NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMNt>ISSION IN THE NATTER bF: >" PACT>"'XC C>iAG 6 1"'L1",CVR CO."fP&117 tD3.Rblo CQzlgoD UD~«8 ...GBcl 2) L'o=!:eC Kos. 50--215 <>()i~ ) 2Q C<,'..-.'.'-Qz.'l ' PIaco c)v3.l< BPBch p 5(.Ig- Date - i.e December. '. c.'7,1 Pages "'» «610 T<>iepbane: (202) 3474700 o ogE g Sgg,28 ACE - FEDERALREPORTERS, INC. OfficialReporters 444 North Capitol Street '>Vashington, D.C. 20001 NATIONWIDECOVERAGE - DAILY 0 C' !4>deacon ,.5890 CR 1397 ~RLI>IUD UIJXTI'D STATFS OF AIKRXCA 1 DUCT FAR RF'GULATORY COINXSSXOII %lb ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OW j~ Xn the matter of: PACIFIC GAS & FTHCTRXC COIIPMJY Docket:Tos. 50-275 50 323 (Diab3.o Canyon Units 1 and 2) W W 4e M W W OO a% W M tO Cavalier Room, San Luis Hay Xnn, Avila Beach, California. Saturday, December 3.Ci, 197'.3. $ 0 The hearing in the ahove-entitled matter was reconvened, pursuant to adjournment, at 0:30 a.m. 'FiFOHZ: ELXSAHFTII HOIÃRS, Fsq., Chairman, Atomic Safety and Licensing Hoard. DRo HXLLXAMF'a HARTINg IKmber GLFIJIJ O. HRXGIIT., Hember. l7 APPFDLRMACES: 18 HRUCF; NORTON, Esq., 3216 Do. Third Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85012. I ALCOX.N II. PURHUSH, and PIIXLXP CRlQJH, 20 Esp. Esq., Legal Department, Pacific Gas & Flectric . Company, 77 Heale Street, San Pranciscog 2l California. 24 1' 1 On behalf of the Joirt Xntervenors: DAVXD S. PLI'.XSCIuuKR, Hsq., Suite 602 1025 15th Brreer, D.H., 'tfashfngeon, D..C. STrttan mZSTOVZC5, 5sq., Censer for 'raw 1n the Public Xnterest, 10203 S~~ta Monica Boulevard, Los'ngeles,. California 90067. On behalf of the Regulatory Staff: JKQ:S R. TOURTFLLOTTZ, Hsg., NARC STAI:NBERG, Hsq., and EDWARD ELPCEIEM Hsg I Office of the I"xecutive Legal Director, U. S. Nuclear. Regulatory Commission, tfashington, D. C. 20555,. t 5900 12/16/78 CONTEST S e Witnesses Direct "Cross Redirect Recross Board Stewart Smith ) .5901 5009 '010 C Bruce Bolt ) Gerald Fxazi,er ) Douglas H.Hamilton) (Continued) Gerald Prazier ) 6037 CD Allin Cornell) ; H Bolton Seed ) ,4 e John A. Blume, ) 4 Exhibits Iden, EVie Xnto 47 )0'l App 9 'hoto, San Francisco Bay area .. 6048 6084 32'. App 10 Photo, Fairmont Hotel post 1906 quake 6048 6084 '13 App.. 11 Photo„ Dewey Monument, Union Square and 6048 6084 St. Frances Hotel post 1906 quake ' 15 Appe 12 Photo, St. Frances.Hotel 8 Dewey Monument 6048 6084, 'l6- . 1978 App, 13 Claus Spreckels Building post 1906 quake 6049 6084 '38 App. 14 Palace Hotel and Grand Hotel post 1906 6049 6084 'f9 quake I 20: Palace Hotel after 1906 fire and quake 6049 6084 6084 2$ App, 16 Monadnock Building and Palace Hotel 6050 App,'17 P.O And court building, modern day 6050 6084 App. 18 Market St., San Fran, modern day 6050 6084 Appo 19 Rialto Building 6051 6084 App 20 Banco de Roma, modern day 6051 6084 I -;Eh 2/16/78 ... '."= .„,5900A' eb CONT%ITS, (Cohntinu»ed) Ezhib3.ts -1cTen Evt. » ., » App. 21 Bank of America, post-1906 .. '051 6084 '-' r4»» Appi 22 Flood Building~ posh 1906. 6052 6084 J '- - App+ 23. Emporium, post-1906 ,; = 6:052 ",6084 App' 24 Hibernia Bank Buildi»ng 6052 6084 25 N.nt Building -6052 ,6084 '\ " hp 8 'pp" 26 Golden Gate Bridge 6053 6084, h '10'pp~ " App 27 Fort 5'oint 6053 6084. » r I Appe 28 Fort Point 6053 6084 I -App~ 29 Aerial vier of downtam San - Francisco~ 6053 6084 modern-day 33;";; 17 »» 'w 20; , „~ 59,0J... I PROCZFDXEwGS ~ „, I I ht , FiBS. HOtfZRS, Lac 1'bea.'c and. SG@4'g, 4LXC" -$3al",,Lie k I are ready tO commenc".e. I' kC. o h'IOXCOn7 ÃZ I IJ t o iNORTOi'I: Xas. I kt '".'RES o BOK81% H~ o F > ~~$,8C}lc~1i6X'P I, Qk ZX' CHKNBR: V.-..CQ o ',t t Ig I h t th It '„.Y !QN 'ORDERS: MQ $~af( I k t 2~Ho TOUR'ZH~r1'cOT'ZH: 'h )A N}lereuDonr Og'yacc STLM1G6'i~iXTH„- I RUCK g). QE~QQ Pi&g+2cgPgP, cJnM'~Q +~pe st'an+ 8$ . N3.'(BssQG on Qc9+31 f cf "i'qe APQ3.". «'«194 c7 an6 p }1RVi&g }«GQn prQV~ OQ~«3.$ 'D3 p O'CcQZn g NGZ~~ o~~a cc,"WGM o. ~ashiric3~ Fur "}:e.r ~~'C3.i.auS: CROSS-EXP'}X~URZXON (R summa) kP Q BYk iso "XBZSCHDQ(RR: ZGSCSZc+My G.t. dna ~Ad Oi. 7216 c 0>" C~ (GL!inc: "'.«'«'~D vQze 83.scQkos "'g '~3$ ccnclQG~.Qn %Aced" 2~1 4 "ls':.. QK'. D~m.:. O." aC"elaratiOn m=~sure~ in U.e fX'ao-Zia't Q ~. 