EveningPostAnnual... ARTISTIC H OUSE-FURNISHING! WM.. H POST & CO., M428 J 430 HAIt^ STREET, HARTFORD. C0((N, RUGS, OIL C LOTHS, M ATS, LIGNUM, L INOLEUM, MATTINGS, FURNITURE COVERING, W INDOW-SHADES, PLUSHES, TABLE AND PIANO-COVERS, PORTIERRES, MANTEL-SCARFS, F RINGES. •rose f urnished in good taste is a source of refinement and education. It costs no more to furnish good taste than otherwise. We solicit an examination of the Largest and most Varied Assortment of ,;ets ever seen under one roof in New England. We offer for your inspection, Gobelin, Axminster, The Royal or Tourney Velvet, Moquette, Wilton, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three-Ply, Art Ingrain, Extra Superfine Ingrain, and Oriental and American Rugs in almost endless variety of style and quality. Carpets f rom 25 cts. to $5 per yard; Window Curtains from $1 to $500 per window; Window Shades from 25 cts. to $25 each; Paper Hangings from 10 cts. to $25 per roll; Mats and Rugs from 50 cts. to $500 each. Carpets made and laid in all parts of the country. The T rade of Country Merchants solicited, and Prices Guaranteed. We Make a Specialty of House-Furnishing. Whoever m ay chance to read this notice is invited to examine the stock, whether wishing to purchase or not. All g oods guaranteed as rocommended. It will pay you, reader, to look for Carpets, Curtains, and Paper Hangings at the House-Furnishing store of Wm.. H PesT 6a, Wllmam H . Post, 428ND A 430 MAIN STREET, Edoar S. Yerqason. HARTP0RD, 8 0NN. SBIDLER & c MANUFACTURERS A ND DEALERS IN ALL K INDS OF FURNITURE! O14 T 16 FORD ST., HARTFORD, CONN. PARLOR. S UITS, CHAMBER SUITS, FURNITURE F OR THE LIBRARY, DINING-ROOM, KITCHEN, AND HALL, FURNITURE FOR HOTELS, OFFICES, CHURCHES, PUBLIC BUILDINGS, AND EVERY OTHER PLACE WHERE FURNITURE MAY BE NEEDED. THE L ARGEST STOCK AND LOWEST PRICES OF ANY HOUSE IN THE STATE! WERE A MANUFACTURERS OF THE O Q <=; i w CO > t o > t— < r w > O a M c /3 X < M h 2 1 COI I 1 o W 2! H < O i sH •Ii > SO OUR A SSORTMENT OF OHOIOE PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS will b e found to be as rich and stylish as those of any house in New Vork or Uoston, with prices much below those markets. Extensive p urchasers will find that very favorable contracts may be made with us, for everything that may be desired in any of the departments above named. "An i nspection of our goods and prices is respectfully solicited. Georoe. N Seldler SEIDLER &M AY, Crarles May. 14o t 16 FORD STBEET, HARTFORD, CONN. MS- W ill Remove to our New Block on Pearl Street, near the corner of Ford Street, about May 1st. Special Prices before Removal. (From t he Hartford Post.) and t hey carry In stock everythlng that may he reqnlred for the complete furnlshlng of dwelllngs, omces, and pnhllc hnlldlngs. Thelr mannfactory A Model Furnlture House. haa facllltles for en mHy li.g speclaltles to order at the shortest notlce, nna Among t he steadlly progresslve and prosperons hnslness Anna In Hart' they employ ln thls department skllled workmen to whom mny he proflta hly entrusted the moat dellcate or elahorate artlele of cahlnet archltect ford there Is none mire consplcuons or deservlng than that of Measra. nre. It ls a pleasnre to he ahle thus truthfnlly to speak a word ln com Seldler A May, the woll-known fnrnltnre mannfactnrers and dealers on mendatlon of an honorahle firm, and to pnhllely record thelr prosperlty. Ford Street. They have long heen In hoslness at the present old stand■ Se Idler & May are erectlng for thelr own use and occnpancy a flne new wnere they have hollt up a trade and a repntatlon whlch la prohahly hlock on Pear) Street, a few rods from thelr present locatlon, to whlch they second to no other of Its klnd ln Connectlcut. The proprletors are gen expect to remove ahont May first. When completed lt wlll prohahly he tlemen In the hest sense, thelr goods alwaye prove to he preclsely as rep the flnent furnlture warehonse In the State, If not ln New England. It la resented, they keep thoronghly np wlth the market In styles and deslgn*, hot reasonahle to presnme that the new estahllshment w ill he head* and thelr prlces are always reasonahle. Thelr estahllshment ls extenslve quarters for the heat furnlture trade of the commonwealth. £TNA I NSURANCE COMPANY, OF H ARTFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED, J ^.JD. 181©. LOSSES P AID IN SIXTY-SIX YEARS, $57,300,000! CASH C APITAL, - - - $4,000,000.00 Reserve f or Re-Insurance (Fire), 1,722,614.20 (Inland), ---- -- - 3 7,692.93 Reserve f or Unpaid Losses (Fire), -------- 