University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 10-9-1905 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 10-09-1905 Citizen Pub. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Citizen Pub. Co.. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 10-09-1905." (1905). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/2454 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALBUCtUERCttTE EVENING CITIZEN. .volume U ALHUQUKKQUK. SKW MEXICO, MONDAY EVENING, .OCTOHEU 9, 11)05. NUMBER 251) CHAIRMAN OF THE INSURANCE THUMBS DOWN I SENATORIAL ADVOCATES OF JOINT INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE STATEHOOD VISIT ALBUQUERQUE Anxious no State or Official Shall Take Action Till Congressman Tawney and Party Have Little They Get Through Their Trouble in Ascertaining Warm Jointure Sen- Work. timent of Central New Mexico People. GIVES SOME UNASKED FOR AND NEEDLESS ADVICE PARTY CONSISTS OF PROMINENT STATESMEN Taft Thinks Our Seabord Cities are Impregnable Secretary Local Reception Committee Drive Visitors Over the City to Attack From any Foreign Nation and Receive Them at the Because of Our Forts. Commercial Club. ATTORNEY HUGHES WON'T RUN FOR THE MAYORALTY ' ARIZONA CAPITALISTS FOOT ALL BILLS FOR THE TRIP Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 9. Senator visit to Hamilton and Sandy Hook. congressional party present Armstrong, chairman of the Insurance He said yesterday: The at sota, was elected to congress first la "No foreign power could success- s on a flying trip through Arizona and 1890, and succeeded contlnu? issued a himself Investigating committee, has fully assail our seaboard cities, with New Mexico for the purpose of ascer- ous terms and today Is one of tho re- statement, In which he says: the present efficiency of our forts, taining the sentiment of the people publican whips of the lower house. "Our committee was appointed to rendered Impregnable by the fire coo; regarding joint and single statehood, I Tawney is a Pennsylvanlan by birth Fe at 1:45 o'clock investigate conditions In the Insur- trol system, which, sweeping the zone, arrived from Santa and followed blacksmithing until 1877 would bring annihilation to any fleet this afternoon, fifty-fiv- e minutes late In Pennsylvania, and later In Minne- ance business and to propose remedial within range of the big guns' bat- of the schertiie provldt-- d for by their sota until 1881,when he commenced to legislation. I sincerely hope the other teries." Itinerary. The train on which they study law In the office ef Bent ley ft states will wait until we have had Secretary Taft will start about No- are traveling is composed of a buffet Vance, of Winona and was admitted to 1 Sky- vember on an Inspection trip to Pan- car, the Pullmans Rainbow and the bnr July 10th. 1882. He Is one , opportunity to complete our work. , of These Insurance companies are per- ama, which rresldent Roosevelt bas light, and the observation car Nepon-Bet- the staunch advocates of joint state- fectly solvent and are able to carry asked him to make. and In the party are the follow- hood in congress. out every contract they have made or ing gentlemen: . j Charles Russell Davis, member ot may make. There is no reason for PARAMOUNT PUBLICITY Congressmen J. A. Tawney, C. It. congress from the third district ot refusing to permit them to do busi- FORBIDS HUGHES TO RUN. Davis, H. Stcenerson, of Minnesota; Minnesota, Is a lawyer by profession. ness." New York, Oct. 9. Charles E. Thomas Marshall, North Dakota; Hen, Was elected to the house of represen- Goebel, B. Mad- Hughes, counsel for the Insurance In- man P. Ohio; Martin tatives of the state legislature of Min- Maynard, Virginia; j FIRE FROM FORTS WOULD vestigating committee, has declined den, Illinois; H. U nesota In 1888, and to the senate In j H. C. Adams, E. S. Minor, Wisconsin; fifty-eight- ANNIHILATE ANY FLEET. the republican nomination for mayor isyujeiected to the h con- of New York city. The reason given Hon. Mark Smith, or Arizona; Hon. gress and has succeeded himself in New York, Oct. 9. Secretary of by Hughes for his declination was that Henry Casson, sergeant-at-arm- house this coming congress. "paramount of representatives; F. P. Fellows, sec-- 1 War Taft has Just returned from a publicity forbids." Frederick Clement Stevens, member rotary to J. A. Tawney; V. L .Mason, of congress New York City; Col. Kutherford Trow- from the fourth district of Minnesota, was e.ected to state bridge, J. N. Carrlngton, Boston; Hon. legislature the CALIFORNIA STATE LEWIS AND CLARK Lathrop, general solicitor for of Minnesota for the ses- Gardner sions of 18X8 and 1889 1S90 GEORGIA STATE the Santa Fe; F. R. Connell. tourist and and 1891, and fifty-fift- h UNIVERSITY'S DANGER CLOSES FOURTEENTH RUSSIA STILL REMAINS TORN agent Santa Fe; H. P. Teare, to the congress for the and has succeeded himself in congress FAIR HAS OPENED assistant to Vice President Kcndrlck representing the republican party Berkeley, Cal., Oct. 9. A (Ire Is Portland, Ore., Oct. 