(Tlir -X'cut Hampshire VOL. 30,. Issue 17. Z 413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NOVEMBER 21, 1939. PRICE, THREE CENTS Famous Journalist Plans Started for Vic Roy Chosen To Play for Sphinx Dance Scabbard and Blade Speaks on English Student Musical Vic Roy and his nine piece dance A musical review this spring, design­ band will furnish the music for the Policy Toward U.S. ed to become an annual affair, is the Sphinx informal dance, this coming latest and most exciting venture to be Saturday evening, it was announced Pledges Twenty-two Herbert Agar Presents sponsored by the newly-formed music Sunday by the committee in charge of Results of Interviews council. It is to be produced along the the affair. While the Roy aggrega­ Singer for Ball Honorary Cadet Colonel With Leading Statesmen idea of the Hasty Pudding show of tion has never played in the gymna­ Will Pledge Juniors at Harvard—peppy, modern, swingy, and sium before, it is well-known on the Herbert Agar, the associate editor of with plenty of cracks—absolutely an campus, especially by those students Annual Military Ball the Louisville Courier-Journal, will all-student production. who come from around Nashua, which Scabbard and Blade, honorary mili­ speak in Murkland auditorium, Wed­ The first step to be taken is the se­ is the home of the orchestra. In addi­ tary society, has selected twenty-two nesday evening, November 22, on lection of an appropriate name, one tion to the regular nine musicians, Roy junior men for pledgeship. These men “What England Wants from Amer­ which is typical of this university and plans to bring down a featured girl will be formally pledged at the annual ica,” in the second public lecture of the which may be used from year to year. singer. The band, which enjoyed a Military Ball on December 8 by the fall series. One of the most influential Students are urged to start thinking tremendously successful summer play­ Honorary Cadet Colonel, who will be journalists in the country and a bril­ about this immediately for a name con­ ing at various resorts, manages to com­ selected before the ball. These men are liant historian, Mr. Agar recently re­ test will soon be announced. bine the best of “hot” swing music with selected on their military ability and turned from a trip to England where a liberal portion of “sweet” music. he had an opportunity to interview Much more talent is needed and all around leadership. many leading statesmen. He will pre­ along sufficiently different lines, to give The names of the pledges as issued sent his own liberal point of view on everyone an opportunity to participate by the captain of the society, George many of the problems now confronting in this production. Music, songs, script, Sororities Begin McCaffrey, are: Ernest Bulgar, Wilson the United States. scenery designers, a stage director, Brunei, Francis Chase, Maillard Clark, Born in New York City, <iVlr. Agar lighting director, a dance director^ a Rushing Activities Allen Ferry, Lloyd Hendrick, Abbot attended Neuman School in New Jer­ student orchestra, choruses, and orig­ Houses Give Luncheons Jones, Stanley Low, Henry Mead, sey and then entered Columbia Univer­ inal ideas and arts are among the Frances Colwell, beautiful vocalist, Charles Oliver, Robert Piper, Leonard sity. Upon the entrance of the United things and persons needed. And Formal Dinners for will be with Dean Hudson and his Spicer, Walter Jacques, Jack Kirk, States into the World War, he left col­ Any suggestions may be handed in Freshmen and Transfers Florida Clubmen when they furnish Horace Martin, Warren C. Morse, lege to serve in the navy, returning to members of the music council, or the music for the Scabbard and Blade Clarence Parker and Dwight Pratt. may be brought to the music depart­ Formal rushing season for sororities after the Armistice and graduating. He began yesteday and is continuing until Military Ball on December 8. Miss received his M.A. and Ph.D. from ment offices in Ballard hall. Monday, November 27. During this Colwell is famed with, the Dean and Princeton and was introduced to jour­ time luncheons and formal dinners are his “glee club” specialties. They will Shantz Speaks on nalism by writing for “The English Durham Times Makes Bow being given by the sororities. also .have other specialties featuring the Review” in London. While there, he Open rushing will take place from attractive Miss Colwell. Land Conservation was made an attache of the American Added to the many “appearances” Mr. Homer L. Shantz, chief of wild­ in connection with the Harvard game 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 noon every day Embassy by former Ambassador Bing­ except the day of silence, Tuesday, Freshmen