ANDOVER, M.LL\.SS.LL\.CHUSETTS PROCEEDINGS AT THE CELEBRATION OF THE OF THE I NCO RPO RATION OF THE TOvVN ANDOVER, MASS. THE ANDOVER PRESS 1897 -~ ~ NDOVER Massachu­ setts Book of Proceed- ~~--ings at the Celebration of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of theTown's Incor­ poration 1646-1896~~~~~ CONTENTS ACTION AT To,vN MEETING, MARCH, 1894, 13 FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN, 14 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN, 15 THIRD ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN, 19 FINANCIAL STATEMENT, 22 COMMITTEES, 23 INVITED GUESTS, 26 OFFICIAL PROGRAM, 29 SUNDAY AT THE CHURCHES, 31 HISTORICAL TABLEAUX, 34 THE PROCESSION, 37 CHILDREN'S ENTERTAINMENT, 40 THE SPORTS, 41 BAND CONCERTS, 42 ORATION, BY ALBERT POOR, ESQ., 43 PoEM, BY MRS. ANNIE SA\VYER DowNs, READ BY PROF. JOHN W. CHURCHILL, 96 ADDRESS OF THE PRESIDENT, PROF. J. w. CHURCHILL, 115 ADDRESS OF ACTING GOVERNOR ROGER WOLCOTT, I 16 ADDRESS OF HoN. WILLIAM S. KNox, 120 SENTIMENT FROM HoN. GEORGE 0. SHATTUCK, 122 TELEGRAM FROM REV. DR. WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER, 123 ADDRESS OF HOLLIS R. BAILEY, ESQ., 123 ADDRESS OF CAPT. FRANCIS H. APPLETON, 127 ADDRESS OF HoN. MosEs T. STEVENS, 129 ADDRESS OF CAPT. JORN G. B. ADAMS, 1 34 ADDRESS OF ALBERT POOR, ESQ., 136 SENTIMENT FROM MRS. ANN!E SAWYER DOWNS, 138 ADDRESS OF PROF. JOHN PHELPS TAYLOR, 138 Boan Cot teetion attb ijistorie ~ites REPORT OF COMMITTEE, 144 PORTRAITS AND PICTURES OF ANDOVER MEN AND WOMEN, 146 PHILLIPS ACADEMY, I 55 ANDOVER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, I 56 ABBOT ACADEMY, 157 PUNCHARD FREE SCHOOL, 158 MEMORIAL HALL LH''R ~... RY, 158 CHURCH EXHIBIT, 158 LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS, I 62 LIST OF HOUSES AND SITES, I 67 PRE-HISTORIC SITES, . • 172 LIST OF HISTORIC SITES IN TliE NoRTH PARISH, 172 MANUFACTURES AND TRADES EXHIBIT, 173 I , . ·' I ')··,,, ~ .,,.,., ... ~· G~O.H. pQO . -~ , a. ----- ....~ ,,,.. ,_ . ,......,... ,, r--. __ ..,,-- ----.__... .... _,/ ~-· /',/ / I I i. I . / ' I /1 ' ' . '·- - ei . ! , ' ' -----..= . / / -----­ / ' _, ~\ '"' ' ( ~ \ \' /~j---Y-\c_ , (~/ :· I}' eommitteeOF ' -\ I\ ' fifteen. \ \ . ·.J. ·. WJL ·►· - -- - /: \ / \ / \ ... \ . \ i. ! I \ PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS In March, 1894~ the citizens of Andover, assembled in annual town meeting, took the first steps in preparation for the proper celebration of the town's Two Hµndred and Fiftieth Anniversary, by action upon the fallowing article: " To see what action the town ,vill take in regard to the proper observance of the town's T,vo Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary." A vote was passed that a committee of fifteen be ap­ pointed to formulate a plan and report at the next annual town 1neeting, and the moderator appointed the following gentlemen as 1nembers of that committee: C. F. P. Bancroft, George Gould, Joseph M. Bradley, Ballard Holt, Samuel H. Boutwell, William Marland, John N. Cole, George H. Poor, William C. Donald, Alfred L. Ripley, George W. Foster, Joseph W. Smith, Frederick W. Greene, John Phelps Taylor, Ho,vell F. Wilson. The ,vork of this committee is told in the following de­ tailed reports of the chairman made at the annual to,vn meet­ ings of the years 1895, 1896, and 1897. These reports follow at this time that the official record of the preparations for, and observance of, the events of the day may all be found together in this " Book of Proceedings." 14 ANDOVE.'R, MASSACHUSETTS At the annual town meeting in 1895, the committee made its first annual report showing progress as follows: FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN The Committee of Fifteen appointed by the town at the last annual meeting to formulate a plan for the proper observance of the 2 50th anniversary of the incorporation of Andover beg leave to report as follows:- The members of the committee as appointed are : C. F. P. Bancroft, George Gould, Joseph M. Bradley, Ballard Holt, Samuel H. Boutwell, William Marland, John N. Cole, George H. Poor, William C. Donald, Alfred L. Ripley, George W. Foster, Joseph W. Smith, Frederick W. Greene, John Phelps Taylor, Howell F. Wilson. The first meeting of the committee was held for the purpose of organization, at the School Committee Room, March 17, I 894. C. F. P Bancroft was chosen chairman, and John N. Cole, secretary. The general purpose of the committee and the main features of the proposed celebration were considered and further action postponed to a subsequent meeting. A second meeting was ~eld February I 3, I 895, and a third on February 2 1, 1895, and it was voted to report to the town the follow­ ing recommendations : 1. That the celebration be held on Wednesday, the 6th of May, 1896, this day being the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the incorporation of the town by the General Court. 2. That the town of Andover invite the town of North Andover, and the citizens thereof, to participate in such way as may be con­ venient and agreeable to them· in the celebration of the incorporation of the original township in which they have a common pride and in­ heritance. 