22nd Annual "A Candle in the Dark" Gala Remembering Civil Rights P- 5 Viewphotosofattendeesand award recipients The dating scene p. 6 from the spectacular event. p. 3 "LooSe change review P-7 The Organ oe Student Expression Since 1925 TheMAROO GER Morehouse College • Atlanta, GA February 17 - 23, 2010 WWW.THEMAROONTIGER.COM Twitter and FOX 5 confuse AUC students Nicolas Aziz Monday morning, Morehouse Lsmg News Editor College was listed as one of nîcolasbrierreatzazs yahmxom the institutions that would be • J 4 • 1 closed on Monday. As a re­ residential f you are a student in the sult of this error, many AUC AUC, you most likely students began “tweeting” Life begins heardI rumors all throughout about the news of cancelled the weekend concerning the classes. According to several training cancelling of classes this past students, the Twitter madness Monday. Late Sunday night regarding the cancellation Calvin Monroe and early Monday morning, of classes on Monday began Associate News Editor many AUC students were around 1 a.m. fooled when Fox 5 news had Jon Wall, a sophomore at a list of institutions around Morehouse, said he first saw e Office of Housin Atlanta that would be closed that Morehouse was closed on and Residential life is on Feb. 15 due to “inclement www.myfoxatlanta.com. Wall currently commencing their weather conditions.” said that he also received text annual Residential Assistant According to www.weather, messages and saw that many Candidate Training Seminar. com, Atlanta was supposed to students were talking about Soon, a number of appli­ experience snowfall begin­ closed schools on Twitter. cants, who have successfully ning at 1 a.m. Monday morn­ “When I first heard rumors completed their training will ing. The snow was supposed of school cancellations, I im­ be bestowed with the title of to fall until 1 p.m. Monday mediately went to Fox 5’s Resident Assistant (RA). afternoon. The weather chan­ website to see if any cancel­ In this prestigious and vi- nel had the chance of snow lations had been announced,” ly important position at as high as 90 percent at one Wall said. “Since the skies the college, RAs will be able A screenshot of the My FOX Atlanta website was taken late Sunday night. The posting caused many point between the 1 a.m. to 1 were clear, I wasn’t expecting to perform various student students to believe that the campuses of Morehouse and Clark Atlanta would be closed on Monday, p.m. forecast. to see anything immediate­ life tasks. From professional but it was later revealed that there was a glitch in the website that caused several postings from the According to a printout of ly, but to my surprise it said , to conflict res- previous Friday to remain. My FOX Atlanta was the only news outlet that listed Morehouse and Clark the Fox 5 School Closing in­ Atlatna as closeings for Monday. formation page from 3:06 a.m. continued on page 2 ► on page 2 ► SGA Eradicating Student Apathy Gmail comes to Kevin Mallory will use this as a tool to voice Morehouse student Associate News Editor their concerns to the SGA. kevincmallory @ gmaii .com “We know, traditionally, town hall meetings are un­ e-mail accounts own hall meetings are der attended,” Auzenne ex­ Carl Ringgold feel [they] will be greatly sat­ usually open forums plained. T New Media Director isfied.” where citizens of the com­Auzenne noted that it was tasriringgoM® gmaii .com Spelman students saw their munity can voice their con­ difficult to get students to at­ transition to Gmail as im­ cerns on issues and question tend town hall meetings and fter recent advances in provement almost immedi­ elected leaders of the com­ think tanks, so the SGA and Aimproving TigerNet and ately after it replacing the old munity on what is being done CASA wanted to give stu­ campus wireless Internet covsystem­ completely in Decem­ to fix problematic issues. The dents a vehicle for continu­ erage, the Office of Informa­ ber. Morehouse College SGA ous expression. tion Technology has released a “With Spelman offering Town Hall meeting hoped to “The website is like a tra­ long-awaited plan to improve Gmail, it makes it easier for hear from hundreds of stu­ ditional blog/forum. You go the outdated Morehouse Col­ students to communicate dents; instead, it heard from on and create a username lege student email service. with the rest of the school about a dozen. and password, and we have Google will now operate due to the easy accessibil­ “This particular event was different topics posted such Morehouse’s email system- ity,” Spelman junior sociol­ not attended the way we as the dress policy and stu­ similar to Spelman’s “SC- ogy major from Los Angeles, wanted,” president of More­ dent safety,” Auzenne said. mail.” In