Founded In 1935 THE COWL Veritas VOL 4. No. 6—Six Pages PROVIDENCE COLLKCK. PROVIDENCE. R. I., NOVEMBER 10, 1938 5c a Copy STUDENTS CRY "BEAT STATE" Student Sports Out To Shear R. I. Ram Fighting Friars Program Starts Seeking Win After Xmas Over Rams To Include Basketball, Rejuvenated P. C. Eleven Softball and Football; Seeks Fourth Victory Crotty Named Director Over State The long awaited intra-mural sports "The boys will have to play their program for Providence College stu• best game of the union to defeat dents will be inaugurated directly af• R. I. on Friday night," said Coach ter the Christmas holidays under the Hugh Devore late yesterday. "A win for Providence College In dependent newly-appointed coach of varsity bas• upon an exhibition of more *peed and ketball Mr Edward F. Crotty. it was -t.iriim. than we have thown In any announced yesterday by the Reverend of our previous games. Our badly Arthur H Chandler. O. P.. dean of battered squad must concede the Rams the edge in everything except studies Intra-mural basketball will be THE PROBABLE STARTING LINEUP spirit." the first sport to be played under the PROVIDENCE COLLEGE RHODE ISLAND STATE new system Jim Leo L.E I* E Morris Fabricant Paul Sweeney ........... L.T Football teams of Providence Col• Extensive Program Planned. Bring the "Girl" LT Ed Petro Bob Johnston LG L G. Nick Orlando lege and Rhode Island State will Coach Crotty announced that he in• John Barnini C. Bring the Folks C Cliff Pace climax the 1938 gridiron season when tended to develop the program into a "Gig" Pariseau (Capt.) R.G RG Jim Magee (Capt.) they get together tomorrow evening schedule of sports which will carry Stan Eiselonis .. R.T. I Help the Boys R.T Al Pullano under lights for the third time at up to the first week of May. At the Casimir Potera RE RE Bob Belisle Cranstcn Stadium The game is the Ray Bedard Q, Bring Home sixth between the two Rhody insti• end of the basketball season outdoor Q. Louis Abruzzi Vin Nugent L H LH Allen Roblee tutions and the Fighty Friars will be sports including softball and speedball The Bacon out to score their fourth victory and Bill Carter R.H. R.H. Russ McNamara will be introduced to the students. thereby avenge the 19-0 and the 13-0 Dan McKinnon F FB Frank Zammarchi set-backs received at the hands of Speed ball" is a combination of PROVIDENCE RHODE ISLAND STATE the Keaneymen in the hurt two soccer and basketball and is very No Name Height Weight No Name Weight Height games of the series. popular in the Midwest "Pass" foot• 1 Pariseau. Anthony CO, '39 5-9 180 21 Peck. Richard C 245 6-4 ball will be the autumnal sport for 10 Alexakos. Theodore. '41 8 100 22 Keaney Warner McK 185 5-11 Wide Open Offensive Friar intra-mural athletes, and In the 23 Belisle. Robert _ _ 180 6 ^ 11 Byron. Joseph. *40 6-8 166 The St;ite mentor promises a color- fall cf 1939 this game will mark the 24 Bryant Raymond " 5^"^ e-open offensive built around 12 Avedisian. Jiray. *39 5-4 170 opening of the first full year schedule 35 Chiappenilli Bartolo 180 5-10 "Duke Abbruzzi. the Rams' fleet- of sports for Providence College stu• 13 Sweeney. Paul. '40 6-1 190 26 Fabricant. Morris 140 5-? footed back who has shifted from dents 14 Beaubian. Charles. '40 5-7 185 28 Cooper. Stuart ITS 5-10 his left halfback post to take over 15 Bedard. Raymond. '39 5-8 160 29 Abbruzzi. Louis 175 6 the injured Rene Duranleau's quar• Basketball League 16 Carter. William. '40 5-7 150 30 De Cesare. Anaclithe 149 5-7 terback position The Ram attack is The basketball league which will 17 Avedisian. Charles. '41 5-9 185 31 Duranleau. Rene ISO 5-11 featured by the many unorthodox be split into two divisions, each com• 18 Conley Thomas, '39 6 177 33 Flynn, Maurice 170 5-10 formations and all the razzle-dazzle posed of a quintet from each one of 20 Domke. Frederick, '41 5-11 175 34 Franchuck. Michael 135 5-9 type of play for which Coach Kea- the four classes. Gaines will probably 21 Eiselonis. Stanley. '40 5-11 180 35 Gates. Laurence 150 5-7 ney's teams are famous Warner be played on the afternoons preced• 22 Barnini. John. '40 6 110 37 Lano. Lumbe 170 5-11 Keaney, robust tackle and son of the ing contests in Harkins Hall gymnas• 23 Grady. John. '39 5-10 185 38 Larrabee, Robert 185 5-11 Coach, is also on the Injured list ium Tentative plans call for a cham• 24 Johnston. Robert. *39 5-8 175 39 Lozow. Jack 154 5-8 but will be available for kicking pionship play-off tussle between the 25 Leo. James, '40 6 190 40 McNamara. Russell 155 5-8 duty should State wish to attempt winners of each division in a game 26 Levey. John. '41 5-8 170 41 Magee. James H. .......... 