' ' • Blue Jays hurler Roger Clemens received • Thinking of seeing a play this weekend? Think his fifi:h Cy Young award yesterday. about seeing 'Getting Wrecked,' but read Scene's Tuesday review of the show first. NOVEMBER Sports ·14 Scene·10 -11 17, 1998 THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOL XXXII NO. 53 WWW. N D.EDU/-OBSERYER Donahue calls for clause change at rally 'We have a Catholic responsibility to get rid of [homophobia}' -Phil Donahue By BILL UNIOWSKI the so-called straight community." Assiswu News Editor The issue of academic equality was raised repeatedly. Speakers cited multiple Tlw mov1~ment to add sexual orientation instances where the University's unfriend­ to the University's non-discrimination ly policies toward homosexuals resulted in clause won extra support Monday from a the discouragement of award-winning nationally w1dl-known sou reo - talk- profossors from applying to thP University. show pioneer Phil Donalnw. Notre Darn!! Glenn Ilcndler, assistant English profes- Ciass of· :i7. sor. spoke of his research findings about Donahue was tlw keynote spoakor and Charlos Warner Stoddard, a writer and l'mreo at a rally in Stepan Conter. openly gay professor at the University in Sponsored by Notre Dame's Progressive the late 1800's who loft after less than two Student Alliance (PSA). the rally fpll on years as a faculty member. thn nvn of th1~ Academic "There is an ongoing history Council's pivotal voto on ll-'!=l::W·1~ •JW" of losing potential and actual wlwtlwr or not to recommend faculty members," Ilendler the issue to tl11~ Board of • ''History professor said. Trustees for furtlwr considnra- declines otTer due to Ironically, after leaving Notre The Observer/Dave LaHeist Lion. gay discrimination." Dame, Stoddard began teaching Talk show pioneer Phil Donahue, '57, spoke yesterday to support the addi­ Sevnral profnssors. studonts p.9 at Catholic University in tion of sexual orientation to Notre Dame's non-discrimination clause. and rnprnsnntaliv1~s from earn- Washington, D.C. pus gay/lesbian groups joined The absence of sexual orion- • ACADEMIC COUNCIL Donahue at tlw microphone. tation in Notre Dame's legal non-discrimi- Tiw University races "an historic nation clause places the University in a moment to put its pownrrul and respocted minority among top Catholic universities Chapge up for vote today signaturn on a document that essentially in the country. Speakers cited schools says 'wn are all God's children,"' Donahue such as St. Louis University, DePaul and ByTIMLOGAN February. for a tina! decision. said. San Francisco as Catholic schools who Assistant News Editor This change to the clause eould Many or tlw S)Wakers 1~choed sentiments include sexual orientation. grant students, faculty and ronr.-rning tlw Christian teaching or love "Let's hear it for the Billikens, and let's After more than a year of staffers the same protection of and acrPptanrl'. imitate them," said philosophy professor research, dobatos and demonstra­ sexual orientation that they eur­ "It's not only consistent with Edward Manier after reading St. Louis tions, the addition or sexual orien­ rently enjoy for race, gender and Catholicism. it's n~quired," S<tid .lim University's non-discrimination statement. tation to Notre Dame's legal non­ other qualities. SturlH'r, profnssor or philosophy. "Georgntown and Fordham do not ofli- discrimintion clause is expected to The Academic Couneil first eon­ I>onahun spoke about the slow develop- cially recognize gay students, but they come up for a vote today in the sidored the issuH at Its Oct. 8 nwnt or his views al'tl'r growing up during give them a place to meet," Donahue said, University's Academic Council. meeting, when the group decided tlw 19!i0s, and how his lnlnvision career reret-ring to Notre Dame's rol'usal to allow If passed this afternoon, the to postpone its deeision in order to Iirst ~~xposNI him to homosexuals. unsanctionnd gay/lesbian groups to meet amendment will go to University further research the amendment. "It was in thl' pursuit of ratings that I in rooms on campus. president Father Edward Malloy Since then, members have heen disrovPrl'd tlw gay world - hardly a Although the University has approved for approval. Malloy can either compiling researc~h on how other noble motive," Donahue said. "The gay groups with homosexuals, they do not veto it or send it to the Board of universities, especially Catholic rommunily was as variml and dit'forent as Trustees, whieh next meets in see DONAHUE I page 4 see COUNCIL I page 4 Elizabeth Dole will speak at Commencement ceremony Special to The Observer an improvement in its work as the nation's largest blood, plasma and tis­ Elizabeth Dole, sue product supplier. president of the Hod She has also lod fundraising nfforts Cross and one of the that have generated more than $5(>2 world's 10 most million to assist victims of natural dis­ admired women, will asters. be the principle Dole has served five U.S. presidnnts, speaker at Notre most rocently as George Bush's secre­ Dame's 154th tary o!' labor, appointed in 1989. In this Commencement on capacity, she worked to iner·ease safety May 16. Dole and health in the workplace, advocated "She is quite a dis- upgrading the skills of American work­ tinguished person," said Dennis Moore, ers and acted to improve labor-man­ director ol' Public Relations, who The Observer/Dave LaHelst agement relations, most notably in :~:;f.