BOOKER COLLECTION Title Composer Arranger Publisher Year Box Acc. # The Accuser (Dramatic Agitato) Kay, Arthur Forster Music Publishing Inc. 32 510 Adagio Cantabile (No.17) Ketelby, Albert W. Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1925 42 830 Adagio Pathetique (Op.128, No.3) Godard, Benjamin Jungnickel, Ross G. Schurmer Inc. 1910 42 828 Aenny's Traum (Op.25) String Quartet Beringer, Ludwig Bernh, Tormann 7 Affection Berge, Irenee Schoenfeld, William C. Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 43 875 Affection Himan, Alberto Sol, Levy M. Witman & Sons 1912 41 817 Affinity Waltzes Watson, Scott J. Will Rossiter 1910 11 1121 After Twilight (Op.7) Steindel, Albin Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1926 45 929 Afterglow Clutsam, G.H. Hawkes & Son, London 1926 45 908 Agitated Hurry from Scenes of "Hurry to Escape Danger or to Rescue" Berge, Irenee Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 32 514 Agitated Misterioso Rapee, Erno Belwin 1926 19 123 Agitato (2/4 Time) Borch, Gaston Hawkes & Son, London 1922 32 508 Agitato (No.11) 2/4 Time Engleman, Joseph Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1926 32 531 Agitato (Op.59, No.1) Kempinski, Leo A. Irving Berlin, Inc. 1927 32 536 Agitato (No.4) Riots, Arguments, Pursuits, Excitement Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1925 32 515 Agitato Furioso (6/8 Time) Ketelbey, Albert W. Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1924 32 532 Agitato Pathetic (Despair & Emotional Scenes) Kilenyi-Firey Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1927 32 534 Air De Ballet Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto G. Schirmer, Inc. 1912 33 567 Air King, The Davies, John H. The Music Lovers 1910 10 1095 Airs Varies "Pour Violon" (Violin & String Ens.) DeBeriot, Ch. B. Schott's Sohne 7 32 A Jamais Joyce, Archibald Enoch & Sons 1909 5 1073 Al Fresco (Intermezzo) Herbert, Victor Carl Fischer 1904 22 191 Album of Overtures Vol. 1 Various Composers Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 15 1205 Album of Overtures Vol. 2 Various Composers Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 15 1206 Album of Overtures Vol. 3 Various Composers Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 15 1207 Album of Photo-Play Music (Vol.1) Piano Part Martaine, G. Academic Music Co. 1914 17 1239 Album of Waltzes (Vol.2) 45 Celebrated Waltzes for Orchestra Carl Fischer 17 1236 Allegro Con Moto Borch, Gaston Belwin 1926 29 410 Allegro Impetuoso LaPaglia, Anthony G. & J. Lipskin 1927 30 447 Allegro Misterioso Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1924 17 107 Allegro Scherzando Frey, Hugo Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 24 413 Alluring Glances Rolfe, Walter Hildreth, R.E. Walter Jacobs 1911 1 1011 Aloma Bowers, Robert Hood Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 43 869 Amaranthus Gilder, John Francis Leo Feist 1909 12 1160 Amaryllis Ketelbey, Albert W. Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1924 23 222 Ambush, The (For Fights and Struggles) Patou, Edouard Hawkes & Son, London 1925 32 529 An American Heiress Rosey, George Jerome H. Remick & Co. 1908 1 1006 UServe: Booker Collection 1 of 31 6/8/2016 BOOKER COLLECTION Title Composer Arranger Publisher Year Box Acc. # American Patrol Meacham, F.W. Carl Fischer 1891 44 894 Amorosa Waltzes (Mandolin 1&2, Guitar) Chrisman, Clarence Chrisman Pub. 1904 7 Amour Brise Gillet, Ernest Boosey & Co. 1910 1 1005 Amour Coquet Friml, Rudolf Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1923 41 820 Amour Decu Borch, Gaston Hawkes & Son, London 1923 35 617 Amours Fletries Berger, Rod Boosey & Co. 1904 1 1009 Andante Amoroso Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 43 854 Andante Cantabile Tschaikovsky, P. Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1922 42 829 Andante Dramatic (No.15) Herbert, Charles K. S.M. Berg 1916 30 438 Angel's Serenade (Violin) Braga, G. Pollitzer, A. Oliver Ditson Co. 1903 14 1197 Anger Motive Kileny, Edward Belwin, Inc. 32 506 Appassionato (9/8 Time) Clutsam, G.H. Hawkes & Son, London 34 573 Appassionato (No.2) For Tragic Situation, Deep Emotion, Struggles Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1924 34 579 Appassionato (No.4) For Dramatic Love Scenes, Quarrels Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 34 576 Appassionato Dramatico (For Dramatic Fervor and Highly Strung Dramatic Scenes) Berge, Irenee Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1925 34 580 Appassionato in A Minor (Passion, Despair, Love) Savino, Domenico Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1925 34 575 Appassionato Lirico Berge, Irenee Belwin, Inc. 1926 34 572 April's Smiles Depret, M. Sargent, Barrington The Cundy-Bettoney Co. 1912 5 1072 Arabian Nights (For Oriental Scenes) Ketelbey, Albert W. Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1924 27 307 Arabian Serenade Langey, Otto G. Schirmer, Inc. 1915 27 322 Arabian Twilight Luscomb, Fred M. Witmark & Sons 1911 27 310 Arabique (Scheherazade) Rimsky-Korsikow Katzman, Louis Alfred and Co. 1925 3 1043 Arde Chinita Martorell, Juan Casa Dotesio 1910 12 1149 An Argument Breil, J.C. Sounemann Music 1924 30 437 Ascher's Edition of Hebrew Music (Series No.6) Breiges Tanz/Frailach/Horra Ascher, Emil Emil Ascher, Inc. 1915 4 1051 Ascher's Loose Leaf Film-Concert Collection (Vol.1) Emil Ascher, Inc. 1925 13 1166 Ascher's Loose Leaf Kino-Music Collectio (Vol.3) Emil Ascher, Inc. 1920 16 1211 Ashes of Roses Kessler, Henry The Musiclover's Co. 1909 11 1125 Astir (Scenes of Excitement, Agitation, etc.) Berge, Irenee Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 32 527 Atlantis (Suite in Four Parts) Safranek, V.F. Lake, M.L. Carl Fischer 1921 24 240 At Night from "The Desert Suite" Felicien, David Sonnemann Music Co. Inc. 1924 45 925 A Toi (To You) Czibulka, Alfons Carl Fischer 1922 36 636 Aubade du Berger (Op.278) Aletter, W. Emil Ascher, Inc. 1926 37 696 Aubade Migonne Staub, Victor Philippo 1924 20 139 Aubade Printaniere (Spring Morning Serenade) Lacombe, P. Carl Fischer 1917 36 627 Auld Lang Syne (Variations) G. Willig & Co. 1894 7 14 Au Naturel (Serenade Pastorale) Millegram, Carl Harms, Inc. 1927 36 644 UServe: Booker Collection 2 of 31 6/8/2016 BOOKER COLLECTION Title Composer Arranger Publisher Year Box Acc. # Aurora, Intermezzo Royale Von DerMehden, Carl Fischer 1910 33 553 J. Louis Jr. Avalanche Kay, Arthur Forster Music Publishing Inc. 1926 30 455 Avalon Moret, Neil H. Remick & Co. 1910 12 1142 Avril Frileux Colin Manus Music Co. 1924 20 140 Marcel-Mouton Hubert Awakening of Spring Bach, E. Byencatlin W. H. Cundy 1887 41 807 Babes in Toyland (Selections) Herbert, Victor Langey, Otto M. Witmark & Sons 1903 18 85 Babillage (Plauderei) Gillet, Ernest Carl Fischer 1889 36 648 Bacchanale De Montmartre Ketelbey, Albert W. Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1925 33 570 Back Beats Guarente, Frank Stasny-Lang, Inc. 1936 9 1082 Badinage Herbert, Victor Edward Schuberth 1897 39 744 Bagatelle (No.1) Dvorak, Anton Emil Ascher, Inc. 1926 21 170 Ballet Egyptian Luigini, A. G. Schirmer, Inc. 1912 27 320 Ballet of the Flowers (Pt.1, Op 92) Hadley, Henry Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 1920 40 772 Ballet of the Flowers (Pt.2) Hadley, Henry Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 1920 40 773 Ballet of the Flowers (Pt.3) Hadley, Henry Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 1919 40 774 Ballet Russe (Op.23) Luigini, A. Roberts, Charles Carl Fischer 1913 40 768 Ballet Suite (Pierrot and Pierrette) Vecsey, Armand Langey, Otto G. Schirmer, Inc. 1921 33 564 Ballroom Chatter (Valse-Intermezzo) Ocki Albi, Georges N. G. Schirmer, Inc. 1918 23 210 Bannerwaihe Nowowieski, Felix Cundy-Bettoney Co. 1912 10 1097 Battle and Disturbance Becce, G. Bellwin, Inc. 1926 32 522 Battle on the Maine Borch, Gaston Carl Fischer 1918 50 441 Beautiful Chimes at Sunset (Op.53) Piano Lange, A. Joe Morris Co. 1915 17 1242 Beautiful Heaven (Cielito Lindo) Fernandez, C. Jack Snyder Publishing Co. 1924 14 1188 Because You Say Goodbye Levy, Sol P. Belwin, Inc. 1919 43 872 Belleclaire Kessler, Henry Musiclovers Co. 1909 10 1113 Belle of Mexico (Tango) LePaige, Charles E. M. Witmark & Sons 1913 14 1187 Belles & Beaux Briggs, Bartlett Musiclovers Co. 1910 12 1152 Beneath the Balcony Lacombe, Paul G. Schirmer, Inc. 1927 36 632 Berceuse Friml, Rudolf Schmid, Adolf G. Schirmer, Inc. 1908 41 815 Berceuse (Violin, Piano) Renard, F. Century Music 7 9 Berceuse Americaine Karst, Emile Charles Drumheller 1892 7 18 Berceuse Comique Kilenyi, E. Carl Fischer 1926 38 723 Bewitching Eyes Rolfe, Walter Walter Jacobs 1911 11 1139 Birth of Passion, The Hoschna, Karl M. Witmark & Sons 1914 11 1129 UServe: Booker Collection 3 of 31 6/8/2016 BOOKER COLLECTION Title Composer Arranger Publisher Year Box Acc. # Black Eyes Horlick Lake, M.L. Carl Fischer 1926 17 1235 Harry & Stone Gregory Black Mascotte, The Williams, Ernest S. Walter Jacobs 1905 47 963 Blue Beard and Fatima Bendix, Theodore M. Witmark & Sons 1899 27 309 Bohemiana Smith, Lee Orean Carl Fischer 1909 20 143 Bravado, The Axt, William Robbins-Engel, Inc. 1926 22 181 Breezy Evening, A (On Shore) Howgill, Richard Hawkes & Son, London 1926 22 194 Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin Wagner, R. Cundy-Bettoney Co. 1910 26 277 Bridal Procession (Einzugs March Der Bojaren) Halvorsen, J. Moses-Tobani, Theodore Carl Fischer 1904 44 884 Bridal Roses Daly, Joseph M. Whiting, W.K. Jos M. Daly, Boston 1912 1 1013 Broken Stile (Mazurka, The) L'Ingenue, The Coryphee Silderberg, J.A. M. Witmark & Sons 1900 23 204 Broken Vows Kempinski, Leo A. Photo Play Music Co. 1927 41 808 Buffalo Bill's Farewell Sweeney, William M. Witmark & Sons 1911 47 973 Bungalow Reveries Keith, Lester W. Hildreth, R.E. Walter Jacobs 1911 2 1015 Burglar or Spy Episode Ancliffe, Charles Bosworth & Co. Ltd. 1926 19 112 Busy Bee, The Bandix, Theodore M. Witmark & Sons 1800 39 750 Butterfly's Madrigal, The Baron, Maurice Belwin Inc. 1924 33 59 By Heck Henry, S.R. Edward B. marks 1921 16 1227 By the Fireside Breitenfall, Emil Villa Moret, Inc. 1925 41 805 By the Fireside Helfand, Maurice Baron, Maurice Belwin 1925 41 809 By the Mill-Stream Smith, Wilson G.
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