Vol. 637 Tuesday, No. 5 3 July 2007 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES DA´ IL E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Tuesday, 3 July 2007. Ceisteanna—Questions Taoiseach …………………………………1185 Minister for Foreign Affairs Priority Questions ……………………………1199 Other Questions ……………………………1211 Adjournment Debate Matters ……………………………1223 Leaders’ Questions ………………………………1224 Requests to move Adjournment of Da´il under Standing Order 32 ………………1232 Order of Business ………………………………1234 Standing Orders: Motion ……………………………1243 Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2007 [Seanad]: Second and Subsequent Stages …………………………1245 Private Members’ Business Waste Management: Motion …………………………1257 Adjournment Debate Hospital Services ………………………………1290 Foster Care ………………………………1293 Youth Services ………………………………1296 Drug Seizures ………………………………1298 Questions: Written Answers ……………………………1305 1185 1186 DA´ IL E´ IREANN 7. Deputy Pat Rabbitte asked the Taoiseach if, in regard to his statement of 7 June 2007, the ———— meeting he was seeking with IBEC and ICTU to discuss measures to tackle inflationary pressures De´ Ma´irt, 3 Iu´il 2007. has been held; and if he will make a statement on Tuesday, 3 July 2007. the matter. [16874/07] ———— The Taoiseach: I propose to take Questions Nos. 1 to 7, inclusive, together. Chuaigh an Ceann Comhairle i gceannas ar Together with the Ta´naiste and Minister for 2.30 p.m. Finance and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment, I met the leaderships of IBEC ———— and ICTU on Wednesday last. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss implementation of the Paidir. Towards 2016 agreement, against the background Prayer. of ongoing concerns about inflation. For our part, I outlined the Government’s com- ———— mitment to engaging fully with the social partners to secure full implementation of the agreement in Ceisteanna — Questions. order that its objective of building a strong econ- omy and society is achieved on a sustainable ———— basis. In that context, we reviewed, among other issues, recent trends in inflation. We discussed, Social Partnership. in particular, the special impact of higher interest rates and fuel prices on the headline inflation 1. Deputy CaoimhghınO´ Caolain asked the ´ ´ rate. While noting that the combination of pay Taoiseach the role of his Department in recent increases under Towards 2016 and the changes in contacts between the Government, ICTU and budget 2007 have ensured real increases for IBEC regarding current economic trends under workers, the meeting acknowledged the extent to the relevant provisions of Towards 2016, as out- which inflationary pressures threatened the lined in the Taoiseach’s statement of 7 June 2006; achievement of the objectives of the pay agree- and if he will make a statement on the matter. ment. We on the Government side reaffirmed our [16484/07] commitment to framing public policy in the period ahead with a view, to the greatest extent 2. Deputy Enda Kenny asked the Taoiseach if possible, to minimising inflationary impacts and he will report on the implementation of the social keeping costs for enterprise under control. partnership agreement; and if he will make a The Irish Congress of Trade Unions’ represen- statement on the matter. [16791/07] tatives highlighted the particular problem of workers exposed to significantly higher housing 3. Deputy Enda Kenny asked the Taoiseach expenditure as a result of higher mortgage when he will next meet the social partners; and if interest rates. It was agreed that the potential for he will make a statement on the matter. addressing that issue would be considered [16792/07] further, especially having regard to the announce- ment by the Ta´naiste and Minister for Finance 4. Deputy Enda Kenny asked the Taoiseach if about further increases in tax relief for mortgage he will report on the recent activities of the interest. It was also agreed that the Government national implementation body; and if he will and IBEC and ICTU would engage in intensified make a statement on the matter. [16794/07] co-operation in responding to the inflationary pressures within the framework of the pay agree- 5. Deputy Pat Rabbitte asked the Taoiseach ment and especially through the work of the anti- when the last meeting with the social partners inflation group and the high level group on manu- under the auspices of Towards 2016 was held; facturing. We agreed that a further similar meet- when the next meeting is planned; and if he will ing would be arranged to review the progress make a statement on the matter. [16872/07] made in addressing these issues. Regarding social partnership more generally, 6. Deputy Pat Rabbitte asked the Taoiseach if the inaugural plenary meeting with the social his attention has been drawn to the serious con- partners under Towards 2016 took place on 15 cerns expressed by trade union leaders regarding February in Dublin Castle. The meeting received the implications of the continuing high level of and discussed the first