RE-EVALUATING REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS BEHIND THE SMOKESCREEN OF OFFICIAL MANDATES 1ST EDITION DOWNLOAD FREE Evgeny Vinokurov | 9783319530543 | | | | | Evgeny Vinokurov Finally, it examines the few cases of formal dissolution of regional organizations in the last fifty years to consider the conditions under which all stakeholders are willing to abandon their support for regional organizations. Buy eBook. Area Development and Policy, 3: Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Behind the Smokescreen of Official Mandates 1st edition Russian Journal of Economics. Book Authors Journal Authors. This book takes a mixed-methods approach to completely re-evaluate the regional organizations landscape. Whitehead Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations. Show next xx. Starting inVinokurov has actively been engaged in studying economic and political integration. It introduces the new database of 62 regional organizations with up to various parameters for each one of them. Zombies and Coma. This is true for most post- colonial ROs, where European colonial states were unable or unwilling to provide strong support for regional integration. Front Matter Pages i-xix. Buy Softcover. Wikimedia Commons. Voprosy Ekonomiki. The EFSD primarily provides budget and balance of payment support loans as well as large-scale infrastructure investment loans to its member states. This also became necessary due to the independence of Namibia. Samson I. Manchester: Manchester University Press. Gaenzle S. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. The existence of the asymmetric power structure in SACU combined with the redistribution scheme is frequently seen as a problem for the organization. The block outlived the colonial status of its members and the British Empire. Many holding- together ROs emerge when a former colonial power is weak - the very condition that made possible the collapse of the former common polity. The data-driven conclusions strongly add to our understanding of state cooperation. Table of contents 14 chapters Table of contents 14 chapters Introduction Pages Vinokurov, Evgeny et al. Petersburg: EDB. Theoretically, each of the members of SACU could have suggested a change in this Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Behind the Smokescreen of Official Mandates 1st edition, but in practice, it was unilaterally determined by South Africa. This is justified by two factors: first, the economic dependence on the South African economy; and second, the redistribution mechanism within SACU. South Africa gained independence inBotswana and Lesotho inand Swaziland in Namibia came under South African control, and became an independent country only in Political Regime. However, its implementation was only partial and, more importantly, did not preclude the informal influence of South Africa on its members. Show all. Libman and published by Palgrave Macmillan. The presence of several centers of power - the EUChinaIndiaRussiaas a center of attraction of the former Soviet Union, and Turkeyas an emerging leader of the Islamic West Asiamakes the emergence of a single continental integration organization of a supranational nature very unlikely. It is certainly true for Eurasia, where Russia entered the s in a deep economic and political crisis. While the holding-together nature of the RO increases its politicization, its non-democratic character makes politicization less important: decisions are ultimately made by the elites. The revenue from this tariff is redistributed among member states using Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Behind the Smokescreen of Official Mandates 1st edition specific formula, and the payments are made on a quarterly basis. The reader is treated to an excellent review of theory and meticulous testing of hypotheses. Eurasia on the Edge. Review of International Political Economy. Libman he also developed a theory of holding-together regionalism to explain the patterns of regional re-integration processes relevant for the explanation of integration patterns not only in the post-Soviet space but also in Africa and some other regions. Throughout our universe of ROs, we observe that the role of regional paymaster goes hand in hand with being the hegemon in an RO. Together with A. Kaliningrad, Russia. Buy Hardcover. FAQ Policy. Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Osteuropa, 5: in German Vinokurov E. Number 1. Gaenzle S. Services for this book Download High-Resolution Cover. Global Journal of Emerging Market Economies. Is It Enough? Integration Rhetoric. Book Authors Journal Authors. In a nutshell, it provides a coherent view of Eurasian continental integration. Area Development and Policy, 4 2 : Vinokurov E. Starting inVinokurov has actively been engaged in studying economic and political integration. Economic Development and Crises. It should be noted Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Behind the Smokescreen of Official Mandates 1st edition the redistribution mechanism in SACU is far from perfect due to extreme volatility in its main source. Eurasian integration could drive development by integrating energy trade, non-energy trade and transport, capital and labour flows, tourism, and fighting against drug trading and the spread of epidemics. As described, SACU eliminated internal barriers for trade both tariff and non-tariff restrictions in almost all goods produced by the member countries. Vinokurov is the author and editor of 19 books, [6] [7] and a member of such professional bodies as International Studies Association and the American Economic Association. Post-Communist Economies, 23 4pp. Moves past the simplistic practice of distinguishing between regional organizations based on their level of perceived successUncovers a variety of motives for establishing regional organizations Offers broad coverage of regional organizations from around the world Show all benefits. This is justified by two factors: first, the economic dependence on the South African economy; and second, the redistribution mechanism within SACU. It also covers global and regional economic trends and various issues related to the global economic and financial architecture. Zombies and Coma. Libman and published by Palgrave Macmillan. Wikimedia Commons. Lexington Books, Lanham, MD. Petersburg: EDB. Manchester: Manchester University Press. FAQ Policy. The data-driven conclusions strongly add to our understanding of state cooperation. Historical Factors. Libman A. PAGE 1. Historical Factors Pages Vinokurov, Evgeny et al. External trade is governed by the common tariff. Introduction to the Eurasian Economic Union. Download as PDF Printable version. There may be relevant discussion on the talk page. Review of International Political Economy. Retrieved JavaScript is Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Behind the Smokescreen of Official Mandates 1st edition disabled, this site works much better if you enable JavaScript in your browser. South Africa gained independence inBotswana and Lesotho inand Swaziland in Summer issue. This book introduced and quantitatively grounded the concept of the "integration core" in the post-Soviet space. Voprosy Ekonomiki. The importance of these factors has varied over time. In Russian" PDF. Namespaces Article Talk. Patterns of regionalisation in the post-Soviet Central Asia. Southern African Customs Union (SACU) For example, before the crisis ofthe revenues of national budgets from trade went up substantially. Conclusions Pages Vinokurov, Evgeny et al. Vinokurov E. Show all. From the point of view of the argument of this book, we find the organization important for several reasons. Eurasia on the Edge. Typology of Regional Organizations. The fact that Lesotho is located within South African territory and Swaziland is almost encapsulated by South Africa strengthens their dependence. Indeed, most of the relatively poor southern African states were extremely economically and politically dependent on South Africa. Combining theory with qualitative and quantitative data, the authors offer a thorough guidebook to one of the most important developments in international political economy and regionalism. Russian Journal of Economics. Vinokurov further argues that open regionalism in Eurasia is an economically optimal supplement to regional Re-Evaluating Regional Organizations Behind the Smokescreen of Official Mandates 1st edition initiatives, in particular to post-Soviet integration. Throughout our universe of ROs, we observe that the role of regional paymaster goes hand in hand with being the hegemon in an RO. Buy Hardcover. Libman and published by Palgrave Macmillan. EDB Industry Report no. Table of contents 14 chapters Table of contents 14 chapters Introduction Pages Vinokurov, Evgeny et al. Post-Communist Economies, 23 4pp. Voprosy Ekonomiki. The authors ask important questions regarding regional organizations' goal setting and persistence. Namespaces Article Talk. Power Asymmetries. Malfliet and L. It is certainly true for Eurasia, where Russia entered the s in a deep economic and political crisis. There may be relevant discussion on the talk page. Moscow: Ekon-Inform. Introduction to the Eurasian Economic Union. Member of the Russian Council for International Affairs. FAQ Policy. Almaty: EDB. In Russian". https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564293/normal_5fbed392a84f7.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564580/normal_5fbe9e5cd0093.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564305/normal_5fbe1de31e23d.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4565106/normal_5fbeac3bb010b.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564756/normal_5fbec2f04e55d.pdf https://cdn-cms.f-static.net/uploads/4564243/normal_5fbe9555c28ba.pdf.
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