Au 1 UkOiULfki), ETC. THE SUNDAY taTAK, WASHINGTON, 1). C.. JANUARY 11. 1026-PAKi' 6. ROOMS, ETC. 3 FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOB, SALE-AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE—AUTOMOBILES. (Contlaned.) FOR RENT—GARAGES RENT ROOMS—FURNISHED. ROOMS—FURNISHED. RENT - OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER, OLD CARS BOUGHT FOR < Continued.) & TIBBITTS, BENT—GARAGE. 1423~CLIFTON BT~n7w. Large, nicely fur~- HILL INC. BUICK. FOR lutrgp mod »rn, we kept, prl to cash. cars. A at. s.e. near 6th. 114 MARYLAND AVK. N.E.— rcnrn, L 1 1 1 va home. 12* JUSTICE. 1924. Parts for all next to beth; twin beds; b.-w.h.; eleetric rooms, Fully equipped, run only 8.000 miles in Apply 4tfl East Capitol. Lincoln 1695 M. 12* 1017 9th BT. N.W.—2 large front and USED CAR GLASSER’S, lights. Line. 4607. 11* 1.h.k., open. Jl* rerf.ct condition. *573. Will take *2OO cash. LINCOLN~DEALERS. DEPARTMENT. 2140-60 Georgia PRIVATE GARAGE. YOUR OPPORTUNITY [ *2l balance In 12 months. Phone Cl. 3978. LARUE front room with all conveniences, in 924 Sth ST. N.W.—Large room, suitable 2 and I ave. Phone North 1121. 15* private borne; near cars. $3 2311 5s here. Now is the time to pur- '•( USED CAR DEPT. Liberal terms can be ar- 20th ST. N.W. Piione North 4527. 8 In room, and $4 each. 16* CHEVROLETS. FORDS—FORDS—FORDS. GARAGE. 1352 PARK RD.—Well bested, clean, bright, chase a used car at the lowestt j hava a few new 1924 models that cas ranged. 1844 II BT. N.W.—ljrge. clean, corner room; housekeeping; children no objection. 11* be bought at substantial well lighted and heated, water, reductions. Chassea, Two very desirable downtown garages, $lO i hot unlimited 1902 G STREET—NiceIy and possible prices. Prices have e $25 up. per phone; private family; breakfast If desired. furnished room GISH GARAGE, REAL ECONOMY PRICES. Buick sedan, Tourings, S3O to $275. month. kitchenette; first floor. 11* cut to 5-pass. Coupes, $125 been their lowest. to $350. APT., 943 AVE. P.W.— J front rooms, Sedans. SIOO to $450 HEDGES A MIDDLETON, INC.. OPPOSITE WYOMING on Col. Rd VIRGINIA goodTooks. Reo touring. REALTORS. Two large front rooms, heated; plenty of hot water; board. If wanted. Dellreriea and $25 private bath; vacant REMEMBER Tmrks. to $173. Jan, 15; • YEAR~TO PAY. Buick sport touring. SEE MR. ROWE FOR Now in our new location. breakfast and dinner. _Nnrth_Sfto4. 1208 ST.—-Attractive, warm double room; BAST TERMS. 1413 Eye St. N.W, Franklin 9903. twin beds; plenty hot January is the Used Car GOOD PERFORMANCES. Buick 1634 RIGGB PL. N.W.—Neatly furnished 2nd- water. 12* 1924 FORD TOPRING 8 4-cyl. touring. BARTRAM MOTOR CO., REAR OSS H ST. 8 W $6.00 floor front room, next to bath; good 207 D BT. N.W.—3 l.b.k. rooms, good heat. HAYNES SPORT 328 location. 1923 SEDAN. BARGAIN Ga. are. and Gresham pi 7.00 12* . 11* 1924 WILEYS KNIGHT TOPRING, Chevrolet \ During. 1204 New Hampshire Ave. 1 PRAC- speciaTTterms. Ga. ave. and Shepherd at 5.00 1410 M ST., APT. 401—Bright, 430 H rooms, furnished, houaekeep- TIOALLY NEW 930 o MONTH Rear 1823 —Double brick, ! nicely fur- N.W.