Volume 29, Issue 16 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH FLORIDA November 30 Wednesday THIS WEEK A time to be a turkey New form NEWS of GRE Cram for the exam expected in Finals week means all- nighters, caffeine benders and little sleep. But this strain 2006 can have a negative affect on your test taking performance. See FINALS, page 11 Test will be extended, sections EXPRESSIONS will be different from previous tests BY TAMI LIVINGSTON CONTRIBUTING WRITER A revised exam will be required for undergradu- ate students who are inter- ested in attending gradu- To space and beyond ate school, affecting For thousands of years approximately 450,000 peo- space has been a mystical ple in the world, according frontier. Now, humans are to a testing review Web taking the journey to the next site, www.admissionguru. step through colonization and com. new technology. Every year, an estimat- See FRONTIER, page 13 ed 300,000 people take the Graduate Record Examination, or GRE, in SPORTS the United States, stated the Web site. Another 150,000 potential graduate For the ‘love’ of the game JENNIFER NAPIER Have you ever wondered students are estimated to how tennis players can send take the test every year a ball across court at 150 around the world. mph? Find out how you can Graduate schools use the GRE as a predictor of improve your serve and send Dr. Oscar Patterson, chair of the Department of Communication at the University of North Florida, donned a turkey suit as a person’s expected suc- the ball screaming with the part of a charity event Nov. 22 on the Green. Patterson received the most donations from students among participating fac- cess in graduate pro- tennis instructional. ulty in the department. The donations will go to the student advertising club to “adopt” a family in time for the holidays. grams, according to the See SERVING, page 19 Office of Graduate Studies at the University of North Florida. While WEEKEND not all graduate schools require applicants to sub- WEATHER Delaney makes first Salvation donation mit GRE scores, many of them do and have a mini- mum score requirement, BY KATHRYN BISHOP said administration from CONTRIBUTING WRITER the office. But the require- ments are different for every school. Many children sprint to the Traditionally, the GRE Christmas tree every year, hoping has consisted of three sec- Santa brought presents on tions – verbal reasoning, Christmas Eve – but for some chil- Friday Saturday Sunday quantitative reasoning Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 dren, Christmas morning remains and analytical writing, 41/67 44/69 50/70 another disappointment. which was added in 2002, Sunny Sunny P-Cloudy The Salvation Army’s Angel according to the Tree and Red Kettle Campaign Educational Testing 7-day forecast, page 5 began Nov. 18 and University of KATHR Service Web site, the offi- SOURCE: NOAA North Florida President John cial site for GRE informa- Delaney made the first donation. YN BISHOP tion. During his speech, Delaney recog- The revised test, which nized the impact the Salvation INDEX launches October 2006, Army has made on the community University of North Florida President John Delaney was among the first to will include the three sec- and encouraged students to invest Discourse. 2 donate to the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree and Red Kettle Campaign, which tions with different types into the future of a child during Letters to the Editor. 3 began Nov. 18. of questions and a new Christmas 2005. Question of the Week. 5 format, stated a press “There are a lot of expenses as Squawk Box. 11 release from the ETS Web a student, but it is so rewarding to Mart and hear that bell, I am beneficial,” said Aimee Davis, sec- Police Beat. 10 site. The verbal reasoning give,” Delaney said. reminded of the Salvation Army retary for Public Relations Student Expressions. 13 section will now consist of Angel Trees can be found and the children helped through Society of America at UNF. Calendar. 16 two 40-minute sections across Northeast Florida, includ- that kettle,” Delaney said. More information can be found Comics. 17 instead of a 30-minute sec- ing at most malls. Anyone can The Salvation Army encour- at the Salvation Army’s Web site, Horoscopes. 17 tion, it stated. The new choose a paper cutout child fig- ages individuals and groups to www.salvationarmyusa.org, or by Classifieds. 18 test will also concentrate urine from the tree with a child’s support Angel Tree and Red Kettle talking to a volunteer at an Angel Crossword. 18 on cognitive skills and name on it. The donor can buy a Campaign. Tree table or Red Kettle stand. Sports. 19 contain a broader collec- gift and drop it off at a designated “Fraternities or sororities When students involve themselves Osprey Sports Trivia. 