· CLASSIFICATION . Rcpon Control PROJECT EVALUATION SUMMARY (PES) - PART I Symbol U-M7 1. PROJECT TITLE 2. PROJECT NUMBER \3. MISSION/AID/W OFFICE 608-0190 USAID!Rabat , •. EVALUATION NUMBER IEnter the number melntalned by the MOROCCO - Winter Snowpack ,eponlng unit e.g., Country or AID/W Admlnllt'atlve Code ~ Fllce' Vear. Serlel No. beginning with No. 1 each FV) 608-85-05 Augmentation Project 10 REGULAR EVALUATION o SPECIAL EVALUATION Go KEV PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION DATES 6. ESTIMATED PROJECT 7. PERIOD COVERED EVALUATION FUNDING iV A. Firat B, Final C. Flnel From (month/yr.) 4 84 PROoAG or ObngetJon A. Toul S 12.6 M 'nput To (month/yr.) 4/85 'Equtvel;nt Dal"'~'9 6.0 M FV~ :~8r FV __ B. U.S.AIDS Date of I:veluetlon Review 6/9-22/85 8. ACTION DECISIONS APPROVED BV MISSION OR AID/W OFFICE DIRECTOR A. Lilt decilloni end/or unrelol""d Inue.; cite tho.. Iteml needing further study. B. NAME OF OFFICER C. DATE ACTION (NOTE: Million dlIc:lllonl whIch anticipate AID/VII or reglonel oHlce .ctlon Ihould RESPONSIBLE TO BE C)eCHy type of document, e,g.• elrgrem. SPAR, P'O,whlch will pre..nt detelled requnt.) FOR ACTION COMPLETED See Attached Documents: 1) Project Evaluation Summary (PES) - Part I 2) Project.Evaluation Summary (PES) - Part II 3) Changnon, Stanley A., Jr.; Rose, R. Lynn and Warburton, Joseph A. 1985. An Evaluation of the Winter Sno~ack Augmentation Proj~ct in Morocco - April-May. 1985. Prepared for the Bureau of Reclamation under Contract No. CR-81-06500. 46 pages. 4) Project Al Ghait/Winter Snowpack Augmentation Project, Project Steering Committee Meetings , June 12 and 18, 1985, Review of Recommendations ' .... 04'.. the External Evaluation Team (Dated June 19, '. ? 1~5). 15 pages• • _1- 5) Winter Snowpack Augmentation Project (608-0190) ­ Review of External Evaluation Team Report (Dated June 10, 1985). 12 pages and 3 attachments. D. INVENTORV OF DOCUMENTS TO BE REVISED PER ABOVE DECISIONS 10. ALTERNATIVE DECISIONS ON FUTURE OF PROJECT IV"1 Implementetlon Plan o Project Peper E..J e.g., CPI Network D Other (SpecIfy) A. 0 Comlnue Project Without Change o Financial Plan o PIOIT B. 0 Chenge Project Oellgn and/or [R] Change Implemematlon Plen o Logical Framework o PIO/C D Other (Specify) [iJ pro;ect Agreement o PIO/P C. 0 DllContln... Project 11. PROJECT OFFICER AND HOST COUNTRY OR~HERRANKING PARTICIPANTS 12. Mlnlon/AIDIW Office Director Approve! AS APPROPRIATE (Nemes and TItles) J •_ Steve Lintner,ANE!PD!ENV _~\ V Samir ZoghbYt Project Officer, USAID!Rabat ~~••~~ Typed Neme .. ) Robert Chas1. Director John Giusti t Evaluation Officer, USAID!Rab#~ v I-;o::-:e':":te---I-i-'lr'/+-;~-.Irt-)-)-/~.-. AID 1330-15 (3e78) v I BEST AV;;IL/~iJLE CCr-v n \ Page 2 of 12 Pages r: PROJECT EVALUATION SUMMARY (PES) PART I I I I 05 Winter Snowpack Augmentation Project (608-0190) 8. Action Decisions Approved by Mission List of Actions 13. Officer C. Date Action Responsible To Be For Action Completed :I ·, 1. Clarification and AID and 13ureau Statement of · , prioritization of project of Reclamation objectives :I ! objectives. Scientific and their Advisors priority developed by Scientific I,. Advisors adopted by :· I·, Mission on 6/11/85 and Project Steering Committee 6/12/85. 2. Identification of a full-time Director • Upon receipt " Moroccan Project Director. National of staffing I " \.~"" -~'-:"". Meteorological chart to be I t·. , ..-. Organization. developed by i • '.~ and Resident Resident t _0 • • Scientific Scientific :. Advisor Advisor . , the Director of."" ; will appoint a full-time , " ~.. Project Director. To be completed by 9/85. 3 A. Training of Moroccan Pilots Project Director. Decision on Royal Moroccan assignment of Royal Moroccan Air Force to Air Force and personnel by review with National Meteor­ Director. National 10/85. ological Organization the Meteorological assignment of meteorologists Organization to aircraft to assist pilots in scientific and technical aspects of cloud seeding operations. I. :I1 .I Page 3 of 12 Pages 8. Continued A. List of Actions B. Officer C. Date Action - Responsible To Be A. For Action Completed 3 B. Change of Aircraft Type Project Director, Royal Moroccan Royal Moroccan Air Force to 3 G. Royal Moroccan Air Force to Air Force make decision review possible provision of on aircraft by 'J: 2 King Air 100 aircraft for 10/85. w cloud seeding operations r during the 1985-1986 season•. a r 3 C. Improvements in Aircraft Bureau of Equipment to w Navigation Equipment Reclamation be available d Scientific for use 10/85 t Improved navigation systems to Advisors and - 12/85. b be adopted for use in 1985­ Project Director, M 1986 operational season to Royal Moroccan include VOR, DME, RNAV, IFF Air Force 3 H. and OMEGA systems. Field tests to be conducted 6/85­ 9/85. 0 s 3 D. Change in the Base of Project Director, Royal Moroccan 0 ~~ Aircraft Operations Royal Moroccan Air Force " ....4~ Air Force' representatives '"" Royal Moroccan Air Force agreed to this will base project aircraft at change on Casablanca Anfa Airport. 