103 Yearis Old School -•. .'.and NEW Thursday OCEAN GROVB TIMES. TOWNSHIP OF NEPT UNp; NfiW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JAN. 19, 1978 N. J. Bell Reports Meet Friday On Motor Vehicle j 1 Anniversary Hubert Humphrey Troth • .Remembered . For’77-30 Yrs. Old Regulations In Ocean Grove [Energy u j viuacuvc Gibbons NEPTUNE —— Mr. , and Sirs, NEWARK -- New Jersey William, R. Stahley,!Sts 211 Wayside i "SfePTCNE TWP. — The muni- exchange township lots with John Program, I OCEAN GROVE — , While lis- celebrated its fiftieth year in 1977 Road, have announcedanr the' engage- j cip'al committee will meet tomor- D. Pittonger, Neptune • builder. to the eulogies for Senator by continuing to provide excellent ment of their 'idaughter, Madeline , row’(Friday) at 4. P.M. to consider The property to be conveyed to j NEPTUNE TWP. - A free pro- Vice President. H\|m- ■ telepMne service to its customers. GibsonStahley, Okcmos, Michigan, ftir lfinal adoption the ordinance the township is of grcatqr public I gram designed to help residents put this past weekend, I was “The .'anniversary year also was to Thomas A.. Shanahan, so n of concerning motor vehiclc rules use. :'■ ’:"■■'■■; ' same extra cash in their pockets poignantly reminded of a brief en­ a challenging year, especially in Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Shanahan, and.' regulations in Ocean Grove. Seven police officers jvho were is being offered by the Township counter with the fjienator a few • the Central Area, which comprises Southfield, Mid Approval of the ordinance by the hired' under the state-aided Safe Committee of the Township of Nep­ 1 years ago. I found him to l>e a Mercer and • Monmouth counties, N. J. Department of Transporta­ and Clean Streets .Progj-am were tune, Mayor Joseph M. Pepe an­ warm, Human, and very interest­ and parts of Hunterdon, Middle­ tion was announced at the. town­ transferred to’ the regular depart­ nounced today.. ing person. I . • sex, Ocean, Somerset and Burling­ ship committee meeting Monday ment/ by committee resolution. I The three-part. program 'to a id It "was May 17, 1972, and my ton counties,” said Ronald M. Hey- night. V.--- They are Robert' Adamfe, George homeowners a n d businessmen will husband and I were guests at the mann the company’s Central Area Four ordinances were introduced Deane,' Lawrence Dizard, Fred: discuss their use. of energy to. pin­ New Jersey Conference of Mayors general manager. on first reading Montfay, with pub­ Fafllhaber, Christopher 1 ltalffeld; point areas of individual waste. The annual luncheon at the Nassau Inn “ But, the technological advances lic hearing before final adoption George Soliikian and Michael Fer­ first phase is a one hour slide-il­ , in Princeton. We arrived early introduced, made telephone service scheduled for Feb. 6 at. 7 P.M. ranti,-'' '•’•'■ •■ • :| • ■: ;;.'v:lustrated seminar given by area and' were passing through the ele- •' the best ever. In. fact, we spent They arc: . By resolution, the Sliado Tree energy consultants. T h e seminar vator lobby when Senator Hum­ some $66 million in th e Central An ordinance that files a peti­ Commission’s '" planting j program will be repeated 4 nights starting phrey stepped off an elevator. We ’* Area hlone to expand and moder­ tion with the N. J. Legislature to was extended' to April. Mrs. Gioria at 8 P.M. on Tuesday, January 31, were the only persons in the lob­ nize oilr telephone network. We permit permanent, appointment of Burrell was' named to f the Nep­ Wednesday, February !, Thursday, by, so I had the opportunity to • also added some 55,000 new tele­ LEONARD B. NEWMAN, 1605 Police Officers Kent Cole, 47, and tune Sewerage • Authority for "a February 2, and Friday, February , tell the distinguished guest that phones bringing to more thfin 1,1 Martin Rd., Neptune, will ob­ Richard Cuttreli, 36, to Ihc Nep­ fiyc-year term. Doiiglas Billion was 3, at the Neptune Municipal Com­ i we were looking forward to an in- ; million the number of phones we serve bis 30 th anniversary Jan­ tune department. Special legisla­ hired a dispatcher,1,iitttW police plex, 25 Neptune Boulevard. , 'spirational speech at the mayor's serve,'in the area, Heymann said, tion must be obtained for any uary 21 as an employee of Jer- . department. Adrienne -- )eFabritis The Mayor noted this free semi­ ‘luncheon. and met more than 99.1 percent of officer oyer age' 35. Officer Cole sey Central Power & Light was hired as a clerk-tyj ist in the nar will include recommendations our installation appointment dates. was former chief of the disband­ Company. He holds the p o st,^ . Senator Humphrey quickly point- “Two new computerized central administrative office1 under the on how residents can put $200, $300, substation construcaon ' an d ''/;€tf out that he was a former