protected] the natural and it displays capturing. 2 October 1, 2014 the antelope Layout by Alison Buchli op/ed At issue: Airstrikes in Syria, Iraq United States takes action against terrorist group in Iraq and Syria, Obama announces combat strategy against ISIS BY MARIE BAUER mobile oil refineries, in a remote area of Editor in Chief Eastern Syria, can generate up to $2 million No, we are not at war, a day in illegal oil sales. The first night of but it sure feels that way. air strikes targeted 14 locations. All the growing news of Though it seems that the name ISIS ISIS from the last few has only become a recognizable household months has come down name in recent months, the Pentagon has to this, what Obama is had an eye on ISIS for a long time.
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