6/18/85. 3 E. Ground Generator Network Bureau of Ground Reclamation generators The Bureau of Reclamation and Royal will be tested will prepare a design for the Moroccan in the 1985­ 4. field testing of ground Air Force 1986 season. ,generators. The Royal Moroccan Air Force will buy C ground generators and seeding a material. p s 3 F. Seeding Material Change Royal Moroccan Recommended Air Force seeding Bureau of Reclamation will be has recommeded a change of purchased of seeding materia~. after current supplies are used. I· Page 4 of 12 Pages ,t ~ 8. Continued A. List of Actions B. Officer C. Date Action Responsible To Be For Action Completed 3 G. Radar Operations Bureau of Following , Reclamation; review of The Government of Morocco AID Regional documents wishes to move the weather Legal Advisor; prepared by .1 radar inside the Khoribga and Director. Bureau of I air terminal. AID will National Reclamation require a release form Meteorological and AID a waiving any claims for Organization decision " damage from movement of will be the radar to be signed made. by Director, National I Meteorological Organization. 1 I 3 H. Rotation of Operatio~~ Resident Upon receipt t, Directors Scientific Advisor of staffing ! and Director. chart to be Operations directors will National developed by serve at Khor1bga Meteorological Resident on a rotational basis. Organization Scientific Advisor the Director will . review the ..t :I 'i needs for I rotational ! assignments. ."' . To be completed .. 9/85. 4. Cloud Physics Aircraft Bureau of Changes to be , Data Collection Program Reclamation prior to start I and Project of 1986 cloud I", Changes will be made in the Director, Royal physics data aircraft basing, clearance Moroccan Air collection process and navigational Force program. systems. (#~.<" ~'\ J...~..'.'.•. ~ c Page 5 of 12 Pages 8. Continued A. List of Actions B. Officer C. Date Action Responsible To Be For Action Completed . 5 A. Selection of Computers Bureau of Recommended Reclamation change adopted 7. Project to procure 5 micro­ and Director, by Mission on computers rather than 1 National 6/11/85 and minicomputer for data Meteorological Project analysis. Organization Steering Committee on 6/12/85. 5. B Participation of Moroccan Bureau of' Proposal to 8. Scientists in International Reclamation and broaden Meetings Director, training J National program t The project will broaden the Meteorological adopted by c scope of training elements in Organization Mission on 1 the project to place a greater 6/11/85 and 1 emphasis on seminars. Project 1 Steering Jl Committee on 6/12/85. The ......... Bureau of ". ':(.. Reclamation '",. :f. will provide 9 ~."~. -' a detailed training plan W for review by B 10/85. c P 6. English Language Training AID Project AID Project f Manager and Manager and p Classes to be better Resident Resident e coordinated with program Scientific Scientific G operations. More intensive Advisor Advisor to d ~raining to be obtained discuss I from American Language Center. changes in approach with Director of Peace Corps before new volunteerCs) assigned. ( J . k Page 6 of 12 Pages 8. Continued -t List of Actions B. Officer C. Date Action Responsible To Be - For Action Completed 'J -----------------~~-=:.::~:.=.::-...-----=-==-~::..:.:~-- o 7. Logistical Support for Director, Government of Program National Morocco will 10 Meteorological continue its • Project implementation Organization efforts to r - suffers from inadequate address these housing for personnel and problems. vehicles to support operations. 8. Bridge Funding Mission Program Mission to " Officer; Mission determine Implementation of project 'Project Officer : . availability . has proceeded ahead of I,. I- and AID Scientific of funds. If of -schedule. creating a need Advisor available, the i for additional FY 1985 funds Mission and for a Project Amendment to AID/W will fund a PASA Amendment with process '. Bureau of Reclamation. Project Amendment and PASA .1 Amendment. f· , E"-'" 9~',.R.,yiew". of Contracts Bureau of M1as1on and ';:;' .'t.. ~ Reclamation; Government of " j', -0 ' ;, While recognizing that the Mission Project Morocco will : ..... , i I Bureau of Reclamation will Officer; identify all .. continue to serve AID's Director. National items to be ':'. procurement agent, all Meteorological reviewed future annual work and Organization and during exam­ procurement plans will be Project Dir~ctor, ination of I examined by AID and the Royal Moroccan annual work Government of Morocco to Air Force and procure­ determine which items either ment plans. t party wishes to review • ... ,. , ~.~~ &II"""lll11.&!4".eI.gliIL'Ml!IJd"JI!~l!!&&!l!!. ~_& ,!!!!j.~.o.".m I!'l..IMI,.IIIMIA.. I••..1I(!lIjgl,..... !!lI!!Il.#!I!!!.-!!!!&¥!!!I. __•. •.1l'I.-----...... - Page 7 of 12 Pages PROJECT EVALUATION SUMMARY (PES) - PART II 14 • . ' ::1 Winter Snowpack Augmentation Project (608-0190) An cl exp pre Apr ' .......
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