H2U ...bringing H ighcliffe to you... Highcliffe School, Parkside, Highcliffe, Christchurch, BH23 4QD [email protected] S chool/ Home L inks - Nat ional Recognition! Aw ar d to l og on and vi ew infor- ents may have. Therefore We have r ecentl y been noti- mation about the pr ogress we will not be pl aci ng s en- fied that the s chool has of their child at school . s itive, personal information been placed s econd i n a na- in the ar ea. The s ys tem tional competition, run by T he full range of informa- will never show informa- Parents Online under the ae- tion available to vi ew will tion such as address, gis of the DfE S , for the way be deci ded as a r es ul t of phone number, surname or in which it is us - any photographs of ing I CT to i m- the s tudent. All of prove the quality the i nformation held of its links be- on My Highcliffe i s tween school and already available to home. The s tudents and par- j udges felt that ents and i s given to our bid, put to- them at specified gether by Mr times . Downs , was ‘of an excep- ongoing tr i al s , of which (continued on page 3 ) tionally high standard’ and more l ater , but will include created a s peci al commen- s uch items as past assess - IN SIDE TH IS ISSUE dation to ack nowl edge i t. ment information, Merits We have been asked to act log, Achievement Log, li- as ambassadors of Parent- brary loans, timetable, s Online and will be i nvol ved Highcliffe Challenge L og, I n the Community in a r ange of events during with plans for systems for Pages 2-3 the nex t year. s eek i ng par ental feedback L anguage College New s on school issues and even- Pages 4-6 My Highcliffe tually lesson attendance F acult y News One of the k ey areas in data. Addi ti onally, a k ey Pages 7-8 which the s chool is moving s ervice will be the ability L R C N ew s ahead i n this way is in the for parents to check on the Page 9 introduction of the ‘My High- internet sites the s tudents I nt er nat ional Dimens ion cliffe’ ar ea of the s chool have accessed, or tried to Page 10 webs ite. This was intro- access, with filtered/ ...high, higher, duced to s tudents last term banned s i tes shown in red H ighcliffe... and i s now in the fi nal (s ee above) . Pages 11-13 s tages of being i ntr oduced S chool Council News for parents. It is an internet Clearly we ar e s ens i ti ve to Page 14 portal that will allow parents s ecurity concerns that par- W int er Reminders Page 15 Editorial Reporters : Aidan Graham (11.3), Laura Ellison (11.5), Adam Grose (10.2), Gemma Lane (9.3), Lucy Brosnan (9.3), Harry Sherwood (9.6), Team ...... Rachael Pickup (9.7), Brianna Kruger (9.8) Editor Mr Coughlan Vol.3 Issue 3– February 2004 H2U, Vol 3 Issue 3 - February 2004 Page 1 I n the Community Dor s et Police launch Schools Liaison Policy On a wet and windy munity are an important were allowed to climb in Monday morning in part of students' lives at and while Dean and Alan January Mrs Stone, ac- Highcliffe. Mr Whiting, enj oyed the technical in- companied by 3 High- the Assistant Chief Con- formation in the cabin, cliffe s table Mrs Stone and Vick y s tu- then ar- heard about the type of dents , ranged incidents which the cr ew went to for Mrs attend, look ed at the Dors et S tone equipment on board and Police and the were s hown how Head- s tudents s earches could be car- quarters to vis it ried out. At the end of to at- various the day, the Assistant tend the depart- Chief Constable ac- launch ments at cepted Mr s Stone's invi- of their new S chool Liai- HQ, including the Dor s et tation to vis it Highcliffe s on Policy. Highcliffe control room where the S chool on March 10th S chool had been chosen I ns pector in charge ex- and he told the Dor s et to r epr es ent Dorset plained the pr ocedur es , Police Youth Project s chools at the launch the fir ear ms squad tr ain- leader to arrange a day becaus e it was felt we ing hall where 2 officers when more Highcliffe were a s chool that val- s pent 30 minutes talking S chool students could ued links with external about their experiences vis it HQ. agencies . Following the and finally the helicopter official speeches by the bas e. As the helicopter T he Dor s et police pr ess Assistant Chief Consta- was not out at an inci- releas e about this event ble and a member of the dent, the 4 representa- can be found on the Police Author ity, there tives of Highcliffe S chool I ntranet. were photogr aphs taken in front of the Police helicopter and one of BB Guns Awareness Launch the fas t response car s . Over a t as t y buffet On the fi r s t day of our wis e i n Pool e, organised by lunch, the pupils were Chris tmas holiday, Friday Dors et Police, and al s o at- treated like celebr ities 19th December 2003, my- tended by David Atk i ns on, and ans wer ed ques tions s elf and fi ve other Year 9 who i s the B our nemouth about PS HE and Citiz en- s tudents (Abbi Bourne, Eas t MP, BBC T el ev i s i on s hip in the s chool. In a S amuel Britton, Rory John- and 2 CR F M r adi o. packed confer ence s on, Simon Richardson and room, Dean Prodomo, Adam Rose) along wi th Mrs We all enjoyed an action Vicky Jeans and Alan S tone i n her role as leader packed, educational and of Citizenship i n Highcliffe interes ting ex per i ence, Hyland ex plained to s ev- S chool , participated i n the learning and tak i ng par t in eral high ranking police " BB Gun Raising Awar eness activities that taught us officers that Citizenship S cheme L aunch" , at S treet- about the danger s of BB and links with the com- H2U, Vol 3 Issue 3 - February 2004 Page 2 Guns and thei r harmful af- weight and, look i ng cl os el y We all enjoyed a gr eat fects . Beforehand, we had at the two guns together, morning and l ear nt infor- prepared a s peech about we coul d s ee how difficult mation that changed our our views on BB guns it would be for an armed views on BB Guns dramati- which we gave on arrival. police officer to k now cally. We all found i t quite ner ve- whether he or she was racking as we wer e gi vi ng looking at a l et hal weapon S o r emember , it is illegal the s peech to peopl e who or a BB gun. We wer e tol d to pur chas e a BB Gun un- normally deliver speeches that any report of a der the age of 17. It is also to us ! The audi ence i n- weapon is treated ver y se- an offence for anybody to cluded the Chi ef Constable rious ly and a fi r ear ms give an air weapon to a of Dorset Police, Jane team is dispatched to the pers on under seventeen. S tichbury, who chatted to incident. It is an offence to T his means that no-one us over coffee about school carry an air weapon under 17 will be abl e to life. We wer e then given (whether loaded or not) or have an air weapon in their the tas k of distinguishing an imitation firearm in a possession at any time un- real guns from BB guns, public pl ace wi thout lawful less supervised by some- which we all found a chal- authority or reasonable ex- one who i s aged at least lenge. The guns were l ai d cus e. During the mor ni ng, 21 or as part of an ap- out on a t abl e and wer e we wer e i nter vi ewed by proved tar get shooti ng “guarded” by two officers 2CRFM and BBC T el ev i s i on club or shooti ng gallery. from the Dor s et Police F i r e- which left us all on a hi gh arms Squad. They allowed for the r es t of the mor ni ng, Report by Charly Barrett us to handl e the weapons and you may have s een us 9.3 under their guidance and I if you were watchi ng T . V. found thi s quite s car y. The that evening! BB guns even felt the s ame merits , claiming r ecogni- P hot ogr aphs in H2U (continued fr om page 1 ) tion for their achieve- What My Highcliffe does is ments via t he Hi ghcliffe S taying wi th the theme of bring all these together in a Challenge or realizing internet security, it is our form in which parents can that the i nter net is a policy that we never publish access the mos t up-to-date work tool not a t oy .
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