tnay- ed Ocean Grove police department state-aided CETA. program. Fred offices were opened in Mercerville or more a year back into their poc­ maintenance first dass., Mr. himself (of Minneapolis) and and Officer Cuttreli was a former Davis, an . inspector in '< the Code kets by practicing a few effective ;-^nd New Egypt,” Heymarih said. Grove ■ p Newman joined the company ' added that he was pieced to : v’ -V page Seven Please Three ordinances seek to (Page *8, Please) (Page 8, Please) Jan. 21, 1948 and worked in , have an audience of New .Jersey gas construction before trans-. | municipal executives and their ferring to the Coast Division j wiv^s “ d °thor guests. IMayor Kramer Substation Department In Air I The Senator then inquire^about Good Citizen of the ¥ea!i* Award for 1977 lenhurst. He is a native of West' ' my health, my family. He' was , Belmar and is married to the i mosti gracious and filled fa.. tbe_. Wm^TV former Miss Roth Taylor of U'aps of what I thought wji^'mer'e-'' ASBURY PARK — Mayor R ay Freehold. They have two chB- ; ly going to be a hit and run con- ■ Kramer will appear on WOR-TV’s dren, Mrs. Jane Wagner, Point: versatio/i. I asked if IMns. Hum- “Meet the Mayors’’ show next Pleasant, * and—* Richard,*■“ ■* ■*—' phrey' was accompanying him. .. month.. Lake Heights. I ‘‘No, one of .our grandchildren is , The’ mayor will be interviewed [•not, ! feeling well and Muriel by John Murray, the station’s viee thought she should be home," he. O cean G rove C lub president of public affairs, Feb. 8; replied. • at WOR’s New York television stu­ Now 55-Y ears-Old I looked around for Secret . Ser­ dios.' The interview is expected to be telecast the following Sunday, vice men.. SUrely,- they must be'.- nearby. After' all, this man is a Feb. 12. Madeline Stahley OCEAN GROVE—The Woman’s The weekly Sunday afternoon Club of Ocean Grove met Ia£t Jforpier .Vice President and he. is show has a format which is conver­ Mi® S tajij^ |{ |i^ iK i graduate Thursday and celebrated i’tjafs in activjtf candidate for the pres- sational and runs for between 20 of N^ptone ;|iigl)«Sfchool and also of being a Federated club ofthe' idency again!' .:,:.; and 25 minutes, said Marsha Kam­ gradujftcn.'from Michigan Stale New Jersey State Federation' of ■There' were- ho Secret Service insky,' Meet the Mayors'producer. Uinveijsity ™'ere she; IS currently Women’s Clubs. Mrs. Ernest-" D. | people. Senator Humphrey and I ’ The city’s department of com- Unlvfersity where she is currently Sparks, president, presided, A Very were the only persons in that irnoity affairs and public relations gree. She is employed by the Lan­ apropos poem entitled “I Am.'the Usually busy lobby. My husband ding. Bpardof-E^aticm;;1.: - —sraif - are" :cbnipfllng"'."background' New Year”, was presented" tty had f,ouinl thcregisWation desk in' data for the , show. It will include • Her fiance, is a veteran of the Mrs. Sparks. _ ' v ’''".: ' another room and was signing us projects and problems, planning, i United Stales Air Force and is ■Mrs. Maurice Weller. presented in for luncheon. He was surprised zoning, business, recreation, tour­ presently attending Michigan State two new members,* Mrs. Maude on reluming to find that Senator . ism and other relevant issues. : University. '. Schultz and Mrs. Kenneth I.’ Me Humphrey and I were engaged in . ■ . The show will open with a 90- I — ■*:— Connick, who were greeted by an ■ animated conversation about second descriptive sketch of the the presitfent. First vice-president' health, families. New Jersey. city, which will include location, * U.MXJiurcliwomcn iMrs. Benjamin I. Wade reminded It was a'quarter hour I shall population, ethnic background and members that Guest Night is Jan-, 'never forget.- Regrettably, I never the economy. Install Officers uary 26, 7-30 P.M. and a member thought to ask the Senator for his The 'sketch will be accompanied bring: only one guest.;'Mrs,! autograph. by 30 color slides about Asbury ■Harry G.. Knu6t, . corresponding j - ■ _ /Park.: OCEAN' GROVE The January secretary read several thank ypu Mayor Kramer also is a Mon- meeting of the United Methodist notes from recipients of home-' Boys 4, Girls .3 motith County freeholder. Women of St. Paul's Church was made cookies at Christmas, also a : ^ •' held last Tu^d^ivafrJ:30 P.M. note . from the Robert Beachley : NEPTUNE — Seven babies from' Mrs. H. Goo’dHcb/led devotions Proclam ation family for the basket of fruit they the local area have been born at,' on “WithesSihgV’^h'ej speaker, Rev. page two. pie»sf Jersey Shore Medical Center since WHEREAS, ’ The American Na­ Harold Schmul, .\^sslstant pastor, :—?-------------- — -------- — Jan. 7. Mr. and , Mrs. Leonard: Di- tional’ Red Cross in its coming interpreted “TheV,Mission of St.
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