—3 Buick coupe. T at. with running nished room, convenient to private Ing. 11* T923 FORD SEDAN 230 FORD water. bath; »... s and fa mlly. 1319 N BT. N.W.—Double rooms, 1924 OVERLAND TOURING 295 TAKE YOUR Maxwell coupe. N. E. RYON CO.. at. 8560. and slDglo CHANDLER WILL SPECIALS. INC.. 1423 F M nicely furnished; optional. 1923 COI’PE. 4-PASS 673 s THE HALF SQUARE FROM WARDMAN PARK board _ 1922 CHEVROLET COUPE 23C WASHINGTON CAR IN GARAGE FOR RENT. Hotel—One or two young men; nicely 18th AND TRADE. Ford touring. ALL PRICES REDUCED. *6.00 per month, fur- COL. RD.. 1832 Biltmore at. Apt. 1923 FORD TOURING I*3 nlshed room: references. Phone Adams_s6s7. 7—-I-**vs*. warm room, newly decorated; S2O. 5 CADILLAC CO. NORWOOD, 1428 B at. s.e. 1923 NASH SPORT 373 Is now offering at new greater Dodge roadster. e. 1018 R X.E.—Large, room, 1219 bath; downtown; 1922 MAXWELL TOURING 390 lew prices ST. comfortable K—Adjoining electricity, u values than you hava ever expected. In Haynes Every car reconditioned, some gentlemen or employed couple. Lincoln etcam heat cleap. 1922 FORD SEDAN 130 yourself, Jue- CADILLAC”PHAETON. touring. REAR 1923 WILLYS KAIGHT ROADSTER 60S , . f before buying a used car Late 8* model. Been 1815 K N.W.—ONE CAR $lO 00 LARGE, front room, a.m.1.; private home. ylslt our sales department, write or phone your throngb the chap; repainted. 22nd at. bet. N and O—New garages... 10.00 CHANDLER DISPATCH 600 i inquiry. worth your everything mechanically Top. upholster* Stephens touring, 1730 KENYON ST. N.W.—Nicely furnished North 1720-W. 9 It Is time. There are O K W. J. PILLING. I private opee and eortatna Just fine. paint \V e offer the in front room. In family; no other N.W.-—Single various makes and closed, larga. me- Wonderful Job Buick touring-sedan. best values , 1283 IRVING BT. room, second royal i roomers. It* • f to > dtum and small, and on terms convenient in bine. Practically new Urea. Low used door; electricity, Pol 6467-W. We have many others you mileage. Motor particularly | Fords in the city. 6th A KEEFER PL.—l CAR $5.00 > 1300 RHODE ISLAND to quiet aM Chevrolet sedan. ATE. N.W.—Permanent 3160 18th ST. N.W.—2 rooms, to $4 Truly a wonderful car. Georgia are. A Newton at.—l car 6.00| transient: newly a.m.1.; $8 a from, 5 Cadillac suburban. 69, *372 cash down. •¦**PP7." papered and painted; week; for men. • select ranging in price - Liberal Terms* 14th A Newton eta.—l car 7.50 Mt. Pleasant. Col. 8816. Peerless Coupe, 1020: *l6O rash down. SHANNON A LCCHS, reasonable. Many of cash Open Evenings and Sundays. INC., 1422 N BT. N.W.—For gentleman, pleasant from SSO up. these cars Lincoln Touring. 1*22. *6lO down. Ford Sedans 310 3rd ST, N.W., Apt. 3 2 house • S Chandler LINCOLN SEDAN. and Tourings, 713 14th ST. MAIN 2345, Adult*. room, conveniently located. Apt. 6. can as low as Touring, 1922; *205 cash down. 1*23 model; fonr-pasteQf keening and*bath, in apt.; walking distance be bought $25 5 or. thr*«-*rlndow to • REAR MT. PLEASANT AND IRVING to • 707 22nd room, A end S4O S2OO. STS?? business. Call after 6 evenings. ST. N.W., APT. s—Front The txpe. car that ban been is now STAN LEY~h7 HORNER, Rear R *10; Cham- • Washington Cadillac Co. right up kept sl2. 