ミステリSFコレクション(洋図書) 1 資料番号 書名 請求記号 A dictionary of monsters and mysterious beasts / Carey Miller ; illustrated 2011413056 001/Mi27 by Mary I. French.-- Pan Books; c1974.-- (Piccolo original). Return to the stars : evidence for the impossible / by Erich von Däniken ; 2011411224 001.94/D37 translated by Michael Heron.-- Transworld Publishers; 1972. Rosenbach : a biography / by Edwin Wolf 2nd with John F. Fleming.-- 2011413486 002.07/W84 World Publishing; c1960. Holiday catalogue : The mysterious bookshop ; 1994, 1996, 1996 spring- 2011414227 011/H83 summer.-- The mysterious bookshop; 1994-. Holiday catalogue : The mysterious bookshop ; 1994, 1996, 1996 spring- 2011414228 011/H83 summer.-- The mysterious bookshop; 1994-. Holiday catalogue : The mysterious bookshop ; 1994, 1996, 1996 spring- 2011414229 011/H83 summer.-- The mysterious bookshop; 1994-. The list of books / Frederic Raphael, Kenneth McLeish.-- Harmony 2011413466 011/R17 Books; 1981. Subject guide to books in print : an index to the publishers' trade list 2011414166 015.73/P88 annual, 1963 / editen by Shrah L.Prakken.-- R.R. Bowker; 1963. By us! / society by crime writers in Stockholm ; translation by Claudia Brä 2011414299 018/C92 nnback.-- Härnösands Boktryckeri AB; 1981. The paperback price guide / by Kevin Hancer ; pbk..-- Overstreet 2011412078 018.4/H28 Publications. The paperback price guide / by Kevin Hancer ; pbk..-- Overstreet 2011412079 018.4/H28 Publications. 2011410672 Le Placard / John Burningham.-- Flammarion; c1975. 028.5/B93 2011410676 The little house / story and pictures by Virginia Lee Burton.-- Faber; 028.5/B94 Dr. George Gallup's 1956 pocket almanac of facts / Robert W. Mangold 2011414192 051/Ma43 and S. Arthur.-- Pocket Books; 1956.-- (A Cardinal Giant ; GC-1956). Index to the Strand magazine, 1891-1950 / compiled by Geraldine Beare.- 2011414547 052/St8 - Greenwood Press; 1982. The years with Ross / by James Thurber ; with drawings by the author.-- 2011413839 Penguin in association with H. Hamilton; 1963, c1959.-- (Penguin books ; 070/Th9 1994). The best from Playboy : entatertainment for men / edited by Hugh M. 2011413228 070.1/P71 Hefner ; editor and publisher Playboy.-- Waldorf Publishing Company; Playboy annual : entertainment for men / edited by Hugh M. Hefner.-- 2011413229 070.1/P71 Waldord Pub. Co; c1956. The Oxford University Press and the spread of learning, 1478-1978 : an 2011414561 illustrated history / by Nicolas Barker ; with a preface by Charles 070.5/B21 Ryskamp ; pbk..-- At the Clarendon Press; 1978. What happens in book publishing / edited by Chandler B. Grannis.-- 2nd 2011411936 070.5/G77 ed..-- Columbia University Press; 1967. Våra populärförfattare : det bästa ur Dast nr 1-49 : (med huvudregister, 2011414289 titelregister samt litteraturförteckning) / sammanst. och red. av Iwan 070.5/H51 Hedman-Morelius VOL ISBN9185208035 PRICE XISBN.-- DAST; 1976. Paperbacks, U.S.A. : a graphic history, 1939-1959 / Piet Schreuders ; 2011414465 translated from the Dutch by Josh Pachter ; : pbk.-- Blue Dolphin 070.5/Sc7 Enterprises : Distributed by Pacific Comics Distributors; 1981. Over my dead body : the sensational age of the American paperpack, 2011414441 070.5/Se86 1945-1955 / Lee Server ; : pbk.