21 tion of reading passages. location, where it will be sent to could ring a kettle for a day or pick in volunteering, the possibilities The quantitative rea- the child. an angel off a tree. We rely on the for helping other can be satisfying soning section will now Volunteers from the Salvation generosity of people to carry out and contagious to others. include two 40-minute sec- ONLINE Army work to fill the emptiness what we do at Salvation Army,” The Salvation Army’s sponsors tions instead of one 45- that some children feel every year said Maj. James Seiler, Area said they need students so that minute section, fewer by donating wrapped gifts of toys Commander for Northeast children can wake up to hope geometry questions, more and clothes to children in the com- Florida. Christmas morning. Seiler said he real-life scenarios and munity.Many bell ringers from the Donating became easier this encourages all students to give. data interpretation ques- Salvation Army will stand in pub- year with the introduction of the “The goal is to provide a posi- tions, the press release lic areas throughout Jacksonville, credit card machine available at tive Christmas memory for every revealed. ringing bells to attract people to certain locations. family along the first coast.” drop money in the red kettle. “You always have a little bit of eSpinnaker.com E-mail Kathryn Bishop at [email protected]. See GRE, page 6 “Whenever I walk by a Wal- change and donating it can be very PAGE 2 QUOTE of theWEEK WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2005 “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls Awarded first place for Best of Show at and looks like the 2005 National College Media work.” Convention by the Associated Collegiate Press. -- Thomas Edison O O O Spinnaker Staff Editor in Chief Dave Strupp Art Director Frank Donato Business Manager Adina Daar Managing Editor Donald Postway O O O Editorials O O O Advertising Manager Jennifer Napier Adviser Belinda Hulin News Editor Rachel Witkowski War at home as important as war in Iraq Features Editor Sports Editor Kristian Martin very war is fought on two sible, even members of the White solutions of their own. Republicans Copy Editor Anthony DeMatteo fronts. There is the battlefield House added their own words (well- and Democrats alike aren’t fulfilling Photo Editor Ian Witlen abroad where the soldiers chosen words) of admiration for their duties to the American people. Web Editor Alex Koby fight. There is also the home Murtha’s reputation. The need for a solution to the situa- front where the public grapples with The call to leave sparked a flurry tion in Iraq is undeniable. Instead of Graphic Designer Robert Pietrzyk E itself over the direction of the war. of activity where one representative developing proposal, plans or strate- In America’s present conflict, the made a comment that had to be gies, politicians have engaged in Asst. News Editor John Woodward situation in Iraq has remained stricken from the record and anoth- mudslinging, name-calling and fin- Asst. Features Editor Jenna Strom volatile for several years now, but er who was charging down the aisle ger pointing. Legislators need to put resolution on the homefront has had to be physically restrained. In ideas on the table. Even if the ideas Asst. Sports Editor Valerie Martin remained largely unchanged. Events the end, house Republicans drafted a aren’t feasible (like Murtha’s imme- in the past few weeks seem to sug- proposal on an immediate withdraw- diate withdrawal) it at least opens Distributor Dave Strupp gest that the public is beginning to al but it was written with strong the debate on the issue, so together a ask important questions about the anti-war language. It was defeated workable plan can be developed. Printer Florida Sun war in Iraq and the answers they 403-3. Even Murtha voted against it. Finally, the current situation receive, may shift the public opinion O O O This situation in the U.S. House of shows that it is time to reevaluate of the war. Representative is significant for sev- our nation’s ambitions in Iraq. With A little more than a week ago, eral reasons. First, Murtha’s com- so many people in America begin- Robinson Student Center, room 2627 4567 St. Johns Bluff Rd. S. Democrat John Murtha, a U.S. repre- ment turned national focus back to ning to doubt the war, it is impera- Jacksonville, FL 32224 sentative and Vietnam veteran from the real issue in Iraq: How do we get tive that the American people know Pennsylvania, surprised representa- out? With the indictment of Lewis why we must stay to fight the fight. Phone: 904.620.2727 tives on both sides of the aisle when “Scooter” Libby, some Democrats We need to define the objectives we Fax: 904.620.3924 he made a call for an immediate have put a lot of emphasis on pre- want to accomplish and define the www.eSpinnaker.com withdrawal of troops from Iraq.
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