1710 at.. rear 2311 reasonable, down, $5 per week. 1138-1146 Conn ave, Franklin 8900 to the high Lincoln standard. West- 1922 Ford Coupe, plain at., $8; rear 600 block lltli n.e., $6. 1318 PARK ROAD—Single room, next to bath, " 1015 14th St. Main 5296 1; heat; 118 loth N.E.—2 housekeeping rooms; elec- lnghonse shock cord . , available Feh. electricity, hot-water absorbers; new tires; slip ? ¦— ¦- _ ROBERT LEE O'BRIEN, phone; $37,50. * lots unlimited • rlcity; gas: CO., GOOD HOMES WANTED covers that have been on from the Brat. This of extras, $245. Frank. 5385. phone JUSTICE MOTOR car formerly owned by Mr. Johu 11. Carter, PET WO RTH, *707 ALLISON ST.—l roonTwitb .303 H N.W.—3rd-floor front room, double or who recently purchased ! HUPP • FOR another Lincoln of JORDAN L. POUR-CAR GARAGE, REAR 1318 K ST? or without sleeping porch; breakfast privilege; lngle : different body R. TAYLOR~MOTOR CO., • type. n.w.—Water and lights; convenient to large ¦ modern home. Phone Adams 6364. .430 NEWTON N.W.—Nicely furnished front Five Reconditioned • A 14th and T Sts. N.W. office buildings; annual lease; rent, *45> APT. 101, THE ALABAMA. 11th and N n.w.'— oom; a.m.c. MAXWELL L "Satisfaction Guaranteed” month. Light front room, next to bath; gentleman AUX SHAKE APARTMENT with two yonng CHRYSLER aTso only. • * FEW RICKEN adics. The Pentilly. Apt. 706. BACKER’S GARAGp: Suitable FORD CARS COLUMBIA Dc Luxe Sedan, for repair shop, service ' 623 EYE ST. N.E.—Nicely room, (18 complete SPECIAL station, any heavy business, printers, furnished C B.E.—Two housekeeping rooms, USED CAR tinners, next to bath; b.-w.h.; of nk, range; • HUDSON COACH. •tc. 2028 M st. n.w. • use phone; reason- a.m.l. WE ARE SIMPLY FORCED TO HAVE VALUES. INVENTORY SALE able. Phone Line, 6100, 12* DEPARTMENT. THE ROOM NOW OCCUPIED BY OUR GEO. Y. WORTHINGTON A SON 1817 IRVING ST.—Single room, second floor, USED OARS AND HAVE REPRIOED LINCOLN Touring, OF Woodward Bldg. Main 3327. THE RHODE ISLAND. 1437 Rhode Island "aTe. lady or gentleman. • OAR IN STOCK. THE EVERY n.w.—Single and double room; club break- 6 CARS LISTED PEERLESS Sedan, ’23 Ford coupe $325 USED CARS. Woodley and fast. • -13 LINWOKTU PL. S.W.—Desirable second'- BUY~YOUR BELOW ARK STARTLING VALUER. AND Rd. Woodley PI. iloor front room, for one or two person*. 12* WE WANT TO THEM IN 5 ’23 Hupp touring THE JOSEPH SHAPIRO CO., 918 15th ST. 930 NEW AVE. N.W., APT. 3—Room USED PLACE FAM- PIERCE-ARROW Limousine, 650 All Cars Must Be Moved to YORK .616 22nd BT. N.W.—Rooms, nicely furnished, CAR ILIES THAT OAN APPRECIATE SENSA- for young man; all modern convenience*; cen- ........ • heat, electric lights, very reasonable.l7* TIONAL BARGAINS.
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