1.5g::S-..S *<c: c Cr'.~a- '-a-e v~6 is a conclu"ion dry n in y5U'" $.= -'rany- ~ I'KS o HOlVZHS ~ Can olk givQ Os 'tile ~i~gQ nv'tL=c3r 0 5902 mpb2 NR. PLEISCHtQKR: At page '9. 4 BY iso PLHXSCHAKHR- I / Q The. conctusi.on which 's designated by number I .. five: I A peak ground acceleration'f 1.15g t, at Diablo, Canyon for +Me m~~imum earthgua.ke on the Hosgri is a very conservative esti- 4 n / 4 mate." „ I 44 4 Now 1.15g is used there. Is that peak ground acceleration as measured in the free field? (Nitness Smith) Yes o / Q In your opening st tement, Dro Smith, you noted that we could approach the determination of the inistru~'aental „" 14 peak acceleration taken in the free~field by either a st~.tist caL /I —'pproach or a modeling approach, is that correctF 4 Okayo And in our d'scussion yesterday we got off on USGS Circular 672, and I have a series of questions for Dr o . Bolt regarding his,testimony on the USGS conclusion.a o Dro Bolt., at page 5846 of the transcript of yesterday you stated Blat you disagreed with ~Me procedures utiliz d by USGS to derive the figures in Table 2, I ba..'.ieveo (t'ritness Bolt) Yes: Nhat is your opinion regard'ng the scatter of 5c~gg peak instrumen. a3 accelerations ~="t have been recoxded for magnitude range"5.5 to 6,5? I'he -l A The e is considerah1e scatter. '. And do you have an opinion as to -- well, how many measurements do we have for instxumental pe~~c accelera- tions in the range of 6.5 to 8? 'i 11R MORTO5J: E:ccuse me v ~- Peak instrumental accelerations in Qle'angB .Cf'.', N l: 6.5 to 8? Z didn't realise that i;here were any peak accelera ' tions .over 6.5 ox a ytrhero near it. NR. FLZ~'SCHAKER: I'lwithdraw the question. B~ HRo F~EXSCEUQ(ER. ' 9 How many measuremer s do ~re have of peak ac".celer- ations, instrumental pea3c accelerations of earthoaakes in tlxe,'agnitude range 6.5 to 8? A ((fitness Bolt) Ne have very few This particu- I 4 som of. lar cixcular tabulates them in the appendix, t:xing the I order of, vrhen 'his was done, of +so, X think, and maybe three now Nhat are those thre ? Nelly X m think'ng about the eartnqvclges that are fai ly neax to Nxe source. One would .bc. the 1952 Kern County earthquake wh ch at the time the circular was written was allocated a magnitude of .7.7. Hut work at Ca" Tech, ance my won rereading of the Mood-Ande'rson records has now adjuster lv 5904 t' that magnitude, revised that magnitude really to 7.2 on the Richter Scale. 4 Ne have a record from the Tabataz earthqualce <' \ 1. a, in Xx'an that X mentioned yesterday, its HS magnitude was 7.7. And we have a =ecord-now from the Soviet Union near' ".,',;r...-..'-'~:-'he town cf Gazli, G-a-z™l-i, which has a surface wave mag- 3''4 nitude of X believe about, 7.2o That was no= available at. the time of the writing of'he l circularo Q How about Pacoima. * A Nellg Pacoima was availabl e. Xt' 6 . 5 magnitude.' Q So that gives us a total of four data points Ef fox'.5 and aboveo k A Yes Q Do you have an opinion of what we might ezoect h C ta see in terms of the scatter of data for instrumental peiJc "*" A accelerations for the magnitudes 6;5 to SP A Yes. X thinJc that we found the scatter on I both sides of about acceleration .7g. There will be some 19 found which are less than that and some gx'eater. And some of the scatter ~rill involve the topography on which the instrument is sittingo Some will involve the surficial 22 conditions, 'soil conditions. Some will involve the mechanism ', 23 of the earthquake. So there are a numbex of reasons why there vill I. be scatter about central value 25 this 5905 ml-.;05 0 Nelly I d'3,ike to limit olzz'i Ques- ions 'to '+NB L I in'strument:a3 peak accelara+iozls recorded, V' ' very was spealcing to tl:at.. .*' 'I' Q T~le 'f3.gure;the%4 yQQ gP ~ Vg ~ Goes 'phcUQ repre sent. the instrumental peale r;acorn'ing~c" ' A Zt, ~mule. be, yes. today I spoke about, the peak acce3.erac;ion I'e. 1 becoming asymptotic to some value batmen .6g and;.Sg bo" ", ".,')."',', i',that 1ijht; I m speculating that; Vlere ~chill be so.-ne,. average t 7 level '~ t21G scaC'her around 833ou"t o Vgo 0 Xse~ 'me see if 7.
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