-- Chronicle Books; c1994. Witch-craft : power tough / by Louise Huebner.-- Bantam Books; 1971, 2011412248 131/H98 c1969.-- (A Bantam book ; N5713). The Dracula archives / Raymond Rudorff.-- Pocket book; 1973.-- (Pocket 2011413451 131/R82 Books ; 77678). Ghosts and hauntings / Dennis Bardens.-- Collins; 1967, c1965.-- 2011410278 133.1/B21 (Fontana books ; 1610). Aidan Chambers' book of ghosts and hauntings / illustrated by Antony 2011414287 133.1/C32 Maitland and with photographs.-- Puffin Books; 1973.-- (Puffin books). 2011412733 The realm of ghosts / Eric Maple.-- Pan Books; 1967.-- (Pan books). 133.1/Ma49 A complete guide to the tarot / by Eden Gray.-- Bantam Books ; 1972, 2011411857 133.3/G79 c1970.-- (A bantam book ; Q6696). The devil's picture book : the compleat guide to tarot cards / Paul 2011412270 133.3/H98 Huson.-- Berkley Publishing Co.; 1973, c1971.-- (A Berkley medallion 2011413483 The truth about Dracula / Gabriel Ronay.-- Stein and Day; 1972. 133.4/R66 2011413849 A handbook on witches / Gillian Tindall.-- Mayflower; 1972, c1965. 133.4/Ti5 ミステリSFコレクション(洋図書) 2 資料番号 書名 請求記号 2011410939 Magic : an occult primer / David Conway.-- Mayflower books ; 1974, 133.43/C86 The complete book of magic and witchcraft / Kathryn Paulsen.-- New 2011413107 133.43/P28 American Library; c1970.-- (A signet mystery book ; Q4352). Unfinished symphonies : voices from the beyond / Rosemary Brown ; pbk.- 2011410513 133.9/B77 - Pan Books; 1973. The history of spiritualism / by Arthur Conan Doyle.-- Arno Press; 1975, 2011411364 133.9/D89 c1926. Harry Price : the biography of a ghost hunter / Paul Tabori ; pbk.-- 2011413793 133.9/Ta12 Sphere; 1974, c1950.-- (The Dennis Wheatley library of the occult). A secret symmetry : Sabina Spielrein between Jung and Freud / Aldo 2011411075 Carotenuto ; translated by Arno Pomerans, John Shepley, Krishna Winston 150.195/Sp5/c ; pbk., hard.-- Pantheon Books; 1984. Le comte de Gabalis ou entretiens sur les sciences secrètes / 2011410404 194/V71 Monrfaucon de Villars.-- Pierre Belfond; c1966. Japanese religion : unity and diversity / H. Byron Earhart.-- Dickenson; 2011411458 200.952/E11 c1969.-- (The Religious life of man). Myths, emblems, clues / Carlo Ginzburg ; translated by John and Anne C. 2011410043 201.6/G46 Tedeschi.-- Hutchinson Radius, c1990. The Dead Sea Scrolls : a reappraisal / John Marco Allegro.-- 2. ed.-- 2011410225 221.44/A41 Penguin Books; 1964.-- (Pelican books). Picture stories from the Bible : the New Testament in comic-strip form / 2011411634 edited by M.C. Gaines ; ill. by Don Cameron ; scripts by Montgomery 225.9/G15 Mulford and Edward L. Wertheim.-- Ballantine Books ; 1986, c1980. Picture stories from the Bible : the Old Testament in comic-strip form / 2011411951 edited by M.C. Gaines ; ill. by Don Cameron ; scripts by Montgomery 225.9/G15 Mulford.-- Ballantine Books ; 1986, c1979. The ten commandments / A. Powell Davies.-- New American Library of 2011411240 241/D46 World Literature; 1957, c1956.-- (signet key books ; Ks343). A thief in the night : the death of Pope John Paul I / John Cornwell.-- 2011410943 282.092/C88 Penguin; 1990.-- (Penguin books). The protestant era / by Paul Tillich ; translated by James Luther Adams.