PAGE TWENTY - MANCHESTEa-EVENING HERALD, Manchester. Conn., Tues,, May 1, 1973 \ Obituaries Nixon Pledges | Auxiliary President (Continued from Page One) Mrs. Robert E. Spijlane of 238 White House press ‘room and day night at a'Manchester con­ to believe that members of my Timrod Rd. was installed as 'Frederick Keker declared, as if by way of president of the Manchester VERNON—Frederick Ecker, valescent. home. She was the administration were in any way apology: widow of Thomas J. McDonaid. Hospital Auxiliary Monday at 81, of Hartford Tpke., Vernon invblved. I received repeated "Just continue to give me hell The Weather Mrs. McDonald was born assurances that there were not. its annual luncheon and Center, died Monday at a when you think I’m wrong. I meeting at The Colony Rioom. Mostly cloudy tomght and Thursday with a Aug. 22, 1881 in Nova Scotih, "Because of these continuing hope t deserve your trust.” 1 Rockville convalescent home Canada, and had iived in She succeeds Mrs. Philip E. possibility of shdWers. Lows tonight in the after a long illness. reassurances—because I To his TV-radio audience, t| Manchester for the' past 10 Sumner. 60s, highs Thursday in the -70s. Mr. Ecker was born July 29, believed the reports I was get­ Nixon said that faith in tlie years. ting, because I hpd faith in the Other officers elected are: 1892 in Rockville, son of Alois system, and particularly in the Mrs. Alan Krupp, first vice and Ciara Treiitzckler Ecker, , Survivors are 3 daughters,. persons from whom I was get­ judicial process, is essential. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY. MAY 2, 1973- ^ L .'X C I i; No. 180 ^^(tnvhvsltvr—A. City of I’illuiiv CUarni / Mrs. Rose M. Lawrence of president; Mra. Samuel Smith, V , • ' ^ « m iriii IIIUtTY.TWO PAGES - TWO SECTIONS and.had lived in the area all his ting them—I discounted the He added: PRICE:'FIFTEEN CENTS Manchester, with whom .she stories in the press that second vice president; Mrs. life. "It is essential ^ a t In reac­ William Wagner, secretary, He owned and operated the made her home, Mrs. Margaret appeared to implicate ting to the excesses of others, Pitts of Hudson, Mass., and members of my adminikration and Mrs. CTiarles Jacobson, Ecker Dairy Farm untii his^ we not fall, into excesses treasarer. XJConn Names Mrs. Anria White of Rochester, or other officials, of the cam­ ourselves.” retirement, when he sold the N.Y.; 12 grandchildren, 49 paign comnkttee.*'^' During Mrs. Sumner’s property to the Town of Vernon Toward the end of his great-grandchildren and 2 In March, he related, “new opening remarks, she paid for Vernon Middle School. remarks, he said both the tribute from the Auxiliary to C. great-great-grandchildren. information then came to me Republican and Democratic ^^'New Presidpifit Shifts He was a .director of the Elmore Watkins, president The funeral will be which persuaded me that there parties have been guilty of Mrs. Robert E. Spillane former Land Bank and a 55- Wednesday at 8:30 a.m. from emeritus of the hospital board HARTFORD (APt-Glenn W. students, faculty and ad­ year member of Fayette Lodge was a real possibility that some shady tactics based on the ' In accepting the gavel, sym­ the John F. Tierney , Funeral of these charges were true, and of trustees, who was unable to Ferguson, president of Clark ministrators had beet>seeking a of Masons. He also was a 50- theory that the end justifies the attend the meeting. bol of her new office, Mrs. Home, 219 W. Center.St!, with a suggesting further that there means. He said: University in Worcester, Mass, new president since Babbidge year membeh of Vernon Fifteen of the Auxiliary past Spillane said she hopes to con­ and a former diplomat and announced in October 1971 that Grange, a charter member of Mass of the Resurrection at the had been an effort to conceal “ The lesson'is clear: Church of the Assumption at 9. presidents were introduced by tinue the spirit of the Auxiliary Peace Corps official, has been he intended to leave UConn. the Rockville Fish and Game the facts both from the public, America, in its political cam­ Buriai will be in Hoiy Cross from you, and from me.” Mrs. Sumner. A long stemmed and will continue with the named the new president of the The search committee studied Club, and a' member of the paigns, must not again fall Into yellow rose was presented to group’s theme to “look ahead HOUSTON. Tex. (AP) - Cemetery, Malden, Mass. At that point, he said, he in­ Ihe trap of letting the end, University of Connecticut after more than 400 candidates and The Los Angeles Times said Foresters of America. each past president. and reach oiit.” an 18-month presidential had several of their recommen­ John B. Connally, President the switch will clear the way He is survived by his wife, Friends may call at the