Minnesota State University Moorhead RED: a Repository of Digital Collections The Western Mistic Student Newspapers 10-25-1935 The Western Mistic, October 25, 1935 Moorhead State Teachers College Follow this and additional works at: https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, October 25, 1935" (1935). The Western Mistic. 118. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/118 This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THEWESWMW»£TiC WESTERN MINNESOTA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Vol. 33. Moorhead, Minnesota October 25, 1935. No. 6 Dragon Merrie Makynge Here Soon Homecoming Queen Margaret Fuglie To CALENDAR OF EVENTS Opens With Coronation Of Today, 3:00 p. m.—St. Cloud game. Reign Over Dragon Tonight, 8:30—Art Club party. Tomorrow. 1:00 p. m.—Baby Dragon Queen, Dragon Flare And game. Merrie Makynge Fest 8:30 p. m.—Freshman party. Wednesday, 4:30 p. m.—Social liom-. Torchhearers Cavalcade To Be Crowned Friday Evening, Friday, Nov. 1, 7:30 p. m.—Corona­ Will Reign Over Home- tion. Morning Repasts, Squire-Page Joust, Ladies Tournament, l)rag- 8:45 p. m.—Dragon flare Coming Activities on-Beinidji Combat, Evening Frolic Continues Fes­ 9:15 p. m.—Torchlight parade. tivity; Dragon Insignia M ill Add Color Saturday, Nov. 2, 7:00-10:00 a. m.— Margaret Fuglie of Barrett was chos­ Breaking of the Fast. en Homecoming Queen by the student 10:30 a. m.—Jousts. (By Kenneth Christiansen) body at the election Wednesday, Octo- ( 12:00 m.—Festal Board. As Father Time slowly but in his punctual way narrows the ber 16. 2:00 p. m.—Beaver-Dragon com­ interval until Homecoming, the plans for the program of acti­ Miss Fuglie, who is a Senior, is a bat. vities for this festive occasion rapidly draw toward their com­ member of the Student Commission, 9:00 p. m.—Homecoming Frolic. pletion. Alpha Psi Omega, Dramatic Club, L. 10:15 p. m.—Floor show. S. A., Euterpe Singers, and is presi- , The theme for this gala occasion is drawn from the court dent of her sorority. Beta Chi. She life of the age of chivalry. So hark, ye loyal Dragons, to the was a member of the 1935 Hall of program of "Ye Dragon Merrie Makynge" which commences Fame and is outstanding in dramatics The Seneschal Bids Friday evening at 7:15 o'clock with a fifteen-minute band con- having taken parts in "Tartuffe" and — — cert preceding the coronation of the several one-act plays. queen. A series of stage acts will be Miss Fuglie will be crowned Queen The King Speaks one of the features of the coronation Friday evening, November 1, at 7:30 service. Come with loyal hearts to by the president of the Student Com­ pay homage to your queen. mission, Luverne Lewis. She will lead At 8:45 o'clock the "knights" and the Dragons in the torchlight parade "ladies" will retire to the countryside later in the evening. Saturday noon to view the spectable of the Dragon the Queen will preside at the festal flare, the traditional bonfire and pep- board and select the ten alumni who fest. will receive free tickets to the foot­ A most colorful feature of the pro- ball game. She will have the seat oi : gram, the torchlight parade through honor at the game and will lead the the city at 9:15 p. m., will terminate frolic in the evening. the day's festivities. Her attendants will be Mabel Peo­ Break of Fast Scheduled ples, Detroit Lakes; Grace Jones, j Saturday morning the Breaking of Moorhead; Barbara Gutzler, Park Rap­ the Fast will renew the activities for ids, and Signe Olson, Fargo. the special event. Between the hours of 7:00 and 10:00 a. m. various or­ Margaret Fuglie ganizations will hold repasts in honor of alumni members, the returning la- Repasts Scheduled Runic Rhythm Will , dies and knight errantries of the royal Dragon court. Lend Barbaric Air Jousts To Be Staged By Campus Groups The tournament grounds will be the To Nordic Setting scene of the next activity where the Organizations Plan Traditional Luverne Lewis pages (Freshmen) and squires (Sopho­ Breakfasts And Suppers For To the Dragons-at-Large: mores) can pay honor to their fair Returning Alumni Having had our quota of rainy and Frolic With Special Floor Show Attrac­ Ray. B. MacLean lady-in-waiting and perhaps become snowy Homecomings, all indications tions To Climax Festivities Dear Knights of the Dragon Merrie- the possessor of the coveted rose, by M. S. T. C. honorary and social fra­ point to the best of conditions for our Makynge: emerging victorious in the joust (sack ternities, sororities, and departmental gala celebration this year. But With the wild strains of runic music Another year has rolled around. The rush). When the din of battle has societies met this week to consider whether or not the weather, your be­ weaving a fairylike vignette around crisp days of fall are with us. The ceased the gallant knights shall return plans for their traditional Homecom­ ing here November 1 and 2 will help her barbaric court, the Dragon Home­ forests have lost their foliage. It is to the sidelines where they will have ing reunions with their alumni mem­ make this one "fair and warmer." coming Queen will summon her loyal time for the knights of the hickory a chance to shower flowers upon their bers, Saturday November 2. Many of We have centered the activities of subjects for demonstrations of their stick or birch switch to return to the lady of choice should she be one of the groups have planned breakfasts this reunion about a medieval theme, loyalty the first evening of her reign, Castle . for the annual Homecoming. the victors in the tournament for la­ for the returning graduates, with oth­ hoping that it will lend a festive air Friday evening. The Queen's throne, Let no one fail to respond to the call. dies—tug of war open to Freshman ers making preparations for dinners to the occasion while preserving these with enstumed pages in Nordic decor­ The magic word which admits to the and Sophomore girls. These features and suppers in honor of their visiting cherished traditions which make Drag­ ations, giving her jeweled personage tournament is known hy all loyal Drag­ will begin at 10:30 a. m. and Tiffany setting, will be the center members. on Homecomings what they are. ons. Dragons to Feast of the program. Beautiful pagan The two honorary educational fra­ After several weeks of busied prep­ We will look for you at Homecoming, When the bell in the turret tolls girls, rollicking barbarian rogues, ternities entertain their alumni with aration, we are looking forward to it the early days of the month of No­ twelve all faculty, alumni, and stu­ a breakfast and a luncheon meeting. with pleasant anticipation, and we're haunting Siegfreidian rhythms domin­ vember. dents shall proceed to the festal board ate the demonstrations of the Queen's Kappa Delta Pi will serve breakfast counting on you to make this one the R. B. MacLEAN. to partake of the festal luncheon. vassals as she interviews them. at 8:30 a. m. in the Hollyhock Room "higgest and best." So—obey that The combat between the knights of Dances by men's and women's at Cornstoe k Hall. Rho Lambda Chi surging impulse—join with us next Bemidji and our own powerful Drag­ groups; musical numbers by Marco members will have their gathering in weekend in "Ye Dragon Merrie-Mak- ons, beginning at 2:00 p. m., will be Gotta's orchestra and the court band; Come Wax Merry At Ingleside Saturday evening at 5 o'clock. ynge." the main feature of the afternoon pro­ and several specialty numbers includ­ The Owls entertain their club for The Dragons-on-the-Campus, gram. ing some by the male chorus complete Ye Gay Festal Board the first time in the new roost in Luverne Lewis, Student Pres. Gay Finale Planned the evening's entertainment. Helen the basement of MacLean Hall. They The evening frolic from 9:00 to 12 Peoples is in charge of the committee Pages, Jesters, Troubadours And Min­ will have breakfast at 8:30 a. m. will complete a most replete program. Christenson At Hanska arranging the program. Walter Se- strels To Serve And Entertain Mr. Murray will entertain the return­ This frolic includes, besides dancing, verson will be master of ceremonies. a resplendent floor show at 10:15 to ing A. E.'s at his home at 819 Elev­ Reynold Christenson, B. E„ '34, is a The grand Homecoming frolic will "In days of old when knights were add color to this closing feature. enth Street South, at 7:30 a. m. teacher of social science and music at climax festivities Saturday evening. bold" it was customary to sit around To promote alumni registration to long plank tables groaning with The Pi Mu Phi sorority serves break­ the Hanska, Minn., high school. He The Crystal Ballroom Orchestra will greater numbers there is to be given also directs the Hanska Community furnish the music and a special floor trenchers of food and wax very, very fast in Ingleside at 8:30 a. m. with each registration a chance on one band.
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