r*$.'<jr~V TP THE IRISH STANDARD SATl' li I >A Y, MAY ::n. 4- • + ** + * -i- •;• 4- + • to liiin, he had sold to Robert, to clear no objection to that arrangement. The 4,4-4"4-4"H"H*4"H"M"H*4"H-4"H~j~H.4 off liabilities, The latter, who is a Division No. 7, Minneapolis—President, election was therefore postponed to a A. O. H, Directory J. B. Fermoyle, 1714 uth sL N.; Vice Pres., Flu. and Ina. Sec., SaAie RaUly, m ««f |FROM IRELAND carpenter as well as a farmer, had James Mellugh, SOT «rd st N.; Rec. Sec., av. NE.; Treas., Mrs. Calla Rowley, IK J date to be lixed after the quarter ses­ S. Sth st; Medical Hxanalner, Dr. "W + 4- *!• • 4- •!• *2- •!• 4* *i" 4* 4* 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- 4- left the house, on the above morning, I WIIH THE FlifcTS I W. J. Donahue, 1509 fith st N.; Fia. and > sions. There was a plethora of appli­ Ins. Sec., Thos. 12. Boyle, 821 Oak Lake Hempstead. Meets flrst and third Wed­ ANTIUM. to work for John ilea, a neighboring 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4- 4* 4- 4* 4* 4* •> 4* v 4* 4? 4« nesday evenings of each month at Elks- cants, principally police pensioners, life*, av.; Treas., John F. Burke, 821 Oak Lake hall. Mr. Thomas Taylor Uea, of 201 farmer; and, in the course of the day, Let To-Morrow Take Cart of To-Jlorrow. hv.; Physician. Dr. J. A. McLaughlin, from the rank of head constable to Wash. av. S. Meets flrst and third Tues­ HENNEPIN COUNTY. Ormeau road, Belfast, retired priut- James was observed at work iu a the plain gunner, in opposition to Mr. Let to-morrow take caiv of to-mor­ day evenings of month at Klstler's hall, County President—Mra M. H. Cuca- corn field. Qn returning at 7:30 p. in. & cor. Uth av. N. and Lyndule. mlngs, 2720 14th a v. S. er's manager, who died on the 20tli T. Reilly, the late clerk's son. row ; Vice Pres., Mrs. P. L. Collins, 606 2nd at Februa.v> last, and whose will bears Hubert's suspicions were aroused on Leave things of the Ittiuiv to tale; Division Xo. s, Minneapolis—President, N. E.; Soc., Mrs. Frank Sullivan, 7i» MEATII. John Shuehnn, 2-i, Hennepin av.; Vice djl.to 10th February, left liis properly finding the doors of the dwelling- Washington st N. E.; Treas, Mrs. James The marriage is announced, on What's the use to ami.-i;iate sorrow; Pres., H. C. lUeMuhon, 3310 1st av. S * Best, E62 6th av. N. house open, aud no trace of his broth­ liec. See., T. J. Flynn, 321 Nicollet nv!; q 'j'u trust for liis sister, Mary Uea, dur­ April 27, at SS. Michael and John's Life's troubles come ln-ver too late. Division No. l, Mlnneapoila—FreatAasit. ing her life; and, subject to lier life er. Seeing the door of the barn open, Fin. .Sue., .1. W. VaMilerhool', Central Mar- church, Dublin, by the Rev. Canon If to hope overmuch he an error, !;el; Ins. See., T. J. Corbott, SSl'l l-ilalsdell Mist) Mary Beylan, UX ltth av. 8.; VJat interest, he bequeathed £100 to the he entered, and was horrified to dis­ Pres., Miss Mary McGrath, 800 l#th st 8.- Gorman. 1*. P., of Patrick -Murphy, 'Tis one that the wise have pre­ av.; Treas., J. If. Nightingale, Ml -nil av. Itec. Sec., Mra J. J. Lane, WU Bryant av. Koyal Victoria hospital, in Belfast; cover the dead body of his brother S10. Meets thirU Thursday of month, eor- fourth son of Benjamin Murphy, I'ree- ferred ; ner Nicollet av. and 3rd St., at S p. m. N.; Fin. Sec., Mlaa Mary Garvey. 2UI 7tb suspended from a rafter. The un- st £.; Treas., Mrs. Mary Dei, thll £50 to the Foster Green Hospital for lnoum, county Cork, to -Mary, eldest And how often have lira i ts been in Division No. 9. Hopkins—President, W. fvitunate man had put his head Blootnlngton av.; Ina. Boa, Mrs. J. Msl- V:i Consumptive*; and £50 to the rector daughter of Lawrence Mullen, New­ terror J. Moran; \ ieo Pres., Phil. McCoruiick; villi 11. 707 University av. NE.; rinillistl of St. .hide's, Ormeau, for his church through the noose of a double rope, NATIONAL, OFFICERS. lieu. Sec., Thos. Purns, Jr.; Fin. and Ins! Examiner, Dr. Rose Vallely, 802 10th at castle, county Meatli, and niece of the Of evils that never ocnirred. James E. Dolan, National President, See., \\". A. Tighe. and schools; and he bequeathed to ascended a ladder, tied the ends of Syracuse, N. Y. S- Meets flrst and third Friday evening* late Rev. C. Mullen, 1'. 1'., Moynalty. McLEOD COUNTY. of month, at A. O. U. W. hall, l» 8. 