itiated a personal investigation however great that end is, funeral home tonight from 7 to that reached a climax Monday search. dations rejected by the trustees Nixon’s former secretary of for Connally to make a bid for Mrs. Bertha Gross Ecker. justify the mgans.” the Treasury, announced 9. as he turned the inquiry over to After saying he learned l*crguson, 44r’ijrill take over before agreement was reached the GOP presidential nomina­ Funeral services will be Richardson. Auxiliary Gives Sept. 1 from Acting President on Ferguson. today he is switching from tion in 1976. (Connally has not Thursday at 1:30 p.m. at the The family suggests that any •belatedly of a Watergate memorial contributions may be The President Prgued that coverup, Nixon sought to (Continued from Page One) Edward V. Gant as chief Tasker declined to say the Democratic to the announced. $ueh intentions. Ladd Funeral Home, 19 the hospital program. With executive of the multi-campus, whether the trustees voted un­ Ellington Ave., Rockville. The made to the Jimmy Fund. Watergate proves the strength, explain why, as he reported, he then be released late in the Republican party. The Los Angeles Times also not the weakness. Of the first learned of. the burglary afternoon. more and more electrical 22,000-student university. Gant animously for Ferguson at the Rev. John Lacey, pastor of the equipment being used for closed session they held im­ A prepared text to be read at said. Connally’s friends believe American political system. He itself from news reports. • ' He also referred to a home he waited until now to announce First Congregational Church, Mrs, Evelyn II. .Siiiiili patient treatment, and much df mediately before the, announce­ a news c•onferen(•e scheduled Mrs. Barbara Shuttleworth of Vernon was recipient of the declared: In the past, he said, he con­ care program which enables a the political switch because he will officiate. Burial will be in ROCKVILLE - Mrs. Evelyn “It was, the system that has it in direct contact with the ment. of Ferguson’s appoint­ lor noon KDT made no speeifie Grove Hill Cemetery, H.-Smith, 74, of 75 Union St., Liberty Bell Award in Tolland County Superior Court ducted his own campaigns. patient t<^ return home earlier relerence. however, to Con- believed the anqouncement will brought the facts to light and than he might have a few years patient, it becomes imperative ment. Sources close to the Rockville. died Monday at a Rockvilie nur­ today. It was presented by Atty. Atherton B. Ryan, vice “ B ut' 1972,” he went on,’ to have knowledgeable per­ selection process indicated the nally’s own polilical plans for bolster Republicans shaken by that will bring those guilty to “presented a very different ago, but with the aid of a home Friends may caii at the sing home. She was the' widow president of the Tolland County Bar Association which sonnel to maintain the vote was not unanimous and the luture. the Watergate case. funeral home Wednesday frOm of Benjamin H. Smith Sr. justice—a system that in this situation. In both domestic and care coordinator, can be visited sponsored the L*\y Day activities. Mrs. Shuttleworth led case has included a determined by special nurses and receive specialized apparatus. that some trustees had pressed Tliere has been recent Connally is a former 7 to 9 p.m. A Masonic service Mrs. Smith was born in Ciare- foreign policy, 1972 was a year In citing the laundry, and the national meat'boycott. (Herald photo by Richmond) .grand jury, honest prosecutors, of crucially important spot cafe in the home. for an additional delay before speculation that the former Democratic governor of Texas. will be conducted Wednesday at mont, N.H., and lived in Wind­ housekeeping department of the making a final decision. \ 7:15 p.m. at the funeral home. a courageous judge—John decisions, of intense Emphasis on treating out­ Texas governor and protege of He was chairman of Democrats sor, Vt., before coming to Sirica—and a yigorous free hospital. Moss said their aim is Rockviile in 1965. She was a negotiations, of vital new direc­ patients is resulting in a faster Ferguson received his law tile late I’residenl l.yndon B, lor Nixon during the 1972 press.” tions .... patient turnover, he said, and to maintain an environment as .lolinson has seriously thought piesidential camp^gn. member of St. John's Episcopal The White House for many infection free as possible. degree from the University of Chiirch of Vernon. She also was Lawyers Honor “That is why I decided, as the eliminates an inpatient buildup. Pittsburgh and studied inter­ ol seeking the Republican Williuin Cunningham months had been highly critical Kenney sees continuing rising Paul Samoza, assistant ad­ presidential nomination in 1976.
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