- 2011413875 284/Ti4 - Abridged edition.-- University of Chicago Press; c1957. The crisis of psychoanalysis / Erich Fromm.-- Fawcett; c1970.-- (A 2011411598 301/F48 Fawcett premier book ; 150). Between you, me, and the gatepost / by Pat Boone.-- The world's work; 2011410647 301.08/B64 1962. The human use of human beings : cybernetics and society / by Norbert 2011414015 303.4/W72 Wiener.-- Doubleday; 1954.-- (Doubleday anchor books ; A34). House of joy / by Joanie Winters.-- Paperback Library; c1965.-- 2011414040 306.7/W77 (Paperback Library ; 54-846). ケネディ大統領演説集 : 英和対照 / ジョン・F.ケネディ著, 黒田和雄訳 ; 2008315158 310.4/Ke48 [正], 続.-- 原書房; 1963-1964. The conscience of a conservative / by Barry Goldwater.-- Hillman Books; 2011411835 320.973/G61 c1960. 2011411592 Escape from freedom / Erich Fromm ; : pbk.-- Avon Books; c1969. 323.44/F48 Compulsive spy: the strange career of E. Howard Hunt / Tad Szulc.-- 2011413789 327.1/Sz Viking Press; c1974. The Spy's bedside book : an anthology / edited by Graham Greene and 2011414468 327.12/G82 Hugh Greene ; : pbk.-- Granada; 1984, c1957. Operation Portland : the autobiography of a spy / by Harry Houghton.-- 2011412158 327.12/H81 Rupert Hart-Davis; c1972. The whole spy catalogue : an espionage lover's guide / Richard L. Knudson 2011414419 327.12/Kn7 ; pbk..-- St. Martin's Press; c1986. The secrets of the German war office / by Dr. Armgaard Karl Graves, late 2011411771 327.43/G78 spy of the German government.-- T. Werner Laurie ; [1914]. The swiss bank connection / by Leslie Waller.-- New American Library; 2011413953 332.1/W36 c1972.-- (Signet Non-Fiction). The European Parliament : a guide for the European elections / Robert 2011412348 341.24/J11 Jackson and John Fitzmaurice.-- Penguin Books; 1979.-- (Penguin Murder and its motives / F. Tennyson Jesse.-- Pan Books; 1958.-- (Great 2011412368 345/J41 Pan). ミステリSFコレクション(洋図書) 3 資料番号 書名 請求記号 Harold Greenwood ; William Joyce ; Ley and Smith ; Dr Pritchard ; Robert 2008400319 Wood / edited by James H. Hodge.-- Penguin Books; 1954.-- (Famous 345.07/H81 trials ; 4). Thomas Neill Cream ; Neville George Clevely Heath ; John Watson Laurie ; 2008400320 George Henry Lamson : Rattenbury and Stoner / edited by James H. 345.07/H81 Hodge.-- Penguin; 1955.-- (Famous trials ; 5). Thurtell and Hunt ; Frederick Nodder ; Peter Barnes and others ; John 2011412210 George Haigh / edited by James H. Hodge.-- Penguin; c1962.-- (Famous 345.07/H81 trials ; 6). Courtroom U. S. A / Rupert Furneaux ; 1, 2.-- Penguin Books; 1962- 2011411601 345.73/F92/1 1963.-- (Penguin books ; 1795). Courtroom U. S. A / Rupert Furneaux ; 1, 2.-- Penguin Books; 1962- 2011411602 345.73/F92/2 1963.-- (Penguin books ; 1795). Courtroom / Quentin Reynolds.-- Popular Library; 1952, c1950.-- 2011413395 345.73/R29 (Popular Giant ; G106). 2011412039 Cases in court / Patrick Hastings.-- Pan Books Ltd.; 1953. 347.4/H38 The American black chamber / by Herbert O. Yardley.-- Bobbs-Merrill 2011414100 355/Y59 Company; c1931. The secret war : the story of international espionage since World War II / 2011411850 355.3/Mo44 Sanche de Gramont.-- Dell Pub. Co. ; 1963, c1962. Practices
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