^2re.\icry*»\ VOL. VII. NO. 12. KELOWNA. BRITISH COLUMBIA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1915.-6 PAGES~ $ 1.50 Per Annum DR. WESBROOK SPEAKS TN ing the invitation, Mr. Lionel1 Redistribution Report RAYMER'S HAW, E. Taylor took exception to a Government Arranges Honest John Oliver Addresses remark of Mr. Oliver regarding Presented to House A special evening public meet what he termed the useless ing in connection with the short waste of monev bv the depart­ Farmers' Conference course lectures was held in Rav- ment of agriculture. The speak Kelowna Will Have Adequate mer's hall Tuesday evening. The local Liberal Meetings er, said Mr. Taylor, had chal­ Will Discuss Ways and Means Representation principal speaker was Dr. Wes- lenged anyone to say that he of Increasing Production brook, head of the new B. C Former Member for Delta Scores Government Land Policy - had got ten dollars worth of University, who delivered a Wholesale Graft, Corruption, and Mismanagement real beneiit from all the money The Dominion Department , of In the legislature Mon lay most interesting address ou reports were presented from the are His Charges Against Government spent by tjiat department. Agriculture has arranged for a some of the ideals and aims and "I am one," said Mr. Taylor, scries ot conferences to be held • /redistribution commission by problems confronting the uni­ the provincial secretary. Separ­ Politics in • Kelowna luring he said it was all very well to "who can say that, and what is held in the various provinces. versity scheme. His wide ex­ more, if it had not been for tbe That in Kelowna will take ate reports . covering proposed perience and deep knowledge of the past year oc two have been, see them march off with waving rearrangement oi constituen­ it must be confessed, somewhat flags and bands olavin' hut' work.of the fruit inspectors in] place on Saturday, Febuiry 27 educational methods of the lead- combatting orchard pests and at 8 p.m., when the following cies were handed in irom the ing institutions'of manv CMM- flat, stale, and* shall we f.ay— what about their coming batk two commissioners, Judge Mc­ unprofitable. Signs are-not Had his audience ever thought diseases, this district would be will speak: Prof. McDonald, tries, and his high conception oi in bad shape to-day." Mr. Provincial Live Stock Commis­ Donald and Judge Morrison. the purpose and possibilities of wanting however that' this con­ of that? How "many of them Judge Morrison's report, as dition is to be changed in some would come back cHonled and Taylor went on to speak of the sioner, P.-H. Moore, superin­ higher education were fully re­ short courses in horticulture tendent of experimental farm,, he alone signs it, carries with it. flected in his remarks, which measure, for ths local Liber­ incapable of earning their own a schedule covering the em ire als have recently begun to ex­ living? Were we going 10 turn which were at present proving and Herbert Cuthbert, Industri­ were listened to with great in­ of great benefit to so many far­ al Commissioner of Victoria. list of constituencies in the pro­ terest. hibit svmptoms of returning them adrift as beggars and pau­ vince. Judge McDonald's state animation, and in pursuance of pers, or were we going tc pro­ mers in the district, and other The primary object of the con­ , ment and schedule deals onlv Mr. H. Rive gave a talk illus­ this policy a public meeting was vide for them? valuable aid which had been re­ ference is to discuss ways end with Tertain constituencies, lesv trated bv lantern slides !>n arranged for Tuesday afternoon Every year, he said, the in­ ceived from government dem­ means of increasing the sue and ing the assumption that on the "Dairying" and Mr. Hopkin; in Raymer's hall to hear an ad­ dustries of the world were mak­ onstrators and lecturers from value of the Canadian crop out­ points not covered he agree showed some excellent pictures dress from John Oliver, the ing more cripples than the war. time to time, He considered put in 1915, in order that the of better-class tvpes of live with his confrere. * Honest John" who as member and it was the duty of the gov­ Mr. Oliver's remarks as unfair supplies mav be sufficient to stock. Forty-seven members ahould for Delta was a leading iigure ernment to place a law upon criticism of a body of men who meet the large demand antici­ comprise the next House, ac­ of the Liberal opposition in the the statute book to provide tor were doing good work, but who pated on account of the war, cording to Judge Morrison's House for many vears until