progress report on imple- inflation and the view expressed that negotiations mentation of the agreement. The report was laid for a new national pay agreement may have to be before the Oireachtas and is available on my brought forward; his response to these calls; and Department’s website. if he will make a statement on the matter. Since the inaugural plenary meeting a number [16873/07] of meetings have been held with the social part- 1187 Ceisteanna — 3 July 2007. Questions 1188 [The Taoiseach.] On a matter related to my last question, the ners in relation to implementation of Towards social partners include the Government, 2016. On 2 April my Department hosted a sem- employers and trade unions, but there is a fourth inar for the social partners focusing on implemen- very powerful influence in Irish society, namely tation of the life cycle framework under the our friends from the fourth estate. In terms of agreement. The steering group held its second talks regarding social partnership, I am referring meeting on 30 April. The meeting focused on the to media magnates and Independent News and people of working age life cycle stage and also Media and its supremo, Tony O’Reilly. Can the received and discussed updates on Transport 21, Taoiseach tell us if any members of the Govern- the Government White Paper, Delivering a Sus- ment attended the pre-election meeting with Mr. tainable Energy Future for Ireland, and the O’Reilly? Who attended such a meeting, which national climate change strategy 2007-12. We are the Ta´naiste has acknowledged took place? Did currently meeting the social partners on a bilat- the Taoiseach attend such a meeting in the lead eral basis to discuss issues arising from the up to the general election, and what was its steering group meeting, in particular monitoring purpose? groups and mechanisms. The next meeting is Nobody here could disagree that the news- scheduled for Thursday, 12 July. The steering papers in the Independent Group clearly swung group will receive the second progress report on in behind the Government in the latter days of implementation of the agreement. The report will the campaign. Was that a by-product of any such also be laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas. engagement? Would the Taoiseach like to tell us In addition, the relevant monitoring committees where that fitted in to the area of social and groups continuing from Sustaining Progress, partnership? together with the new groups established under ´ Towards 2016, are continuing to progress their Deputy Michea´l Martin: Deputy O Caola´in is particular areas of work under the agreement. stretching it. Regarding the national implementation body, ´ it continues to meet as required to oversee deliv- Deputy Caoimhghı´nOCaola´in: As he clearly ery of the industrial peace and stability provisions is accountable here, I ask that he outline the pur- of Towards 2016. It has met on a number of pose and the issues addressed and who attended. occasions in recent months to assist in the resol- ution of industrial disputes. As the House will be The Taoiseach: On inflation, I stated in my aware, the body played a key role in resolving the reply that the Ta´naiste and Minister for Finance and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and nurses’ dispute. Meetings of the body also Employment and I met the leaderships of IBEC provide opportunities for informal discussions on and ICTU and discussed all of these issues. As I some of the broader issues relating to the social stated, the purpose was to discuss Towards 2016, partnership process and the industrial relations and particularly the aspects of mortgage interest climate generally. rate increases — there were eight 0.25% increases ´ over the past 18 months — and oil prices. They Deputy Caoimhghı´nOCaola´in: Will talks on a represent over half of the rise in inflation over new pay agreement be brought forward, as called the same period. These are factors mainly outside for by the trade union movement due to the ever- our domestic control but we have examined and spiralling inflation we are witnessing currently? discussed all the issues in our control. Bilateral Has the Taoiseach noted the comments of the meetings with various agencies, including the SIPTU president, Jack O’Connor, who has Central Statistics Office, the Competition Auth- pointed out that many factors leading to inflation ority, the National Consumer Agency and the are well within the control of Government? On Commission on Energy Regulation, were held house price inflation, for example, Mr. O’Connor with a view to establishing the scope of remedial pointed out that four decades after the Kenny action on inflation. We discussed the position of report no Government has ever confronted the the energy regulator and other local authority need to deal effectively with the price of building charges that are outside the determination of cen- land or invest sufficiently in the provision of tral Government.
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