vALLEY GIrLS Patty Duke talks about “Valley of the Dolls” and beyond, page 21 THE vOICE Of PrOGrESS fOr WISCONSIN’S LGBT COMMUNITY November 18, 2010 | Vol. 2, No. 1 fIrST ANNIvErSArY ISSUE Election setback POLITICAL ANALYSIS By Louis Weisberg leadership dominates the Staff writer state’s GOP, and a number of On Nov. 2, Republicans pro-equality Democrats lost won the majority over all their seats in the mid-term three branches of Wisconsin election. This scenario does government, securing their not auger well for progress control of the state’s political toward equality in the state. agenda for at least the next Gov.-elect Scott Walker two years – and quite pos- promised during his cam- sibly well beyond. paign to eliminate the state’s In conjunction with the domestic partner registry as 2010 national census, new well as to end domestic part- legislative maps will be drawn ner benefi ts for both straight PrOUD PICKS next year throughout the and gay state workers. nation to refl ect popula- But if Republicans do BEST Of LGBT WISCONSIN PAGE 17 tion changes. With complete choose to pursue an aggres- control over the process of sive anti-gay agenda, they redistricting in Wisconsin, run the risk of alienat- GOP leaders will have lee- ing the independents who way to confi gure political switched in large numbers boundaries that maximize from voting Democratic in the impact of Republican vot- 2008 to Republican in 2010. G r A P h i C b Y ers and ensure them a strong The majority of these voters JiM lAUtenbACh political advantage for the are neither anti-gay nor par- coming decade. ticularly interested in LGBT Conservative, anti-gay issues. Even with gerryman- dering, Republicans cannot shore up a majority by squan- Cody’s mom: ‘I must dering their efforts on behalf This of the fringe right. Nationally, exit polls issue on Nov. 2 showed that inside and online at Republicans benefi ted from fi nish what he started’ wisconsingazette.com voter frustration over the in the barn on his family’s that was extinguished. These him to commit such a des- lack of jobs, not from a sud- By Louis Weisberg farm northwest of Appleton, September sons that died, perate act that day? News den surge in converts to Staff writer adding his name to the list of the world will never know When news of the suicide WiGWAG ......................2 Christian fundamentalism. Among the questions sur- gay youth who’ve taken their what it lost.” became public, the Shiocton Wisconsin Gaze............4 “I did more media inter- rounding the suicide of her lives this fall – a list that con- Cody is buried in a cem- School District superinten- Editorial .......................10 views about why LGBT rights son, there’s one that tor- tinues to grow. It was Barker etery just down the road dent quickly issued a blanket Opinion ....................... 11 were not an issue in this ments Darla Barker the most: who discovered Cody’s body. from the farm. Barker said denial that any bullying had National Gaze ............12 election than about LGBT If she’d come home earlier “Cody was passionate,” she visits his gravesite daily occurred at Cody’s school. rights themselves,” said Katie on Sept. 13, would Cody still Barker said, her pale-blue and leaves behind a red rose, “Right now every- Features Belanger, executive director be alive today? irises swimming in tears. “He his favorite fl ower. body’s looking for some- WiGOUT ....................21 of Fair Wisconsin. Cody, 17, was nine days was involved. He could have Another question that one to be the poster child Art Gaze ..................... 22 At the same time that into his senior year of high been anything, done anything. haunts Barker is: What hap- Theater ........................23 pro-equality legislators lost school when he hung himself He was like a bright light pened to Cody that drove Cody page 14 On the Town .............. 32 their races in swing districts Community Events.... 35 Setback page 6 GrEEN BAY TABLES AN ANTI-GAY MEASUrE, PAGE 4 2 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | November 18, 2010 WiGWAG By Lisa Neff & Louis Weisberg Pope with a “collective to the public as Patient kiss” in Barcelona on Nov. Zeta, tested positive so 7 to protest the Vatican’s more actors in the indus- opposition to sexual free- try could be tested. Several dom, divorce and condom other porn companies fol- use. “This is a peaceful act lowed suit, but are now of protest to demonstrate back in business. that love is the same in the hearts of everyone,” fOLLOW THE BACK AT YA Catalonian activist Jordi MONEY By a margin of 55 per- Petit told The Independent. MSNBC temporar- cent to 45 percent, voters ily suspended liberal in El Paso, Texas, passed an