7th at. the rope round the beam, and then Jamea O'Sulllvan, Vice President, Phil­ David Lawrie and Alexander Arnold The marriage is also announced, oil Have faith, aud thy faith shall sus­ adelphia, Pa. County President— E. T. Connelly, Glen- Division No. 2, Minneapolis— President^ kicked away the ladder, which was coe. Mrs. Catherine Coleman, 601 Qulncy st-*. Shaw, executors of his will, £200 April 30, at the l'ro-Catheilral, Marl­ tain thee; James P. Bree, National Secretary, lying adjacent. New Haven, Conn. Division No. 1, Glencoe—President, P. Vice. Pres., Miss Susie Collins, 1603 6th st each; to Mr. Leonard Braithwait £100, borough street, Dublin, by the Rev. Permit not suspicion and care J. O'Connell; Vice Pres., James Dolan; N. E.; Rec. See., Miss Hannah Ring, 201 DUBLIN. M. J. O'Brien, National Treasurer, In­ Kec. Sec., D. K. Whalen; Fin. Sea, J. W. to Airs. Braithwait, £300, to Mary, of Father O'Keefe, of Patrick Joseph, With invisible bonds to enchain thee; dianapolis, Ind. E.; Rec. Sea, Miss Hannah Ring, 201 In the Four Courts, Dublin, on Iiallor&n; Treas., Murt Rogers; Ins. Sec., Broadway; Fin. Sea, Mrs. Mary Turner, tlie chemist's shop, and lier three sis­ second eldest son of James Cahill, T. But bear what God gives thee to J. W. llalloran; Medical Examiner, Dr. 1218 Jefferson st, N. E.; Treaa, Mra. Mary ters, £-o each, and, subject to some May 7tli, the action brought by the NATIONAL, DIRECTORS. J. H. Dorsey. Meets flrst Tuesday even­ C. Klnnane, DUO ind st N. E.; Ina. See., C., to Margaret, second eldest daugh­ boa r. P. J. O'Connor, Savanr. .h, Ga. "S other legacies, Mr. Kae left his residu­ Rev. J. 10. O'.Malley, 1'. 1". St. Aga­ ing of each month at Glencoe. Mrs. Maud Zelmer, 1519 2nd st N. K.; ter of Michael Farrelly, Castle Kieran, By liis Spirit supported and glad­ John T. Keating, Chicago. 111. MURRAY COUNTY. Physician, Dr. R. P. O'Brien. Res. 701 4th ary estate in trust for such uses as tha's, against Most Rev. Dr. Walsh, dened, Wm. J. Cronln, Boston, Mass. st N. E.; office. 60S Nicollet av. Moeta U V Kells, county Meatli. D. J. Hennessy, Butte, Mont County President—James K. Keary. his sister may appoint, liis personal archbishop of Dublin, concluded, be­ Currie. second and fourth Thursday evenlnga of QUEEN'S COUNTY. Be ne'er by forebodings deterred; month at A. O. U. W. hall, 225 Central av. estate has been valued at £3,121, in­ fore Justice Madden and a city spe­ But think how oft hearts have been STATE OFFICERS—MINNESOTA. Division No. 2, Currie—President, M. Iu the court of chancery, Dublin, on President—J. J. Regan, St. Paul. Division No. 3, Minneapolis—President cluding £1,730 in England. cial jury. The jury found a verdict Farrell; Vice Pres., John Donnelly; Rec. Mrs. James Best, 562 6th av. N.; Vice May 4th, before the master of the saddened Vice President—Thos. P. Moran, Hast­ See., Win. O'Neill; Fin. See., Joseph Drin- for the archbishop, and brought in a ings. Pres.. Mrs. Agnes Kehoe, £.35 lcih av. AltMAGH. rolls, in the matter of William Kelly, By fear of what never occurred. villo; 1ns. Sec., John iJornian; Treas., Rec. Sec., Mrs. J. Rice, 2023 Bryant av rider expressing a desire that Father Secretary—Thomas Connolly, 2424 Pleas­ P. M. Cauley. Meets second Thursday Oil May 2d, Madame Ford, who has deceased, Mr. Burke (instructed by ant Av., Minneapolis. N.; Fin. See , Mrs. G. W. Gillen, 1009 4th O'Malley might see his way to come evening and fourth Sunday afternoon of st. N.; Ins. Sec., Mrs. Mary L. HciJreeR, been a nun in the Sacred Heart con­ Mr. John Mackay, Tullow) applied on Let to-morrow take can; of to-mor­ Treasurer—John Flood, Duluth. month. to terms with the archbishop, in or­ President of Insurance Fund—R. J. 20^1 Aldrlch av. N.; Treas., Mrs. W L. vent, Armagh, for many years, passed behalf of Joseph M. Doyle, of Ballick- row ; NOBLES COUNTY. Harold, 1021 Uth av. N.; Physician, Dr. J. der that a scheme for' building a Clarke, St. Paul. County President—^Thomas Burke, Br., peacefully away to her reward, after moyler, in the Queen's County,—who, Short and dark as our life may ap­ Vice President—Dun M. Clark, Brainerd. Ellsworth, Minn. \. McLaughlin, Wash, a v. S. Meets church in St. Agatha's might be car­ Secretary of Insurance—John Mahoney, lirst and third Tuesday evenings of eash a long illness, borne with the most by order of the court, had been added pear, Division No.
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