Special ECB PRESIDENCY AND In fact, there is some empirical evidence in favor of the hypothesis that the degree of inflation aversion INFLATION AVERSION AMONG differs between countries. For example, Shiller THE CITIZENS OF EUROPEAN (1997) finds the average percentage of US and Brazilian citizens fully agreeing with the statement COUNTRIES: AN EMPIRICAL that controlling inflation to be one of the most important tasks of economic policy to be 56 percent SSESSMENT A while the referring percentage of the German citi- zens is 76 percent and thus considerably larger. MICHAEL BERLEMANN* Similarly, Scheve (2004) finds significant national differences in inflation aversion in his study of 20 countries around the globe. However, empirical Introduction evidence on the degree of inflation aversion among EU member states is yet not available. In October 2011 the regular term of office of the cur- rent President of the European Central Bank (ECB) In this article we aim at shedding some light on the Jean-Claude Trichet expires. Somewhat unexpectedly, degrees of inflation aversion among the citizens of the favorite candidate as successor, Bundesbank EU member countries. We therefore employ aggregate President Axel Weber, declared his resign in early data collected from the Eurobarometer Survey of the February. In the aftermath speculation has been European Commission covering 2007 to 2010.1 After mounting about who will take over the job as the briefly discussing possible causes for inflation aver- head of the ECB. As it is often the case in interna- sion, presenting the utilized data, explaining the tional organizations and especially the European empirical approach and presenting the estimation Union, the discussion about the candidates was dom- results we turn to a discussion of the implications of inated by their nationalities. While many specialists our results for the question who should become the considered the Bank of Italy chief Mario Draghi to next ECB president. be the best qualified and most natural candidate for the ECB presidency, others argued that Italy’s record of high inflation and massive debt would make Possible Causes of Inflation Aversion Draghi an inacceptable candidate, especially for countries claiming to have a deeply rooted stability Inflation aversion is the result of the likely effects of culture like Germany. Consequently, German both anticipated and unanticipated inflation. The Chancellor Angela Merkel initially hesitated to sup- effects of inflation on microeconomic behavior and port Draghi and considered supporting another macroeconomic outcomes have been subject to Dutchman, Nout Wellink, coming from a country excessive discussions among economists (see e.g. with (perceived) similar macroeconomic preferences. Briault 1995; Edey 1994). There is little disagreement Even when Silvio Berlusconi and Nicolas Sarkozy on the effects of inflation on nominal variables. Most announced to support Draghi in late April it took economists agree that higher inflation leads to one to another 3 weeks before Angela Merkel was willing to one increase in nominal wages or nominal interest support the Italian candidate. The major reasoning rates, provided that there are no institutional barriers behind the discussion of the candidates’ nationalities to adjustments (Parkin 1994). Most economists will bases on the expectation that citizens from different also agree that inflation causes different sorts European countries exhibit differing degrees of infla- of transaction costs such as shoe-leather costs tion aversion which carry over to the presidents of (Bailey 1956; Briault 1995), menu costs (Manki 1992) their central banks. 1 Focusing on this period allows covering all actual EU member * Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg. countries plus Turkey as an EU candidate. CESifo Forum 2/2011 88 Special or bureaucratic costs (Karmann and Graff 1997). state.2 Since the number of member states increased in However, it is less clear in how far inflation exerts the course of time and also some of the accession effects on economic growth and/or unemployment. countries are included, the number of surveyed coun- While some authors argue that inflation positively tries varies from survey to survey. We make use of affects economic growth (Mundell 1963 and 1965), aggregate data from the Eurobarometer provided by the opposite view results from overlapping genera- Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung (ZA).3 tions models (see e.g. Samuelson 1958; Wallace 1980). However, there are also models in which inflation is Our dataset covers the 7 waves of the Eurobarometer ‘super-neutral’ (Sidrausky 1967). The empirical evi- survey: Spring 2007 (EB 67) to Spring 2010 (EB 73). dence is also somewhat mixed (see e.g. Kormendi and In order to measure inflation aversion we focus on the Meguire 1985; Grimes 1991; Barro 1995; Sarel 1996). answers on the question: ‘what do you think are the Inflation might also have re-distributional effects. two most important issues facing (OUR COUNTRY) According to the wage-lag hypothesis prices tend to at the moment?’ This question was asked in all 7 waves run ahead of increases in money wages, leading to and every EU member country. The respondents lower real wages and increased profits (Keynes 1940). could choose up to two answers from the following According to the transfer-income-lag hypothesis mar- catalogue: crime, economic situation, rising prices\ ket incomes (wages, profits) react considerably quick- inflation, taxation, unemployment, terrorism, er on inflation than primarily politically or institu- defence\foreign affairs, housing, immigration, health- tionally determined transfer incomes like pensions, care system, educational system, pensions, environ- unemployment benefits or welfare aids (Pohl 1981). ment and energy. The debtor-creditor hypothesis argues that wealth is redistributed from creditors to debtors when- In Figure 1 we show the average percentage of respon- ever inflation is not fully anticipated in loan contracts. dents per country answering ‘rising prices\inflation’ to Again, the empirical evidence is mixed (Li and be among the two most important problems. Zou 2002). Obviously, the percentages differ considerably between the EU member countries. The citizens of the Interestingly enough, a significant share of the pop- Scandinavian EU member countries mention infla- ulation seems to have neither a clear idea of what the tion quite rarely among the most important problems. typical causes of inflation are nor which conse- On average only 1 out of twenty respondents from quences result from inflation (see Shiller 1997). Sweden answered inflation to be one of the most Nevertheless, the public is typically much concerned important problems. The percentages are only slightly with inflation. For example, DiTella, MacCulloch higher in Denmark (8 percent), the Netherlands and Oswald (2001) find inflation to contribute sig- (11 percent), Turkey (12 percent), Britain (12 percent), nificantly to explain life satisfaction on the cross- Spain (18 percent), Ireland (20 percent) and Finland country level when studying data for 12 European (20 percent). The countries with the citizens most countries from the Euro barometer Database over the often answering inflation to be among the most period 1975 to 1991. Figure 1 IMPORTANCE OF INFLATION AS A MAIN PROBLEM IN THE EU COUNTRIES Data Results of the Eurobarometer (2007–2010) Latvia Lithuania Austria For our study we employ data Slovenia Malta Bulgaria from the Eurobarometer, a survey Romania Estonia conducted biannually by the Portugal Italy Hungary European Commission. The stan- Cyprus Luxembourg Greece dard Eurobarometer was estab- Belgium Czech Rep. lished in 1973. Each survey con- France Germany Slovakia sists of approximately 1,000 face- Poland Finland Ireland to-face interviews per member Spain UK Turkey Netherlands Denmark 2 Exceptions are Germany (2,000), Lu - Sweden xembourg (500) and Britain (1,300 includ- 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 ing 300 in Northern Ireland). average percentage of respondents answering inflation in % 3 We make use of the Eurobarometer Source: Own calculations based on Eurobarometer survey (2007–2010). waves EB 67 to EB 73. 89 CESifo Forum 2/2011 Special important problems facing the country are Latvia inflation rate in the three months before the (45 percent), Lithuania (44 percent), Austria (41 per- Eurobarometer wave was completed) and the answers cent), Slovenia (40 percent) and Malta (40 percent). of the respondents. Germany, which is often judged to be one of the countries with the most inflation-averse citizens, ranges in the middle of the field of the members states Uncovering citizens’ inflation aversion of the European Union (31 percent). In order to uncover the true degree of inflation aver- However, the pure percentage of citizens, identifying sion among the citizens of the EU member countries inflation as major problem is not informative with it is thus necessary to relate the answers of the respon- respect to their inherent degree of inflation aversion. dents to the inflation performance at the time and This becomes obvious when considering the usually place when the survey was conducted. In order to do employed loss function in macroeconomic models. so, we employ a two-step procedure. In the first step Typically, this loss function is assumed to be of the we pool the data and then regress the percentage of type citizens, answering inflation to be among the most important problems (m), on the average inflation rate 1 2 1 2 (1) * * (π) in the three months before the referring l t D St S E y t y 2 2 Eurobarometer wave was completed. Thus, the equa- tion to be estimated is with lt = the loss in period t, π = inflation, π* = socially optimal inflation, y = output, and y* = (2) mi,t = c +γ ⋅π i,t + εi,t socially optimal output. The parameters α and β are weighting factors with α being the degree of infla- tion aversion. In the second step we employ the estimated constant c ˆ and the parameter Ͳˆ to calculate the unexplained Whenever a respondent answers inflation to be among residuals εi,t.
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