ATTACK Of THE commentator Keith initiative saying, “The city SEx TOY Olbermann after learn- of El Paso endorses tradi- A Gurnee woman faces ing that its “Countdown” tional family values by mak- aggravated assault charges host contributed $2,400 to ing health benefi ts avail- after allegedly assaulting a Kentucky Senate candidate able only to city employees police offi cer with a “a rigid Jack Conway and Arizona and their legal spouse and feminine pleasure device.” Reps. Raul Grivalva and dependent children.” As a Police were notifi ed Gabrielle Giffords. NBC result, the city attorney’s after Carolee Bildsten, 56, News prohibits employees offi ce announced the city ran out on her tab at Joe’s from working on or donat- would have to eliminate Crab Shack. Offi cers found ing to political campaigns health coverage for chil- her lying drunk on the unless they have a special dren such as foster kids grass down the street and exception. who are not dependents approached her, accord- Meanwhile, fl ipping chan- under the federal tax code, ing to NBC Chicago. She nels to focus on Fox News, along with the grandchil- led police to her home conservative host Sean dren of city employees, to retrieve the money, but Hannity contributed $2,400 retirees and others who pulled a sex toy instead to a John Gomez’ congres- are currently receiving ben- of cash from her dresser sional campaign in New efi ts. The initiative’s backers drawer and tried to knock York and $5,000 to Many say that’s not what they an offi cer over the head Individual Conservatives intended. with it. Bildsten was arrest- Helping Elect Leaders ed and booked. Everywhere, a PAC asso- ciated with Minnesota’s GLAMOUr’S GAL Michele Bachmann. Constance McMillen, But that’s nickels and who challenged her dimes compared to the Mississippi school dis- $1 million Fox poppa trict over a ban against News Corp gave to the same-sex dates at her Republican Governor’s prom, is Glamour maga- Association for the mid- zine’s 2010 Woman of term election. the Year. Others to hold Olbermann later apolo- that title include Fergie, gized for what’s consid- Julia Roberts, Donatella ered a breach of journal- Versace and Queen Rania ism ethics. rEGrETS OvEr of Jordan. The panel that No apologies from LESBIAN SCENE selected McMillen includ- Hannity or Fox – and we Actress Natalie Portman ed past honorees Jennifer don’t expect any. reportedly fears that a les- Lopez and Katie Couric. In bian sex scene she shares a photo on the Glamour ALL POINTS with actress Mila Kunis website, McMillen wears a BULLETIN in Darren Aronofsky’s tux and a tiara. Police in Jackson, Wyo., thriller feature fi lm “Black are searching for a lost Swan” will eclipse the fi lm POrN locked box that contains as a whole. The Toronto PrODUCTION about an ounce of meth- Sun also reported that rESUMES amphetamine. How will Portman’s father, Dr. Avner Action. California’s porn people recognize the box? Hershlag, is so upset by the industry, which turned off Besides being black, white explicit lovemaking scene the cameras for a while this lettering on the box says that it has caused a rift fall, has resumed operations. “METH.” A sergeant was between the two. He is The temporary and volun- using the locked box to said to feel that the scene tary suspension of fi lming train a police dog. At some exploits her. was prompted by a porn point during the exercise, actor’s HIV-positive test he left the box on the POPE vIEWS result. Vivid Entertainment, bumper of his car and then SMOOCH a major maker of adult drove off. About 100 gay and les- fi lms, stopped production peabodysinteriors.com bian couples greeted the after the actor, known only Thank you for reading WiG! WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | November 18, 2010 3 4 WISCONSINGAZETTE.COM | November 18, 2010 Got news? Tell us manag- Gotingeditor@wisconsingazette. news? Tell us WisConsin5 GAze [email protected]. Green Bay votes to table anti-gay measure By Louis Weisberg 25. But when the measure was Belanger called the mea- Belanger said. “The outpour- organization said in a state- try will be overturned after Staff writer brought up for a vote before sure an “act of bullying and ing of opposition to this mea- ment that it would continue Republicans take over state Green Bay City Council the full council on Nov. 3, alder- retribution.” Her organization sure was overwhelming and to monitor the situation in government in January. That voted to table a measure that men voted 9 - 2 to postpone rallied equality supporters in we were proud to stand with Green Bay and “continue would make the court case would have authorized the action on it indefi nitely.
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