150 5-8 any field goals He has made good which will serve as a preliminary to 27 Lyons John. 39 5-11 175 42 Mantenuto. Angelo J. 170 6 on 16 out of 18 attempts to convert one of varsity contests. after touchdowns this season. Against 28 McKinnon. Daniel. '40 6 180 43 Harrington, Charles N. 170 5-7 Teams in the league will be Brown he kicked the extra point 29 Mooney. Robert. '41 6-1 195 44 Orlando. Nicholas 180 5-10 coached by members of the Provi• 45 Pace. Clifford 177 5-10 over the crossbar from the 30-yard 30 Nugent, Vincent. '40 5-7 175 dence College varsity hoop squad 46 Albanese. Robert 164 5-9 stripe. 33 Cronin. Donald. 41 6-1 175 Officials for the games to be staged 47 Pullano. Louis 158 5-7 34 Werbicki. John, '41............................5-11 170 State enters the contest with a by the class teams will be appointed 48 Robblee. Olden 180 6 35 Sarris. George. '41 6-1 190 record of four wins and three re• by Coach Crotty. The director of in• 49 Petro. Edward 187 6 36 Shattuck. Lawrence, '40 5-10 182 verses having tallied 134 points tra-mural sports said that he would 50 Smith, Herbert A 176 6-1 37 Pettine, James, '41 5-10 162 ask that a student's athletic council, against iheir opponents' 131. Victories 38 Forstot. Albert, '39 5-9 184 . 51 Whaley, Horace H 158 5-9 with two members from each class, wej#'"scored' over the University of 39 Tamuleviz, Alfred, '41 5-9 170 52 Zammarchi. Frank 160 5-10 be appointed to assist him In the Maine, the American International 40 Potera. Casimir, '41 5-9 170 55 Robinson. Dallas 170 5-10 staging of the proposed program. College. Massachusetts State, and Such a council will be expected to Connecticut State Defeats have been Aquino Members suffered at the hands of the power• advance student ideas toward the Students Pay Visit Clubs to Hold successful staging of the program to ful Holy Cross Crusaders. Brown Mr Crotty, who will discuss the plans to State Campus To Observe Feast University and Worcester Tech with the group. The director will of Rally, Dance Won Two Rumors are that festivities started Celebrating the Feast of Saint course serve as chairman of the The Friars, on the other hand, hav• with a bang last Monday night as 20 council. Thomas, patron of Catholic Schools, ing won but two of their seven Providence College students descend• "Beat State" Spirit Will Be the Aquino Club will attend, as a games played to date will try to for• Will Increase School Spirit ed upon the Rhode Island State Cam• Feature of Tonight's get their unimpressive record by a "This intra-mural sports program pus with every intention of capturing body, a Mass in the College Chapel Affair victory over the favored Rams to• will be designed to interest the stu• "Rameses III." Rhode Island State at 8:30 AM. next Sunday After the morrow night Injuries have raised dents in Providence College and aid mascot. But the main objective was Mass is sung by the club moderator, The climax of the drive to instill havoc with Coach Devore's progress in the production and increase of forgotten as the delegation was re• pre-game spirit for the Rhode Is• the Rev Paul C Perrotta a pane• alt season causing the team to be school spirit." Coach Crotty said ceived with open arms and royally land State game will come tonight gyric on St. Thomas will be delivered considerably weakened against their yesterday The sports problem of entertained by State undergraduates at the "Beat State" dance to be con• by the Rev J Thomas Fitzgerald, much stronger opponents. Fred Dom- the students is one that I will be The Rhode Island Campus re• ducted by the Carolan Club. A be• vice president of the college. ke suffered a severe foot injury in happy to tackle and I promise, and sounded with PC songs and cheers tween the halves pep rally will be the pre-season drills that has kept expect from them, the fullest cooper• as the boys arrived early in the eve• At the meeting, conducted last Mon• conducted by the Friars Club. him on the sidelines ever since. Ted ation in the carrying out of the pro• ning The volume increased as State day evening, the following were nom• Alexakos, Bob Johnston, Captain Par- posed program." students joined in the PC praises The dance, an informal affair, is inated as officers for the coming iseau.
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