Washington Pilots Association IN THIS ISSUE: Here Comes 2006 . 2 WASAR Report . 3 Airports . 5 WPA Chapters . 6 Classifieds . 7 Crossword Puzzle . 7 ings Events Calendar . 8 ServingW Washington Pilots Since 1960 December 2005 - January 2006 2005 WPA Toys for Tots Campaign and Fly-Out Colleen Turner, Vice President, Greater Seattle chapter During the holiday season, the Greater Seattle, Green River, Paine Field and Harvey Field chapters of the WPA are joining forces to support the U.S. Marine Corps Re- serve Toys for Tots program while promoting the benefits of general aviation. This is the thirteenth consecutive year that WPA has participated in this program. By the time you read this article, WPA members will have placed Toys for Tots collection barrels at various businesses located on airports throughout Puget Sound. Over the next few weeks, please drop a new, unwrapped toy or game into one of the collection barrels and help You can participate in this year’s Toys for Tots pro- many less fortunate children in the greater Puget Sound gram by: area wake up to a brighter and happier Holiday. • Bringing a new unwrapped toy or game to your local Through its Toys for Tots program, the U.S. Marine airport and placing it in a Toys for Tots collection barrel Corps Reserve has been collecting and distributing toys • Volunteering to fly with a Marine to collect toys on to needy children nationwide since 1947. The primary Saturday, December 17 objectives of the Toys for Tots programs are to help • Joining us for the Holiday toy unloading and gather- needy youngsters experience the joy of Christmas and to ing party at Galvin Flying Services (located on the east deliver, through a shiny new toy, a message of hope that side of Boeing Field) on Saturday, December 17 from will motivate them to grow into responsible, productive, Toy collection barrels are ready to receive your donations at airports 11:00am – 2:00pm patriotic citizens and community leaders. around the Puget Sound region. The Aviators Store at Boeing Field Calling All Toys! (above) offers discounts on merchandise to anyone donating a toy. Over 57 years, the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve has distributed more than 332.5 million toys to 158.7 million If you would like to volunteer, please contact Col- less fortunate children. You can find additional informa- leen Turner by phone at 425-227-0134 or via email, tion at http://www.toysfortots.org. [email protected]. Through our enthusiastic participation as pilots and Toys for Tots collection barrels are at the following volunteers, the WPA has greatly expanded the Toys for locations, ready for your toy donations: Tots collection area in the Puget Sound. • Boeing Field: Aeroflight Executive Services, Avia- tion Training Center, Clay Lacy Aviation, Galvin Flying Join us Saturday December 17 Services, Galvin Flight Training Center, The Aviator’s On Saturday, December 17, pilots from the Greater Store, Wings Aloft, Museum of Flight and the Boeing Seattle, Green River, Paine Field and Harvey Field chap- Field Airport office ters will gather at Galvin Flying Services, which is located • Renton Airport: Boeing Employees Flying Association on the east side of Boeing Field. They will be joined by and Pro-Flight Aviation several young men and women from the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. Each pilot, accompanied by a Marine, • Auburn Airport: Auburn Flight Service will fly out to the area airports to pick up the donated • Paine Field: Crown Aviation, Northway Aviation, Regal toys left in the collection barrels. Meanwhile, other WPA Air and the Airport office members will stay behind in the Galvin hangar to await • Harvey Field: in the FBO office the returning planes and help unload the toys. • Crest Airpark: in the FBO office This is a fun and festive event with lots of holiday • Bremerton Airport: Airport Diner treats, hot chocolate and coffee, and good company. Please join us. • Tacoma Narrows Airport: Executive Terminal IT’S YOUR ORGANIZATION - BE THERE IN PUYALLUP! ANNUAL MEETING, WPA ELECTIONS COMING IN FEBRUARY Kirk Kleinholz, WPA President 2004-2005 Another year is drawing to a close, and once where the event has been held in previous years), again it’s time to consider our WPA leadership for the Puyallup show is an important annual North- the coming year. west aviation event, and all WPA members are Every year WPA elects new leaders at our annual encouraged to attend. membership meeting, held in conjunction with the This year’s annual WPA membership meeting Northwest Aviation Conference & Trade Show at the and elections will take place in Puyallup at 12:00 Western Washington Fairgrounds in Puyallup. noon on Saturday February 25. Located in the newly constructed Exhibition and Conference Center (adjacent to the fairgrounds See WPA ANNUAL MEETING - Page 3 Washington Pilots Association Washington NE PMB 397, 227 Bellevue Way 98004-9721 Bellevue, WA Service Requested Address Page 2 - WPA Wings December 2005 – January 2006 Viewpoint: New Year, New Legislative Session in Olympia – and Winter Flying Every year winter