THE Serving Maywood, Bellwood, Forest Park, Hillside, Westchester, Broadview and Melrose Park HERALD VOL LVII. PRICE 5 CENTS THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1941 No. 4J IT'S FIRE PREVENTION WEEK! f Story on Page 3J News of the Week Rains Bring Water.Feuds and Woes r Story on Page 3 %• Barn Dance Show to Be Given Here Story on Page 7 Forest Park Wonnan's Club Story on Page 16 i: Pirates Face Evanston in Next Battle Story on Page 27 VETERAN SMOKEEAT£R_is James W. Irout of the Maywood fire department, typical of the many fire fighters throughout the country who are observing "Fire Prevention Week." Fire Chief E. D. Humphreville urges villagers to check heating plants, electric wiring, inflammable articles as conservation of human and physical resources is now being demanded in national defense. Today (Thursday) is Fire Prevention day and will be,observed in the com- munity school with fire drills and safety lectures. THE HERALD guide to those wishing to parti- Maywood Historical Society cipate. Letters from Readers Direct descendants of ThoniifS This page is open to readers for a free expression of Meets at Home of Pioneer Reed Covell were; Mrs. Elizabeth their opinions on all subjects. Letters should be Holland and her sister Mrs. Melis- The home of Mrs.' Elizabeth confined to not more than 200 words, signed with the and is an authority on early Il- sa Scoville; Mrs. Nellie Bohland- Covell Holland in Hillside waa er, daughter of Ella Covell Boh- writer's name and address, which will be withheld if the scene- of the meeting of the linois History, particularly. Of lander (deceased); Mrs. Kathryn requested. Maywood Historical Society; Sun- this area stated. "This is one of Holland Herman and Mrs. Eliza- day afternoon of last week, a the finest meetings I ever attend- beth, Holland Fischer, daughter's Police Manners years ago. These were replaced, visit to the home of the daugh- ed, and the thoroughness with of Mrs. Elizabeth Holland; Mis. by still more ancient ones that ter of one of Proviso's iearly which this paper was prepared Barbara Scoville Muirhead, Discourteous to had been previously discarded. ' settlers, Thomas Reed Covell. speaks highly of the type of mem- daughter of Mrs. Melissa Covejl; Young Villagers While this removal is being Part of the present home was bership in this society. and a smalt daughter and sonipf urged the property owners would Elizabeth Holland Fischer. To the Editor: It seems that get a gre,at deal of relief if built of stone from his own quar- Mrs. Holland thanked every with all these holidays and nation- the night service could be taken ry by Mr. Covell in the early one for their visit and invited Refreshments were served by al weeks we celebrate, we ought over by the busse« that the com- 1800's. them to come again. The pres- Mrs. Herman, Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. to have a Courtesy Day observed pany now uses in going back and Forty members and friends ident urged the members to spend John Holland Jr. and Mrs. Castle- in the village. It would do some forth on Lake to continue the were welcomed by Mrs. Holland some time during the winter man. of our discouteous policemen service to Elmhurst from the end and two of her three daughters, months obtaining facts on other good. of the car line. Mrs. Herman and Mrs. Fischer; families for presentation at fu- Rebelcah Lodge ture meetings. He also outlined Maywood Rebekah lodge will I am a parent of three children, This would be an advantage ,to illness preventing Mrs. McGilliv- ray being present. a program which will be pre- conduct a short business meeting all of school age. I love my chil- the Car company as well as a re- sented to the heads of Journal- in I.O.O.F. hall Saturday evening. dren and want to see them pro- lief to harassed owners and man- W. L. Castleman, president of ism and English Departments at This will be followed by a recep- tected, rather than abused and agers, and would increase rather the Maywood Historical Society, the Proviso High School in which tion in honor of Mrs. Beryl Hes- threatened by law enforcing than lessen the value of the prop- extended greetings to the mem- the students will be given an terman, a member of Maywood agencies. erty of the company when, or if, bers and visitors. "Driving up the opportunity to participate. In lodge, who has been elected sec- This is not a crank letter be- the Chicago system decides to road through the woods to the addition, this program is open to retary of District No. 1 of Chi- buy it. clearing where the house is locat- any person who wishes to submit cago, an office which will eventu- cause, as yet no harm has been ed for the reading of a paper done to my children. But I have JENNIE B. MAINLAND data. Subjects will be listed in ally lead to the presidency of on the History of the Covell Fam- this paper at a later date as a the district. * seen incidents in the last few ily was not unlike John T. Mc- weeks that have spurned me to Elephant Laughs Cutcheon's famous cartoon of write this letter. 