Debate Before life management, forest service, Wash­ ham. was the initial appearance of the “Dur­ November 28, and Sunday. Rushing ington, D, C., and national president Mr. Agar’s first book, “The People’s ham Times,” edited and published by by the sororities designated for each Dover Forensic Society of the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi, Choice,” was published in 1934 and re­ the College Shop. day will take place from 12:00 noon to Last night, members of the freshman will lecture on “Using Wildland Effi­ ceived the Pulitzer Prize in history. The “Times,” featuring “some of the 10:00 P.M. The day of silence will be debating squad, under the leadership of ciently” on Tuesday, November 21, at The book is a study of all the United news that’s fit to print,” was handed the only day when bids shall be given Coach Sattler, presented a demonstra­ 4:15 P.M. in the auditorium of Nesmith States’ presidents from Washington to to the football fans in the North Sta­ to or accepted by freshmen and trans­ tion debate before the Dover High hall, under the joint sponsorship of the Harding. Among his other works are tion Saturday night as they entrained fer women this semester. At six on Forensic Society on the railroad ques­ biological institute and the New Hamp­ “Land of the Free” and “The Pursuit for home. Durhamites were surprised that night all girls receiving a notice tion, this year’s freshman topic. Those shire chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. of Happiness.” He also collaborated to read about many of the highlights will go to Murkland to signify a prefer­ participating were Ernest Tasgoulas, During the past few years there has with Allen Tate in editing “Who Owns of the afternoon and evening in the ence. John Mead, George Stidstone, Richard been a revived interest in the care of America,” a symposium. first issue of their “hometown” paper No girl may be rushed or bid if she LaRoche, William MacDonald and lands which are primarily of value His wife, Eleanor Carroll Chilton, which had been rushed to Boston by has received mid-semester reports in James Sleeper. Vinton Yeaton spoke when left in their natural state and not is a distinguished novelist. “Shadows special messenger. The editor stated more than five semester credits below on the ' isolation question. A discus­ subjected to the plow. This move­ Waiting” and “Follow the Furies” are that all news had come direct to the sixty or more than seven below seventy. sion of the evening’s topics followed ment involves problems of management two of her novels. Through both his '“Times” desk by special wire from the The order of rushing days’ is: No­ the debate. of forests, land and water areas in the own and his wife’s contacts, Mr. Agar stadium and other points of interest in vember 20, Phi Mu; November 21, Al­ William MacDonald was recently conservation of wildlife. So general is is able to keep in close touch with Euro­ the city. pha Chi Omega; November 22, Pi elected manager of the freshman squad. the interest in the restoration and main­ pean affairs. “The New Hampshire” welcomes Lambda Sigma; November 23, Chi tenance of natural areas such as forests, This will be Mr. Agar’s second ap­ the “Durham Times” to this campus; Omega; November 24, Theta Upsilon; Smith Hall Dance grasslands, swamps, lakes, and streams pearance as a lecturer at the Univer­ may all future issues be as newsy and November 25, Alpha Xi Delta; Novem­ The next event on Smith hall’s social that Mr. Shantz’ lecture should attract sity. He spoke in 1935 on “Why peppy as was “N.H. VICTORIOUS ber 27, Kappa Delta. calendar is a dinner dance to be held a large audience. Mr. Shantz is not Communism Is Not the Way Out.” in defeat.” at Smith this Saturday, November 26 only an authority on this subject but at 6:30 P.M. Besides the regular teas occupies an important post in the na­ UNH Represented and vie dances, the social committee tional administration in Washington. Harvard Tradition Smashed previously held a very successful His lecture is open to everyone in­ at State Session “Howdy-do” party. terested. by Wildcat Drum - Majorette Four university students and several by Richard LaRoche members of the Extension Service sit-down strike on the part of the Staff attended a state training meeting Remodeling of Morrill Hall Well, an old Harvard tradition has U.N.H. band to break it. for officers and advisors of Youth Ex­ been broken, but it took the University It all occurred at the U.N.H. - Har­ tension Clubs at Concord on last Sat­ Provides Classroom Comfort of New Hampshire, a U.N.H. co-ed, by vard game on last Saturday when, to the name of Beatrice Fishman, and a urday.
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