+ GAZETTE GOVERNMENTPublished by Ausbority Vol. LIX, No. 4 - 27th FEBRUARY, 1981 Price 25c ro . | oe mS . " General Notice 192 of 1981... oo ; : . RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHYPTER 173] oe oo 3S Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173], a-statement-of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabweas at the 13th February, 1981, is published in the Schedule, . 4 ! , - - B. WALTERS, _27-2-81, Co . Se, Secretary to the Treasury. a _ ScHepurg — ~ STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE13rH FEBRUARY, 1981 Liabilities SO Assets - Capital 2 ww. ee, 2.000 000 Gold and foreignassets . ... 156529764 General Reserve Fund. 2. 2 . 2). 4°) (6 000 000 ., Loansandadvances . .°. 2.4; 48 871 721 Currency in circulation: . =. =. 3. ow 161527225 . ~° Internal investments— : 150 860 725 Deposits and otherliabilities t o the public ... 188289043 - Government stock. 47512414 Other liabilities. 2 . 2. 2 1 ey: - 83 564862 Oo Other. 1°... “+ +. 103348311 , | . Otherassets 2... (85118920 - $441381130 _ . _ $441381130., General Notice 193 of 1981. “ - | General Notice 194 of1981. SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT , | DRUGS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT noDRUGS AND ALLIED[CHAPTER 320]. (CHAPTER320) | | ——— o— - Refusal to Approve Registration of Drugs | Approval of Registration of Drugs- . (Notice 1) . (Notice 44) - fe — . —__ IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (6) of section - ' 7 oo. , ., 23 of the Drugs and Allied Substances Control Act (Chapter . JT is hereby notified, in termsof subsection (6) of section 23 _| 320], that the Drugs Control Council has refused to approve the of the Drugs and Allied Substances Control Act [Chapter 320], registration-of the drugs specified in the Schedule, that the Drugs Control Council has approved the category for D. GALLETIS.” distribution of the drugs listed below: — 5 cot . : 27-2-81. Registrar of Drugs. : : Category — Sy . :. Item “Applicant + ,Number for - . SCHEDULE , : oe oO . distribution Item Form —>.- Applicant 190, Retin-A 0,05%, cream. Ethnor’. F/13.12/106 PP a oe wg 191, Retin-A 0,1%, cream. Ethnor .. F/13.12/107 | PP Albamycin Bree Capsules Upiohn © 890. RetinrA, gel... 2... Ethnor .”. 3/13.12/350 PP, Aston & Parsons». -Powders - Beecham S.A. _ ‘The Schedule to Rhodesia Notice 307 of 1974 is amended by Pamiende & Yohimbias. rable Boe the deletion of— oo, ~ -{ Feluna. .. Pills G.R. Pharmaceuticals "190. Retin-A 0,05 %, cream.) , -Ethnor » « F/13.12/106 P- Higalon . « « « « Tablets R.D.H. Kruimaer . 2. Powder Angwa Pharmacy ASL. Retin-A.0,1%; cream. Ethnor . F/13.12/107 PY: | oe - oe - oo Coo, Orderlies . = . Tablet Rexall . The Schedule to Rhodesia Notice 514 of:1977 is amended by | Parsuma | .. Ampoules DAB the deletion of— Parsumia . SCs. Tablets DAB ,‘890. Retin-A, Gel. Bthnor .-. J/i3.12/350. P”, . Primodas Forte . Injection A.G. Schering - ‘ .. uc , mo Primodas Oral . Tablet - . AG. Schering © K. Q. Beier , : oo . -. D.GALLETIS, Venyl . s . |: Liquid (27-2-81, . ae _ Registrar of Drugs. Vigorettes . Tablet’ R.D.H. ny 194 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 27TH FEBRUARY, 1981 a | General Notice 195 of 1981, = Ce ; oe ee - General dealer DRUGS AND ALLIED SUBSTANCES: CONTROL ACT . eet R.ACurle, oo - s[CHAPTER320]; | 7 Lo Muller and’ Phipps Africa (Pty.) Ltd., - - 84, Kelvin Road South, .