United States Patent (19) 11) 4,026,738 Richard (45 May 31, 1977 (54. STABILIZED, FOAMED WATER GEL (56) References Cited EXPLOSIVES AND METHOD UNITED STATES PATENTS 75 linventor: Eul Richard, St. Bruno, 3,47,346 10/1969 Lyerly ............................. 149/88 X Primary Examiner-Stephen J. Lechert, Jr. 73 Assignee: Canadian Industries, Ltd., Montreal, Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Donald G. Ballantyne Canada 57 ABSTRACT 22 Filed: Apr. 19, 1976 A foamed or aerated water gel explosive composition 21 Appl. No.: 678,222 devoid of any self-explosive sensitizer is provided which is sensitive to detonation in charge diameters 30) Foreign Application Priority Data greater than 5.1 cm. The explosive composition retains May 8, 1975 United Kingdom 19381/75 sensitivity for long periods. The migration or collapse Y Y-1 is ska-Ya st-seas . of air or gas entrained in the composition is substan (52) U.S. C. ................................... 149744; 149/41; tially prevented by incorporating a blend of a foaming 149/42; 149/60; 149/61; 149/2 surfactant and a stabilizing surfactant in chosen pro (51 int. C.’......................................... C06B33/02 portions. 58 Field of Search .............. 149/2, 41, 46, 42, 60, 149/61, 44 7 Claims, No Drawings 4,026,738 1. 2 betaines as lauryl ammonium sulfonic acid betaine and STABILIZED, FOAMED WATER GEL EXPLOSIVES the like. AND METHOD C. Glyceryl monoester stabilizing surfactants com bined with ethoxylated ammonium lauryl sulfate foam In applicant's copending U.S.A. application Ser. No. 5 ing surfactant. 547,474 filed on Feb. 6, 1975 and based on Canadian The primary role of the foaming surfactant rests in priority application No. 193,099, filed on Feb. 21, the fact that it is capable of foaming the aqueous salt 1974, there is disclosed an aerated or foamed water-gel solution of the composition. The stabilizing surfactant explosive composition comprising water, inorganic cannot foam this salt solution and its surface activity oxygen salt, a thickener, a thickener crosslinker, a 10 when used alone is usually insignificant because of its water-soluble organic nitrate sensitizer, entrapped gas poor solubility in this solution. It is postulated that bubbles and a gas bubble stabilizer which stabilizer when blended with the foaming surfactant, the stabiliz comprises a blend of a foaming surfactant and a stabi ing surfactant's function is to become concentrated at lizing surfactant. The disclosed composition, utilizing the surface of the film bubble and to complex with the the well known fact that gas bubbles in gelled, liquid 15 foaming surfactant forming a stable film. The preferred based explosive mixture increases explosive sensitivity, combination of stabilizing surfactant and foaming sur results in a composition sensitive to blasting cap initia factant comprise ethoxylated ammonium lauryl sulfate tion for long periods of time in small diameter car with either stearyl alcohol, stearyl, behenyl or arachidyl tridges, that is, in cartridges 5.1 cm in diameter or less. amines or mixtures of these. The blended surfactant it has now been found that a water-gel explosive 20 mix may contain from 0.4 parts by weight of active composition similar to that disclosed in United States ingredient foaming surfactant to 1 part by weight of application Ser. No. 547,474 but devoid of any water active ingredient stabilizing surfactant up to 6.5 parts soluble organic nitrate sensitizer or other explosive by weight of active ingredient foaming surfactant to 1 sensitizer can be made which is sensitive to detonation part by weight of active ingredient stabilizing surfac in diameters greater than 5.1 cm. The explosive com 25 tant. Preferably about 4 parts of the active foaming position of the present invention comprises water, at surfactant ingredient is employed for each part of ac least one inorganic oxygen-supplying salt, a thickener, tive stabilizing surfactant. From about 0.1 to about 10 a thickener crosslinker, entrapped gas bubbles and a parts by weight of foaming surfactant/stabilizing surfac gas bubble stabilizer which stabilizer comprises a com tant combination is employed per 100 parts of explo bination of a foaming surfactant and a stabilizing sur 30 sive mixture. The foamed or aerated explosive compo factant. The presence of the gas bubble stabilizer re sitions of the invention are characterized by a disper tains the entrapped gas bubbles within the composition, sion therein of small size gaseous bubbles which resist prevents their migration, agglomeration or dissipation migration, coalescence, breakdown or dissipation even and thus imparts useful sensitivity properties to the after prolonged periods of storage. explosive mixture in the complete absence of any self 35 It has been additionally observed that increased air or explosive or other known sensitizers. gas bubble stability occurs when the hydrophobic chain The composition of the invention may be packed in length of the stabilizing surfactant is equal to or greater film-wrapped or paper-wrapped cartridges of a diame