The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448 [email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus December, 1930 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS 129 ••s COMMENT IN TfilS IXXUE All-Americans .Frontispiece Glory Comes Again to Notre Dame_ 131 Men-y Christmas! Nominating Committees Appointed- 135 Contributions to Living Endowment (Clubs)- 137 Hap2)ij Neiv Year! April 20th ^ 138 —y- Editorial 139 Coaching the Irish, by John W. Hartman, '32_ 141 The ALUMNUS apologizes "Eat, Drink and Be Merry—" 145 for its late appearance, but it Athletics 148 isn't every month that the Edi­ "Where There's A Will—" :__ 151 _152 tor has to wait for a National "Around and About the Campus," by John Kiener, '32_ Championship, plan two na­ The maf^zine is published monthly during the scholastic year by the Alumni tional conventions, sell 1200 Association of 'the University of Notre Dame. Notre Dame. Indiana. The subscription price is S2.00 a year; the price of single copies is 25 cents. The banquet tickets, go to New annual alumni dues of S5.00 include a year's subscription to THE ALUAINUS. Entered as second-class matter January 1. 1923. at the post office at Notre York, and spend two big week­ Dame. Indiana, under the Act of ATarch 3, 1897. All correspondence' should ends in Chicago. be addressed to The Notre Dame Alumnus, Box 81. Notre Dame. Indiana. MEaiBE2t OF THE AJIERICAN ALUMNI COUNCIL MEJIBER OF THE NATIONAL CATHOLIC ALUMNI FEDERATION With the year half gone, the Association is sufficiently well along to e:ctend cordial greet­ THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS ings of the season. But unless JAMBS E. ARMSTRONG, '25, Editor the promises in the various HARLEY L. MCDEVITT, '29, Advertising Mgr. fields are fulfilled, the Editor reserves the right of with­ drawal. THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION of the UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME If all Living Endowment sub­ Alumni Headquarters, Main Floor Administration Bldg., scriptions are paid, and if the Notre Dame, Indiana Clubs come through 100%— JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, General Secretary ALUMNI BOARD If the long list of delinquent EEV. JOHN CAVANAUGH, C.S.C, '90 Honorary President FRANK E. HERING, '98 - - - President dues is shortened appreciablj'— HON. WILLIAM J. GRANFIELD, '13 Vice-President JAMES E. ARMSTRONG, '25 Secretary WALTER DUNXAN, '12 - - - Treasurer If the Clubs make Universal GEORGE M. MAYPOLE, '03 Director M. HARRY MILLER, '10 - Director Notre Dame Night world-wide T. PAUL MCGANNON, '07 Director in its scope— PETER P. MCELLIGOTT, '02 Director JOHN W. EGGEMAN, '00 {ex officio) Director If the Class Secretaries re­ B- iiitiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiP'iiiiiiiii port regularly— If the present officers of the If Rock's health holds its Association continue to render championship form— If Class Eeunions in June the outstanding service to the are Bigger and Better— Association and aid to the If Santa Claus drops another Alumni Office that has marked G. K. Chesterton and another Frank Carideo down our aca­ If members who move report the first half of their adminis- their changed addresses— demic and athletic chimneys ti-ation— Then— If those who wrote such abu­ A sive lettei-s during the football If the University retains its Men'!/ Clmstmas season will come back within confidence and enthusiasm in and a Fahrenheit range— the present alumni program— Vei-y Happy New Year. 130 THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS December, 1930 Some of The 1930 All-American Selections CHRISTY WALSH'S—ALL-AMERICAN BOARD'S (Rockne, Warner, Tad Jones and Alexander) FIRST TEAMS ONLY Fesler, Ohio State, end Sington, Alabama, tackle Ticknor, Harvard, center Beckett, California, guard Hein, Wash. State, tackle Dalrymple, Tulane, end Carideo, Notre Dame, Quarterback Brill, Notre Dame, Halfback Pinckert, So. Calif., halfback Russell, Northwestern, fullback (Hon. Mention: Conley, Vlk, O'Brien, Culver, Yarr, Schwartz, Metzger, Kassis and MuUins.) MABCHMOXT SCHWARTZ Halfback NEA SERVICE'S BERTRAM METZGER Fesler, Ohio State, end SinRton. Alabama, tackle Guard Koch, Ba>'lor, puard TlckjiGr, Har\'ard. center Woodworth, Northwestern, miard X. Y. SUN'S Lubcatovich, Wisconsin, tackle Baker, Northwestern, end Arbelbide. So. Calif., end Edwards. Wash. State, tackle Carideo. Notre bamc. Quarterback Koch. Baylor, guard Schwartz, Notre Dame, Halfback Ticknor. Han'ard. center Dodd, Tennessee, halfback Baker, So. Calif., guard Pinckert, So. Calif., fullback Sington, Alabama, tackle Fesler, Ohio State, end Carideo, Notre Dame. Quarterback Schwartz, Notre Dame, halfback CAGLE'S I. N. S. N. Y. EVENING POST'S Pinckert. So. Calif., halfback JIacaluso. Colgate, fullback Baker, North\\"estem, end Arbelbide. So. Calif., end Price, Army, tackle Ahlshoff, WashinKton State, tackle Linehan, Yale, euard Woodworth, Northwestern, guard N. Y. JOURNAL'S Roberts, Tulane, center Siano, FonUiam. center Dalr>'mple, Tulane, end