Published at Gibsons, B.C. Provincial 'Library, Phone 886-2622 Victoria, B.C* Volume 21 Number 25, June 20, 1968. SERVWG THE ^ROWINq SUNSHINE COAST 10c per cop> Water piirifying system A half-million dollar water which $380,000 is for School .purifying system covering an costs and $90^000 in the local A- publicY meeting has been area as large as a football field improvements bracket. called for Wed.y:\June.,-26,• ;•. at and built on the old ballpark He also aided that a process : . 7:30 lP .n_; in Elphinstone. school area, was announced by Ed control computer will be in­ < avdltcrium to;,discuss.problems Sherman, Canadian Forest Pro­ stalled to improve production. ;-. <" \hn r-chdo! district. Dr. Walter ducts Port Mellon mill manager This will not effect the number •;'I-k;rdwick, U;_C professor will at Monday; night's meeting of of employees, he said. Improve­ ,f be chairman. ' *,.' ,. Gibsons and District Chamber ment in the baling process will Y The 'meetinr is .sponsored by of 7 Commerce. - also be anade . enabling an in­ .K'hfi Citizen's Organization for crease from loading 800 tons a $ better education. The system will ibe installed day to aibout 4,000 tons in an in* order'; to. avoid dirty - water eight hour period. •At' Tuesday, ..night's school periods during 77 heavy rains Aboard meeting of last week a " Mr.' Sherman explained the which in the past have caused present price-cost squeeze af­ ?,lelter. informing the board of stoppage: of., work; at the mill. Y/th'eycalling ot. public me<-ting, fecting alP pulp mills in B.C. The mill uses 30,000,000 "gallons ; which has been brought on by ,i: was read. In view, of this move of water daily. Y; u^yYthe .Citi^n's ' organization, the increase in: the numlber of Cfprrustee' Mrs. Agues- J/.ibonte Mr. Sherman traced, the mill-so He expected that the 1966 growth. 6f the mill from the B. C. production of 3,200,000 MUSIC AND HABMONYwas the theme of Bethel 28, Job. Daugh-;:^ SSS^tS days of Capt. Henry A. Mellon, tons would be doubled by 1972 ters, installation of officers in Roberts Creek'Masonic Hall Satur- Ybe ™ furl^r nseeV-nj?.-? wivji when it produced 20 tons a day but he was of theYdpihion' that £\ through to the present 500 tons the future of pulp would show day. Deborah Dockar was the honored queen and she is shown :=t.he citizen's -'jommittoe. a, day production. In the first improvement within two or flanked by her two princesses. * (To avoid .-epeti^i-n i'ea«.l- rs "!'3years of the, life of the mill it three years. { '• .are uvged to read (he editorial was actually operating . for. a- Norman Rudolph introduced Installing officers were Carol marshal, Glenys MacLeod. Irion page two which-covers more bout two years under six ow­ '.•;Mr. Sherman and Charles Man­ 7detail on th•>• situation). Forshner, Carol Mylroie, Mrs. Appointed officers are Nancy ners. ^ '•;..-"7i, ."• •.'.. .."../. delkau offered the chamber's Kathy .Dunn, Mrs. Sharon Ellis, Miller, recorder; Karen Stan­ The present mill employs a. thanks for his remarks. Mr. Marilyn Hopkins, Mrs. Mae ley. treasurer; ' Juanita Cham­ staff of 500* and has an annual Mandelkau was thankful that berlin, chaplain; Fay Reid,. li­ the area had such a progressive Freer, Linda Dockar, Phyllis payroll of $3,600,000. Taxes paid brarian and Jill Cobleigh,!.mu­ Club sponsors toy the mill total $470;000 of company in operation. Where to Stay Hauka, Mrs. Arlene Robinson sician. Custodians, are Kathy and Dale Cameron. Deaton and Lynn. Bredy; mess­ ';• Y B0NNIBR00K CAMP Soloists were Mrs. -Lucille engers, Darlene .Lawson, Linda "1 Meuller and Gordon Hauka! y Williams, Barbara Price, Pam Y & TRAILER PARK Elected officers were Honored David, and Elaine McKenzie; -£. Gibsons Rod and; Gun club Gower Point — Ph. 886-2887 Queen Deborah Dockar,: senior guards, Robin Nygren and Sha- tw-m once again sponsor the an*- arid- junio• • r Princesse- - s :.Garid- .. y ron Lawson; lad.**>..y o f the lights, Snual July 1 Salmon Derby.. 1; OLFS COVE RESORT McPhedran and Pam Boyes, Karen Giibb and flag, .bearer, .'Boundaries forvthis;event will guide, Wilma Mandelkau and Candace Harrison. ^vbe MoNab Creek. to . Gower •••;"'.V.:* DINING ROOM -.Point and the west side of Bow- •;\%Y ' Ph. 885-2046 ; Yen Island to: Gower Point. Tick- .Sunshine Coast Highway Yets for this derby-may bey ob­ tained at Walt; Nygren Sales at g >the head of Gibsons" wharf.••; UQ BLUE SKY MOTEL c , -. n wnc>i>ir rrtv.•• •-Y^mesT-or this annual event ;|7^Y;ph^Mi^987 With close •":. to 500 . j^fSons ,S?©:^SYISn iamkh avp ^ T)av_«- Bay' oii^Uie Waterfront Y present from -Squamish^.