than the hydrophobic chain length of the foaming sur ter greater than 5.1 cm or may be bulk-loaded, for factant. It has also been observed that in the environ example, by means of a pump and hose, into boreholes 40 ment of an aqueous solution of inorganic oxygen sup greater than 5.1 cm diameter. plying salts, the foaming ability of the foaming surfac Exemplary of the foaming surfactant/stabilizing sur tant component of the blend decreases with increasing factant combinations useful in the present invention hydrophobic chain length. Preferably, therefore, chain are the following: lengths of the foaming surfactant will be selected which A. Stabilizing surfactants selected from the group 45 are close to 12 carbon atoms and appropriate stabiliz consisting of long chain (C - C) aliphatic alcohols ing surfactant whose chain length equals or exceeds 12 combined with foaming surfactants compatible there carbons or whose composition consists of an admixture with selected from the group consisting of metal alkyl of chain lengths of 12 or more carbon atoms will be sulfates, salts of sulfated alcohols and their ethoxylated blended therewith. derivatives such as triethanolamine lauryl sulfate, so 50 A suitable inorganic oxygen-supplying salt of the dium lauryl sulfate, ethoxylated ammonium lauryl sul composition of the invention is preferably ammonium fate and the like, N-acylated amino-sulfonic acids and nitrate. In some cases it is advantageous to replace their salts such as sodium N-methyl-N-coconut acid some, suitably up to 50% or even as much as 90% of the taurate, sodium N-methyl-N-palmitoyl taurate and the ammonium nitrate by other metal nitrates such as so like, imidazoline derivates such as 2-coco-1-(ethyl-3- 55 dium, barium, potassium and calcium nitrate. The par oxipropanoic acid)-imidazoline and salts of alkyl sul ticle size of the oxygen-supplying salt is not critical and fonic acid betaines such as lauryl ammonium sulfonic prilled or grained forms may be used and part of the acid betaine and the like. salts may be predissolved in all or part of the water. B. Stabilizing surfactants selected from the group Suitable thickener components of the explosive com consisting of long chain (C - C) aliphatic amines 60 positions of the invention include those compounds and their salts combined with foaming surfactants com capable of thickening the inorganic oxygen-supplying patible therewith selected from the group consisting of salt solutions, which compounds are known in the art. metal alkyl sulfates, salts of ethoxylated sulfated alco Particularly preferred are the modified quar gums such hols such as sodium lauryl sulfate, ethoxylated ammo as hydroxyethyl modified guar, for example, "Gengel" nium lauryl sulfate and the like, N-acylated amino sul 65 E-9 (Registered Trade Mark) and hydroxypropyl modi phonic acids and their salts such as sodium N-methyl fied guar, for example, "Jaguar" HP-1 (Registered N-coconut acid taurate, sodium N-methyl-N-palmitoyl Trade Mark). Any conventional cross-linker system taurate and the like and salts of alkyl sulfonic acid can be used in the compositions, the preferred system 4,026,738 3 4. being a mixture of zinc chromate and potassium pyro tant but are devoid of the stabilizing surfactant. It will antimonate. be observed from the Table that Mixes 5 and 6 failed to Optional additional materials may be incorporated in detonate under the test conditions. TABLE Mix No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Amnonium Nitrate 58.3 79.6 72. 66.7 724 71.6 Sodium Nitrate 5.0 - 8.0 - 3.0 8.0 Zinc Nitrate 0.2 0.2 O.2 0.22 0.2 0.2 Calcium Nitrate -- --- - 10.0 m m Ethylene Glycol -- - 5.0 S.0 S.O 50 Aluminium (Fuel) 5.0 3.0 -- S.O -- m Gilsonite - 3.5 2.98 1.7 3.0 3.0 Guar Gum 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 Crosslinker 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 Zn CrO. 0.5 0.5 0.05 - m -- Sulfur 7.81 - -- -- m Water 2.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 O.0 10.0 Foaming 0.47 0.47 0.77 0.54 0.77 S Surfactant () (1) (l) (t) (1) (3) Stabilizing 0.05 0.05 0.23 0.6 m m Surfactant (2) (2) (2) (2) Fumaric Acid - - - 0.02 0.02 Cartridge Diameter C 2.7 0.6 7.62 5.1 7.62 7.62 Density as made .00 1.20 1.06 1.12 O7 1.0 after storage w- - (1 day)1.07 m m m Sensitivity 2O GR 60 GR 20 GR 40 GR 80 GR 160 GR GR Pentolite 46 F 40°F 70 F 70 F 60° F 60 F Detonates Detonates Detonates Detonates Fails Fails '% weight of commercial product (1) Ethoxylated ammonium laury sulfate (2) Mixed steary and behenyl amines (3) Ammonium lauryl sulfate the explosive compositions of the invention and in particular these are materials which have a beneficial 30 The composition of the invention, therefore, pro effect in further improving either density, stability or vides an explosive mixture detonable in diameters strength of the compositions and in the case of car greater than 5.1 cm yet particularly safe to manufac tridged products, rheology modifiers and extrusion ture and use due to the absence of any dangerous ex aids.
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