1 have seen an At F.D.R. Articles ' Injun Summer, for one had only oflHcer of Melrose Park assault a to close his eyes to see the gentle- boy by, in his words, "kicking In Colliers man who once lived there telling him in the seat of his pants." This To the Editor: The alibi pages his story of the Covells who pre- may be necessary if the victim by F.D.R. in Collier's give the ceded him and their experiences Call EVANS for the was a thug, brandishing a gun or other comic sheets a back seat. with the Indians and the hard- threatening to strike the officer. ships of the early settlers", said It would make any elephant for- -at'Tl'. _, .r^Sk But that was not the case. get and laugh his troubles away, the president. Another incident was at the re- ?/^< especially the G.O.P. elephant, Mrs. Susan M. Hough, vice cent Proviso-Wisconsin football with a big horse-laugh. If Mr. president, was introduced and peBFECTClillNtN& game in which this same police- Roosevelt wants the 80 per cent read an excellent paper which man threatened to punch a spec- of the people to join his 20 per had been in preparation for many tator in the nose. Such tactics cent and have "unity," why bring months. Mrs. Eda Kendall West- are bad if the village wants to all this up now—a lot of old sour cott and Mrs. Marguerite Nichols Service keep up its good name. blunders. It appears to show the Edlund had visited Mrs. Holland MOTHER OF THREE. workings of an arbitrary vindic- on several occasions and made tive brain and promotes unity like notes on the life of Mr. Covell EVANS cleaning has the qualifies ALL TYPES «f Street Cars a couple of prize fighters. and his forbears. Additional in- that make you thrill over a garment E. w. a formation was obtained from when we return it. Quick service, low CLEANING Take Them Off histories of early Cook county price, beautiful work. Consideration families, and when all the data Lake Street PATRONIZE given to every detail. Colors fresh- was available Mrs. Grace Nichols Snits To the Editor: A few weeks ago OUR collated the information and ened, fabric carefully cleaned. No your paper gave a resume of the prepared, the paper. remaining odors. Your garment ac- Draperies Chicago transportation situation tually has a better fit when cleaned Slip Covers ADVERTISERS J. C. Miller who was present and then linked it with the Oak by Evans. A trial will prove iti Sweaters Park situation by saying that the Oak Park company hoped to sell its property to the Chicago sys- "EVANS WAY PROCESS" CLEANING PAYS tem "if the latter had enough money left" to buy it, and fin- Act Now! to ished by saying that all that the village citizens could do mean- BEAT HIGH RENTS EVANS CLEANERS while is to "hopefully wait" until An inflationary boom in Real Estate is inevitable. A scarcity of that happens and I just want to bouses and higb rentals will repeat. AND DYERS ask why? SELECT YOUR HOME NOW FROM OUR LIST— (EST. 1912) 703 S. Sth AVE. 1510 MADISON ST. 1200 LAKE ST. True the matter is in the hands DAVIES REALTY CO. PHONES—MAYWOOD 8600-8601-530 MELROSE PARK 8300 of the State Commerce Commis- 1209 S. Sth Ave. (Est. 1899) Maywood 162 sion but I supposed that this body 203 MARENGO AVE., FOREST 4898 looked on matters put in to their hands both from the citizens' viewpoint and the railroads. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING The officials of the village, or a committee from the Western sub- urbs had enough influence to get the street cars off of Chicago ave- nue and Roosevelt road, so why not enough to do the same on LAST WEEK we were Lake street? The situation is this,—the ancient cars now being used on fi 9f that street are so run down and in the dog house noisy that they are proving a nuisance and a detriment to prop- erty values. It is becoming more difficult all the time to rent the apartments so that a sufficient re- turn can be had to pay the heavy But NOW taxes assessed against the prop- erty as well as pay the upk;>9p of the buildings, because of the noise of the cars.
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