3. That on the Sunday preceding the 6th of May, 1896, the 250TH ANNIVERSARY ministers in the several churches in Andover and North Andover be invited and requested to preach memorial sermons to their respective congregations. 4. That Albert Poor, Esq., a lineal descendant of one of the original proprietors, and a native citizen of this ancient township be invited to deliver a commemorative historical address. 5. That Mrs. Annie Sa\vyer Dow~s be invited to prepare a poem for the occasion, and that Professor John Wesley Churchill be invited to read the same. 6. That all further details, including whatever is desirable in a civic celebration of this character and suitable to thi~ comm.unity and to our history, such as the ringing of bells, the firing of cannon, the decoration of public and private buildings, vocal and martial music, athletic games, children's festivals, processions, invitations and hospi­ tality, transportation, finance, historical and antiquarian collections,. printing and publication, and any and all other things proper and necessary for the worthy celebration of the quarter-millenial history of this town be entrusted to the committee, appointed by the town for the purpose, to report at the next annual meeting, or at such other time as may be found convenient to the committee. 7. That the to,vn authorize the committee to appoint sub-com­ n1ittees and fill vacancies. Respect£ u11y submitted, For the Committee, CECIL F. P. BANCROFT, Chairman. ANDOVER, MAss., March 4, 1895. The report ,vas accepted and adopted, and the arrange­ men ts for all details of the celebration were thus continued in the care of the original committee. In March, I 896, the committee again reported and pre­ sented a complete outline of the day's observance. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF COMMITTEE OF FIFTEEN At the Annual Meeting of I 89 5 your Committee of Fifteen on the 2 50 th Anniversary of the Incorporation of Andover, appointed at the Annual Meeting of 1894, reported progress, and presented certain ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS recommendations and appointments, and a general outline of a c1v1c celebration of the 2 50th Anniversary of the Town. That report was accepted, and its recommendations were adopted. This report, and the ·action thereon, may be found on pages 1 5, 16, and I 7 of the Annual Reports of the Town Officers for the year ending January 15, 1896. During the year your Committee held meetings Octoher 26, N ovem­ ber 13, December 11, December 20, February 3, February 2 I ; many meetings have been held by the sub-committees. There have been two changes in the Committee : Frederick W. Greene, having resigned his charge in the West Parish and removed to Middletown, Ct., his place was filled, in accordance with the author­ ity of the vote of the Town, by the appointment of Peter D. Smith; George Gould, having removed temporarily from the town, asked to be released from further service on the Committee, and his place was filled by the appointment of Arthur Bliss. The Committee deemed it wise to change the date of the celebra­ tion from May 6 to May 20, and accordingly to ask the pastors of the churches to preach the memorial sermons on May 17 instead of May 3 next. The Committee, as authorized by the Town, has created sub­ committees as fallows : Invitation and Guests - C. F. P. Bancroft, chairman. Evening Reception and Historical Tableaux - A. L. Ripley, chairman. Decorations - George W. Foster, chairman. Music-Arthur Bliss, chairman. Salute and Fireworks - ] ohn L. Smith, chairman. Procession - Peter D. Smith, chairman. Printing-John N. Cole, chairman. Banquet-William Marland, chairman. Loan Collection and Historir. Sites- Samuel H. Boutwell, chair- man. 1ransportation - Howell F. Wilson, chairman. Sports - Joseph M. Bradley~ chairman. Children's Festival- Joseph W. Smith, chairman. They have constituted themselves the Finance Committee, with George H. Poor as chairman, to which as General Committee also, 250TH ANNIVERSARY each sub-committee is to report. Each sub-committee has for its chairman or in its membership a member of the General Committee, so that a general unity of plan and effort may be readily secured. About one hundred and seventeen men and women v1ere invited to serve the town on these sub-committees, of whom only two have requested to be excused. In addition to the appointment of Or.ator and Poet, as voted at the last town meeting, the Committee of Fifteen have appointed Rev. Frank R. Shipman, pastor of our oldest church, chaplain of the day, Peter D. Smith, chief marshal, and John Wesley Churchill, toast­ master. The provisional program adopted by your Committee includes the following as possible features : For the evening of May 19, a general reception with music and tableaux illustrating distinctive events and scenes in the town's history.
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