Wisniewski, Fordham, suard Wisniewski, Fordham, guard Lubratovich, Wis,, tackle Sington, Alabama, tackle Sington, Alabama, tackle Linehan, Yale, guard Arbelbide, So. Calif., end MofTett, Geor^a. end Ticknor, Har\*ard. center Carideo. Notre Dame. Quarterback Carideo. Notre Dame. Quarterback Wisniewski. Fordham. guard Viviano. Cornell, halfback Suther. Alabama, halfback Sington, Alabama, tackle Macaluso. Colgate, halfback Fesler, Ohio State, end Pinckert, So. Calif., halfback Ru&sell, Northwestern, fullback Macaluso. Colgate, fullback Carideo. Notre Dame. Quarterback Schwartz, Notre Dame halfback Pinckert. So. Calif., halfback Russell, Northwestern, fullback I^WRENCE PERRY'S KING FEATURES' ASSOCIATED PRESS'S Dalrymple, Tulane, end Dalyrymple. Tulane, end Baker. Northwestern, end Van Bibber, Purdue, tackle Sington. Alabama, tackle Sington. Alabama, tackle Ticknor, Harvard, guard Baker, So. Calif., guard Mctzecr. Notre Dame. Guard Hein. "Wash. State, center Hein, Wash. State, center Ticknor, Hari'ard. center Baker, So. Calif., guard Beckett, Calif., guard Woodworth, Northwestern, guard Sin^on, Alabama, tackle Lubratovich, Wis., tackle Edwards, Wash. State, tackle Fesler. Ohio State, end Fesler, O. S. XJ.. end Fesler. O. S. TJ., end Carideo. Notre Dame, Quarterback Carideo. Notre Dame. Quarterback Carideo. Notre Dame. Quarterback Sdiwartz, Notre Dame, halfback Schwartz, Notre Dame, halfback MARTIN BRILL Schwartz. Notre Dame, halfback Duffield, So. Calif., halfback Pinckert. So. Calif., halfback Pinckert. So. Calif., halfback Russell. Northwestern, fullback Macaluso. Colgate, fullback Halfback Macaluso. Colgate, fullback THE NOTRE DAME ALUMNUS Volume IX. DECEMBEE, 1930 No. 4 Glory Comes Again to Notre Dame FootballjTeam Wins Third National Championship in Seven Seasons,- Tributes Flow From All Sides,- Rockne Lauded. "Gangway for God" has been one achievement in the history of foot­ Dame team backed Brill brilliantly, of the impressive lines in a current ball. and the scoring column contained the. New York success. The season just names of Carideo, Schwartz, Mullins, The schedule tells some of the O'Connor and Koken. Joe Savoldi passed has been marked by much the story. It tells all that is necessary. same forceful adaptation of reverence scored his last touchdown for Notre But surely, under this new champion­ Dame in this game. Philadelphia was on the nation's football fields, "Gang­ ship banner, a little longer treatment way for Notre Dame." also Capt. Tom Conley's home town, will be pardoned. and both Brill and Conley can prob­ The ALUMNUS was once compli­ ably hold public ofiice there at will. mented very highly for its com­ Pennsylvania rallied in the last half mendable restraint concerning Notre to score three touchdowns through a Dame's success in football. We trust relaxed Notre Dame third team. Notre that our critics will not be confounded Dame gained 567 yards against Penn­ if we yield this place of honor in the sylvania's 73. Carideo kicked five of book to unprecedented achievement. six points after touchdown. That this achievement is in football detracts nothing from its merits. "Bulldogs" Tenacious Knute Rockne, '14, "Hunk" Ander­ The bite of the Drake Bulldog is son, '22, Jack Chevigny, '29, John worse than his bark. In fact you can "Ike" Voedisch, '28, and Tim MojTii- hardly make the public hereabouts han, '30, the all-alumni coaching staff Drake-conscious. But the boys on the of Notre Dame, opened the 1930 sea­ team will tell you that Ossie Solem son facing a series of question marks. is one of the smartest coaches in the One was the schedule. Another was game;, that Vankoten is a sweet ball Rock's health. .A. third was the spring carrier; that Don Carlos is a bad practice results. A fourth was the hombre at center, and a few other replacements in the line. These, and points that the public doesn't notice. subsequent problems, were far from But to the spectators the Drake game negligible. was very much worth while w-atching. It was the last game in the new^ Sta­ That Notre Dame went through an dium. Notre Dame made only 15 first undefeated season, answering all these questions and putting, in fact, ex­ Q clamation marks in their places, is f probably the high spot in team INDIVIDUAL POINT 1 SCORING i ..0 B 1 TD PT TtL : NATIONAL CH.4MPIONS 2 Schwartz, Ih 9 0 54 i 1929-1930 = Savoldi, fb 8 0 48 = PAUL "BUCKY" O'COXXOR 2 27 39 5 Notre Dame 20, So. Methodist 14 = Carideo, qb = Brill, rh 6 0 36 s Notre Dame 26, Navy 2 Last month the ALUMNUS sum­ i O'Connor, rh. fb 3 0 18 1 Notre Dame 21, Carnegie Tech 6 marized the first half of the "Suicide Mullins, fb 3 0 18 Schedule." Then came Marty Brill's = : Notre Dame 35, Pittsburgh 19 Hanley, fb 2 0 12 z Homecoming, the Pennsylvania game, : Notre Dame 27, Indiana 0 in Philadelphia on Nov. 8. The score = Koken, Ih 2 0 12 i 1 0 6 Notre Dame 60, Pennsylvania 20 of 60-20 was the greatest that a = Iiukats, Ih i Rockne team has run up against a Staab, fb 1 0 6 Notre Dame 28, Drake 7 i ; major opponent.
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