III 141 F IIIIIW 11 11 li''`, II 111 "1111111, 1j11111 II 11111pp';,nNlppl "'1111 uu "Behold., I come quickly; and mY reward is With me, to giAte e-Very man according as his Work shall be.” Rev'. 22:12. VoLum 13. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, FIFTH-DAY, DECEMBER 29, 1887. NUMBER 30. that is about to break upon us. We need partaking of their luxurious feast, and prais- not be in darkness as to what is coming on ing the gods of silver and gold, extolling the earth. We cannot afford to meet that their own wisdom, magnifying, their deeds, PUBLISHED WEEKLY, FOR THE day without a preparation, and light has and dishonoring God, but right over against been given us from Heaven, that we may the wall, facing the king, a bloodless hand International Tract and Missionary Society. understand the requirements of God. "Search was tracing the terrible characters testifying the Scriptures " is the command of Christ. of his true condition: "Thou art weighed in (For terms, etc., see last page.) " Watch and pray, lest ye enter into tempta- the balances, and art found wanting." Entered at the Post-Office in Oakland. tion." There is a witness that follows us The Lord is weighing character in the in all our actions of life. Our very thoughts sanctuary to-day, and those who are careless OUR EVER PRESENT HELP. and the intents and purposes of our hearts and indifferent, rushing on in the paths of are laid bare to his inspection. As the feat- iniquity, will not stand the test. God has en- "Our help is in the name of the Lord." Psalm 124:8. ures are produced upon the polished plate of dowed us with reasoning powers, and he re- WE look to thee, most gracious Lord, the artist, so are our characters delineated quires us to use them to his glory. He has With prayerful, steadfast eye. given us this body, which he wishes us to Our trust, dear Lord, is in thy word; upon the books of record in Heaven. Are Oh, hear thy children's cry! you fitting up in the graces of Christ? Will preserve in perfect health, that we may render your robe of character be white and spotless the best service to his cause. He has paid an How long, 0 Lord! how long shall sin infinite price for our redemption, and yet And Satan ride apace? in the day of his appearing? Every interest How long, 0 Lord, shall evil win, should be shaped, and every action directed men and women dependent from day to day - And triumph in the race? toward this all-important event. We should upon his mercies, for life, for health, for food, live daily in great humility before God, seek- for.all the blessings they enjoy, refuse to obey Louse 'thy slumbering church, 0 Lord, To hear the groans and cries ing divine strength lest we fail .,of his grace his laws, refuse to accept his Son as their Ex- • That daily, from ten thousand hearts, and prove ourselves unworthy of eternal life. ample` and Saviour. In intercession rise. We should be "looking for that blessed hope, It may seem to you that obedience to God's Direct us, Lord, and send us might, and the glorious appearing of the great God law requires too much self-denial and sacri- When Satan's hosts assail. and our Saviour Jesus Christ; who gave him- fice. Does it require more sacrifice than Je- Thou only canst defend the right; self for us, that he might redeem us from all sus has made to save you? He has led the With thee we must prevail. iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar way, and will you follow ? He says, " I have _ —Anna Holyoke Howard. people, zealous of good works." kept. my Father's commandments." He left You cannot afford to be found a trans- the royal throne of glory. He changed the gressor of God's great moral law. You are kingly crown for a crown of, thorns. He entral Articles. to be judged by its precepts. If God had no placed his feet in the blood-stained path law, there could be no Judgment, and the which led the way to Calvary, and he has cases of men and women would not be called stated to us that those who are partakers THE JUDGMENT OF THE GREAT DAY* into the solemn tribunal, before the righteous with him of his sufferings shall be partakers Judge. If we have not been found in har- also with him of his glory. We shall never BY MRS. E. G. WHITE. mony with God's requirements in this life, have to endure the shame, the insult, the we will be no more in harmony with his re- mockery, the agony of the crucifixion, and "And I saw a great white throne, and him that the depth of woe and temptation that the sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven quirements in the future life. Wriat excuse fled away; and there was found no place for them. can we plead for disobedience to the law of Author of our salvation has endured for our And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God's Government ? And what excuse can sake ; but we should ever keep before us the God; and the books were opened; and another we render in the day when the motives of the scenes of his humiliation, and never exalt book was opened, which is the book of life ; and ourselves in pride and self-sufficiency. the dead were judged out of those things which heart will be tried? You may say now, were written in the books, according to their works." " The whole world is out of harmony with Christ was despised and rejected of men. God's precepts, and I cannot be singular," Those he came to save could not see in him HERE is presented before us the great and but in that day you will not venture to pre- anything desirable. Should he come unto solemn day when the Judgment is to sit and sent this before the God of Heaven and earth. our world to-day ivithout earthly honor or the books are to be opened, and the dead are When the books are opened, the character princely power, who would receive him as to be judged according to the things written will be revealed, and every mouth will be the King of glory? How many proud church in the books. We must all meet the un- stopped. You will be convicted of guilt be- members would be so ashamed of Jesus and erring record of our lives written in the fore the revelation of your own life. Every- the reproach that would be likely to be at- books on high. We are probationers, on one unsaved will see where he departed from tached to them should they accept him, that trial. God is testing us to see what kind of right, and will realize the influence his life of they would refuse to follow him; but his characters we will develop in this life. An- disobedience exerted to turn others from the matchless love led him to endure infinite sor- gels of God are weighing, moral worth. Our way of truth. "Every one of us shall give row and reproach that he might bring many heavenly Father has sent us a message account of himself to God," and the quick sons and daughters to glory. Who is willing warning us of the fast-hastening Judgment, and the dead shall stand before the Judgment- to-day to be on the Lord's side? that we may prepare for that day of final seat of Christ. The secret things will be We cannot wait until the Judgment before reckoning. made known. There was an eye that saw we consent to deny self and • to lift the cross. I have questioned in my mind as I have and a hand that registered the hidden deeds. It will be too late then to form characters for seen men and women hurrying to and fro When Belshazzar had his great sacrilegious Heaven. It is here and now that we must on matters of business or pleasure, whether feast, there was present in the splendid take sides with, the humble, self-denying Re- or not they ever thought of the day of God, halls a witness which he did not discern. deemer. It is here we must overcome envy, "Sermon at Orebro, Sweden. June 27, 1886. The revelers were drinking their wine, and strife, selfishness, love of money, and love of 786 1" TITE S G _7T S OF TILE 27 IJITE S. VoL 13, No. 50. the world. It is here that we must enter the sonal ministry, the Lord Jesus foretold this who has never used his vast strength for the school of Christ and learn the precious les- great event; and after his ascension the apos- protection of the weak and feeble, who has son of meekness and lowliness of mind; and tles referred continually to it. Blessed never done his country or his kind one mo- here it must be our aim and our earnest effort therefore it will be to enter upon that glory ment's service; but who, on the contrary, has to be loyal to the God of Heaven, by obeying which awaits us only at our Lord's return. been a rowdy, a bully, a swashbuckler, a ter- all his commandments.
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