VOLUME 46 September 2012 Number 1 This year in Sonoma County by Susan Kirks She will also coordinate educational ac- year for another day of incredible county- with contributors: Bob Speckels, Gordon tivities, along with Marcia Johnson who wide bird count and reporting those re- Beebe, Janeann Erickson, Veronica Bow- will administer the Audubon Adventures sults at the end-of-day (catered this year) ers, Diane Hichwa, Marcia Johnson, Scott kits available to our local schools. Please dinner. The boat off Bodega Bay also Campbell, and Joannie Dranginis let us know if you’re aware of a school or returns to this year’s CBC. classroom that would benefit from the Diane Hichwa, our enduring and highly As your Chapter President this year, along Audubon Adventures kits. with Vice President Gordon Beebe and informed Conservation Chair, reports our stellar Board of Directors and Leaves Marcia Johnson will also once again or- new partners, north and south, in our fu- Co-Editors, we hope to offer programs, ganize our Bird-A-Thon for 2013. The ture. With a Toyota-Green grant, Madrone information, and active conservation for 2012 Madrone Bird-A-Thon raised joins with PRBO Conservation Science in birds and wildlife that you, our members, $9,687. This money will be used to sup- a baylands restoration effort: San Pablo Bay desire and expect. port our environmental and educational Salt Marsh Habitat Enhancement. We also projects. Thanks go to the six teams who have a new partner in the Spring Hike Se- Past Madrone (MAS) President Bob participated and their sponsors. ries as Audubon Canyon Ranch takes own- Speckels will continue to co-chair the ership of Mayacamas Mountains Sanctuary Breeding Bird Atlas update, a monu- Former MAS President Veronica Bowers will again organize the annual Christmas up Pine Flat Road. Watch for work you mental and exciting undertaking for can help with or bird walks into the areas. all of us in Sonoma County. Bob also Bird Count (CBC). Please join us this plans to continue leading Saturday Bird Walks, so check out the Leaves’ calendar SEPTEMBER GENERAL MEETING for these outings. Gordon Beebe will continue to lead bird “Why Birds are so Special” Monday September 17, 7:30 PM walks, volunteer at the Songbird Hos- First United Methodist Church pital, founded and managed by former 1551 Montgomery Drive, Santa Rosa MAS President Veronica Bowers, work on the 2nd year of the Breeding Bird Joe Mueller has been teaching biology at the College of Marin for 23 years. Of the 15 dif- Atlas survey, and help with the Lincoln ferent courses he has taught at the college, his subjects of particular interest include ecology, Elementary School Bird Festival, among marine biology, ornithology, and environmental science. Taking a holistic approach to sci- ence, Joe emphasizes the need to understand the reasons we have become so disconnected his many other tasks as Vice President. from the very planetary ecosystems on which we depend. An animal lover by nature, Joe Gordon passes the role of Corresponding tends an animal orphan farm where he loves spending time with an assortment of critters Secretary to long-time Madrone Audu- ranging from llamas to lizards. bon member and supporter Monica Schwalbenberg-Peña. We welcome Mon- Joe is the recipient of the 2008 Terwilliger Environmental Award, and he has developed and directs the Natural History Program at College of Marin. At the September meeting, Joe will ica, with gratitude. share with us why birds are so special. Former MAS President Janeann Erick- son will again help organize and lead the COMING OCTOBER 15: Brock Dolman of Occidental Arts and Ecology Center in Lincoln Elementary Bird Festival in the Occidental and Heidi Perryman of the organization “Worth a Dam” in Martinez will give a spring, honoring the egret and heron nest- joint presentation on beaver habitat restoration in California. ing site on West 9th Street in Santa Rosa. Continued on page 2 MADRONE LEAVES IN SONOMA COUNTY lectures are free and open to the public Continued from page 1 The Bird-A-Thon That Keeps On Giving! (donation requested). Contact informa- tion: call 523-2473. Scott Campbell, Junior Audubon & Marcia Johnson, Outreach Chair, is planning outings Bird-A-Thon Coordinator September 14. Raptor Migration for young people in Sonoma County to A very big congratulations to all the and Conservation with Allen Fish, direc- learn about birds, wildlife, and our envi- Bird-A-Thon teams this year. It is your tor of Golden Gate Raptor Observatory ronment. One of those will be a day of hard work that gave Madrone $9,687 September 21. Identifying Birds of learning and action with PRBO Conser- to spend on environmental and educa- vation Science at the new Sonoma Bay- Prey with Larry Broderick, West Coun- tional projects. The Chapter thanks you ty Hawk Watch lands project. and your sponsors. Additional sponsor As for your new President, I