E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 159 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 No. 158 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 12, 2013, at 2 p.m. Senate THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2013 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The of 95, Billy Graham will preach what’s called to order by the President pro clerk will report the motion. been called his final message to Amer- tempore (Mr. LEAHY). The legislative clerk read as follows: ica. Motion to proceed to the bill (H.R. 3204) to Growing up, Billy Graham wanted to PRAYER amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic be a baseball player. Thankfully, God The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Act with respect to human drug had different plans. And ever since that fered the following prayer: compounding and drug supply chain secu- night in Tampa, he’s put his extraor- Let us pray. rity, and for other purposes. dinary natural talents and generosity O God, our refuge and strength, give RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER of spirit at the service of others. us reverence for Your greatness. Guide The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Billy Graham’s first crusade took our Senators around the pitfalls of Republican leader is recognized. place in the Civic Auditorium in Grand their work, enabling them to have Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I Rapids, MI, in September 1947. In the hearts sustained by Your peace. May thank the majority leader for giving decades to come, more than 400 cru- they surrender their will to You as me an opportunity to speak first this sades would follow in more than 185 they trust You to direct their path. morning due to a commitment I have countries and territories on six con- Lord, give them the wisdom to receive away from the Capitol. tinents. At one memorable crusade in Your approval with the understanding TRIBUTE TO BILLY GRAHAM South Korea, more than one million that You chastise those whom You love Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I people showed up to hear the powerful for their good. Empower them to find want to start out this morning by say- preaching and the hopeful message of freedom in being as true to duty as the ing a few words about a man who has the Reverend Billy Graham. needle to the pole. Make their lives earned the respect and admiration of Billy Graham may be the only productive for the glory of Your Name. countless Americans for his energy, preacher with a star on the Hollywood Amen. courage, and faithfulness to a calling Walk of Fame. But he never let that f that he first received about 75 years celebrity get to his head. I am sure he ago on a late-night walk around the would say that his beloved Ruth helped PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Temple Terrace Golf Course in Tampa. keep him focused. And it is a credit to The President pro tempore led the The son of a North Carolina dairy both of them that all five of the Gra- Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: farmer, Billy Graham turns 95 today. ham children are carrying on the fam- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the And I just want to join all the others ily legacy today. United States of America, and to the Repub- across the country and around world in As Billy Graham has receded from lic for which it stands, one nation under God, public life in recent years, we have indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. thanking this good and humble servant for his decades of ministry and tireless missed the steady, reassuring presence f preaching of the Gospel that he loves. that he lent to moments such as the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY In a career that spans generations, Oklahoma City bombing and 9/11. But LEADER Billy Graham has walked the halls of we have been consoled to know that he The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The power and counseled presidents and is still there on his mountain retreat in majority leader is recognized. kings. But he has never forgotten his Montreat, NC. Billy Graham once said mission in life. And while he may not that ‘‘God has given us two hands, one f be able to preach at the giant rallies to receive with and the other to give DRUG QUALITY AND SECURITY that made him a household name, he is with.’’ So today, I join countless others ACT—MOTION TO PROCEED still finding new ways to share his in sending our own message of thanks Mr. REID. Mr. President, I move to faith with a world in need of healing, to a man who has been called ‘‘Amer- proceed to Calendar No. 236. hope, and purpose. Tonight, at the age ica’s pastor,’’ and to say how grateful ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7891 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 23:37 Nov 07, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A07NO6.000 S07NOPT1 rfrederick on DSK6SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S7892 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 7, 2013 we are for the life and witness of the for handouts from the government. In do so, Republicans are willing to help. Reverend Billy Graham. fact, these are folks who went out and Let’s work together to undo the harm OBAMACARE spent their own hard-earned money— of ObamaCare and start over with real, Mr. President, on an entirely dif- not taxpayer money—to purchase the bipartisan, cost-saving reforms, re- ferent matter, yesterday Secretary kind of health protection that best forms that will actually allow Ameri- Sebelius came back to Capitol Hill to suits their families. For this, the Presi- cans to keep the health plans they like. testify about ObamaCare. We did not dent’s allies attacked them? Many just That is the kind of reform Americans learn much from her testimony, but want the government to leave them really want. If Democrats are ready to some of the Q-and-A was actually pret- alone. Many just want to be able to work with us, we can give them just ty revealing. She admitted that the keep the plans they like instead of only that. number of folks who have enrolled in the plans the President likes. They RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY LEADER ObamaCare is ‘‘very low.’’ want to keep the plans they like, not The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. When pressed on the administration’s the ones the President in effect picks BOOKER). The majority leader is recog- promise that ObamaCare would drive for them. nized. down premiums, here is what she said Here is what a small business owner SCHEDULE about premium rates on the individual in North Carolina said after his pre- Mr. REID. Mr. President, following market: ‘‘I didn’t say they are going miums shot up 400 percent: ‘‘I just wish my remarks the Senate will resume down.’’ I could have my insurance back.’’ That consideration of S. 815, which is the When asked if convicted felons could is what he said. ‘‘I just wish I could Employment Non-Discrimination Act. become ObamaCare navigators and ac- have my insurance back.’’ At 11:45 there will be two rollcall votes, quire Americans’ sensitive informa- I just read this morning about a con- first on the Toomey amendment and tion, here is what she said: ‘‘It’s pos- stituent who lost his insurance and is then a cloture vote on the bill. If clo- sible.’’ finding that policies on the exchange ture is invoked, there will be a third These revelations are really con- will be more than double his premium rollcall vote on passage of the Employ- cerning. Americans were counting on and increase his annual deductible. ment Non-Discrimination Act. the President’s claim that their fami- That is partly because as a 31-year-old TRIBUTE TO BILLY GRAHAM lies’ premiums would go down, not up, single male he will now be required to Mr. REID. Mr. President, I am happy under a new health regime. Americans buy a policy with features he doesn’t to join with my friend in happy birth- who have lost their insurance and find need, such as pediatric dental care and day wishes for Billy Graham. I have themselves forced into the exchanges— maternity care. ‘‘It doesn’t make a not had the good fortune to meet this the last thing they need is to worry whole lot of sense to me,’’ he said. man, but I have read his book. I read a about some felon stealing their iden- Another constituent from Caldwell biography of him. He is such a person- tity. County had this to say after learning ality I thought that was something I To many Americans the administra- of changes to her plan: ‘‘My husband should do, and I did. tion still seems more interested in de- and I work hard, pay a lot in taxes and I remember a lot of things about the flecting blame than taking responsi- ask for little from our government. Is book. The one thing I do remember is bility for the real harm this law is it asking too much for the government this: He is so scrupulous in making causing. Yesterday’s hearing did little to stay out of my health insurance?’’ sure there is never any question about to dispel that notion.
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