9. This week of the Santa Fe. from his 100 grass Here. district without opposition sweeping over acres of and will mark the close of the Lewis and BY HOME STRIFE AND VIOLENCE How They Were Treated Including the coming congress. brush adjacent to the state university A large delegation of the most prom- Clark exposition after a more success- the Thomas Marshall, member of con- grounds, and endangers some of the career was by inent people of the city were at ful than anticipated Agricultural and Industrial congressional gress from North Dakota, represents-tlve-at-larg- e, college buildings. In the midst of a its most enthusiastic supporters and station to meet the dls-- j was state senator from drill of 1,000 cadets. President Benja- at- party and the Italian band projectois. Before the close the Bombs at Soldiers in Tiflis, Troops Will Pre- plat-- 1 the twenty-fift- Da-kof- a, min Ide Wheeler dismissed the bat-alllo- Ten Thrown Features coursed music on the station district of North tendance of 2,200,000 persons will four years; dis- and personally led the student-soldler- a v form, while the visitors were being represented that 'have been recorded, which Is more Alvarado, where trict in the republican national conven- in a fight on the fire. of Firing on People Bloody Strike in dominate. ushered into the than the population the original In 1892; fifty-seven- th twenty-fiv- e plates had been laid for tion was elected to the j Oregon WIFE MURDERER WAIVES territory. the party and guests. congress and to the fifty-eig- Spreading. Rodey, this city, Aot-In- g congress and the fifty-nint- h PRELIMINARY TRIAL. PROMINENT INDIANA JUDGE Muscow PRESIDENI ROOStVELT EXPECTED Hon. B. S. of congress. Duluth, Minn., Oct. 9. Edward Du-the- DIES OF APOPLEXY. Governor J. W. Raynolds, of Santa Harry Kel.y, of Gross. Kelly Herman Goebel, congress charged with the murder of his 9. Joseph H. Fe. and member of Bluffton, Ind., Oct. & Co., of Las Vegas, were New Mexi- from Ohio, second la repub- wife, when arraigned In municipal Daily, of the supreme court St. Petersburg, Oct. 9. The throw- situation is slightly more reassuring Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 9. The Georgia district, a ex- originat- cans on the train. The band played lican and a former Judge of probate court, withdrew his request for an of Indiana, died here today of apo- ing of a bomb at the troops In Tiflis this morninng. The strike State Fair opened at Piedmont Park how-eeve- r. while dinner was court of Hamilton county, amination and was bound over to the plexy,' aged 69 years. ing with the bakers Is spreading, today with a larger attendance than outside the hotel the Ohio, and present terra superior court. yesterday evening .which resulted in day. in progress. was elected to the fifty-eight- h co- of the and the authorities areuvldent. on opening r eer .known before the - fifty-nint- Duthey the - troops firing on people, ap- . Immediately-afte- the metvl had been ngas and also the h eon--' On the announcement that the ly apprehensive. It is toy far tUe largest and wont Inter--' gress. was to brought Into court, the MATTHEWS0N IS NEW pears outcome of a The ralla were tampered with to- prom- finished, the reception committee took be to have been the estlng fair ever held here and again room was thronged with friends and deliberately organized plot. Ten day a short distance from Moscow, ises exceptional success. Many large the visitors In charge and the Martin B. Madden, member of con a sprinkling of the curious anxious YORK'S PITCHER bombs were thrown simultaneously In causing derailment of a train, but new buildings have been erected since program prepared by the committee gress from Illinois In the fifty-nint- h to get a glimpse of the prisoner. Du- the vicinity of three barracks lu wide- there were no casualties. The minis- last year and the old buildings have was begun. congress. presented a neat appearance in city. Cossack The Line of March. H. they Philadelphia. Pa., Oct. 9. There ly separated quarters of the try of police admit that three been thoroughly renovated. visi- L. Maynard. member of congress court, and though some of his melan- were also fired at soldiers policemen were killed yesterday, but new administration build- The conveyances carrying the from Virginia, were 22,000 spectators present when Shots the There U a at 2:30 o'clock second district, demo choly demeanor has left him, be still af- they rushed out of barracks, has no confirmation of the report that large auditorium, where tors left the Alvarado in politics; the play began at 3:05 o'clock this when the ing and a following route In crat native of the state; talks of his wife and worries over the but loss of life was confined to eight bakers were killed In the fray at large meetings and con- and traversed the was elected to fifty-sevent- ternoon in the first game between the the most of the showing the visitors city: the and welfare of his children.
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