look forward thanks go to: September 28. Owls of Northern Cali- to leading a Paula Lane birding team in “FeatherQuesters”: Chris Chandler, Max- fornia with Alex Godbe, founder and the Christmas Bird Count for Kids spon- ine Spellman and Neal Fishman, Jan director, and Trinka Marris, co-founder sored by Petaluma Wetlands Alliance in and Rich Fong, Michael Freeman,MD, of The Hungry Owl Project Petaluma. I anticipate Dan Nelson’s con- Val Hanelt and Hans Hickenlooper, tinued Observations - a snapshot of birds October 5. Native Passerines (song- Emile and Linda Houle, Chris and birds) of Sonoma County with Ve- and wildlife across Sonoma County, a gift Wendy Iaconis, Dustin Kahn, Bob and in our issues of Leaves. Sadly, Daphne ronica Bowers, founder and director of Bobbi Kross, Jeff Kross, Dan Lebovics, Native Songbird Care & Conservation Smith retired from her long-time role as Paula Lebovics, Jackie McGrath, Francie co-editor of the Leaves. Gladly, we wel- Petrocelli, David and Idie Weinsoff, and October 12. Raptors Up-Close with the come Denise Kelly in her new co-editing Prentiss Williams. Raptor Ambassadors of The Bird Rescue role with long-time excellent editor Mary Center Edith Moore. Sonoma County elected “Zonotripias”: Art Hofman and Susan officials will review a Renewable Energy Kirks. Policy in autumn 2012. Wind energy is • • • • • • part of that policy. Stay tuned for up- The teams this year were: “Feather- dates on Madrone’s recommendations Questers” with Diane Hichwa and Linda Birding with Sibley Lebovics; “Roadrunners” with Betty and active participation to protect our by Daphne Smith birds and wildlife in Sonoma County Groce and Don MCarthy; “Wandering while supporting sound policies related Tattlers” with Carol Zeidman, Barbara Yes, always… but this was with David to wind energy. The Dutra asphalt plant Arbunich, and Linne McAleer; “A Team Allen Sibley in person. Three Madrone appeal is in process, and Madrone is a of One with Gene Hunn”; “The Zono- Audubon members (Judi Barker, Sandy plaintiff in this litigation. We will follow tripias” with Helen Kochenderfer, Bob Martensen, and I) spent a week in early this through to the successful conclusion Speckles, Don Kirker, and Bill Doyle; and June at the Nature Conservancy’s Pine of no asphalt plant 200 feet from the sen- “The Grey-headed Seersuckers” with Butte Guest Ranch in northwestern sitive Petaluma wetlands. Ken Wilson, Becky Olsen; and Ian Mor- Montana. Sibley with local birder and rison. See you all next year. artist Keith Hansen of Bolinas came to Your continued support and participa- lead our group of 17 participants. tion as members are deeply appreciated. • • • • • • Please join us for our General Member- Pine Butte Ranch is located where the ship Meetings the first Monday of each eastern edge of the Rockies and the month at United Methodist Church. The Wild Birds of Great Plains meet, with awe-inspiring Joannie Dranginis, our Program Chair, is Northern California scenery and fine lodging and food. It’s planning some great 2012-13 programs. a favorite birding spot for David Sibley, Lecture Series and we found him friendly and unas- • • • • • • Hosted by Bird Rescue Center on Fri- suming, ready to share his knowledge days, 7:00 PM, at the Church of the Ros- and demonstrate his drawing skills. Memorial Gift es, 2500 Patio Court, Santa Rosa. (Patio With him and Keith we explored a lot In memory of Nancy Wilson-Taylor Court and Hahman Drive in Montgom- of different terrain, found a wide vari- Adrianne Brockman ery Village; parking available across from ety of birds and mammals –elk, moose, a the Church in Lucky’s parking lot.) The Continued on page 3 Page 2 MADRONE LEAVES BIRDING WITH SIBLEY Continued from page 2 Peregrine Falcon, perching atop GPI Tree Swallow Monitoring - through the winter, specialized in taking continues... few grizzly bears–and learned about the Common Murres for food. ongoing Nature Conservancy projects in by Len Nelson, Petaluma Wetlands In 2010 small numbers of murres were the area. Alliance (PWA) Docent seen (aerial photos taken as part of a We heard David say he would be com- Brandt’s Cormorant nesting study)…. My sixth year of Tree Swallow monitoring ing back to the ranch for two workshops possibly “prospecting” for nesting pos- of the 28 houses built by Andy LaCasse at next year. Check out Pine Butte Ranch sibilities. In 2011 counts were higher Shollenberger-Ellis Creek came to an end on the Nature Conservancy website. and groups of Common Murres were August 1, 2012, when the last of the second standing next to the sides of rocks, re- nesting’s chicks fledged. I began this proj- • • • • • • maining in the same places in several of ect on April 5, 2007 with 20 swallow boxes Notes from the 2011 aerial photographs, indicating at Shollenberger and Alman Marsh, using nesting bird behavior.
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