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;~;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;~ explained that Dole was chosen by a helping to resolve the Pittston coal vote of University officers. ~ ~ Native American Heritage Week began yester­ strike in Virginia. Native American~: day, and the Native American Student President of the Hed Cross since She previously had been a member of 6: Association of Notre Dame held a dreamcatcher 1991, Dole is credited with initiating a President Reagan's Cabinet from 1983- ~: Heritage Week '98 ~: making workshop in LaFortune. Sophomore sweeping transformation of the organi­ r,:.· .:. Rosey Valencia holds up the finished product. zation's biomedical services, including :.;.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.:.,.::-(.::-(.:.,.: . see DOLE I page 6 . ,y:y. ' page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Tuesday, November 17, 1998 • I-NSIDE COLUMN Living Single utside the Dome Compiled from U-Wire reports I love my room. Nestled in a private nook on the first floor of Cavanaugh, it's my own space, my own Excited football fans revel in stunning victory world. Several dorms have only a few sin­ MANHATTAN, Kan. game, protecting the south goal post. gles available, and I The plans were made months in Better to lose one than two, they feel lucky to live in a Colleen Gaughen advance: The fans were ready to said. hall with 45. No bed­ Asst. Viewpoint Editor complete "Operation goal posts." "They can have those," said securi­ times to compromise, With Kansas State leading ty guard Steve Thomas, nodding his no messages to juggle, Nebraska 34-30 with just seconds head toward the north goal post. no worrying about finding time for myself. remaining, thousands of Wildcat stu­ "They're not going to get these," he You can tell a lot about a person from dents began to straddle the railing said, gesturing toward the goal post their room. How tidy or messy it is, what between the stands and the field. behind him. decorations adorn the walls, and which, if "Fiesta, fiesta!" many fans chanted After a minute of pure pandemoni­ Thomas and dozens of otlH)r securi­ any, pictures are displayed. Not an inch of in reference to the Fiesta Bowl, um, the fans retreated, only to return ty personnel and police officers my walls can be seen, and I am constantly which will crown this year's national to the field after a failed two-point locked their anns together. protect­ rearranging my knick-knacks to make all champion Jan. 4. conversion. ing the south end zone, as others my picture frames fit. I am an extrovert, Other fans were jockeying for posi­ "This is just nuts. We've waited 29 ushered fans to the north end zone and I have a compulsive condition to tion so they could be first to the goal years and now we can't wait three where the feast was under way. The express myself. I find comfort in surround­ posts once the game ended. more seconds," a Wildcat fan said to north end zone also was the end zone ing myself with words and images that Many fans couldn't even wait that himself as he scurried off the field. that led to the players' locker rooms. speak to me. long. The game would later end after a Cornhusker players did their best to Many of my friends don't have much dec­ KSU linebacker Jeff Kelly returned kickoff, and the fans could finally sift through the crowd, but were met oration in their rooms. They are introverts a fumble 23 yards for a touchdown take out 30 years of frustration on by sympathetic Nebraska fans as well and tend to keep their thoughts and emo­ giving the Wildcats a 40-30 lead with the goal posts at the north end zone. as many combative Wildcat fans. tions inside instead of on open display. three seconds to go, but that didn't Stadium security officers were con­ Some screamed, "You guys suck," Neither type of person is right or wrong, stop a throng of thousands from tent to let the north goal post fall, and, oddly, "The wicked witch is just different; we are individuals and need storming the field. conceding it immediately after the dead!" to learn to be so.
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