- 7 Permits to Sell Veterinary Medicines . Graniteside Ot aun. IT is hereby notified,“Ged tnin termeterms aiof section: 74 of thathe Drugs 17/81. || Graham Gardner BrownFOWD, att HeadlandsFatmers Co-operative, ‘and Allied Substances Control (General) Regulations, 1975, | _ published ‘in Rhodesia Government Notice 884 of 1975, that te das ds: ’ permits to sel] veterinary medicines have been issued, in terms eadiandas. of section 72 of jhe said regulations, to the general dealers . 18/81 Grabam Gardner,aNertive specified in the Schedule, : * Karoi Farmers’ Co-operative, '- The date of expiry of all these permits will be the 31st ' Stand 16, oo December, 1981, _ Se '~ Karoi,. woro. ° . TS, . 19/81 ' Gtaham Gardner Brown, 27-2-81. , : \ Registrarsofbaw: Umvukwes Farmers’ Co-operative, ‘ ; Stand26A, Te a SCHEDULE ; - Umvukwes. Permit number . a ‘General dealer 20/81 | Tan Langton Mafreka, - a 1/81 Adam Kasim Ghaya, . _Chishamiso Store, : Ls ” Ghaya and Sons, Private Bag 3993, " 3;Railway Avenue, ° Paulington, Sali ury, , a Unmtali. a / . 2/81 Dominic M. C, Gwatura, 21/81- , Peter John Needham, ~ a Rusape Co-operative Union Ltd., - Jonuda Chemicals (Pyt.) Ltd., ! , 30, Milton Street, : 08, IsipIea Cent al. -Rusape,. Samora’ Machel Avenue Central, - . 3/81 Ramesh Dinkerrai Desai, * Salisbury, = |. : . - L. N. Desai and Sons (Pyt.) Ltd., : Stand 355/68, York Street, f i Enkeldoorn. Be General Notice 196 of 1981. oo — » 4/81 - Alice Margaret Cameron, NATIONAL ARTS FOUNDATION ACT [CHAPTER 310] - Hamish Cameron (Pvt.) Ltd., . a. —— t , wo . 30,Beatrice Road, Appointment of Members.of Council. - 5/81 Hasu Daya Gulab, ; . IT is hereby notified that. the Minister of Justice and Con- Gulab Bros., trading as Elijah S, Store, . - stitutional Affairs has appointed as members of the Council Stand 370, York Street, . of the National Arts Foundation— - ee Enkeldoorn, (a) Mr. L. B. Smith, in terms of, paragraph (b); and 6/81 Patrick Anthony Walsh, (b) Mr. B, W. S. O’Connell, in terms of paragraph (c); | Spraying Equipment (Pyt.) Ltd., of subsection (1) of section 5 ofthe NationalArts Foundation ELA,Borgward Road, ‘ Act [Chapter 310}. mo fe , . -n ! - ' Greendale,Tey 2. : M. F. GARNETT, Salisbury. 27-2-81, Secretary for Justice and Constitutional Affairs. - - 7/81 G, T, Sekeramayi ‘ Z _ Sekeramayi Stores, 0 DO st Mahusekwa Township, an General Notice 197 of 1981, : ' |e ATANCONAS, pe INDUSTRIAL CONCILIATION ACT [CHAPTER 26]: _ _ 8/8 ’ May Gillespie Corlett, = !.. 7 a — Ts + 25,HandsworthTowaahip, Application forRegistration of a Trade Union ‘Umvukwes, mo: : ; ———_—. oo . : ; : 3 - I, MARK EDWARD. FREEMANTLE, Deputy Industrial 9/81 &.8.DAPiealtaradoasers (Pvt. Ltd.,. Registrar, hereby give notice, in terms of subsection (5) of ‘8, Independence Way, section 39 of the Industrial Conciliation Act [Chapter 267], that Sinoia, _ I have received an application for registration of the Zim- . ‘babwe Posts and Telecommunications Workers Union, to the- 10/81 _ Mrs, M. Watson, _ den C extent set out in the Schedule.’ - ° Iohetwee Garden Centre, Any registered trade union having objection to such regis- Que Que , tration is hereby invited to lodge such objection, in writing, ~ ayer syilt dE to Monk with ane, ¢o Ministry ofLabour andSocialServices,Private 7 red Eric Monks, a s Causeway, within 30.days. from the date o -. ee . cation of this notice. ae. - . seatands andFarmers’3, Co-operative,. ” ' Inyazura.- M. E. FREEMANTLE, 12/81 Wilfred Eric Monks, 27-2-81. Deputy Industrial Registrar. - Odzi Farmers’ Co-operative, . Sarin | oan ts : Name of trade union: Zimbabwe Posts and Telecommunica- Wilfred Eric Monks . tions Workers Union. co a 13/81 red Eric Monks, ee Chipinga Farmers’ Co-operative, - Undertaking, industry, trade or occupation in réspect of which rn Stand 310, Joubert Street,’ application is made: The “Undertaking ofthe Posts and - Chipinga. - oy Telecommunications Corporation. oO m 74/81 ° | Wilfred Eric Monks, . e Interestsin respect of which application is made: The interests . -Umtali Farmers’ Co-operative, of employees employed as— oe “5, “BAvenue, _ Lo ’assembly assistants; Unntaili.. co, ; . : general hands; . So 15/81 David Johnstone Robertson, general labourers; : S. Sloman & Company (Pyt.) Ltd,, -linesmen; . Tool Tavern, ThirdStreet; _ ut - postal assistants, grade II: Que Que, postal clerks;, a a ‘ ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, .277H FEBRUARY, 1981 195 posunen.higher grade; ta: Name Constituency senior assembly assistants: : ‘ senior hands; - ; Higham, 8 dney Bulawayo North telegrammessengers; oo James, Robert Charles ‘Bulawayo North telephone-operators, grade1: Knight, Francis Alfred . Bulawayo North _telephone-operators, grade TI: Macdiarmid, Donald ‘Bulawayo North watchmen, grade TI; ~ Medd, Maria Louisa 3 Bulawayo North _ Wiremen adjusters, oO oo Molyneux, Herbert Edward Bullen Bulawayo North '. Area in ‘respect of which application is made: The area of Robertson, John Ramsey : ‘Bulawayo North _ Zimbabwe.. Taylor, Brenda Phyllis ~ Bulawayo North - Wilson, Alfred Talbot. - Bulawayo North | Bain,,Barry Duncan BulawayoSouth General Notice 198 of 1981, ne Hall, ThomasLeslie Bulawayo South DEPARTMENTAL APPOINTMENTS _|. Hill, James Arthur Bulawayo South Lennon, Patrick _ Bulawayo South Preece, Geoffrey Frank Ls Bulawayo South In the Divisionof District Administration oe ’ Russell, Peter Herbert Jj Bulawayo South Alen Henry Smith to act as District Commissioner for thé Culver, Nora Eveline ™ Central ~ ~ district of Umvuma for the period from the 20th Moss, JohannaSusanna Central January, 1981, to the 22nd July, 1981. — ’ Bell, Hannah - “Rastern Eastmure, Florence Lydia Eastern | Tan Robert Cooper to act as District Commissioner for Elliott,.Doris ' Bastern the district of Bulalima Mangwefor the period from Hansford, Denis Spearing Eastern the 20th to the 27thJanuary, 1981. Harding, Justus.Adolph . Eastern, Lewis Moir Watson to act-as. District Commissioner for Mitchell, Reginald George Watson Eastern the district of Beitbridge for the 28th February, 1981, Henry ~ Pascoe, Montgomery Bastern o van Eetveldt, Myra ’ Eastern 'D. M. CONNOLLY, Ethel May Eastern - 27-2-81. , . Secretary for District Administration, Warren,
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