^Powell ; j ;Pop .race :r Janet? Doane .tearn; xsecbri_l« and hidden weights. This "derby is restricted to sports : L. .Macintosh tearh and Melody . .liwack;Y7:RQs'edaie,fY::^ Todhunter team! of Langley. fishing gear, as always, and the fish can be weighed in at Walt Ph. 885-9314 Richmond [ and Vancouver, Barrel: . Robert McPherson, : Tom McCourt, Sechelt; Harvey Nygren's from 9 a.m. to the Inlet Avenue — Sechelt Little >Bit Ranch pulled off one deadline of .12 noon: This, early of its best gymkhanas. Sunday. Lefler. Horsemanship: Melody Toclhunter, Dorothy Todhuter .weigh in time has. been set to The event even attracted a Van­ enable more fishermen to try HADDOCK'S couver Sun newsman. and Butch Turner of Abbotsforl. CABANA MARINA . their luck in the derby, and still The Ed Meldrums who put it Bareback relay: Robert Mc­ have enough time to get home Ph. 883-2248 — Madeira Park on at their ranch are planning Pherson, Trish Anderson of : to their families and take them Where do YOU vote? another bigger and better event Wilson Creek; Dave Husby. to see the parade, and other spe­ RITZ MOTEL for sometime in August. Ropers: Brian Macintosh; Shan-, cial events on July 1 in Gibsons. Polls open at 8 a.m. and close at 8 p.m Winners were, registered colts non McCann of Squamish and Gibsons — Ph. 886-2401 Hopkins Landing — Communi­ John -Stanley, Gibsons; Kenny Janet v Dqane. Pole7 'bending: the Sunshine Coast. Gower: .Point Road Y "Fiedler, Gibsons and Charles7 Janet Doarie, Harvey Lefler and ty Hall. None of them were senior cit­ Day, Roberts Creek. Unre/gis- H. Doane; Granthams — Reynolds home. izens, or incapacitated, he said. -OLLY ROGER INN tered colts: Dot Mackenzie, Jr. musical tire: DennyMas- Swim classes Gibsons and area — Legion They were mostly people from Riok Marsh,'. Roberts Creek; sey, Richmond; Dianne Cramer, Registration for swim classes Hall. Gibsons to Pender Harbour who Secret Cove --Ph. 885-9998 would not be in the area on e- and John Nimmo, Gibsons. Gibsons; v Melody:; Todhunter. will be held at Gibsons Athletic Roberts Creek — Legion Hall. Y Scurry Race, Harvey Lefler, Saddle' tire and hat race: David Hall on Marine Drive Sunday, lection day, Tuesday of next HOTILY Wilson Creek '—• Community week. The advance poll was in PENINSULA Richmond; Janet Doane, Rich- Husby, Gerry Deslets, Powell June 23 at 1 p.m., also at Ro­ Hall. Dining Room — All Facilities rhond; Brian Macintosh, Squa­ River an^ Tommy McCourt of berts Creek Legion hall at 3:30 the Charles English real estate Sunshine Coast Highway mish. Open jump: Harvey Lef­ Sechelt. Bucking horse: Ed Y.m.-This Will, provile a chance Sechelt Reserve — S. Joe office in Sunnycrest Plaza. home. Ph. 886-2472 ler. Keyhole: Brian McPherson, Noel, Chilliwack and John to meet the instructor and reg­ Squamish; Brian Macintosh, Bates, Gibsons. ister your' children. The fee Sechelt and area — Legion will be $2 per child or $5 per Hall. CEDARS MOTEL family. Y Halfmoon Bay -— Post Office. Power boats and DINING LOUNGE Gibsons and Roberts Creek Madeira Park — McDonell Sunshine Coast Highway Group disbands area will be handled by the Store. Gi)bsjons A-hlieft-C; assocjiatjiQjn Gibsons — Ph. 886-9815 Francis Peninsula — Scoular arrive Sunday So few parents of the 140 principle except for the monthly unler the chairman of the swim­ home. ming classes project, Geoff From 25 to 40 power boats children enrolled atj 7 Robertis or bi-ononthly meetings. Pender Harbour — Davis from Vancouver and Seattle (Creek school latttenled the A trip to Stanley Park was Thatcher. Anyone desiring more information can phone 886-2479. home. will take part in a timed race Where to Eat School auxiliary meeting that it planned for the grade 1 pupils from Vancouver to Gibsons and was decided to disfband. A mere on Thursday, June 13. On the Egmont — Silvey home. PA COFFEE BAR Forty - nine voters cast the return Sunday arriving in Gib­ handful, always the same ones, : same day an educational tour to sons around I p.m. & BILLIARD HALL has been in attendance to hear Vancouver was planned for federal election ballots Saturday Sechelt — Ph. 885-9344 the speakers during the year. grade 7. and Monday at the advance poll This was announced at Mon­ day night's Gibssns Chamber Opposite the Bus Depot The auxiliary members will The travelling basket is still Work'is, going on at two pla­ set up in Gibsons according to meet once again, on the second circulating and some funds are ces, adding new construction to Jack White the deputy returning of Commerce dinner meeting at Monday in September, in order realized this way. the Gibsons area. In the lower officer for Elphinstone area of Cedar's Inn when chairman CALYPSO CAFE to form a standing committee The auxiliary raised approxi­ section at Gibsons park , the Frank Hay heard WaU Nygren report on developments planned .
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