201,694.66 " " " ( Inland), 28,504.79 Other C laims, 58,720.27 Net S urplus, 2,964,490.55 TOTAL A SSETS, January 1, 1885, -- $9,013,517.40 LUCIUS J . HENDEE, President. JOTHAM Q00DNOW, Secretary. WM. B. CLARK, Assistant Secretary. What t he Newspapers Say of the iETNA: (From t he Hartford Font.) dends, p ald wlth the regularlty of the so m any compaulea went ont of exlstence, and It go Into elghty -five towns and cltles of Connec has always pald In full. Its record and name are The JEtnn Insurance Company. tlcut, and among twenty-four States of the Unlon. In themselves worth mllllons, and tho company Itn I scarcely necessary to call attentlon to the Its assets appronch (cn mllllons of dollars, Its has the ahsolote confidence of the hoslness com complenons statement of the jfitna Insurance net mirplos Is ahont three mllllons, and the losses munlty. Company promulgated the first of the new year. whlch It has pald durlng the slzty-slx years of The pnhllc generally, thronghont tho conntry, Its exlstence, exceed the enormons aggrceato of [From t he Hartford Tlmee.) look for the annnal statement of thls grout com flfty-seven mllllons 1 Facts and flgnres llke these pany wlth somethlng of the Interest whlch at convey a falr lmpresslon of the adamantlne so- 1 JRiwa. F lre Insnrniice Company. taches to the mmh reports of the Secretary of lldlty of thls " leadlng Are lnsnrance company j Thlss I a remarkahle company— remarkahle In tho natlonal treasnry: for Its stock Is held not of Amerlca," whlle they acconnt In a large ; Its hlstory, Its great confllcts wlth the flames, lta ouly In Hartford aml othor |K>rtlona of Connec measnre for tho unlversal pnhllc conffdence emlnent snccesss, and lts growth to larger pro- tlcut, hut nl-" In N<■w York, Massachnsetts, whlch n-|H>sos In thls lnstltutlon as In perhaps l>or llons than any othor flre Insurance company Pennsylvanla, Ohlo, Illlnols, Callfornla, Vlrglnla, no other of the klnd on thls or any other con- ! of thls conntry has ever attalned. From a capltal Mlchlgan, Alahama, Mnlno, Vermont, Kentncky, tfnent. of $150,000, It has Increased to $4,000,000. Its Mlnnesota, Iowa, Mlssonrl, Delaware, Rhode reserve for re-Insnrance Is $1,722,114. and lls net Island, New Hampshlre, Wlsconsln, Maryland, surplos Is ouly $35-510 less than $3,000,000, Its South Carollna, New Jersey, Montana, the Dls (From t he Hartford Oourant.) total assets helng $9,013,517. Thls company has trlct of Colomhla, Ontarlo, Nova Scotla, Que pald over flfty-seven mllllon of dollars ln losses hec, London, and Parls. Its hoslness Is In every Th« J Etna Insurance. Company-. | slnce It hegan to do hoslness. Wlth cash enongh State In the Unlon, and In pretty much every Bnl r enched hehlnd Us mllllons, the JFA\m offer* | In hank to carry It throngh a fire equal to the clvlllzed c onntry oh the face i ofof ththe glohe. Its complete protectlon to the Insured, and It never great Boston conflagratlon, and a net snrplos so capltal Is larger hy a mllllon dollars than any was stronger than It Is to-day. Its long record large that another Chlcago ftre wonld not dlsturh other Are company In the conntry, and the pro of honorahly-pald losses reaches hack over slxty- a single dlvldend. Its stock may he consldered tectlon whlch it affords to Its pollcy-holders Is as slx years, and dnrlng that tlme It has pald to the ahont as safe an Investment as anythlng In the nearly a hsolote as anythlng appertalnlng to hu Insnred $57,300,000. It pald every loss In full at i market, short of Government, State, or Munl man lnstrumentallty posslbly can he. Its dlvl the tlme of tho Boston and Chlcago firest when ' clpal honds. 1851, T hirty-Fourth Annual Statement 1885. OFHE T Phoenix M utual Life I nsurance Company, OF H ARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS, J anuary 1, 1885 Loansn o First Mortgages on Real Estate, $6,237,053.94 Real Estate unencumbered, 1 ,305,629.31 Premium Notes on Policies in force, 1,409,646.59 United States Bonds, . 212,631.25 City, Municipal, and Railroad Bonds, 774,016.50 Bank Stocks, . 153,638.00 Loan on Collateral, 2,000.00 Cash on hand and in Bank, 182,940.06 $10,277,555^64 Add : Market V alue of Stocks and Bonds over cost, . $70,827.00 Interest accrued and due on Mortgages, 1 49,330.46 Deferred and Outstanding Premiums, . 53,542.73 273,700.19 Gross A ssets, January 1, 1885, $ 10,551,255.83 LIABILITIES. nReserve o Policies in force at four per cent, interest (Conn, and Mass. s tandard), $9,280,722.00 Claims by Death outstanding, .
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