brings with it cold, Law & Weather dedicated to funding search and rescue, • Check NOTAMs (paying particular at- blustery weather, and structural ice. But Law can be a lot like the weather. When and recurrent training. The idea was that tention to TFRs). Watch the Legislatures’ weather isn’t the only thing that changes it’s blustery cold outside and we fail to pay effective search and rescue services must website and talk with your WPA chapter each winter in the Northwest: a new legis- attention to the weather, we can get loaded be adequately funded, and that pilots and and state officers. Just like TFRs that can lative session also begins in Olympia. up with ice. Failing to pay attention to mechanics who received regular recurrent pop up at any moment, legislation that Recent winters have brought both Olympia can result in new taxes and fewer training would be less likely to have an snags your wallet or affects your ability to significant weather and major legislation services. accident. fly can surface at any time. that affects how we fly. In the winter of Do you pay attention to what happens Competing For Scarce Dollars • File a flight plan with Flight Service. 2005 state legislation was passed that in Olympia? Did you contact your State Let WPA officers know what you think increased the aviation fuel tax (from ten to The Aviation Division is self-funded from should be done in Olympia. Let the WSDOT Senator or Representative to express your aircraft registration fees and from fuel taxes. eleven cents per gallon), eliminated pilot opinion last winter? Do you launch into Aviation Division know what you think. and mechanic registration fees, eliminated With the elimination of pilot and mechanic structural icing conditions? Do you agree registration fees, search and rescue now • Fly safely. Watch for traffic. Talk with dedicated funding for search and rescue with higher fuel taxes and a reduction of your State Senator or Representative. Tell operations, and removed pilot education competes with other Aviation Division pro- pilot services? grams for funding. them how important search and rescue from the mission of the Aviation Division operations are to you, why we need airports (previously, pilot and mechanic fees were A Challenging Climate Both the FAA and the insurance industry that are safe and well-maintained, and how dedicated to search and rescue, and recur- John Sibold, Director of the WSDOT Avia- recognize that aviation safety depends on important recurrent training is to safety. recurrent training. John Black and Scott rent training for pilots and mechanics). tion Division has for years said that the dol- • Close your flight plan with FSS at the These measures were on top of major lars available were inadequate to maintain Gardiner, FAA Safety Program Managers for the Spokane and Seattle FSDOs, have end of each flight. Stay in touch with your changes to Washington law enacted in 2003 runways and essential safety facilities for the State Senator and State Representatives. that doubled pilot registration fees, raised 129 public use airports in Washington (and both said that “pilots who receive recurrent training are less likely to have accidents.” Every legislative district has several air- the fuel tax by 30%, and established severe he was right). Between 2003 and 2005 he ports –use that as a hook! penalties for failing to register aircraft. addressed that problem with two succes- Major aviation insurance companies offer discounts to pilots who can show evidence • Review your flight. Make sure all sive fuel tax increases and by establishing switches are off and all checklist items at consequences for folks who duck their state of recurrent training. When the WSDOT Aviation Division shutdown. Visit Olympia on your way to the Washington Pilots aircraft registration fees. Northwest Aviation Conference in Puyallup. Sibold deserves a lot of credit for seeing dropped support for the annual Mountain Association Flying Clinic, the reasons cited were potential Talk with your representative. Tell them the problem, then going to Olympia to fix what’s important to you! Executive Council & Officers liability issues and the small number of pilots it. Airplanes are not much use without an Fly safely in 2006, and help WPA work President: Jim Smith 425-774-8497 airport at either end of the flight. However, participating. But I can’t help but wonder VP East: Ron Baker 509-765-3208 what the state’s liability is when a search is to ensure your continued rights to fly in when the pavement maintenance problem years to come. VP West: Dale Terwedo 425-418-9622 was fixed, another problem was created: the launched, and providing recurrent training Secretary: Arthur Berkell 253-638-7038 erosion of pilot skills caused by the absence to 150-200 pilots each year seems to be a Treasurer: Bill Reith 425-252-3173 of recurrent training, coupled with the loss prudent investment that could help eliminate John Townsley, Okanogan Directors of dedicated funding for search and rescue the need to launch a search operation.
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