March, IT will begin Candice Manier said. “Most house SGA, Adam McFar­ “It enables students to have its marketing and orientation people sync their Spelman land said. “There is a pleth­ conversations online about program. In April, IT will start emails with their phones and ora of different reasons that the dress code, about student assigning Gmail accounts. it helps a lot for spreading the are excuses that I am not go­ safety.” “We are actively plan­ word on events.” ing to offer.” The SGA has used the ning to roll out this plan with Morehouse’s current email Issues such as campus website as a means of being Google to offer Gmail to the system is not as friendly or safety and SGA visibility and continuously informed about student body right now,” Vice useful, which prompted the advertising were discussed student activity. Whenever a President of the Office of IT discussion to use Google. during the 90-minute meet­ student posts a comment on Joseph Dixon said. “We want Dixon considers the new email ing. One. student remarked the site, the response is im­ Morehouse SGA President, Adam McFarland. to acknowledge that there is platform a critical resource. that improved SGA advertis­ mediately sent to an SGA a current student email [sys­ Therefore, prompt but care­ ing could help bolster student officer. Auzenne has not re­ along with a “Financial Aid battling in the Student Gov­ tem], but we know that it ful planning was needed to concern and participation in ceived many notifications Awareness Week,” which ernment Association is the is truly outdated by today’s insure the transition to Gmail campus affairs. however, because the site has will take place during the feeling of apathy among stu­ standard.” has minimal error. One way the SGA is at­ been underutilized. week of March 15. dents.” Morehouse students look This summer will serve as tempting to spread the word By the end of the semester, McFarland hopes that these Auzenne believes that a forward to the change, espe­ a ‘pilot period’ to work out about its affairs is through the SGA hopes to execute types of events along with key to success with the SGA cially those who hold official any service and availability the Internet. Brennan Hawk­ initiatives like Google stu­ other improvements will fos­ and the student body is par­ positions on campus. issues. ins and Garrett Auzenne are dent e-mail accounts, where ter better relations with the ticipation. “I am proud and excited that “Because it is new, we have the two SGA junior trustees students would be able to use student body and elicit more “We hope students see that after years of pushing for this, to take some care in the de­ instrumental in the launch Gmail as a student e-mail student response and concern. there are avenues out there Morehouse is investing in a ployment,” Dixon said. “We of the website sgacasathink- address. This is an initiative “At this point it is our re­ to participate,” he said. “We top quality email system,” want students to get access to tank.com. On this website, that neighboring Spelman sponsibility to figure how hope that they will get the Morehouse SGA Senior Board the email while they are still students can comment on has undertaken. to do better,” McFarland message that we are here and Trustee Garrett Auzenne said. specific campus issues. Au­ Also, there are six commu­ said. “I think that the real is­ ready to work for you. Let’s “Students deserve this and I continued on page 2 ► zenne hopes that students nity service events planned sue that we are tackling and do it.” Recycle The Maroon Tiger i The Maroon Tiger - II- February 17 - 23, 2010 News ■< Glitch in My FOX Atlanta website leads to student confusion the MARO ON over possible class cancellations Vol. LXXXIV, Pages I - VIII ◄ continued from front page rumors of Morehouse cancel­ Leslie Duffield, Executive Durham sites the reason George W. Williams. IV ling classes. Sophomore Der­ Producer of Fox 5 Atlanta, for Sunday night and Mon­ Editor-In-Chief Sag that Morehouse College was rick Davis said he didn’t think claims the confusion was a day morning’s confusion to gwwiv. 1 [email protected] closed.” the list was accurate since it result of a malfunction with “tweeting.” Management DaniRae Baltzell, a junior contained church closings. Fox’s website. “The problem goes to tweet­ Kody Melancon Lauren Harper at Spelman, said she stayed up “I didn’t believe it was “We were having issues ing,” Durham said. “Students Managing Editor Associate Managing Editor late waiting to see if Spelman closed because I still saw with our site,” Duffield said. started tweeting inaccurate [email protected] laurenharper@ rocketmail .com would cancel classes.
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