the these cripples. It was not good were precluded by their position and crop shortages in several schedule, while Judge McDonald Kelowna Figures In fortunes of politics swept him business to continue to manu­ as civil servants from, replying of the beligerent countries. Tiie makes the count fortv-five, and along with many of his colleag­ facture cripples and beggars for themselves. organization of the conferences at the same time deprecates thc Dominion Estimates ues into retirement at '.he last Statistics of the state ot" Wash­ Honest John was plainly a in the various provinces lias al­ necessity of any increase.:, The election. ington which had adopted a little taken aback by this at­ ready been placed in lhe hands present House has forl.v-tw) The main estimates for tht) Honest John has a certain flu­ Workmen's Compensation law tack, and for a while showed a of men who have achieved p.'o- members. The constituencies af­ fiscal year, tabled in the Com­ ency of oratory and a keennesf showed that ample provision disposition to hedge, disclaim­ minence in various branches of fected as to increased represen­ mons this week, provide for a in criticism which is all his own could be made for insurance to ing having made such a chal­ agricultural work. Present con­ tation are Vancouver, one nd- total appropriation of 5 wo,.W,- and his speech of Tuesday, de­ cover all industrial accidents for lenge. Upon Mr. Taylor, how­ ditions in competitive cotiuiries ditional; Richmond, twj: Skee- 352, a decrease of § 17,7 C>M 320 livered in a somewhat high kc a premium of one per cent oi thc ever, persisting that he hard such as Australia, New Zealand na one and Okanagan one. as compared with the total in which he roasted the govern payroll. taken down the exact words ut­ the Argentine Republic and the In pur own immediate neigh- amount voted in both main jni ment from top to bottom, and What did the government pro­ tered bv Mr. Oliver said he United States for the produc­ borhood, the changes most sig­ supplementary estimates si ill from east to west, did not fail pose to do? Thev were going to thought Mr. Tavlor must have tion of large supplies pf grain nificant are in tne Similkameen to come, this session's appro­ to keep the attention of the bring in a bill and lay il on the misunderstood thc purport of and meat products for the usw which loses'the Kettle Valley to priations will probablv equal if sbme iso men who had gathered table for a year! his remarks. He was glad how of the European countries will Greenwood and gains from the not surpass, those of last year, to hear him. Continuing Mr. Oliver went on ever he said, to find s6iucr>ne be fully investigated and discus­ Okanagan all that portion south exclusive altogether of the Si 00- The chair was taken by Mr to speak of the wholesale ex­ who had received ten dollars sed at these conferences. Il is of a line east and west at 000,000 voted for war purposes. L. V. Rogers, president of 1h; travagance of the government in benefit, as he himself had not believed that these countries are Trout Creek, just below Sum­ Amongst the votes for publio Liberal Association, and Mr. F. the matter of salaries lot offi­ received ten cents. at the present moment show.ng merland, thus taking Penticton-, buildings of interest in thc dis­ R. E. DeHart also assisted at cials, which had increased vear "Perhaps" retorted Mr. Tav­ a shortage in their next crops, into the Similkameen. The rest trict are the following: the meetinir. bv year from .c2(Sa,ooo in rqoy-S lor, "it is not everyone who is and consequently a great oppor­ tunity lies before Canada. The •• of the Okanagan division which KELOWNA j>,o'.o Mr. Oliver gave most of his to Si,744,000 which was the in a position to take advantage thus loses Penticton, gains Sal­ attention to the land policy of vote for the present "ear. of thc instruction iriven." conferences will cover the whole Penticton 20,000 of the Dominion. mon Arm and Sicamous on the Revelstoke 50,000 the government. Mr. Oliver indulged in muoh north and is again divided at The maps issued by ihe gov­ biting sarcasm regarding the THE RUTLAND MEETING This is a most important Golden 2o,o<u matter and farmers will be con­ 'the Coldstream river into north . ernment he declared, were mis" loads of the province, -showing In the evening a large and en­ and south Okanagan with a leading, as land shown tis open some photographs he had taken sulting their own interests Ly thusiastic crowd turned up at turning out in large numbers member for each.
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